Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 20, 1913, Image 2

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    Tillamook’s Famous Cheese
Four Million Pounds Manufactured Last Year
Valued at $650,000.
$15.57; Cold Springe Cheese Factory;
12 25; Capital Stock outstanding,
900.00; November milk sold, returns
in, 233.81; December milk sold, re­
turns in 75.CO; Maple Leaf Creamery,
51.80; By balance, 7,030.08; total
factory received $2,589 18 for mai
ing cheese, or l%c. per lb. cher*
Hauling cheese, 116.86
Expenses for the year
Supplies on ha»d
$.)1.0o ; building account. $807r,’
cash in bank, $145.69 ; due formal
ing November cheese, $110.40 Tnt»
Liabilities: Bills payable, $500 00
The following report covers some of my work for sixteen
Company received for the year a due cheese maker, $60 68 other ar
factories for which I acted as secretary during 1912:
total of 1,164.691 lbs. of milk. This counts, $70,56; stock account si
was 462,029 It s more than was re Total. $1,18124.
Total milk received, 29,139,514 lbs.
Total cheese manufactured (estimating small amount on hand), ceived during 1911. the gain being
72 per cent. Monthly receipts in , THREE RIVERS CREAMERY
3,211,004 lbs.
pounds follow: January,
Total boxes clieeBe manufactured, 44,633.
February, 27,145;
March. 61 566;
The factory received during tn.
Tctal butter fat in milk, 1,134,561 lbs.
April. 117 771; May, 181,9.5; June
[year 2,276,749 lbs. of milk. Ti^
August, [was 279,835 lbs. more than 1911 re
Amount received for cheese (estimating small amount on hand). 182.252; July,
127,814; September, 103,163; October, ceipts, a gain of over 14 per cent ‘
70,210; November, 30,750, and C.
Tillamook County had another banner year in the
Monthly receipts in lbs werea.
Average price received, 16.34 cents per lb, net Tillamook
cember, 23,646
¡follows: January, 19,922; Februarr
large amount of cheese manufactured in 1912, the out­
Average yield, 11.02 lbs. of cheese per 100 lbs. of milk.
This milk contained 44,338 lb», 16,300 ; March, 100,479 ; April, 214
butter fat, an average of 4.014 per 925 ; May, 368,919 ; June, 367,¿T>
Average of 2.83 lbs. cheese per lb. butter fat
put being over four million pounds of the famous
cent, butter fat.
July, 337,195 ; August, 275,370; Sea
cheese that have brought the county to the front as the
Estimating cheese still on hand
Receipts of milk and value of product and lbs. cheese for the several ' at 73 lbs per case, brings the year's t e r, tier, 231,342 ; October, 174,103
best dairying section in the State of Oregon, yet for all I factories are as follows:
November, 88,149; and December
output of cheese to 122,256 lbs.
that the industry is practically in its infancy. There
I.be. Cheese.
Name of Factory.
1,685 boxes of cheese manufact-
Estimating the cheese still oi j
$86,480 88 1 tired
. 527,233
are thousands of acres of idle land in Tillamook County, I Maple Leaf Creamery...................
hand brings the total years make of "
Estimating cheese on hand at 16*/ cheese to 252,314 lbs,
. 464,136 ..
Tillamook Creamery........
especially in the Nestucca Valley and the Nehalem The
72.164.53 i cents per lb brings value of year’s
. 441,007 ..
Fairview Dairy Ass’n.................
Average yield, 11.C8 lbs. elite« I
. 259,766 ..
42,534.51 output to $20,177 05.
country, which is waiting to be developed and turned Smith Prairie Creamery../....
per 106 lbs. milk
Gain in value of cheese over 1911
. 252,314 ..
Rivers Creamery...............
Estimating unsold cheese at 16!4t I
into valuable dairy farms by those who are looking for ! Three
37 360.67 was $10,517.42 or 109 per cent; average brings the value of the yean ¡1)
. 230.766 ..
Mohler Creamery Company ...
new homes in Western Oregon.
The increase in the i Clover Leaf Creamery...................
to $41,115.58.
Thia ii 3
Factory receives 2'7 cents for $11,257.30 more than 1911 chee« ■
. 175,272
Prairie Creamery...............
amount of cheese produced in 1912 was over 600,000 Long
. 147 953 ..
