No. 8574. Scientist Denies Human Pro­ gress Report of the Condition of the ROYAL First National Bank "Bid the construction Profiting by the example n(..J ‘Bid for for the construction of of perms-I perma- nent Highway,” and must be accom- national parties the Prohibition^ panied with a complete set of specifi- propose to make u stir in the on —*:—- of «a» by going into the c- cations the ».,™ type of n.vpmont pavement nro- pro- 'campaign ■ _ Coutu Arm | with a _ guaranteed fund _ of$i p ised by the bidder. The work consists of grading, pre-, I It will be new« news to moat most per«^!* perWn/ paring subgrade, ditches and shoul . learn that any money can be«r»! be ders, and constructing a hard-surface in m a dry campaign. road from the North boundary of Tilla­ mook City to Sta.---------------- 0” t*1« Senators O’Gorman and New|aiA road running North from Tillamoos do not quite agree with Sena7 City to Bav City, Oregon; also from Root as to our unquestionable ® I the East boundary of Tillamook City ligation to arbitrate with cjrt_ East to.the P. R. & N. Railroad on the Britian our canal pol'cy. > road running East from Tillamook City hold that the law of self defend to Fairview. The plans on file in the supreme, that we built the canal- office of the County Clerk show the self defense against trail-portatJ location, alignment, profile and grades; monopoly, and that we are co» and the contractor is to submit his own nelled to manage it so a« to seen, specifications covering the type of the object of its creation. roadway proposed to be constructed. Each bid must be accompanied by a «I •ft * * Mk 4b- dtfei certified check on a bank of Tillamook Co. or a Postofflce money order, in a sum not less than ten per cent of the amount of the bid, made payable to the County; such check or money order to be forfeited to Tillamook County by li. the successful bidder in case he fails, within 20 days of the date of the award of contract, to furnish acceptable bonds The vaiaec? family re. in the full amount of the contract cipes for cough and cold price for the faithful completion of the contract and the payment of all cure, liniments, tonics and labor, material, mens and sub-contract­ other remedies have u or claims thereunder. The Board re- j careful attention here ai serves the right to reject any and all | bids. the most intricate prescrip­ Dated this February 5, 1913. tions. Board of County Commissioners of Tillamook Co., Oregon, Our fresh, high grade By J. C. Holden, County Clerk. Alfred Russell Wallace, the '* grand old man of science** in of Tillamook England, who last month celebrated hie With birthday in a notable inter­ at Tillamook in the State of Oregon, at view for the London Daily News took an extremely severe view of the close of business February 4. 1913. the present Status of the so-called Dollar«. RESOURCES. civilization. He said hr had come to the general conclusion that there Loans and Discounts............. 71,295,36 hud been “ no advance either in in­ Overdrafts, secured and un­ tellect or morals from the day* of 59,45 secured ........................... . the earliest Egyptians and Syrians U. S. Bonds to secure circu ­ down to the keel laying of the latest lation .................................... 25,000.00 dreadnought." He admitted that Other Bonds to secure Postal there had been a general accumu­ The only Baking Powder made lation of human knowledge, but for Savings ............................... 6,217.50 200 00 all that '' we are no more clever from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Premiums on U. S. Bonds... thn-i tin- ancients," Reviewing 19,286.66 Bonds, Securities, etc ........... the social and industrial environ­ NO ALUM, NO UME PHOSPHATE Banking House, Furniture, ment during the period of his own and Fixtures ...................... 2,537,15 life, Wallace said " What pro­ gress has been made ? In every Other Real Estate owned... 5,239.92 detail of that progress, throughout Due from State and Private all the great mercantile the manu­ Banks and Bankers, Trust facturing operations, abominable Companies, and Savings proved to be the light ship off vice going on, every kind of cruelty Three Men in a Boat Banks................................... 2,641.40 Columbia bar and the Henrietta .>•< the poor and the children, adul­ elipped along aside and laid to Due from approved Reserve teration everywhere in every com­ Agents................................. 35,073.86 Gentle reader, did you ever go while the little etare twinkled and modity and lies everywhere Every 84,16 deep sea fishing ? Did you ever blinked and kept watch over the Checks and other Cash Items thing is us bad as it can possibly out over a harbor bar where > cnii#er*until the dawn of another Exchanges for clearinghouse 224.09 be. Tilers exist in our midst ho.