TillamooR Headlignt, February 13, Summons. 1 25 Boss Turner ............ ................. ................. 17 50 Oscar Tittle......... 5 00 In the Circuit Court of t'le State of I The Board of County Commie A. M. Austin .......... ................. ................. 40 UU ¿.¡Oregon for Tillamook County. sioners composed of County Judge M. H. Callahan Department No. 2 ......... . 20 00 B. Hill, Mason and Commissioners Farmer Andrew Anderson.. ................. 2 00 Plaintiff, 2 <1J and Edner, met last week and Guy Vaughn ............. .............. v*. ................ 1 00 transacted the following business ; Emil Larson ......... ................ 13 00 Frederick Briody, John R Funk | In the matter of the application C Krebs, W. G. Willett, F. Redding ............... ............... 6 (X) of Johan Ericksen for a saloon F. Geo G. Willett. Oscar Blazer ................... 2 50 license in Nehalem precinct, the W Johnson ............. ........... Lion. Cart Johnson 3 25 •a me was granted. Chas. P. Nelson, W. Y Beaser ................... ................ 50 G. Dwight, F. R The bond of J M. Bakeras super­ O. Monson... ........ ................ 9 OO Beale, H. C Ellis, J. visor of R D. No. 3, was approved, C D. Samuels . .. ............... 18 75 J. Ge-, Ixiuise P. The bond of J. C. Holden, with Frank Dye ........... ...... 16 OO I.ockwood and H. B. 16 OO ¡lie United States Fideli yand Guar­ J. H. Tucker ........... iAX’kwood, J. F |en-| anty Co , as security, was pproved Amos Vaughn........... ............... 11 55 kins. Defendants. J 7 75 The bond of the County School T. Haugan................. Superintendent was fixed at $5,LW. Jess Earl ..................... ............... 15 0J To the defendant, J. J. Gee : In the name of the State of Ore- ........... .... 12 09 In the matter of advertising for Albert Olds 9 70 1 gon, you are hereby required to ap­ bids for roads the County Clerk Henry Scheid .......... ............... pear and answer the complaint Road Disirict No. 3 was ordered to call for bids for the 2 OC filed against you in the above en­ Cross road, the Garibaldi Wheeler A. Arstell.................................... 1 00 titled Court and cause, oa or before road, the Netarts road and also for Alick Imlah ......................... . . 1 co the Sixth day of March, 1913, and if {wiving road from the Eastern limits Jimes Imlah ......................... 22 50 you fail to answer, for want there­ of Tillamook City to the P. R & N. Martin Jenk .............................. 1 .->0 of, the plaintiff will apply to the and from the Northern limits of the E. E. Rowland ........................ 1 ao Court for the relief prayed for io city on what is known as the Bay I. T Moon.................................. Nils Haglund........................... 1 .->0 his complaint herein, to-wit: City road. That the mortgage described in 25 5 09 Frank Kumm ........................... W. T. Bodyfelt work............ 12 75 plaintiff’s complaint be foreclosed Pacific Tel. Co ........................... K. ss H. D. Beckwith......................... and that the premises described in 11 50 Tillamook Electric Light Co 5J 52 Frank Wilson............................. said complaint be sold to satisfy Bobby Burns ........................... 2 00 Tillamook Water Works.......... 5 co John Darling ........................... 1 75 the same, and that the proceeds of Burrough's Adding Machine Rufus Wiggins ...'. ........ .. 8 75 sale be applied in payment of the 50 00 Co. ............................. a .................. Clarence Dunn ......................... 1 12 amount unpaid and owing to the •£> Central Sash & Door Co ........ 2 69 45 plaintiff on said mortgage and the Glass & Prudhomme Co.,inch 5 1 uo T. R. Wilson ........................... 1 92 notes secured thereby, to-wit : the Glass & Prudhomme Co., meh 9 25 John Weiss ............................... 6 50 , sum of Sixteen Hundred Forty 3 00 Ernest Larsen.......... .............. Tillamook Herald, printing 2 501 ($1-040) Dollars, with interest there- ....................... King & Smith Co , meh.......... 25 10 Ernest Baker 3 iKj on at the rate of Seven per cent per ... 