Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 27, 1913, Image 3

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    Tillamook Headlight, Feoruary
Sherry Wine.................................... 85c
Angelica Wine................................ 3Sc
Zenfendel Wine
per quart 35c
Tokey]............................ per quart
Pebbleford, bottled in bond,
Claret............................ perquart
per bottle...................................... $1.50 White Grape Juice............. ...........
Clarke’s Pure Rye. bottled in
Ix»cal Beer, quart, 3 bottles for 50c
bond, per bottle........................... 1.25 Domestic Beer, qL, 3 bottles for 75c.
G m Crow, bottledin bond, per
bottle .............................................. 1.50
Hermitage, bottled in bond, |>er
boitle.......................................... . 1.50
Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown .............. 1.50 Keg Beer.................... 15 gallons $6 75
O T. O , bottled in bond, per
Keg Beer...............
10 gallona 4 00
.1.25 Ixx'al bottle Beer, Odoz. quarte 1U00
Kentucky Dew, H gal
Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pinta 11 0 q
In bond . .
. .
2 15
Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled
in bond.............................. .........
Bud wiser Beer, (J doz. quarts $15 00
John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch
Whiskey ...................................... 1.56 Bud wiser Beer, 10 dozen pints 18 00
Old style La uger Beer, 10 doz pt 11.00
Black & White, Old Scotch
Whiskey ....................................... 1.50
V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey
White Port, Old Monk Brand,
Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch
$1 00 per gal
Port Wine......................... 1.00 per gal.
Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch
Sherry ...............................1.00 per gal.
Whiskey ....
Claret ................................ 75c. pergal.
Canadian Club
Angelica............................. 1.00 per gal.
L W. Harper..
Zenfendel ..................... .1.25 per gal
Harvester Old Style
Tokey.................................. 1.25 per gal.
Kentuck Dew.........
Billie Taylor, full quart
Coron et Dry Gin........ per bottle 1.00 Monogram .................... per gal. $5.00
A-V H. Gin..„............ per bottle 1.75 White Corn Whiskey, per gal. 4.00
Gordon Sloe Gin. .. .per bottle 1.75 Harvester Old Style ..per gal. 4 &
per bottle 1.25 McBrayer. 13 years old. per gal. 0.00
Gordon Dry Gin
Rock and Rye........... .per bottle 1.10 Echo Spring
........... per gal
4 25
KI Burt Gin.............
1 25 Chestnut Grove Rye. .per gal. 2.75
Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle 75c. Kentuckey Dew
.. per gal. 2.25
Port Wine..................... per quart 35c. Alcohol............................. per gal
Cornet Dry Gin.............. per gal. 4 00
In the Circuit Court ol t ie State of
Oregon for Tillamook County.
Department No. 2.
B Hill,
Frederick Briodv, John
Krebs, W. G. Willett,
Geo. G. Willett. Oscar I
Lion, Carl Johnson
Chas. P. N ison, W.
G. Dwight, F.
Beals, H. C Ellie, J.
I. Gee, Ixtuise P.
Lcckwood anil IL B.
Lockwood, J. F fen- ,
Defendants. J
To the defendant. J. J. Gee :
In the name of the State of Ore­
gon, you are hereby required to ap­
pear and answer the complaint
tiled against you in the above en­
titled Court and cause, on rr before
the Sixth day of March, 1913, and if
you fail to answer for want there­
of, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in
his complaint herein, to wit:
That the mortgage described in
plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed
and that the premises described in
said complaint be sold to satisfy
the same, and that the proceeds Of
sale be npplied in payment of the
amount unpaid and owing to the
plaintiff on said mortgage and the
notes secured therein', to-wit : the
sum of Sixteen Hundred Forty
($1,540) Dollars, with interest there
on at the rate of Seven per cent per
annum from the 14th day of May,
1911, and that you be barred and
foreclosed of all rights, claim, or
equity of redemption in said pre­
mises and every part thereof ; and
that plaintiff recover his costs and
disbursements incurred herein.
That this summons is served
’’• hu you by publication in the
lillamook Headlight, by order of
JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Hon. Wm. Galloway, the Judge of
the above named Court, dated on
Secreta ry-Treae.