23.942 20 making cheece, or $2,750.76 for the brought, a gain of nearly 38p« l
Elwood Creamery...........................
20,801 26 year.
. 125,824 ..
pounds above that manufactured the previous year. As i Cold Springs Cheese Factory...
cent in value of product.
20 177.05
In addition the factory charged
. 122,256 ..
Co-op Creamery.............
3 485 boxes of cheese maou |
to the amount of milk produced last year, the figures | Central
15,774.93 and paid 25c. per case for haul fact tired
95,958 ..
East Beaver Cheese Co.................
51,876 ..
8.324.53 ing cheese to Tillamook and l-10c
show that it went above 36,500,000 pounds, which will Blaine Creamery Com|>any
87 251 lbs. butter fat in milk, at
8.274.43 per lb. cheese made at the factor’' average of 3,836 per cent fat in milk 1
50,503 ..
Pleasant Valley Cheese Co.......
give some idea of the large number of cows pastured j A.
40,647 ..
6,721 44 during the months of March to | Average price received fcrchee«. i
O. Jacksen Factory.................
22,231 ..
3,505 12 August, both inclusive, for inspect­ 16.3c. per lb.
and milked every day in Tillamook County. This con­ I Sand Lake Creamery.....................
ing the year’s cheese.
Factory received $5,046 28 for |
clusively prove that the dairy industry in this county
Expenses for the year, deducting making cheese, or 2c. per lb. chee* 1
is making considerable progress every year. What is
Estimating on the basis of 1% cents for making cheese, the making $118.43 supplies on hand and 50
Expenses for the year, lees the.«s
for mdse sold, were $2,385.15 amount of supplies sold to patron- 9
the most remarkable feature of the cheese industry last charge around Tillamook, would bring the making charges to $56,192 57. cents
In this connection wish to say that and amount now on hand, wenj
year was a gain of $150,000 in the receipts. The re- Some of the factories, however, charge more. On the basis of 1% cents with the same volume of milk this [$4,492 59. T am sending you en-W
as last, factory could get closed an itemized expense account;3
i ipts in 1911 were a little over $500,000, while in 1912 for making cheese, patrons would have received an average nearly $1.61 season
along nicely on a making charge of Would suggest that you have sarre SH
per 100 lbs. milk. Average butter fat price, 41.3 cents per lb.
they jumped to $650,000. At this rate of increase every
2 cents per lb., not counting haul­ , checked overand also my' books,anf'S
Dated February let, 1913.
ing out of the 2 cents. On the other 1 that you select some one to attew 9
year it will not be many years before the million mark
C arl H aberlach .
hand, several factories that started to the meetings of the Creamer |
is reached.
as your company did, have contin Association.
Since we have hai ' j
ued to charge enough so that they the inspector, we have brought tlx i
Figures from some of the other factories tire as follows :
could accumulate enough money yield of cheese up considerable
Carl Ilaberlach, who is secretary-salesman for 18
Pounds Milk.
Amount. to take up the shares each stock and the reputation of our chee« ft
cheese factories, and handles more cheese than anyone Miami Valley Creamery ..
600,647 .
66,853 ..
10,656 01 holder held, with interest, over and for uniformity and quality has bee: S
99.716 1
above one share for each stockhold­ considerable increased.
on the Pacific Slope, sold $524,718.61 worth of Tilla­
810,714 .
88,198 - ..
48,161.37 er. Then they do not have to
Resources and liabilities :
mook County’s cheese, out of the total amount of $650,- Cloverdale Cheese Factory
150,454 I
... 1,367,372 .
charge enough to pay heavy divid­
Resources: Building and ground
000 This went into the markets of Oregon, California, Meda Factory ......................
j *3,659,114 .
399,925 ..
$1,825.65 ; supplies on hand, 304.25 P
Resources: Supplies on hand, patrons account, $101.68; cash:!’
Washington und other Western States. Since Mr llab- Clover Leaf Factory............
•Estimated, as the reporta are not complete.
