HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shown belo^ This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks maybe obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at Mason, Pen­ nington & Co. ’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Upright 1AKLOK CKA D AiNlJ. How to Get Vote icke ti How to Get Vote Tickets. With every yearly subscription to The TillamooJ Headlight accompanied by $i 50 in cash, 5,000 votes»? I be given. This applies to back subscription, and you Ja pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes«! job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either to! advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tijyj mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, S they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay’¡¡„dS of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votesiss’1 much greater for subscription than for anything else. Yal will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to th I Headlight if you try. Closes May 1, 1913. The'Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspape I of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five vea• j have been boosting for the county, advocating good roai I and other improvements. With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON & CO.’s STORE votes will be giveu—ioo votes FDR EVERY DOLLAR’S WORTH PURCHASED. Votes ill the same proportion will also b»* given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent.’s Clothing and Furnishing, .Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anythiug carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be May i, 1913. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure votes. NOMINATION BLANK. Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest. Cut this Coupon out and bring to Mason, Pennington & Co It will Count 100 Votes. No. 1 Name of Contestant will not be known. 2, No name of candidates will be pub­ lished. 3,, Every Contestant Hets 2,000 votes to start with. 4, Every Contestant gets a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight. 6, All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes mu9t Not be writ­ ten on. 8. Tie Votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. 9. Color of Certificates will be changed each month and must be recorded before change. 10 Votes are transferable only before recording. 11, Contestant having the largest number of vote« on May 1, I913, wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT WORTH WORKING FOR. I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these 2000 votes to my credit. Name P.O Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. I did not oppose so much street responsible for circulating the matter of providing the addi­ farms, for no matter how ex­ to mate one year’s reeidence in tow report that 10c. would be paid improvements. Rats. It is for tional $300,000 by the govern perienced the cheese maker state a prerequisite to gettingifl I.Er.AL AtlVEKTlSKMKNTH: Since then may be, or precautions taken to vorce there, and the governor First Insertion, per line $ 10 the most part real estate agents we do not know, but it caused meat was cut out. Each subsequent insertion, line 5 who are holding city property the dairymen to hold back, It the Port of Bay City has made keep the factory in a sanitary announced his intention to ggifl business and professional curds, for speculation who objected to is safe to say that the failure to satisfactory arrangements for condition, it requires clean, bill. Reno that city ci niaftr 1 CO these improvements. 1 month................................... start a whey sugar factory here $407,000 and it is now at the dis­ wholesome, fresh milk to make cent distances and ulluring rW Homestead Notices.................. 5 oo —---------------------- - | n«>t without some good.results. posal of the government. So i superior cheese. A little inves­ cliantments for all of the mitasfl Timber Claims ................ 10 00 As the improvement of Till«-1™.8 £ to° d«8ir«We a «eld to as to reinstate the government’s tigation of the sanitary condi­ and incompatible souls of eart 1 oculs per line each insertion 5 .. bar is assured, it will not I \left n“d W,H ,helP to appropriation an amendment tions of the dairy farms by the feels now that its career is ende J Display advertisement, an inch, 1 month.......................... .. 50 bernanv rears before lumber I !,,te.re8t other8 wf!° “re that to the rivers and harbors bill , directors of each factory would That town alone made an organ» I All Resolutions of Condolence and ing will far surpass all other b'*s,ness> to come here and start was introduced in the senate by I help some. The aim of the opposition to the passag» of» fl Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Senator Bourne, which was ! dairymen is to deliver whole bill. A large body of its citita i industries in the county, for ;n tactor-v' Cards of Thunks. 5c. per line. agreed to on Thursday and be- some miJk to the factories, but claiming that to break up the: fl Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, milling will be on a large scale It is expected that the sum- comes part of the rivers and one careless dairyman can con­ vorce colony in Reno would be ■ etc., ininimun rate, 2.k*. not exceed as soon as the bar is improved. 1 fug five lines. The amendment taminate this with dirty, un- ruin the town, have lobbied in M® Then the population of this city J mer travel into Tillamook coun­ harbors bill, i wholesome milk Far better cut branches of the Legislature «»• and county will double itself in . ty will assume large propor- is as follows | tions this year, which will give Improving Tillamook Bay and : him out altogether. