ao Tillamook Head 11«Ht, February M, i=»‘3 -------------------- —--------------------------- s— ’ the country. It was among the sum not less than 10 per cent of the Pointed Paragraphs Wine ............................... 3fc i Ro-kies that the first woman suf­ amount of the bid. made payable to the BOTTLE GOODS. Sherry Angelic» Win»............................... Hfic frage states were founded, and if County; such check or money order to ZeuienUel W ine ... per quart 8 k- A New York miss declnr’s that they are also to be the pioneers in be forfeited to Tillamook County by Tokeyl.............. per quart 40c. the modern young Udv requires an state-promoted marriage they will the successful bidder, in case he fails Pebbleford, bottled in bond, per quart 85c income of at least $10,000 t<> main be responsible for another nove'tv within 20 days of the date of award of per bottle.....................................$1.50 Claret........................ White Grape Juice. 75c tain a suitable establishment, and in the science of government anil the contract to furnish acceptable Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in Local Beer, quart, quart, 3 bottles for 50c no $5u<><> pikers need apply for a sociology. — Ex. bond, per bottle........ ................... 1.25 bonds in the full amount of the con­ Domestic Beer, qt. , 3 bottles for 75c. wife It is possible this pelt miss , tract price for the faithful completion O d Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle ............................................ 1.30 will know more when she is older. , ' of the contract and the payment of sll Special Prioes for Summons. i labor, material men’s and sub-con- Hermitage, bottled in bond, per The “apple king” of Colorado is boitle ..................... 1.50 Family Trade. iu search of a wife, 30 years old and In the Circuit Court of t'le State of ' tractor’s claims thereunder. Bidders will be required to deposit Cyrus Noble. 3 Crown ............... 1.50 possessing blond hair A man Oregon fur Tillamook County. Keg Beer .....................15 gallons sr> ?• O T. O , bottled in bond, per $5.00 with the County Clerk to insure wbo knvws so well as he that the Department No. 2. 10 gal Ians 4 00 buttle............................................ 1.25 Keg Beer , the return of the plans and specifica­ apple’s skin is ro indication -if its B Hill, j Local bottle Beer, 6e confirmed. In all probability, “Bid for the Construction of Section A. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that wculd think he intended to “sting” Thro« >n a square voting test in the Sen of the Garibaldi—Wheeler County sealed bids will be received by the you. Now there is no more sense la buying a range " ankight, unseen ” than Other ate, tfiey would be unable to mustci Road." Bidder to submit separate Board of County Commissioners of a majority against confirmation. bids for construction of road from sta. Tillamook Co., Oregon, until 1 o'clock there is in buying a team of horaen — nor Public op nion would Jikel force 538 plus 04.4 to M.ll; from M.ll to sta. P. M., March 6, 1913, for furnishing is it necessary. 7fts Great Ma)v*tic i.i in use confirmation in the event of such a 640 plus 97.76; from Sta. 649 plus 97.76 all material and labor necessary for in almost every township iu the United States ballot But under the rules cf the to Sta. 675 plus 31.4; also for con­ the construction of different compet­ west of the New England Stakes—end it will pay you to drive an extra bv.iate and the courtesy of the Sen­ struction of entire road. itive types of hard-surface or perma­ ten miler, if need be, to see and carefully examine the Great Majeetic the range with a reputation—built on honor—of the best materials — ate, it is evident that Democratic The work consists of clearing right nent pavement, on the improvements — before investing your money in a range of any kind. opposition to confirmation could of way, grading, preparing sub-grade, mentioned below: You don’t buy a range every day, or indeed, every year, and when deter action until the 4th of Marell. ditches , Bids must be addressed : “Board of and shoulders, and building all Very properly Col Goetlials an- bridges and trestles from Station 538 x County Commissioners of Tillamook yoa do, you want the best your money can procure—that’s the »lou’nc.'S that, having never made i 04.42 on the North boundary of County,” and the envelope marked an effort to »erure the appointment Brighton, to Station 675 x 31.4 in the “Bid for the construction of perma­ from the president, he will do town of Wheeler, as per piano and nent Highway,’’.and must be accom­ nothing to influence senatorial specifications now on file in the office panied with a complete set of specifi­ action or become party to any ef­ of the County Clerk and also in the cations of the type of pavement pro­ posed by the bidder. fort to force action in that body office , of the County Surveyor. And very wisely the president says The work consists of grading, pre­ Each bid must be accompanied by a that, if there is to be parlisan op­ certified check on a bank of Tillamook paring subgrade, ditches and shoul­ position, or opposition of any kind, County, or P. O. money order, in the ders, and constructing a hard-surface o the confirmation of Col. Goetlials sum not less than 10 per cent of tne road from the North boundary of Tilla­ air rate In. Tokos but half th« fuel uaad Ilia name will not be sent in. Ort» IM » Tiras Ordiaary Raa<«a amount of the bid, made payable to mook City to Sta.