Tillamook County Bank, #698.72; I
erlach has been associated with the Co-Operative Asso­
Bank, 687.48; Building and equir - due company for October cheese«
ciations he has handled an enormous amount of cheese
$58.60; due company for makint i
' 10.63. This was a gain of 35 100 lbs. Due for making cheese, 67.5J; total November and De'-etuber cheese ■
and entrusted with large sums of money belonging to
| cheese per 100 lbs. milk and taken $2,438 28.
$286 20. Total. $3,275.10
Liabilities: Capital stock paid in,
at the averafie price received for
dairymen in a most satisfactory manner. To show
Liabilities: Capital stock outstand
$1,050.00; Due for milk, 584.86; ing, $1,700.00.
how his work is appreciated by the different associa­ Following will be found the make 5%c. per 100 lbs. milk.
Balance, surplus, 803 42;
te 'is he keeps adding new one to his list, which is the reports of a large number of the Estimating a few cases cheese on $2.438.28.
factories, most of them being the dock, brings the year’s cheese
The factory received during tlx d
best kind of recommendation he could receive.
value to $15,774.93 Thia is an in- LONG PRAIRIE CREAMERY CO. year
furnished by Mr. Haberlach :
re ’
224,522 lbs. milk. *'
crease of 70 per cent in value over
Factory received a total of 1,574,- ceipts were as foilows : May ««¡1
BLAINE CREAMERY COMPANY. • he $9,236 75 the 1911
cheese brought. 255 lbs. of milk. This was a gatn of April, 43,623 lbs. ; June, 49,717 lbs a«! J |
r —--- T - - r **
The factory received during 1912
’ . received - 2(Jc. for
-.-.g 209,529 lbs. ever 1911, or over 22 per July, 46,255 lbs ; Au
of butter fat. which averaged 11 3c. per pound and $1.61 a total
trust, 37,769
lbs. -
of 453,768 lbs of milk. Re- cheese, ------
»-*- * being
• - $2,398.95.
cent. Monthly receipts in lbs. were, September, 23,751 lbs
lbs. ; October «,
per 1(K) pounds for milk. Last year was the ban tier year ceipts in lbs. per month follow; I am enclosing you an itemized January, 20,517; February, 24,518;
16,336 lbs.; and November, 7,08011»
not only for the large amount of milk produced but the .'lurch, 8,192; April, 49,557; Mav, expense account, showing each March, 71,397; April 1'3,633; May, This milk contained 8,678 It» I
77,728; June. 79 777; July. 74,430; item of expense or rather to whom
June, 238 898; July, 228,282; butter fat, an average of 3.806 pe
banner year for high prices. This conclusively proves August. 62 735: September, 51,724; paid. Also a list of the supplies 202,795;
August 186.4X1; September, 174,931; cent butter fat.
October, 135,651; November, 76,139,
that Tillamook County is an ideal section for dairying, 8,711.
22,231 lbs. of cheese manufacture
tester and pair of scales, as these
December, 51 082
and sold, a total of 345 boxes
where the industry is most successfully and profitably Thia milk contained 18,773 lbs. of take the place of those in the fact­ and
66 990 lbs. of butter fat in milk
Cheese sold for $3.505.12. an avei
butter fnt.
ory and should be charged to ex­
carried on.
Average butter fat. 4.255 per cent age of 15.8c. per lb. Owing to f1
Average butter fat in milk’ 4.137 pense account.
Estimating small amount of fact that the factory was open!
The Directors also installed a cheese on hand, brings total make
per cent. This is a very high aver­
A large number of the dairy men’s herds made $1(M) age,
during the season when the low
considering th»t the factory Wa er works at a cost of $74 00 and of cheese to 175.272 lbs.
prices prevailed, prices will aven
it cow last year, while some averaged far above that was only operated in the summer ceiled the factory at a cost of $18 00
Average yield, 11.13 lbs. cf cheese lower than many other factories-
«ml spring months.
amount Considering that most of the dairymen raise 51,8<6 lbs of cheese manufactur­ Advanced to patrons. $42.55; Due 2,411 boxes of cheese manufact
Factory received 2V4c. for maki
cheese, or $555.77.
Also charg
their own winter feed, this makes dairying that much ed. making 721 boxes
for cheese sold (Oct.), $13.14; due ured.
