c TILLAMOOK, OREGON FEBRUARY 27, 1913 We give Cash or Merchandise for Gold Bond Coupons at the Grand L-ader. The fire loss of Ike Quick has been settled byj the Northern ln- euiance Co of I ondon, of which ) L. Henderson is the local agent. The amount of the insurance was $900 and was paid in full. The Ladies’ Guild of the Presby­ terian church will serve supper next Tuesday evening at the Guild rooms west of the Tillamook Bakery, To the still, small voice which says : between the hours of 5:30 p. m. and 7:00 p.m. to which all are invited. “ Open an account now The friends of George Cohn will at the Tillamook County be glad to hear that he is improv­ ing quite rapidly from his serious Bank, keep a proper bal illness. It seem that lie fell and hurt his knee, and it was from that ancebetweeu income and cause that blood poisoning set in. outgo ; lay up something Joe Harrison was in the city on Saturday from Garibaldi, and hav­ for the future.’’ ing lest track of his overcoat, he was wondering where he had left it, for there is no establishment in this There will never be a better time to city where wearing apparel can be putin ‘ soak.” begin than RIGHT NOW. All red tickets issued for the Gem Grand Leader contest must be voted not later than Monday, March 3rd. Persons holding red tickets after that date will not be counted. Yellow tickets will be given to April 1st with each 10c purchase. .-DEST CAPITAL Pretty girls like men in tailor- made clothes ! Have your clothes not only measured, but made in JNTY TILLAMOOK CITY, ORE, SUPERVISION Tillamook by an experienced and up-to-date tailor. Spring fabrics in beautiful colors and shades.-—J. Win. Edwail, 2nd Ave. East, next * Gobi Bond Coupons at the Grand to the Bank. Leader. Frank Easter showed us a big We give Cash or Merchandise for clam, Tuesday evening, that Bond Coupons at the Grand Gohl Bond Coulions at the Grand received with a lot sent by father from Tillamook. _ It Leader. bigger than a cow’s foot, and some See Big Mack for your sewer con­ Wood sewed and delivered, or de­ is led to wonder what they fed it nections livered direct from the wagon as it on in the Tillamook clam corral. Get your Blackford’s Calf Meal at comes from tne country. See — Willamina Times. • the Tillamook Feed Co. Sb rode. A decree has been received in the Bora, on Tuesday, to Dolph Tin- Concrete Construction, side walks matter of the application of H. neratet and wife, a son. and floors a specialty, All work Schollineyer for a permit to appro­ A car ot Extra Selected Sjed Oats guaranteed. Thos. Dolan, Phone priate the water of Bobbs Creek, Judge Kelly deciding that the ap­ Main 333. at the Tillamook Feed Co plicant be deprised this right and any Glasses fitted. Any kind, We have just received a barrel of affirmed the order of the Board to * Btyl«! Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. genuine Sorghum direct from the Control. Banker F. A. Rowe was in the East, home made. Tillamook Feed Willis H. Jenkins, traveling pas. Co. city on Monday from Nehalem. senger agent of the Southern Paci­ Ray A Co. are selling Folger ’ s fic, was in the city on Wednesday. Mrs. Weston expects her daughter, Golden Gate Baking Powder, '■i lb. He looks for a large amount of Mrs. Cady, from Australia soon. cans, 20c ; 1 lb. cans, 35c.; 5 lb. summer travel into Tillamo. k this Aak Kav & Co for Mrs Schiet’s cans, $1.55. year, and as there will be more ac- home made German Egg Noodles. ‘ Lost,—a pocket weighing scale commoda'ions this year this will Full Blooded Barred Rock eggs similar to a hand cuff with two enable the railroad to bring in more Return to people. for enle. 15 for $1. Mrs. Viola Mills rings and two hooks. Toud Hotel. Oscar Aschim must have thought F/E. Norton was in from Banks, If you wish rooms for the Winter, he bad about obtained all the credit attending to some private business by the month “cheap ” with hot or he could get and made up his mind Ed. Burke, who has property on cold water and with bath, call at to leave suddenly on Sunday, whica the Trask river, is in for a short the Todd Hotel. he did, and those who trusted him * visit. are kicking themselves for doing Mrs Mary Wahlen and sons, R so He had also obtained some ad­ J J, McCormick has filed a peti­ A. and Howard Wahlen, returned tion for a saloon license at Gari­ to the city on Sunday from Seattle vance payment on suits of clothes. baldi Married, pn Sunday, in this city, and California. I. F. Larsen and MrB. Sarah Anti Leave orders with the Tillamook There was a good attendance at Richardson. The wedding took Feed Co. for wood direct from the the Tillamook Hose Company’s place in the evening at the home of «■■try. annual dance at the Commercial Mr, Larsen, and the ceremony was We give Cash or Merchandise for Club on Saturday night. performed by the Rev. I. E. Meese, Gold Bend Coupons at the Grand No. 2 Cold Blast lantern globes pastor of the U B. church. There Leader. 