---------------- on the in other ranges fur perfect baking. road running North from Tillamook * 4» rfta w’5 resse m«^e catini? of Edison is too seasoned in practi­ the County; such check or money City AU Copper Reterroir— Agaiaat Fir« Boi to Bay City, Oregon ; also from ■«■Si ■Hl irM and charcoal Inn. Çnar- order to be forfeited to Tillamook cal invention to encourage false ex­ reservoir 1» «// corner and heat« like the East boundary of Tillamook City eonl inn won't mt Uhe i'nl'nUnlU a Th« County by the successful bidder, in tea kaftte through a copper pocket, pectations. The public believes inn can't knob. and white th« firat coat East to.the P. R. & N. Railroad on the rf «tamped from one p ore of copper, netting case he fails within 20 days of the date a Craw l Man.tic may ba more ^than that if he has not yet perfected mov­ aaainat left hand lining of fir« box. It running East from Tillamook City ing pictures associated with cor of award of contract to furnish accept­ road boil« IS go Don» of water In a very few to Fairview. The plans on file in the «Marner roa««.. momenta and te instantly moved away responding speech, music and able bonds in the full amount of the office of the County Clerk show the from the fire. fc». i ■■! ■ 11—Smvw Half Y«v F m I other sounds he has mastered the contract price for the faithful com­ location, alignment, profile and grades; Aik Ui To Show Yoa The Created Malattie la put lorribw with rivet» main problem, arid that only some pletion of the contract, and the pay­ and the contractor is to submit his own Improvement Ever Put In a Range and atavo putty). The jointe ot the details are yet to be put into ment of all labor, material men’s and specifications covering the type of (art bolt» ama will remain air tight forever, Increaaing the atrength and wear of a practical shape. The records of sub-contractor’s, claims thereunder. oven la lined with guaranteed pore Gnat Majettic more than 31X11 at a point roadway proposed to be constructed. o. board. covered with an iron «rate where other range« are weakaat—be aura the phonograph and the photo­ i Bidders will be required to deposit Each bid must be accompanied by a graphic reel have been accom­ $5.00 with the County Clerk to insure certified check on a bank of Tillamook ■W «■■ eoa U. Na heat ««cape« or co.d to inquire about thia feature. plished facts for years. It has re the return of the plans and specifica­ Co. or a Postofflce money order, in a FOR MALE BY mained to bring them together sub­ tions. sum not less than ten per cent of the The Board reserves the right to re ­ ject to some sort of clockwork that amount of the bid, made payable to the would preserve the unity of speech ject any or all bids. Dated this 5th day of Feburary, 1913. County; such check or money order to and motion. The fiopularity of Board of County Commissioners of be forfeited to Tillamook County by moving pictures lias rested largely the successful bidder in case he fails, Tillamook County. with the public’s quick understand­ within 20 days of the date of the award By J. C. Holden, County Clerk. ing of pantomime This insight of contract, to furnish acceptable bonds on the part of mixed audiences has in the full amount of tne contract been striking, and accounts for the Highway, Tillamook County, Oregon. price for the faithful completion uf >.i i :>r* rapid rise of film shows. A good the contract and the payment of all Lighten the Housework reel keeps the minds of spectators 11 labor, material, mens and sub-contract­ MH-: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. •o busy that the interest is sustain­ A plain iron sink returns very Notice is hereby given that sealed or claims thereunder. The Board re­ ed, in spite of the fact that each serves the right to reject any and all little for the effort spent upon it. ♦ * person who watches the shadows bids will bs received by the board of bide. A few minutes spent in cleaning must till in the story-by suggestion County Commissioners of Tillamook Dated thia February 5, 1913. It is by a kindred play of a reader's County, Oregon, until 1 o'clock, the s 'Standard*' white enameled Board of County Commiaaisneni fancy that the mind creates pictures 6th day of March, 1913, for the furnish­ sink and you have a veritable of Tillamook Co., Oregon, ing of all material except as otherwise from the printed pages of fiction. By J. C. Holden, County Clerk. beauty spot of radiance. specified, and