$12.36 in June for selling cheese
Cheese sold for $8,324 53, an aver company for November and De­
Estimating cheese on hand, addition to the regular maki
more profitable in Tillamook County.
age of lA05c. Tillamook. Owing to cember making. $115.22; Supplies brings total value to $28,706 60. This
the factory getting started ruth *r on hand, $144.50; Factory and is an increase of $10,59i.U over 1911. charge
I am sending you enclosed
The Nestucca Valiev country is one of the best sec­ late,
the prices will not average up ground, $1,150.4). Total. $2,009.40.
or over 58 per cent.
itemized account of the expenses!
Liabilities: Due secretary, $15.00;
tions for dairying anti produced 1,000,000 pounds of to several other*.
Factory is to received,221.91 for the year, which together with $49 (
Average yield was 11.43 lbs. of November money received.’ $309 00: making cheese.
cheese last year valued at $l(>O.(kkl
This is a splendid cheese
paid me for services in sellings^
per 100 lbs milk. I think Capital stock outstanding. $500.Oo'.
Expenses for
the year were secretary
work, made a total 4
showing for the south part of the comity, which has a '.hia is the highest yield obtained Total. $824.00.
$558.78. Also an item of $40.25 »»
bv any factory in the county.
bright future before it
Mr. Chas Kay. who was one of Butter fat payments: March
paid Ira Diamond for lumber whin
TILLAMOOK CREAMERY. the mortage, leaving $500.00 due
the pioneer dairymen of that section, estimates the 13 8c.; April. 37.6c.; May. 35c ; Juns, THE
Resources: Supplies on hand, item I charged to the factory«*
Factory received during the year $55.(10; Cush in bank, 17.59; Du»* for equipment account. Several of
*(•-.; luly, 36.4c.; August, 36c.-
output of cheese from the Nestucca Valley for the past September,
40c.; (k-fober and No'- 4,148.442 lbs. of milk. Receipts per making November and December bills, like the McNair bill, cost*'1
January, cheese. 331.20; Advanced to patrons. items which should probably &
10 years at 7,(KM).(MM) pounds.
veml.er part payments of approxi­ month iti lbs
.12,750 Ills.; February. 48.489; March, $103.60; Land and Factory, 1,250.00; properly charged to same accou*
mately 30c.
but I do not know how much tbtf
April, 456.294; May, 635,906; total, $1.757.39.
The inspector. F. W. Christensen, who is employed • There is one lot of 25 cases still 191.186;
should be so charged, so chsHP*
unpaid for. same living shipped by hine 626.622; July. 583,324; August,
by the Tillamook County Creamery Association, so that ; rail and probably still undelivered. SOI.611; September, 428,572; October; standing. 750.00; Bills Payable them to expense account.
Balance of $75.00 was paid lti_
November, 180 528. and mortage, 500.00; By balance, 507.39
a superior grade of cheese is manufactured under sani- ¡Nt-o. 01. Vl,hie of this shipment is 332.413;
December. 110,797.
bank, but when we pay patron« ■
tary conditions, supervised the making and graded the I he factory receives 2i«'c for This milk contained 159,374 lbs. total $1,757.39.
will be necessary to secure a k»'
of between $45.00 and $50 Oft •• J
making cheese, the vear'a making of butter fat, or an average of 3 84
cheese of most 01 the large factories
Last vear he amounting
per cent fat.
ELWOOD CREAMERY COMPANY the ught the cheese maker wae P*;-
to $1.167 21.
inspected a total of 3,136,807 pounds of cheese.’ which I have no record of the ex|»enae Estimating cheese on hand, The factory received during 1912 off before, but find I was mistake
the total make to 464,136 lbs a total of 1,351,081 lbs of milk, a . Resources and liabilities of “*
was disposed of ns insjH'cted cheese, and as jobbers pre­ account, as your resident secretary brings
Average yield, 11.19 lbs. cheese gain over 1911 of 167,991 lbs. or over | company are as follows :
keeps up that account.
fer that class of cheese, some of them will not buy I have deposited in the Tillamook per 100 lbs milk.
Resources ; Cash in bank $62 W
14 per cent
Monthly receipts were.
6, .too boxes of cheese manufact­ March, 41,815 lbs ; April, 118,8791bs.; due for cheese sold, $257.59. FacW
cheese which does not huve the o k of the inspector < ottnty Bank a total of $7 967 68 ured
of cheese money t»eing still
equipment. $272 77.