-- ‘ cruse rore never known before and dread the water* of the mighiy Pacific : day. And the friends—Parente, broth­ Notes of other National fill diseases never known before, was calm like the surface of a plate 935.00 Banks................................... and yet nothing ia ever dune. There­ mirror- Did you ever dance merrily I erg, mothers, sister», wives and Fractional Paper Currency, fore, 1 declare that from top to in a little beat out to where the sweethearts especially—bemoaned 171.99 Nickels, and Cents ........... bottom our whole social environ Groupers group and fish and catch, the absence of the loved ones out Lawful Money Reserve in inent is rutton and full of vice and and, fish and in your fiendish greed On the high sea. Bank, viz: everything that is bad, and until for “finny fortune” and fun until) And so it came to pass that every Specie................... 16,757.75 •election comes in and a tho ough you’d clear f igotten the bar was lighthouse and life station between drugs will help to make getting rough? Well the Henrietta Tillamook was spoke by telephone Legal-tender Notes 205.00 16,962.75 weeding out takes place, rottenness Highway, Tillamook County, Oregon. these remedies more effec­ until the gallant life savers spoke Redemption fund with U. S. aid vice und budne»» will coo­ and her crew and passengers did I tive than ever. lin' -." Nevertheless, in a later The log shows that the passengers pie Henrietta—and reported all is Treasurer (5 per cent of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.' r. i lurk the old man, with a chuckle, were Mr Frank Ilanenkratt, Doc well, but every passenger sick So circulation).......................... 1,250.00 Notice is hereby given that sealed •aid lie did not think the outloua Monk, Mr. Stevens and two ladies ends the romance of the trip, Right prices are al» who were so seasick the writer will was hopeless. Total......................... 187,179.29 bids will be received by the board of assured. not inentiun their nume». Captain ' Dollars. County Commissioners of Tillamook LIABILITIES. Jenkins on the bridge anil 'Big” i President Ripley asserts that the Oregon, until 1 o’clock, the Methodist Minister Recommends Mutton Minton before the mast railroads are still in their infancy. Capital stock paid in............. 25,000.00 County, mast, 6th day of March, 1913, for the furnish­ Chamberlain's C ough Re uedy. The bar became so tough the The farmers claim that farming is 4,000.00 ing of all material except as otherwise Rev. James A. Lewis, Milaca, master put out to sea anil stood by­ in its infancy. When these two Surplus fund.......................... suecified, and all labor, necessary for CLOUGH, Minn., writes: ‘‘Chamberlain's until long after darkness had set youngsters attain theirgrowth there Undivided Profits, less Ex­ 404.42 the construction of the improvement penses and Taxes paid.... C ough Remedy bus been u needed tied over the sea and most all good will be something doing. mentioned below; said work to be done Reliable Druggist. an 1 welcome guest in our home for Tillaitiookers were wrapped in the j Utah is the first state to select a National Bank Notes Out­ strictly in accordance with the plans 25.000.00 and specifications approved and on file ii number of years. I highly recoin arms of Morphus. standing........................ . woman to carry the el*ctoral vote * The savers at the Life Station at to Washington, after helping by Due to State and Private mend it to my fellows as being a in the office of the County Clerk and medicine worthy of trial in cases of Garibaldi thought they heard u her ballot to decide it. There have 1.327.22 also in the office of the County Survey­ Banksand Bankers ........... colds, coughs mid c roup ” Give signal gun and put about to rescue been in Utah a wide departure from Dividends unpaid.................. 30.00 or. Chamber ain’s Cough Remedy a the crew and passengers but were the views of Joseph Smith and ' Bids must be addressed "Board of trial und we are confidant you will assured by the master that the Brigham Young on the status of Individual deposits subject to check............................... 123,021.80 Commissioners of Tillamook County" x. liud it effectual mid continue tu use ship was in no danger and that the 1 American women. and the envelope marked “Bid for the it as occasion requires for years to distress signal they thought that ■ Demand certificates of de­ Construction of Section B of the E. E. • /] come, us many others have done they heard was only Frank Hanen- 1 Under the new parcel post law 3,793.65 posit ..................................... kiatt making emphasized pronoun the postmaster general, in conjunc­ Time certificates of deposit.. 