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. a short time. However, have importuned the governor:, i ; the beach resorts another boost Bar, Oregon, in accordance with these little matters need attend- a veto. Last week they threaten, Jj ÍHTKICTLY IN ADVANCE.) the report t ________ _ ______ submitted in House One year........ ............................. 1.1 I and many new cottages and Sil mouth*....................................... How kind and awfully con­ bungalows will be erected. The Document Numbered Three hun ; ing to and the proper place to that if the women, who are reap«'9 dreil and forty-nine, Sixty-second make a start is in improving sible for the measure, should n .a Three mouth*...................... I siderate Those who started Southern Pacific was surprised Congress, second session, and sub­ ceed in getting it passed, to H the investigation propose to ex­ at the amount of tiavel last ject to the conditions set forth in the sanitary condition of the Entered as second dues mail mat would retaliate by organizint 1 farm and in the care of milk. said document, $100 030; and the onerate the city officials if they tr-r July, 1888, ut the post office at summer, although it was con­ campaign against woman auflnl a Tillamook. Ore., under the act of cannot find anything against sidered a bad year on account Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contracts for such ma­ which would make its succesic ■ March a, 1879. them. Wouldn't that jar you. of the cool and wet weather, terials and work as may be neces­ There must be somethingin East­ possible. 1 lint won t recompense respect which kept thousands of per- sary to prosecute the said project, able citizens for having their be paid for as appropriations ern men not found in those of the City ofTeledoj Sg (Çbt ^ilhutook licabligbt. characters and business reputa­ s ins from going to the Coast. to may from time to time be made by " e8t 1,ntl South, . Else why do the I Stat^ofOhio, Lucas County. ) a \\ ith more accommodations,the law, not to exceed in the aggregate L__ ‘ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that« Eastern women who want votes tions besmirched. senior partner of the firm of F. J. CkaS railroad will be running more $814,000, inclusive of the amounts feel -—I compelled to demonstrate 1 & Co., doing business in the Citr«^. excursions, so that from pre­ herein and heretoforeappropriated' marching prowess as a means of ledo, County and State afortaH. »--• Editorial Snap Shots Provided, That the sum of $407,000, that said firm will pay the sum ot oonie of those who have been sent outlooks there will be more have won HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and «5 being one-half of the amounts ap- getting them ? Woman _______ ____ accusing city officials of graft people scattered over all parts Ihe’work h’v ^,ali b? flI7‘ishad 'o' the ri*h‘ ’o 'ote in Western States ' case ofCatairh that cannot be co«« cVuT •uj they would have held their of the county than in any pre­ tne work by local interests and no “ • — *■ before me and sub wdbelj without making’ pathetic uuuiia efforts to ’ mv Sworn to this .. 6th « . . .v ..., presence, day of Dare* ------------- iu “ whist had they been in Carl vious year. This will all help part of the appropriation herein Hhn ! A.D. 1886. made shall be available for expend- 8,10w ,,lat they might, in a pinch, Knudson 's place. Of course, to boost the county, with many (Seai) A. W. GLEASOlf iture and no contract shall be en- become Amazons to rise up and I Notary as the dirty methods used are a new industries and home seek- tered into under the foregoing protect a land which, without them Hall's Catarrh Cure is taVen iotena and acts directly upon the blood *to8 reflection upon those who have ers locating here, Prospects, authorization, until the Secretary of wonlrl K«. « ’ Guess who it was, in n round b 1 to t,,e en8">ies. cous surfaces of the system. Seal1 trumped up a lot of false uecu- certainly, look bright for a busy War shall be satisfied that said T testimonials, free. ubuut way, that made an effort sations P~J. local interests have made provision itl,ere a fear beyond the Al- (■ . . - • *• ■ - - ' r ; “cHBNBY & CO.. T ’ledo, 0. Carl did the proper season in T.llamook the coming Sold by ' all ** ~ Druggi jiata. 75c. to have Carl Knudson'» state w, ’o)e of said 'eghanies that if women are given thing when lie ------------- - „...fly Pill* for comtil»" Take Hall's - Famil; coughed up" summer. _____ _______ _ sum of $407,000 and have placed the the right to vote they will use it to merit omitted from the Heart winrt took place when he was] ¡’.