May. '217,134 lbs.; June 239 791 lbs
Mr. Christensen has done good service in obtaining a h.ilanee
Butter fat prices January, 48c ■ July, 221.074 lbs . August. 183,372
hie and the other living represent­
Liabilities Due patrons forDS
52.2c.; March, 55Uc.’ lbs.; September. 161.222 lbs.; Octo­ her and November milk.
much higher grade of cheese und manufactured tinder ed by cheese taken l»y patrons, the February.
patrons having taken $50 31 worth
ber, 119,799 lbs.; and November Due Haberlach for selling eatn*‘
more stringent sanitary regulations, and the associations of
Inly. 41.2c.; August, 4ft4c.; Septcm’- 4«,996 lbs
Butter fat in milq, 52.392 lbs., an
arc to be congratulated tor employing him
It ha< put
at 16c., , | average of 188 per cent fat.
. ( Estimating
. " cheese
....... . on hand
"«OIM nt
a stop to poor cheese being manufactured and dumped EAST
jesr*» output to
Estimating 89 boxes November
Factory received dm ng thia year
The factory received a total 1
Wi the market as high grade cheese To inspect ill of
for cheese on band, 147,953 lha. of 1.160.768 lbs. of miik or a gai* 1
cheese were made.
of nx«M lbs over 1 Ml. or 36 Cheese. Itk31c Tillamook, net.
the factories and grade the cheese in thj, Vountv will gain
12 per cent over 1911
I>er cent Receipts per month in making charge to $s.122.38\ ~~~ «he
10.10 lbs cheese made on an aver­
Monthly receipts in lbs. folio*
take the tittle of two
age per 100 lbs milk
.WTP: ’•«■br’inr) and March.
19.439 ; February. 2ft®‘
for the year
vear $5.850.21.
hxts n.-v«. far
Estimating November cheese on M rcb. 83.7HS; April. 149,377 ; Jg
With but a small proportion -hipped from other
107.484; September, Wk. 751»; Pctnber. »•1- 9H; Lash in |.llnk. 3.6<»i 13 SZK042.20, $7 061 over 1911 or over 41 180.055 ; June, 174 4777 ; July. 1’AJJ
Augu • 128,472; September. 10LJ*
pomts this Urge umou.it of cheese wasshipped from «‘•¡Wl; November, 90 7vi. and p». -¿"“»"'•UT * KTcr <^ober chee^ |s-r cent.
October, 74.738 ; November. 34."
*12; W heeler Lbr Co., October ,aA*er*«* ,,rice
for cheese, and Decemlier. 21,709.
fiom 1 illumook City, which is in the heart of the finest cetuber. 5, Old.
An'lr*w Christensen. 16.12c. ¡»er IK net.
This milk contained 36,190 Iba of
TN« milk contained 43,131 It*1
dairying country and grass prodiiciug section in the butter fat. or an average of 4.(M6 P r 1 J» 35; J h AHreilKellentx-raenl
Girngrr, 3.30 C F Had
2054 boxes cheese manufactured. butterfat, an average ci 3 »Mr
“ »-
Northwest, and although there are radroad facilities
I rices paid for butter fat tollo w: cent fat.
lbs. of cbee-ewerrm.de,
* •' . March, 54c ; April. 47c.; .May. 3Rc.s
125.824 lbs. of cheeer manat*
I illamook s turnons diet >v continues to be shipped by in'i^'
, 1
------- Average
V l"*1 GrOnnd’ June 38.1c; July. 3B 3c • A*, gud.
lb» cheese |>er 100 lbs. >- n
the water route.
milk. ZV
V "'■*>»«estimat •8 u September 41c., and O. t -r, lured. Average vied. 10*4 "J
per It») lbs. milk.
, J <*». i WeuH-er makinr. e*n. ■ «* •
During ion the average yield I w»«
1 •* uiateU. «¿21.50. total. IM1&31.
November cheese. of butter fat made an avera«» ‘
2.91 lbs. cheese. .343 lbs butter1
An Increase of 500,000 Pounds
in Milk and $150,000 in
Handled $3,211,004 Pounds of Cheese,
Valued at $524,718.61.
Factory Reports