4,068.53 Cross County Road.” For sale by all dealers. The work consists of clearing right ciution of the nume of u great city—: tion with the Interstate Commerce 20.00 of way, grading, preparing subgrade, New York. Commiaaion, has extensive power Certified checks.................... ditches and shoulders, and building all As the Henrietta headed north to revise details according to the Postal Savings Deposits .... .................................. $513.67 513.67 bridges and trestles from Station 43 x one of the fair passengers sighted i results of experience. The Ameri­ 0 near the Hebo Store, to Station 559 the light house off Tillamook Head can people will consider themselves 187,179.29 x 01.6 as per plans and specifications Total...................... und approached Doc Monk, who a committee of the whole on the now on file in the office of the County was diligently casting his bread subject. State of Oregon, Clerk and also in the office of the upon the waters and catching Doc County of Tillamook, ss ' County Surveyor. Bidder to submit between spasms asked, “Has the I, Wm. G. Tait, President of the bid for construction of each mile sep­ moon come up yet?" and Doc an above-named bank, do solemnly swear arately ; also for construction of entire swered saying, ‘ Well, madam, I Tillamook Lodge, that the above statement is true to ths road. ever remember eat'ng anything The road runs from Hebo toward that tasted like a moon, but if I did best of my knowledge and belief. Dolph, up Three Rivers, and is partly with the problem of buyng Harnes it cameupuiore than an limit ago " . No. 1260, WM. G. TAIT, a reconstruction of the old road. and out upon the darkness of the ( you will find it distinctly advanti Each bid must be accompanied by a geons to come and do your select, the mighty sea, bawled Capt. ’ President. L.O.O.M. check on a bank of Tillamook ing here. You will get the be leukiiis through his trumpet, ! Subscribed and sworn to before me certified County, or a P. O. money order, in the qualities, the most thorough a» “Avast there, go forward and heave , Will Meet at K.P, Hall, this 10th day of February, 1913. sum not less than 10 per cent of the conscientious workmanship and* up an anchor.” Now who ever] amount of the bid. made payable to the charged the most reasonable price ROLLIE W. WATSON, heard of a person heaving up an , Friday. February 21, 1913, 1 anchor ? Anything else, every thing Notary Public. County ; such cheek or money order to We can supply single or dout» be forfeited to Tillamook County by at 7:30 pan. The Charter else tint an anchor Then Mrs. | or any single article that ya CORRECT—Attest: the successful bidder, in case he fails Sets ---- in an upper berth asked her' may be in need of. will surely close on this B. C. LAMB, within 20 days of the date of award of husband to please throw up u j PAUL SCHRADER, the contract to furnish acceptable comforter to which he replied, [ date. bonds in the full amount of the con­ “DFar, why do you make such un­ J. C. HOLDEN. tract price for the faithful completion reasonable requests when you know S. W. GREENE, Directors. of the contract and the payment of all I had nothing like that for supper. ’ I Director. Next Door to Tillamook Ccuetv Bit! And the lookout in the nest far Highway, Tillamook County, Oregon. labor, material men’s and sub-con­ tractor’s claims thereunder. aloft cried out, “A light,” which • Bidders will be required to deposit NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Every last dish we have $5.00 with the County Clerk to insure Notice is hereby given that sealed in the store. the return of the plans and specifica­ bids will be received by the Board of tions. County Commissioners of Tillamook We are not going to Report of the Condition of the The Board reserves the right to re­ County. Oregon, until 1 o’clock the 6th handle this line any more, day of March, 1913, for the furnishing ject any or all bids. Dated this 5th day of February, 1913. hence this sale. of all materials, except as otherwise Spend your money in your Board of County Commissioners of rpecified, and all labor, necessary for home town. That is the wayto' The prices are low, in At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close the ccnstruction of County, Tillamook the improvement ___________ By J. C. Holden, County Clerk. make this place a better one «nd fact they are so low that if of hiieitiPSfc Pehrnorv -tail . mentioned below, said work to be done OI DUSineS8 rtDruary 4tn, 1913. ¡strictly in accordance with the plans a more prosperous community. | you are going to need any I and specifications approved, and now Highway, Tillamook County, Oregon. Every Dollar Spent fcr| dishes in the next two on file in the office of the County Clerk, __________ _ RESOt'KCES. and also in the office of the County Long-Range Tailoring is» years, you can not afford Loans mid discounts ............. Surveyor. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. $ 264,215.03 to let this sale slip by. Overdrafts, secured mid unsecured I Bids must be addressed, “ Board of Blow to a Local Industry- Notice is hereby given that sealed 327.45 County Commissioners of Tillamook bids w’ll be received by the Board of Bonds and warrants............. ................. We sell them in any •• 42,284.66 Every dollar spent for a mer County, " and the envelope narked, County Commissioners of Till-! Stocks and other securities................... (piantity from one piece up 332.34 “Bid - fo .’or the Construction of Section A. amook County Oregon, until 1 o’clock, I chant tailored garment employe Banking house ............................................. of C the Garibaldi— Wheeler County the 6th day of March, 1913, for the a local workman, thereby im 29,051.34 so if you care to fill in ou Road. ’’ Bidder to submit separate furnishing of all materials, except as Furniture and fixtures......................... .. 