Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 20, 1913, Image 4

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    Tillamook tí eadllgUt, February 20,
Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight
WILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CLAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shown below.
This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at M“son’
be the
in Till-
ninglan V Co. ’s store. or M from ¡his ad. This
This will
wilt be
the most
most interesting
interesting advertising
advertismg proposition ever held nt",
amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Uprtg t
How to Get Vote Tickets.
How to Get Vote Tickets.
With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­
TON & CO.’« STORE votes will be giveu—ioo votes
for every dollar ' s worth purchased . Votes in the
same proportion will also be given 1° persons paying ac­
counts. If any of onr friends need anything in Ladies’
Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and
Gent.'s Clothing and Burnishing, Boots, Shoes, Rubber
Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General
Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­
ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get
busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will
have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest
will be May i, 1913.
Cutout Coupon below and present or mail to Mason,
Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight.
If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure
The'Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper
of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years
have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads
and other improvements.
With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook
Headlight accompanied by |i 50 in cash, 5.000 votes will
be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can
pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on
job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job
advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla­
mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and
they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay any
of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get
subscriptions to the paper,, as the schedule of votes is so
much greater for subscription than for anything else. You
will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the
Headlight if you try. Closes May 1, 1913.
Claxton Upright Grand Piano
Voting Contest.
Cut this Coupon out and bring to
Mason, Pennington & Co,
It will Count 100 Votes.
Good for 2,000 Votes.
No. 1 Name of Contestant will not be known. 2, No name of candidates will be pub­
lished. 3, Every Contestant j?ets 2,000 votes to start with. 4, Every Contestant gets
a number 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight.
6. All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­
ten on. to. Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip.
9. Color of Certificates Will be changed each month and must be recorded before
change IO Votes are transferable only before recording. 11, Contestant having the
largest number of votes on May 1, 1913, wius Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT
I Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set.
I canne there is no heaven, and there
Can he no place to ascend to.
Tliv Socialist Sunday School as il I <J. Wiil Christ come again to
exist» in Englund »nd America i» .1 the earth ?
A. lie will not, because no dead
d liberate, coldly planned, cleverly
Conceived device to capture the person can ever come back.
young und mould their mind» for
y. Will Christ return on judg
the doctrine» of »puliation irre- 1 meat day?
ligion »nd social anarchy.
A. There will be no judgment
Antagonistic to Christian prim i- day; that is all a fatile, so that
pl»», hh nre »11 of the text book» preachers 1 ould scare people and
used by Socialists in their educa hold them in their grasp. Man has
tionnl work among children, none no soul, neither nati Christ any
can approach in bliiaphemy and soul. All these things bava been
vllenesa “ The Little Catechism" invented by the churches.
published by Geringer of Chicago.
U. What is the Holy Spirit ?
First published expressly for the
The Holv Spirit is ati imagi­
American Bohemian »ocialistic and nation existing only in the minds
anarchistic schools, it now bus a of crazy religious people.
wide circulation in the home» of all
Q. Is Christianity desirable?
classes of socialists, American as
A. Christianity is not advanta
well as foreign born, having been geons tons, but is harmful because
translated into English and other it makes of us spiritual cripples.
language» for that purpose.
By its teachings of bliss after
The question» and answer» repro death it deceives the people. Christ­
duced here repreaent but a »mall ianity is the greatest obstacle to
p-rtion of the liook, much of the the progress of mankind, therefore
t ■ iter being too vile to reprint.
it is the duty of every citizen to
W’hat ia offered the reader demon help wipe out Christianity. All
»irate» how the sociiilista are churches are impudent humbugs.
moulding the mind» of the young
Q. Is there communion of saints?
'■ By mean» of cunning miarepre-
A. No, because there ia no God,
xeutntion and perversion of facts no saints, no soul, and therefore
children are made to take a wrong our prayers are wholly useless and
outlook upon life,' says the London only a waste of time, which should
Standard. "Their mental balance be spent in more sensible tilings
1« upset ; they are incited to rebel
Q. What is our duty when we
against fancied wrongs and to de have learned that there is no God ?
velop a feeling of bitter hatred
A. We should teach this know
«gainst fellow citizens from whom ledge to others.
they have suffered no harm.”