! the 13th day of January, 1913, the
Attorney-at-Law and Nnt.rv
first publication to be on the 2ird
of January. 1913, and you are re­
quired to appear and answer on or
before the Sixth day of March, 1913.
J as . G. H eltzel .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Company
Abstracts: Real Estate
Surveying; Insurance
hen you ask for
yrus Noble the deal
er knows that you
Iknow good whiskey
“Tall Oaks From
Little Acorns Grow
Fifty years ago I.W,
HARPER was but
little known outside
the Old Kentucky
State. Today its
fame is world-wide.
You find it everywhere.
Tillamook, Ore.
It costs you the nmt at any other good whiskey.
Van Schuyver Co., Portland, Or
Are now open for Business
with the problem of buy ng Harnesr
you will find it distinctly advanta
geoun to come und do your select
ing here. You will get the beat
qualities, the most thorough and
conscientious workmanship and be
charged the most reasonable prices
We can supply single or double
Sets or any single article that you
may be in need of
W.A. Williams
Next Door tn Tillamook C-otirtv Bunk
*r**WH*»»$ i ;
A Kidnaping Leads to a
Special Prices for
Family Trade.
Domestio Beers.
Happy Christmas.
I have a talat recollect ion of stock-
lugs hanging ta the mantel, a tovaiy
face over my crib and a lady taking
ute up aud kissing me passtoaatsly. 1
remember distinctly that * aha was
weeping. Then she pat me down an
my pillow, and 1 want to sleep.
This la all I remember of a Christ­
mas for many years. I was tovught
up hy iny father and had no hsawl-
edge of my mother
Tbs Cbriatmaa
season, which was so enjoyable to eth­
er children. never brought happiness
io me. As it approached my father
grew gloomy, and 1 was sent away to
s|>eud Christmas day at some ether
When 1 became old enough to won­
der why 1 did uot have a mother like
other boys 1 wished to kuow, yet
dreaded to ask.
One day—it was the last day of study
before Christmas, when 1 was eight
years old. coming from school—a ear
riage drew up at the curb («side me.
the door o|*ned and a lady beckened
to me to come to her
I did so. and.
taking my hand, she gave me a very
sweet smile and drew me Into the car­
riage. Then she shut the door and
ordered the coachman to drive ott Her
expression was so lovable and loving
that I had no fear.
The streets were full of sfiop|>ars
making their last purchases befoU.’
Christmas. There were children peer
Ing into the windows at the display
of toys, which were already Is-gintilnK
to be lighted artttielally. Sitting by
the lady, remembering the many dull
Christmas days I had spent nud an­
other dull one tiefore me. I felt a com­
fort. a pleasure, I had never experi­
enced before. How 1 wished that she
could go home with me to make a
Christmas for me! She. too. seemed
to me to be thinking of the same
thing. She said nothing to me. only
held m.v hand In hers. 1 longed to
throw my arms about her beck aixl
ask her if she would uot be my
It was between 4 and 5 o’clock in
the afternoon when I was taken fip,
and as it was winter, when the days
are short. It soon liegan to grow dark
"I'm afraid.” 1 said to the lady,
"that papa will lie worried about me.
He always expects me to go liotne di
rect from school.”
The only response 1 received wee a
pressure of the hand she held. In a
few moments 1 said again. ”1 think I
will get out here and go home.”
She replied to thia by putting her
arm about my waist
There was
something In the act that Indicated
an intention on her part to prevent
my leaving her. For the first time It
occurred to me that 1 whs being kM
mi|H*d. 1 thought of tny father wait­
ing for me and wondering why I did
not come home, and this troubled me.
but It did not occur to me that I
should meet with any barm at the
hands of the lady.
Presently the carriage drew up la
front of a dwelling house. The lady
trot out and. still holding mt hand,
drew lite after her. She took toe up
to the house and Into a pretty loom
where a bright tire was blaring on
a hen rt It
"You are very kind." I said, "to take
e to ride mid bring me to your
use, but I'm sure papa will be tree
till'd about me. Unless I'm to go home
at once I think yon had better let me
«end a message to him. Have yon a
She thought n moment, then Mid
•‘Certainly Telephone by all tneaun '
She t<s>k me to the telephone, looked
in the address book. found niv father’s
nmnlier and Instructed the central ot
(Ice to call It up. Then when the cou
uectlou was effected she placed a stool
before the phone and handed me the
receiver, standing beside ma aa 1
that you. papa?" I aaked
father was evidently relieved to
my voice aud naked me st usv
hud happened mid where I wan
Both Phones
to b**r bo inc
SURPRISE TO MANY Make ihe Home Look Cheery
u.A'al people are aurpriaed at the
tiple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
).. aa mixed in Adleri-ka. the Ger
tn appendicitis remedy.