10c., No. 1 lamp globes, 5c., No. 2 were a few intiina'e friends present . .'jdatKC. * wood _.a f for — 1.. rl««>Ani »1 lamp globes, 10c. Lamar’s Variety to witness the wedding and to ex­ Slab sale dire-t fmt from theT mill or sawed and delivered. Store. "Drop in and look around." tend their best wishes to the happy S««fthrode. Attorney Bagley, of Hillsboro, is couple. Another meeting of the Tillamook Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ in the city, being one of the at­ mook Meat Company's Market. 12c. torneys engaged by the citizens’ Commercial Club was held on Mon committee to look after their in­ day evening, when it was decided to perj>oiind. terests continue the campaign for new House to rent, five rooms. Rent members and reinstating those Do not forget the Sunday Chicken who had dropped out. It was de »10 a month, Apply at the Head­ Dinner at the Todd. Better than cided that the basket social to be light offict. you i nn have at hoineforless money. Dr. lack Olson has opened den­ Coms 3nd try us. Service from 5:30 ! given on St. Patrick's day be open tal parlors over F. R. Beals' office to 7: in p. in. . I and free to all those who want to par ticipate in this event, which wi 1 Both phones. Buy a Ford car because they run ■ also include a dance. Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. I Postmaster Baker has received a Country work solicited. Phone 1313 When you get them your troubles letter from Albert S. Rand, chief Paeif’. State». are over. See Ed Had'ey, the local clerk ot the Railway Mail Service, . | in answer to a petition that Bay There will be a dance at the opera agent tor the Ford auto di hottae on Saturday night, to which house Editor Effenberger was enjoying City, Garibaldi, Nehalem, Wheeler •e invited. sll *re himself in this city over Sunday. 1 and Rocksway be given mail ser ive Cash or Mercnanaiae We give Merchandise ior for He came down with his fattier ' vice on Sundays Mr. Rand advised ond Coupons at the Grand ' Justice Effenberger, of Nehalem, the postmaster that it would be as........................................... ........ given due consideration. At pres who is on the sick list. 1er. ent letters mailed here Saturdays The Senate on Thursday agreed ; *0 lb. Sacks of Rolled Feed Oats for those places are held until to all the Oregon and other North- . at lloo per sack, or »33.00 per ton at Monday. western amendments to the river | Ray A Co.’s Store. and harbor bill including those for 1 A special car, with S. P. railroad Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ the Celilo Canal and Tillamook Bay. officals, came in on Tuesday, with mook Meat Company’s Market. We Acting Supt. C. W. Martyn, ( hief Thorough-bred, pure white egg I Engieeer C. H. Seifer, Supt. Bri* a line to have been attached ing of I’he Mystic Mid-regions." Died, in Tillamook City, Oregon, to a bi-o” and flouted through the The games the hostess had pre­ on Tuesday, A. D. Case, father o breakers to the bnrk, The Oneonta, pared were most interesting as A K Case, who had attained tbe he eaid, came within a quarter of a well ns instructive. ripe old ag* of 97 years. The de mile of the Mimi ami a line could A nio&t tempting luncheon was ceased had been a farmer most of easily have been sent from her. served, during which Misses liia life and had never used liquor Bids have been asked f r floatin); Alegra Mason, Alice Todd, Helen or tobacco. The remains were the Mimi and delivering her inside and Pauline Beals, favored the buried today at the Oddfellows the river and they will be cqiened guests with musical selections, Cemetery. today both vocal and instrumental. Deceased was horn in Williainx town, New York, and resided the e until he was 21 years of age when Pointed Remark*. he was married previous to hie The Pavement Ruction. leaving. He went to Oshkosh, Wis.. Don’t "knock” the city because of The city council met on Wednes and from there went to Nebraska in day evening, it being au adjonrned 1880, where he stayed nine years some little petty, personal reasons *iiin;s are not done ac­ meeting, when Mayor Harter and and then went back to Racine. Win or t-ecaur-e to your file.-i. Be a booster Councilmen Sappington, Leach, His wife went to England in 18ft. to cording and broad gunge.) in these matters. Biles, Harrison and Dick, were visit her daughter, ami the deceim present. The city hall was packed, ed went to Chicago, III , to reside The city council having called for ’ ami there was an array of legal and with his son while his wife was rejiorta the editor thought he would lie com li.