X Bo we owe a duty to God ?
" In thia wnv, by sowing the
There ia no God, and there-
poisonous seed of prejudice and fore we owe Him no duty.
* la»» hatred in the virgin soil of
Q. Should we take tlie name of
vciltltful min-!., it ia hoped later on ( |O(| in vain ?
’ reap the harvest of the revoln
A Yes ; because the name of
God has no meaning
ti-ia. In other words, the aecia 1
y. Dues Christianity stand for
--unday School as it exists
Englund and America is » ilelila
ritfht ?
ute cn'dlv planned, cleverly cc
No ; it atand* for an<l aup-
ceived device to capture the vom
port« all that i« wrong.
lot the d K'trinea of »pollution u
Q. Should we pray ?
si» iul anarchy.”
A. We «Mould not. By prayer
I he catechism of blasphemy f
we onh w<iate tune, as there ia no
Iowa *
Go 1 If we a-
- ~
i-— to prayer we
Question. What is God?
gradually become imbecile*.’
Answer. God is a word used
Q. But
designate an
iinaginery lai
prayer help« u«. what of that ?
A 1 Ind ia a contemptable him
which people of themselves Im
Q la it true that Go.I has ne . er
i. oiuluctor S. I . Miller. Norfork,
' een revealed ?
A. A» there is no G at he could Nvtn . on Bonesteel Division of
C A N. W Ry. Co , recommends
nut reveal himself
i Foley Kidnev Pills mid any»: "I
Q What is hen ven ?
A. Heaven 1» an Imaginary i have used Foley Kidney Pili» with
place which cliurchea have devised very satisfactory results ami en
a» a vharm tuentice tlieir believer» dorse ’heir use for any one .1 filleted
with kidney trouble. They ure »11
Q How did man originate ?
A. Just a» did all animals ; by right.,
evolution from tlieir lower kinds
\\ hen Burton Holme» ______
Q Hss man aa immortal soul as gave hia celebrated travelogue
Christianity teschea ?
A Man has no soul ; it in only cago. he wns seriously interrupted
uu imagination
by continual coughing of the audi
Q Who ia leans Christ ?
A. Jesus Christ was the son of a ence. No one annova wilhuglv und
if pevqile with coughs, colds hoarse
Jewish girl called Mary.
nes» ami tickling in throat would
Q la be the Son of God ?
A. There ia no God and there use Foley's Honey A Tar Com-
they could quickly cute
fore there can be uo God's son
their coughs anil colds and avoid
V- Wh.it do we know ot the birth this annoyance
ot Christ ?
4 The answer in so foul ate will not Methodist Minister Recommends
W’uit it.
Chamberlain s Cough Remedy
Bid Christ rise from the
Rev. James A Lewie, Milaca,
dead aa Cliriatianity teaches ?
“I h«itiberltiin*«
The re|»>rt about Christ ri« I ough Remedy has t»een a needed
ing from the
__ ________
dead .a _ a fable
, and welcome guest in our home for
Q. la it true that after Christ'» » number of years. I highly recom
death the a|*o»tle» received the mend it to mv fellows as tverag ,,
Holy Ghoat ?
medkins worthy of trial in cuses of
A It is not; ths «poetle«
_____ _____
h«d cools, coughs and croup'* Give
imbibsd too freely of wine, and Chamber »in's Cough Wemedv a
their dlxay heads imagined all sort» trial and we are confidant vou will
ot queer thing».
in.I it effectual and Continue to use
Q. Ihd Christ ascend into heaven1 it ,is occasion re«imres for year» to
A. lie did m>t. what the church come as many others have done
tcavlics i» a nousenaical table, l e For Sale bv all dealers.
*lhe Blasphemous Catechism
I hereby accept the nomination as a con­
testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place
these 2000 votes to my credit
Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants,
I am a power for great good if you do not abuse my use.
I am a builder up of health and strength—in the hospital
or in the home.
For the invalid or the convalescent—for the tired or over­
worked I offer a great help.