1.” 3,200.15 any items you are short of, bids for construction of road from sta otherwise specified, and all labor, nec­ proving our local prosperity and Other real estate owned 4,500.00 538 plus 04.4 to M.ll; from M 11 to sta. essary for the construction of the im­ insuring to you better valut you can do st). Hue from banks (not reserve banks) 1,431.22 640 plus 97.76; from Sta. 649 plus 97.76 provement mentioned below, said work Have your next suit made Due from approved reserve batiks Boarding Houses, to Sta. 675 plus 31.4; also for con­ to be done strictly in accordance with Tillamook by • 73,289.45 Checks and other cash items ............... struction of entire road. the plans and specifications approved Restaurants, 452.34 The work consists of clearing right and now on file in the office of the Cash on hand .................................. J. WM EDWALL, 27,257.58 1 lotels, of way, grading, preparing sub-grade, County Clerk, and also in the office of Other resources.......................................... 247.38 ditches and shoulders, and building all the County Surveyor. Take Notice. MEN’S AND LADIES’ TAILOR bridges and trestles from Station 538 x Bids must be addressed, "Board of TILLAMOOK, ORE- 04.42 on the North boundary of County Commissioners of Tillamook Total $446,588.94 Brighton, to Station 675 x 31.4 in the County, ’ ’ and the envelope marked, See Our Windows _________________ ________ LIABILITIES. town of Wheeler, as per plan.-, and “Bid for the Construction of the specifications now on file in the office Netarts County Road." Bidder tosub- (. iipital stock paid in .... of the County Clerk and also in the mit^separate bids for construction of* $ 75,000.00 Surplus fund ................................ . ......... office of the County Surveyor. road from Station 157 plus 25 to Station 5 500.00 Each bid must be accompanied by a 203 plus 65?3? I ndivided profits, less expenses mid total paid 65.3; ’ from Stat-on 203 plus 221.89 certified check on a bank of 'lillamook 65.3 c— to " 7. 7 from ___ 2_ M. ______ M. 5; 5 to 324 plus93.2- 917.50 County, or P. O. money order, in the also for construction of entire^i-oocL entire road. *' I sum not less than 10 per cent of the 744.38 _The The work ^consists consists of clearing right i amount of the bid, made payable to of way, preparing subgrade 1 i -■ — grading, ,--- —’ |--*K —---K .'UUKlilUt 5,0011.00 the County; such check or money ditches, and shoulders, from Station Station' 234,732.51 order to be forfeited to Tillamook 157 lo7 plus 25 to Station 324 plus 93.2 as ! 17,291.74 County by the successful bidder, in per plans and specifications specification» now on file 1 case he fails w-thin 20 days of the date in the office of the County Clerk, and i 4.044.87 of award of contract to furnish accept­ also in the office of the Countv Sur Sur- ­ i 38 564 yo able bonds in the full amount of the veyor. vevor. ‘ 04.571 35 contract price for the faithful com­ Lach .^ bid by a ’3 must be accompanied bv pletion of the contract, and the pay certified check on a i bank of Tillamook Total ment of all labor, material men’s and County, or a P. O. money order, in a $446,588.94 sub-contractor ’s, claims thereunder. sum not less than 10 per cent of the State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. Bidders will be required to deposit amount of the bid, made payable to I. Erwin Harrison, Cnshter of the above named bank do $5.00 with the County Cleric to insure the county; such check or money order I Latest Prices on aoleninly swear that the ahove statement is true tn th . ? . , the return of the plans and specifica­ to be forfeited to Tillamook County by tions. the successful bidder in case he fails i Tungsten (Mazda The Board reserves the right to re­ within 20 days of the date of award of Sutiacrilied and sworn to U-f.-rr me thi. l’hh ,l„ p t ject any or all bids. Now is the time contract to furnish acceptable bonds I LAMPS. rmiry. 1913 I R Beals, Notan I’uLl " ' ‘,n> °f beb- Dated this 5th day of Feburary, 1913. in the full amount of the contract* 15 watts 9 * Board of County Commissioners of brice for the faithful completion of the to have that J watt* ,c.,1 H.l»rtwl., IH«. Tillamook County. contract and the payment of all labor, 40 watts JI By J. C. Holden, County Clerk. material men s and sub-contractors group picture ma I claims thereunder. UP watte .« Permaeent Highway, Tillamook wil1 ** ’■«’juiced to deposit 1(0 watts L« go.00 with the County Clerk to insure Cousty, Oregon. Frosted Lumps five cent* ettrs I rt us show you our •the return of the plans and specifics- lions. Effective October llth. •pevial