50 Oscar Taggart ......... Myrtle O. Mills, type writing. 3 00 annum from the 14th day of May, Fred Affolter.............................. B. F. Barrett, reporter’s fee 2 oo ar,d that y°u be barred and Walter Affolter ....................... taking evidence, Myer’s g 00 foreclosed of all rights, claim, or case ............................................. 25 00 John Affolter............................. 37 60 e Mui ‘ y °f redemption io said pre- B. F. Barrett, type writing .. 11 00 Godsev Ayer ............................. 126 00 uiises and every part thereof ; and Ira Diamond ........................... Williamsport Wire Rope Co., 10 50 *hat plaintiff recover hie costs and 12 85 U S Edwards ......................... meh............................................. 5 00 disbursements ‘ incurred herein. Clyde Lane ........................... A. G Beale Lumber Co , lum­ That this summons is served 1 25! yon you K ber ................................................ 39 21 Mart Lane................................. publication in the 1 25 ¡’’»ou y°u by b. E. A. Lane .............. .............. Fred H. Minick, work at lillamook Headlight, by order of ............................... 2 50 ------ 97 20 Roy Riley Court House ............... Hon. Wm. Galloway, the Judge of ............ 2 50 59 50 M. O'Hara ........... .. II. Crenshaw, meals the above named Court, dated on U. S. Edwards ................... .. 6 00 H. Crenshaw, board of 75 the 13th day of January, 1913, the 16 42 Willie Webb.............................. prisoner ....................... 5 40 first publication to be on the 23rd Tillamook Feed Co., meh.... li 05 U. S. Edwards ......................... ................... 5 50 of January, 1913 and you are re­ 7 05 L T. Edwards J. C. Holden, express 4 50 quired to appear and answer on or II 25 R. A. Sear y ........................... City Transfer Co....................... 7 25 bef re the Sixth day of March, 1913. Barthold-Barg Co, meh. .. 32 55 Lester Edwards. ....................... J as . G. H eltzel , L. T. Edwards........................... 10 50 M. Thomas, removing dead Attorney for Plaintiff. 25 20 horse............................................. io a» V. S, Edwards................. ... Ulyssis Edwards ................. 6 75 Bertha Hansen, eighth grade 2 50 9 00 Harold Ladd............................. expenses........................... S. LAMAR, DRUGGIST, 13 20 J 9 00 J. Lewallen .............................. Lillian M Buel, ditto ... 00 Claude Lewallen ......... 7 DESERVES PRAISE. » 00 Mary L. White, ditto.... F(ed Lewallen....................... . . 8 0.) County Poor. J. S. Lamar, druggits, deserves 16 50 2 17 Claude Lane ........................... W. D. Gladwill .............. 5 00 praise from Tillamook City, Ore., 3 05 Lucious Lane............................. Tillamook Meat Co..... 12 00 people for intorducing here the . 1 95 i i A. S Lane............................ Ray & Co 7 00 buckthorn bark M. Dudrey and T. Morita In­ Wallace Warren....................... and glycerine L. r ~ I Will Peacock ............................... 5 00 mixture, known as Adler-i-ka. This quest. 3 00 ' W. Thomas ............................... s J. Cotton, stenographer .. 10 00 3 00 simple German remedy first be­ 1 00 Janies Thomas............................. Henry Jordan 2 00 came famous by curing appendicti* 1 00 1 Ola Lane................. ....................... H. C. Randle.. 4 00 and it has now been discovered that ✓ 1 (X) Joe Price ...................................... W. E. Knight 3 00 1 (Ml R. Thomas.................................... W. R. Conlee . relieves sour 1 00 A SINGLE DOSE 1 00 M. Thomas ............................... 8. J. Cotton .. 1 00 stomach, gas on the stomach and 1 05 P Thomas ................... ............ W. A. Davis 1 50 constipation INSTANTLY. 1 50 Henry White................. .......... J. H. Rankin 2 50 1 50 J. D. Pearson............................... J. E Shough 1 oo; 1 50 Frank Schmeltzer....................... W. M. Conley. W S. Skelton, a merchant at Stan­ 38 00 1 50 Lee I.yster....................... ............. M. Nishionura 57 Roy Trout ..................................... 