-ve a --scoup’’ on the detectives’ scientific individuals present who visiting in England. were ready to talk on the merits and West with A. K Case 12 years ago report, but fell down. The invea i- and set-led in Tillamook, where he zntio-i won't be complete without d meritsMif the pavement. It seems, however, that the city has since resided. There were onl ■ this. council ha 1 agreed to have Engine two children, A K. Case ami Mrs. More trouble tirewing. The city er Richardson, who drew the plans A. W. Elam. The latter resided in council will lie * investigated” for and was the expert adviser of the England and while on her way to allowing chick ena to run at large. city council when the contract was visit her father anil brother a few Well, they are not enforning ths let, come in and see whether the years since was taken sick with law and nre liable to tie accused of pavement hod been laid according appendicitis in New York and died receiving graft from chicken owners. Mrs. Case, to contract, and to cover the ex after the operation pense the city council passel a who is an invalid, is still in London, Cut it out, gentlemen. The per­ resolution to that effect As Mr. England. The deceased was a kind sona!, factional tight over the stieet Riclftirdson will not arrive in the husband and affectionate father, improvements won’t lie any induce city until today it was decided to and had the esteem of those who ment for jieople to invest in pro- adjourn the meeting until Friday knew him, his declining years be­ perty, for they don’t care to locate afternoon at the court house, the ing made as happy as possible by where the citizens are continually city counci going into exrcutive the tender care of his son and at loggerheads and where they are session thia morning to consider daughter-in law, who did every­ liable to be investigated. any reports which may be bunded thing possible to make the _ old You hear some of ourcitisena and in so that the councilmen could dis gentlemen happy. busiriesa men talk about patroniz­ cuss and study them. ing home industries anfi in thst There were a fewjother matters at­ Blames Passing Vessscl. way help the city. But what about tended to, such as the aHsessment employing outside attorneys? That of side walks and the inspection of R-fused information as to his is not patronising home industry, a sewer, Councilinen Sappington, Harrison and Dick being appoint­ whereabouts by a passing steamer nor helping the attorneys of this ed a committee to attend to the which was seen rs the fog lifted | City, This needs investigating. and was in sight for an hour, when latter. As some of our citizens are scurAi hut the raising of two flags in reply for fear that the street pavement would have conveyed a message will not last more than the guaran­ Bay City’s “Crazy Bill ” ttiat there was no chance of obtain teed time, we understand that .« ing, Captain Westphal, of the Ger­ Wa ren Constructing Co was man back Mimi, complains t itterly willing to guarantee and insintsin To the Editor : of a lack of courtsey that w uld it for ten years at u small extra coat The Headlight is always up to have saved hie vessel. when they made the contract. date, in fact right up to Now, even He said the steamer was hound if it did publish "How To Kill a north; that she was a three-master Mayor Hurter called for all re­ and lio ti-jfin her funnel what appear ports t<> lie in by ten o'clock over Town. ” For rhe pavem i f controversy. There is However, it was not a reprodu.- ed to be a white letter "S ” tion from the Examiner, bu from three «Jays the skipper of the Mimi only one Hung to decide, and that he was unable to get any bear- is whether the Warren Construction copy furnished by a gentleman who said visited Bay City and saw the card ings and it was about tour hours t ouipsny tins complied with their the bark went on the beach contract, and to ascertain this s au the bitrudc or go'id the doc.or and a ked for one o longitude, Captain Westphal said cat da. We believe it, that the editor is a he could have worked out his post The Head ight was inc’ine t.ii-l, «irxe.l fellow lor publishing n tion let the Bay City sheet down 1 full report of the sweat box method«, Landwards nothing was to In- bu*, oh. fud;e! What’s the i end should lx* railroaded out 'f seen tint a bank <>l fog that bin ; Even a dog will bite the liund that olivines*. Bid 1 aven t thrt been over the beach When the tn feds him. trir'l man ' times i * i the ¡»net w iri Where are the p-opie who once grounded tie said it was iiiip-.ssii i di-astriou.i etfeit by tlioar who bud inhabited your city, Mr Fxmiiner? to distinguish the shore and lnt< i an Kir i that they varied the **re»4 Where are the industries you once on seeing fires there, be ilimi'l of this city? Hut let her r for wr heralded? Bah I Ton remind me thev »ere ligh-s ot another vr have no tear wi at the rest..I will bn llad either of the tu.-a Fi.tries of the aet of the (ocopali Indians it tin old tune trctivsof rule < r ruin who were once a mi-i.ty tribe o; Oreonl.i and Wallula hail a ioi sre u> be resorted to t>y some <>' nr the desert. "Crazy Bill’ w-as their line when they appeared next