all labor, necessary for A young, vigorously growing the construction of the improvement Our catalogue of sinks is very ■ mentioned below ; said work to be done state, the one nonored with the Old Age interesting with its wall hanging, name of Washington, has planned strictly in accordance with the plans Old age as it comes in the order­ corner and recess patterns. It I to establish this year a matrimcnisl and specifications approved and on file ly process of nature is a beautiful bureau through which the surplus in the office of the County Clerk and and mnjeetive tbing. ft stands for is free try sll interested in good i, r; •f women in the East can tiecome also in the office of the County Survey­ experience knowlelge. wisdom, plumbing and good fixtures. I>etter acquainted with the surplus or. That is old age as it Bids must be addressed “Board of cotrjnel. of men in the Northwestern corner should be, but old age as it often of the country, with serious inten­ Commissioners of Tillamook County" is means (>oor digestion, torpid tions on both sides It is »aid that and the envelope maiked “Bid for the bowels, a sluggish liver and a gen substantial public sentiment there Construction of Section B of the E. E. era) feeling of »11 health, despond­ : ’ 1 "•Mi Tr)<*|»hon<* Main Mil. is urging the Legislature to pass Cross County Road.” ency and misery. This in almost The work consists of clearing right the necessary law. and that many ■n/Gnrc •• wholly unnerea- members are pledged to it. Woman of way, grading, preparing subgrade, everj^ . .wwi»:* vary One of Chamberlain*» Tab­ suffrage has just been adopted in ditches and shoulders, and building all lets token immediately after sup­ the state and the movement will bridges and trestles from Station 43 x per will improve the digestion, tone have the authoritative backing ol 0 near the Hebo Store, to Station ^559 up the liver and regulate the I hiw - both sexes, a* it shcuhf ¡t° ** wise­ x 01.6 as per plane and specifications ela. That feeling of desfamiency APPENDICITIS ly proportioned. In one of the row on file in the office of the County wi.l give w»i to one uf hofie and G Met; KE. Ml) large counties an ofical has al Clerk and also in the office of the guol cheer. f*or sale by all dealers. BOOK FRE^! ready brought about numerous County Surveyor, Bidder to submit Tlw Adler i-lu I mmi I t , l-.< w marriages, and he has lately re bid for construction of each mile sep­ W F. Skelton, a merchant st Stan­ reived from another county the arately ; also for construction of entire ley, led , «aye he would not take PHYSICIAN A SURGHQN yoti run EASILY Rfi.iinH names of 100 batchelor homestead­ road. $1(11.1)0 fur the relief a single I kji of itO'l how y<»u « ,» h The road runs from Hebo toward Foley Kidney Pills gave him. “I ers who ask to be put on the active relieve or Office : One Block East of list. He replies that he ha» ttie ad Dolph, up Three Rivers, and is partly had a severe attsck of kidney AtoiiiH< h INSTANTLY, im < ffere>n Ills feet. He appears to Iw li.v tnr the liest youugster Cblcegu b»s picked up tn some years Chang« P«nn Coaching 8y«t«m. Dlaantlstled with tlie eonehlng m> th­ uds In Kigueat the University of Per-)- sylvunlii. a number of wealthy gradu­ ates have bainled together to raise A large amount of money with which to engage George Brooke tn charge of tbe tied and Blue r itbnll team next year Brooke la at present coaching tbe Swarthmore eleven, which was one of the three minor colleges coacbeii by Penn graduates to take the measure of Penn this season Tlie offer will be put up to tbs advisory council for ac- tkra French Bantam Quilt Like Langford. Charles Itektmix. tbe French bantam who recently came over to America, ran fight Just as well with bls left or his right leg exteiubwl. During a tight be orx-astonall/ adopts tbe K. O. Br<>wn attt tilde He la railed the “Little Ham Lana toed '' He bs abort anil has • rr.-u.en Boos torso, with small legs His reach la six inches longer than M b height. wMcb Is five feet one In. li ■e Is a frrah In thia res|>ect. as an or- Mnary man s reach la tbe same as his Barmans Ruah Olymolo Stadium. Work will he pushed ou the new Otympt« stadium at Berlin, where th» (Nymph' games will Ire belli in 1916 It will prabably tie flnlah.d In timo to ratet>r«te tbe twenty fifth »universi, -y e< the kaiser's ««.easloii. which will errar neat year Th» stndlain I» to lie In the middle »t the lame Grünewald race course nn ths «reel «Mb» nf Berlin It will he about half an hour«» ride by train from ths raotas nd tbe rMy Frenshmsn Want Yank«« Trainer. Ameotewn cos he» will tie naked to help pregar» ths French athletes fnr Me next (Mytopt«- games This Is the amtrume of the pm>r lerformsnce at Fres, h athtrten at Htockholm sod th» brilliant abowtag made fliers by the Amori, ana France baa taken the les sen uf tbe games to tieart »ml Is form lag an organtnarl.o. • I read y to ant read» a repmwniatlve »»<1 profierly trained team far tbo Barita gamas