20 ley, Ind , says he would not take 1 50 K. Okawa .... à 50 $100.09 for the relief a single box of 12 40 J Holgate..................................... w C. Hawk... 3 (X) Foley Kidney Pills gave him. “I Roy Woods........................... ... John Johnson, inquest. 8 59 had a severe attack of kidney c 80 A. A. Imlah............................... W. C. Hawk ................................. 4 00 Jim Imlah ................................... 29 75 trouble with sharp pains through S. J. Cotton................................... Will Gage..................................... 12 50 my hack and could hardly straight Justice Court. 6 25 en up. A single box of F'oley Pills 5 70 John Imlah................................... E. W. Stanley, Hogan case .. 3 75 entirely relieved me.” 1 io Carl Curl ..................................... W. Powell, ditto....................... 3 25 3 00 C. H. Barker................................. E. W. Stanley, drawing jury. Don’t You Believe it 3 251 D L Shrode ditto.................. 3 oo B. H. Barker ............................... 1 75 I Some say that chronic constipa- 3 IJO John Borba................................... .... W. C. King, ditto ‘ 1 75 tion cannot be cured. Don’t you E. Borba...*................ .................. Salaries. 1 50 believe it. Chamberlain's Tablets John Borba, Jr........................... 33 J. E Reedy, veterinary........ 1 00 have cured others— why not you? R. Y. Blalock ............................. 45 W. Bodyfelt ............................... 8 00 Give them a trial. They cost only R B. McClay......................... 52 G R. Edner ............................... 8 00 a quarter. For sale by all dealers. J. R. Lowrance..................... ... 83 W. S. Buel................................... 3 00 Joe Lowrance......................... .. 59 il. M. Farmer........................... 1 25 Chas. Baker................................. Homer Mason ........................... The Best Cough Medicine. 3 50 Fred Lyeter ................................ W B. Aiderman..................... "I have used Chamberlain's 6 12 F. S. Foster................................... R. L. Shreve............................... oo Wilbur Booth ............................. 7 62 Cough Remedy ever since I have C. A. Johnson ........................... 1 00 been keeping house,” says L. C. 33 H. Nordstrom ......................... B. L. Beals ....................... ... “I con­ 3 60 Hames, of Marbury’, Ala 00 H. Tohl.......................................... O. G. Swenson ............... .... at Cloverdale Tel Co..................... 5 15 sider it one of the best remedies 1 H. Crenshaw............................. 3 25 ever used. My children have all 00 J G. Brink & Son ..................... Vida Rogers ............................. taken it and it works like a charm. Miscellaneous. Roads. 33 J. C. Holden ............................. A. K. Case ............................. 56 65 For colds and whooping cough it is K. Milla ....................................... King A Smith Co ..................... (XI N excellent.” For sale by all dealers D. F. Thompson ..................... 5 20 Hiner & Son................................. J. M. Baker ............................... 1 90 R L Shreve Surveying U. G. Jackson ......................... 172 69 7 50 A. Golstrom........................ School Report. 3 75 T. H. Harrison ....................... 6 -5 Whitman Lamb....................... Diet. No. 57. For month of Janu- Geo. J. Poysky......................... 155 25 ary. 43 50 R. B. Haye................................... Number of days taught 20. Road District No. 1. Keeps both rider Number of pupils enrolled 27. 20 80 Clarence Edner ........................ Number of pupils absent but not and saddle perfecHydry. 8 L0 W. M. Walker........................... 2 25 tardy 8. Jack Leight ............................... Made for rough wear and tardy but not Number of pupils 3 25 W. Archie................................... I long service in tbe writes t 2 40 absent 1. R. Kennedy ................................ Number of pupils neither absent M M. Mead cal bottle Beer, 6doz. quarts 10.00 Kentucky Dew, H gal., bottled in bond....................................... 2 15 Local bottle Beer, 10 dot. pints 11.00 Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled in bond......................................... 75 Budwieer Beer, 6 do«, quarts $15.09 John Dewar A Sons, Old Scotch Whiskey......................................... 1.50 Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pints 18 OO Old style La uger Beer, 10 uoz pt 11.00 Black A White, Old Scotch Whiskey ....................................... 1.50 V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey 1.75 Sandy Macdonald's Old Scotch White Port, Old Monk Brand, Whiskey ................. ................. 1.75 $1 00 per gsl Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch Port Wine...................... 1.00 per gill. Whiskey........................... .......... Sherry ................................ l.tx) per gnl. Canadian Club................... ............. Claret ................................... 75c. per gal. I. W. Harper..................................... Angelica............................. 1 00 per gal Harvester Old Style....................... Zenfendel ............... . 1.25 per gnl Monogram....................................... Tokey.................................... 1.25 per gal. Kentuck Dew.................................. Billie Taylor, fu full quart........... Coronet Dry Gin per bottle Monogram .................... per gal. A.V.H. Gin......... per bottle White Corn Whiskey, per gnl Gordon Sloe Gin per bottle Harvester Ohl Style ..per gal. Gordon Dry Gin per bottle McBrayer, 13 years old. per gnl. Rock and Rye... per bottle Echo Spring ................ per gnl El Bart Gin ........ Chestnut Grove Rye. .per gal. Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle Kentuckey Dew . . per gal. Port Wine .................... per quart Alcohol.... ................. per gal. (M Cornet Dry Gin............ per gal. BOTTLE GOODS ARL HABERLACH Tillarn > -vk Q.EORGE WILLEX., A ttokney - at -L aw . Tillamook Commercial Building. Domestic Beers. T illamook - O keoon . BO ALS, M.D, WINES. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. WHISKEYS. M. KER RON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook Block, 'Pillami ok, AT .. Oregon. yy. C. HAWK, BILLY STEPHENS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER. COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE E SURGEON, PHYSICIAN & BAY CITY, OREGON. Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint. R. BK A LS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. h . GOVNE A ttokney - at L aw . LAMB-S:1 u'e in almost every township in the United States west of the New England States—and it wi.l , ay you to drive an extra ten miler, if need be, to see and cr.refnlly examine the Cracl Majtttie —the range with a reputation—bnilt on honor— uf tbe best materials — before investing your money in a range of any kind. Yon don't buy a range every day, or indeed, every year, and when yon do, you want the best your money can procure— that’s the • Pcutaclier ffij Tillamook Block, T illamcxjk j Great Majestic Malleable and O A Charcoal Iron Half Yaw Fwl I CO < fregón fnu awake willi a tUCffr r«tMto taele in the mouth, which r-r.tsnd» you that your stomach u in a fad «onditson. It should also retnixl you that there is nothing s .'ood tor a disnrriereti ilnmr h as Chamberlain’s Stomach ana Li”«r Tablets. • AA U, Tu SWv Tes TYuCr•«!<•»< h^ruruarat En» Put 1a s k-af* McNAIR • \ Morning Reminder, Af•».«»♦ Tka IL » Iftrrmsing the «tr^nirth and wmr of a Graaf ><•/••(<* owar« than . m » f at a m * >r t whara othar ran<*>a «r» oui a U> '»jatra abuat U.»a Laiuf*. ALEX. D.V.M., Tillamoo» T ha r •».th Phonre). ’ a‘r rrta In. Ta>«i V ♦ balf fuc! In ran<"Ti ior la-inp Ail Copprr fteaervaîr E. O kboom . veterinary a W i IMI TWw OviiMry Raarw J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, • They build up th» ijiluir. •*•!>* rxture »Mbturol «oridttuma, «4 mi p-Mlff b» fh-vmrtxm cm* h -**1/ '«ab irrwM » WlNffM WRPV n