‘"'.f-./li .bi'* “"¿subject to force wi light, and who "inspired” it <»r in the sweat lx>x, and should One of the prominent figures by him - signateu 18 the corolIary o{ Jhat pogtu|ate Mrs. S. S. S., Van Buren St.Bj by him • have coughed up ' more. i in a newspaper fight, and city the one that women must prove her »ton, N. Y*. (full name turrit It was a little ¡kiddies trick and county politics,in this city, . The dairy industry in Tilla- a^’*’**y *° fight her own wars before on application) had such dec:» when Governor West attempted benefit from uainff Foley’s Our theory of settling the re­ have passed away. We refer to mook County last year showed 8he can be 8afe with the power of & Tar Compound that she iha* play a hide and seek game with volutions mid troubles with the L. J. Johnson, or better known a marked increase ¿ver the pre- ProvokintJ them ? her good .ortune with other* * the State legislature, which is at that time as "Watchtower South American republics may writes: “Foley’s Honey & smail enough to make a mon n is plainly the fact that but for pound brought my voice bacr Johnson." The Watchtower Vious year, not only as to the not coincide with some people’s key grin. amount of cheese manufactured the attitude of the United States ideas, but, nevertheless, we Imd its little day as a newspaper hut tn the high price paid for!bat‘ked by military preparedness, me du-ing a severe case of bron» tin and laryngitis. Oh, how I'elieve it is a right solution to in causing strife and factional the proiiuct. This was a splen- European warships would now be people I have recommended it*. Everybody can help boost. feeling, but it was short lived. the troubles, it is this. When- If you ciuinot find anything else I The Headlight survived those did showing and was the ban-!in Mexican ports, and the forces u‘mes and to boost tell everybody you meet < vy on.- Ot the republics get tn'.ublVd Wit.” aJecord or 30.- en»aifen civil war would find Conductor S. L. Miller N’o’lr ----------------------- .....I now chroti- that Old Bossy helped to boost ■ nto ,i revolution, similar t_ ‘° icles the demise of one of the .TW.WU pounds of milk, 4,000.000 themselves unde r pressure from a Nebr., on Bonesteel Di vis** C & N. W. Ry. Co , recot»m< the county by producing over which is now going on in Mex­ moving spirits of those faction­ pounds of cheese, which sold for. European concert of some kind. 36,fl0(\0U0 pounds of milk lust ico, for the United States to al storms which are spasmodic >650,000 It may be a number Action of that sort differs material­ Foley Kidney Pills and MT* have used Foley Kidney Pill*' step in and annex the country. year. in this city, but, fortunately, are of y ears before the average price ly »roni the course pursued under very satisfactory results and I hat would txs a sure cure for t»ecoming less frequent. With of butter fat will reach the high the policies of this country. The dorse »heir use for any one affli tile revolutions mid lie the beat all due respect to our departed water mark of 41.3c. per pound nations of Europe have been ter-1 with kidney trouble. They •>* thing for the people who live Bro , we would have liked to but every year will see an in- ritorially aggressive, and the prin- righty there. have attended the funeral, for crease in the amount of cheese ciple of compensation is enforced When Burton Holmes rect the deceased gave the snap shot manufactured, for the industry in their dealings with each other gave his celebrated travelog* We are infoimed that one of ‘‘Panama” at Orchestra Hau. man several descriptive ac­ has always been of the progres­ and with foreign states. ._ the reasons w hy »lie w hey sugar »here are cago. he was seriously inter»' count when the tight was over sive order, with a marked ad­ great undeveloped resources in by continual coughing of ther factory proposition fell through mid the husky little Headlight, vance over previous years. Mexico. and Europe has been ence. No one annoys willing was on account of the tie up on the pioneer newspaper, won out '' hat must be relied upon iu aware of it ever since the discovery 1 people with coughs, co ds.) the railroad, the parties in the The steam ship lim- is ship East, not unde'standing local in the tight. Other newspapers future is the quality to sustain of the Western world. The con­ ness and tickling in thro* use Foley’s Honey A Tar pu g out the cheese and the mil­ conditions, were scared for fear since »hen were started because high prices, and here is where figuration of Mexico, its climate, pound, they could qtrickll this count, took an advance of factional strife, but they fell toad cumpaui is shipping in that the comity might tx-come productiveness, and long ocean their coughs and coldsands > the wayside and soon petered step in its efforts to turn out a frontage were noted early by the this annoyance butter tins looks strange tor bottled up. Something like superior, high grade cheese. It races foremost in commerce, and the lirai dairy ing section of Ore­ t*)U) wnsexpended m the effort out. not only establishes the reputa Mexico woo d Fe a European pos­ gon to Is* doing, and those who to procure sufficient whey, but The Bert Cosgh Having failed to comply with tion of Tillamook cheese, but are not roMVerentit with local Where the greatest mistake war session today, a monarchical de- “I have used Chain- conditions cannot understand it. made was m the report that 10c, the government'» »tipulation a» when placed in competition deudency. if it were not for the | Cough Remedy ever since 1 the . teen keeping house.” to local organixations puttimr with other cheese it will have would be paid for 100 lbs. of powerful republic next to it on the , i Hames, ot Marbury. -A13 In a rerent issue of our eon- whey, but when it came down up 1100,000 for the improve- a decided advantage. One of IDiip. aider it ore of the best rein» nieiit of Tillamook bar. when principle aims should be to in ­ temporary, Bro. Trombley nay» to making contracts a lower My children h«* Babylonia fallen! The Nevada > e - ei used the present river» and harbor, lilt 1‘tcs» it to blame bceause it ligure wa» offered. Who wu crease the grade and the proper t.-ken it and it works like a c® Senate on Tuesd y, following the bill wus before the house the place to start this is on the dairy For colds and whooping c Advertis'ng Rates earlier action of the House, v„t.d ¡excellent.” For sale by »H