J. S.
«nar states that thia simple
He<ly antisepticizes ‘he digestive
Stem and draws off the impurities
thoroughly that A SINGLE DOSE
Hevea sour stomach, gas on the
constipation IN
If S. Skelton, a merchant at Stun
I, Ind , says he would not take
10.00 for the relief a single box of
ley Kidney Pills gave him. "I
d a severe attack
of kidnev
mble with sharp paira through
f buck and cruld hardly straight
A single box of Foiev Pills
m* *
On your front porch can be lit
every night until midnight
and register not over
fifty rente per month
on the meter.
T illamook E lectric L ight ano
F uel comp amt .
W ill S palding , Manager.
Baker’s Bread
Sold at
All Grocers
27 , 1013
Now is the time
to have that
group picture made
Let ue ahow you our
special display of attrac­
tive new style«.
We are
equipfied for
making group pictures
and will please you with
tne quality of -»ur work.
Monk’s Studio
evidently very III mid very peuAeafl
about some sin she hud committed.
Now that m.v fatuer knew I waa
safe I sm down on a sofa beside the
lady and before the cheerful tire Bbs
put tier arms nliout me and reetwfl bar
cheek against mine 1 waa very happy.
"So von are Cornelia." I m >4
i "What do yon know about CoruellnF*
she asked quickly. "Have yoo beard
I your father s|>eak of me?“
“No. pupa never mentioned ttie name.
*1 saw It on n |Mi|>er a letter. I think."
"What |iii|ier? What letteff
i “One I found In a desk papa had
■ the butler bring down from the garret
for me to use for a home school desk."
"What was written on tile paiier?"
“Somebody waa very sorry for some­
thing she had doue to Cornelia. Hbe
said she waa very sick."
"Who was very sick?"
“Why, the person who wrote the let
“Who wrote MT”
“I can’t remember the name.”
The lady aaked the last few ques­
tions ferveriably. She eagerly asked
another. Would 1 kuow the name If
I beard it? 1 replied that I thought
I would. Then she asked if it was
“Yes," I replied; "that’s tt. Amy."
The indy gave me a Aeree bug, then
asked tremblingly whiit 1 bad done
with the letter. I told her that 1 had
put all the pii|>ers 1 hud found la the
desk together and Ktven them to the
housekeeper to put away.
“Come with me." said the lady. “I
wish you to tell your father some­
thing" She drew me to the telephone,
called up my father, then, placing me
In position to tulk, told me what to
“Papa, ask Mrs. Cummins for ths
papers 1 took out ut my denk
Yo i
will find one mimng them aigued Am J.
with soinetlHMc In it about Curiteli*.
1 will hold the wire till 1 hear frer i
1 heard a click and knew that m
father bad gone to do as I had Indi
rated. Cornelia awaited another cnU
with feverish anxiety. Ten mlnutr.>
lind not elapsed when there waa a rtar
Then I heard m.v father's voice saying:
"I have rend Amy's letter, filuce all
la explnliit-il I see no reason why you'
locution abituili remain a aeeret Tel
tile lady that If you give It to dm 5
will come to Join you immediately.”
I received permission to give tt i
street mid nnniber. and wltliin twenty
minutes there waa a sharp ring at the
My father entered, fie and
tlie Indy stood .regarding each other
for a few moments; then be knelt bu-
fore her and said:
"Forgive me.”
He rose, and they were clasped I
each other's arma.
lint 1. Iiavlng no mind to be left oc*
of these transports, running up
them, said:
"Won't you take me In tool”
My father took me up and held ato
In Ills arms. while the lady put fieri
about me also, coverinc me with
"To think,” she said, "that you
should have tieeu the means of tiring
Ing this matter to light!'