A little of me goes a long way.
1 have been among you for three generations.
I’m known as Cyrus Noble throughout the world.
W C T. U. Notes.
Kingdom whose service ia perfect
The trysting hour, noontide each
We believe in the coming of Hia ,
Kingdom whose service is perfect . day.
freedom, because His laws, written It is always noontide somewhere,
And across the awakening conti
tn our members us well as in nature
und in grace, are perfect, convert
From shore to shore, somewhere
ing the soul.
Our prayers are rising evermore.
We believe in the Golden Rule,
and that each man's habits of life
Our Motto —For God and Home
should be an example safe and and Native Land While the World's
beneficent for every other man to i
C. T. I', has for its motto,- For
God and Home and every Land.
We believe that God created both
In this there are over fifty coun­
man and woman in his own image, tries organized and the total mem­
and therefore we believe in on- bership of the organization num­
standard of purity for both men bers several million (Fur own
ind women, und in the equal right i state of Oregon has nearly if not
of ail th hold opinions and to ex­ ■ now, over four thousand numbers
press the same with equal freedom. New York heads the list with nearly
\\ e believe in a living wage; in r-.O0H Surely with such a force of
courts Of concilntion and arbitrat ion; determine! earnest workers the
in justice as opposed to greed o'f strongholds of evil must weaken
gain; in "peace on earth and good and as been seen, is reckoning with
will to men."
this host, its righteous antagonist.
We therefore formulate, and our
Thia column will contain from
»elves adopt the following pledge , I week to week items of information
asking our sisters and brothers of and new» of genea.il interest along
a common cause with us, in work our lines of work and progress.
nig its reasonable and helpful pre
—---------- . .
THE Bell Telephone Service lightens the dinnes*
cepts into the practice of every dav
Ohio. City of Teiedo (
1 ante of Lucas
tic tasks of the farmer's wife.
I hereby solemly premise God
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is
helping me. to abstain from all dis «».or partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney
business in the City of T<i
In the family circle, the Bell Service is indisp«®'
tille-i. fermented and malt liquors * ° Lo C^. doing
U,Lty ftnd State
aforsaid, and _
including wine, beer and cider,
It is a constant household companion, It shops
for each and ev"?
and to employ ull proper means to HVNDRED DOLLARS
RS for each and every
__ town.
It bring®
she is too busy to go to
‘’••^-urage the use of and the the use ofHALL 8 CATARRH
VADDU rvrin
traffic in the same
sworn to before me t and subsenbed m her in close touch with the social life of the community
To conform and enforce the my presence, thia 6th day of December.
AD 1»A6
Loved ones far away may be reached, for the Bell Heid­
rationale of this pledge, we declare
our purpose to educate the young-
is almost limitless. It relieves the monotony of lik
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure 1* taken internally
to form a better public sentiment
and acts directly upon 1 the blood and mu- She .cannot be lonesome with the Bell Service at hff
to reform, so far as possible, bv cous
surfaces of the system
Send for
rehgio-ia. ethical and scientific testimonial« free
command. It is a constant source of pleasure and pf°"
& CO.,
mean» the drinking classes; to
Totedo. o.
fit in ¡the home circle.
seek the transforming power of Di-
Take Hall’s Family
Pills .^r
for constipation
vine grace for ouraelves and all for
whom we work, that they and ws
Talk it over with our local manager.
- —
may willfully transcend no law of
Mrs S. S. S.. Van Buren St., King.'
i’ure and wholesome living; anil •ton. N. Y., (full name furnished
finally we pledge ourselves to labor on application) had such decided
• nd topray that all these principles, benefit from using bolev's Honey
founded upon the gospel of Christ A Tar Compound that she »bares
may bs worked out into tht Cust­ her good fortune with others. She
oms of Sov-fstv and the l.sws of the w rites; "Foley's Honey A Tar Com.
pound brought my voice back to
me during a severe case of bronchi
Every- Bell Telephone a the Center of the System.
" e believe in the coining of Hia tis and laryngitis. Oh. how many
p-eople I have recommended it to."
A Blessing to the Farmer’s Wife