"I have been a fool," said my fk
tlier, “to lielleve anything that Head
said;” then to me:
"My Isiy. tide la your tueghwr
Prompted by a malicious woman who
wrote a confession which she had oot
either the courage or sufficient time
before her death to give to me. I treat­
ed mamma very cruelly."
“Are you the lady." I asked of toy
mot Iter, "w hom I reniemlier taking me
up from my crib one night when real
»••re crying mid kissing me?"
"That waa n gmsltiy. though ywe
were loo young to know It I left yea
suddenly mi Clirlstmaa eve."
"Ami I luive a fnlnt remembrance of
stis'kiugs hanging from the mantel
"Fverytlilng wna ready for yoer
first t'hrlatiiin« that la. the tlrat yon
could appreciate- when—when ’—
"I listened to a she devil." anM my
fnllier angrily, "and caused alt thta
suffering "
"It Is all past now." tny mother lu
"Another Christmas la be­
fore us When I kid rm ped olir hoy I
dl«l not dream I was to bring atsiut a
reunion for ns all."
At that moment dinner wan tra
notinced. mid my mother proposed that
we should all alt down together Rut
fattier w-nnld not hear of It Hr h«d
a (iirrlnge at the dair and maleted
that wr should go to the home fro u
which mother hud la-on driven n
der iole liefore mid make tin- rennin*
cr.mpleto iimirr our own rooftrer
Never enti I forget that ('tr aimi a
My mother In n abort time Iliadi- gre it
preparations, but It was not these tbit
were h delight to us all -It was t*i t
we were a reunited family
Th. Litt I. Csrpsral
I a . Cam*», the biographer of Ma-
poleoii Ikuiapurte. thus deocrilMa ths
was ulletea for a few to» origin of the title "Le Petit Ca|«>ral:"
Then my father asked taw to A singular custom waa «st« bl lx lied la
the lady. 1 dkl su. and ha the tinny of Italy la consequence of
the youth of the commander or from
some other cause
After each battle
the oldest soldiers Used to hold s ‘-oan
ell and confer a new rank on fteelr
young general. who. when he made his
apt>eiirnnce tn the ramp. waa recefvwt
hy the vstenma and saluted by hie
new title. They nwide him a «•orpornl
at Lodi arid n M*r«eant at t'eatlgllot ».
and hence (lie aurmiuw of ••petit
Caporal," whp-h was tur a long tlma
applied to Napoleon by the soldier«
How subtle is the chain which unit.«
the moat trivial rimnniertinre to tie
most lui|>>rtar>t events' I’.-rhspa thia
very nickname ctHitrllsited to Ma aM
raeuloua eucceaa on his return tn 1*15
While be waa haranguing the flrat hat
taliou. which hr found It urcessary to
address. h role, from the ranks eg-
claimed: • ’ Ive noire petit capaeall We
WLI u«vat SgM agatoat Mm."
C o UNSE l -
Tillamook Block, Tillamru^cv
Room No odi.
y y-, t . butts
AT'- •».«>.
Complete set cf
mfi.’j. Tace» paid
Tillamook Block.
Both ubooea.
• OKNEY-AT-L ax .
Tillamook BI oca .
A ttoanky - at -L aw .
Tillamook Commercial Building
T illamook
O bkoom .
Tillamook Block.
Tillamook Block,
YW c
hawk .
F inancial A okm T,
Tillamook, Oregon.
1 A
Office : Opposite
T illamook , O bkoom .
J yt. P J. SHARP,
< iface acrow* the street frotr it c
Court House.
Dr. Wise’s office.
The Fashionable Tailor.
C.vauing, Pressing and Repai.
iug a Specialty.
S» *rr in Heins Photographic
( lallcTy.
313 Tillamook Block,
T illamook
U bkoow
l(Mh Phone«).
x doming Remind«?
< vu awn'ic w<»h n in a**.. ■'* i
'Aide in the muuth, wiiic L/erv’
y<»u that your stomai.a u
a -
• oiwiition. It ehui id alw rwrir'
y"U that there it nothing •
- d
for a disordered etooa» L ta
CharnbeHain’a Stomach aiga JJe -r
* They buil d ap tha aystoaA
a reataea aaturai tot utoi oa», . ... *. M
laadi to tiwiractMa that a*« 1».
-aaa a aeeaictoe was tekaa. Ckso