t nilamook Headlight, February 13, i®i>. HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight I WILL GIVE A WA Y, absolutely without cost, the CLAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shown fielou,. This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at Mason, Pen­ nington U Co. ’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting advertising ™' amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful I pright PARLOR GRAND I IAIN (J. How to Get Vote Tickets. How to Get Vote Tickets * With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON & CO.’s STORE votes will be giveu—ioo votes FOR EVERY DOLLAR’S WORTH PURCHASED. Votes in tile same proportion will also be given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent ’s Clothing and Furnishing, Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be May I, 1913. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get tliem to pay it and secure votes. ,n-‘ The’Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper I of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years | have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads 3 and other improvements. NOMINATION BLANK. Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest. Cut this Coupon out and bring to Mason, Pennington & Co It will Count 100 Votes. With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook a Headlight accompanied by $1 50 in cash, 5,000 votes will 1 be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can ”1 pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes.onj job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job S advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla. 1 tnook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook. Headlight, and •*] they will be glad to give you the votes »vheu they pay any I of their accounts. But the best way'to get votes is to gt: subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so 1 much greater for subscription than for anything else. Yon | will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the I Headlight if you try. Closes May 1, 1913. Good for 2,000 Votes, No. 1 Name of Contestant will not be known. 2, No name of candidates will be pub­ lished. 3,, Every Contestant gets 2,000 votes to start with. 4, Every Contestant gets a Dumber. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight. ♦3. All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­ ten on. S Tie Votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. 9. Color of Certificates will be changed each month and must be recorded before change. 1U Votes are transferable only before recording. 11, Contestant having the largest number of vote« on May 1, 1913. wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT UORTH WORKING FOR. I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these 2000 votes, to my credit. Name P.O Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. 7 Advertising Rates. should lie reformed mid turned into boosters. Probably they »»•ere "inspired” to knock be­ First Insertion, per line $ 10 5 cause some few persons felt so Klich subsequent insertion, line bad politically that they had a Business and professional curds, 1 month .................................. 1 co grouchy, ill-tempered feeling. r «a» Homestead Notices................... Timber Claims ............... 10 (!) Locals per line each insertion 5 Displa»' advertisement, an indi, 1 month .............................. 50 Ail Resolutions of Condolence and lodge Notices, 3c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, ..... mmiiniin rate, 2.V. not exceed ing five lines. L. eoal A dvertisements : different kinds have been put to the test. Judge Renders Decisions Circuit Judge Percy R. Kelly who 1 took several cases under advi.se- men! at the November term, lias 1 handed down decisions as follows : In the Hadley ve. Hadley case, an ordsr was made overruling de­ fendants motion to dismiss and dismissing Mr. Nolan’s petition to 1 be permitted to proceed with the case in the name of plaintiff. In the case of M. S. Copeland vs. Nehalem Coal Company, the judge ordered that Copeland recover $13,070.90 ; that C. A. Pearson and Paul Schrader jointly recover $604.96 ; that H. So ieriund ecover the sums of $381.14 and $599.64; that Paul Schrader personally recover $869.33. j In the Cheboygan Timber Coin- 1 pany vs. Hays, the judge found for the plaintiff. ! * Port Bonds Accepted by ti S Government. ____ . Notice has been received in Why all this agitation and I city that the War Department t :| child’s play and additional ex­ • accepted the bonds of the Fi: j| pense about the street pave- National Bank, of Cleveland, as-/;S curity for the $407,000 to be raK® merit ? What good wasaccom- by the Port of Bay City fo sect 51 plished bv some of our citizens * the appropriation by the gove 3 hiking out to Portland ? And I inent for bar arid harbor irnpror J »vhat good »vili be accomplished merits. Following this, comes . announcement that Senator Bound] by bringing ill different persons ’ has introduced an aniemlmectgB to look »vise ? It is time the the river and harbor appropnS City Council cut all this foolish tion bill making the Tillamook IkijJ ness out and was getting down 1 improvement a continuous contra^H 'live means that the $100,000dH to business and not allow those preprinted at the last cession S who are endeavoring to stand 1 congress is available and tlier J off the contractors to do so any ' HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. mainder of the money is secure*B (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) longer. It is npt a fair way of for this work The Senator winM I he T H. Potter Realty Co. One year.......... 1 5o the Port of Bay City asking j doing business, especially as the , Six months.... 75 will pay about $7,000 in taxes know the approximate time ti dl city is amply protected with a 4 hrre inuntli» 50 this year and Bayocean is still bonds could be placed in the bam ■ guarantee and a bond that the Vessel Stranded on Nshale 1 about how long before the mow j without a wagon road Is that contractors will make good any Entered as second clues mail mat would he ready as the senate «'is <1 North Spit. tvr July. 1888, tit the post office at fght anil just to keep on tax­ ed to make »he same terms a*inti j defects. We understand that rilhiiitook, Ore., umler the act ol ing an enterprising undertak­ The new gasolene schooner Mi : Nehalem project as regards t '■ some of our citizens signed the 'larch 3. 18*9. rene of Portland, loaded with bond security to make certain ti 1 ing mid then deprive it of a way petition for the city council to 1 freight for this port, was grou -.tied 1 appropriation. out ? We will appeal to any do the amount of paving that on the north spit Thursday after The Pert wired that everythin® person s sense of reason mid ask was done are amongst those . noon while attempting to cross in was in the hands of the bank a: a them whether Bay ocean is be­ who signed the protest about over the Nehalem bar 2V4 hours the money would be up as *oom | after high water ing fairly treated. ¡the bonds were printed. The^H doing so much pavement. The Capt. Mays did not take time to matters place the bar and harbdM I previous City Council, when it find any bearings but ste ired for improvement question in a nu^H The letter »ve published last Snap Shots pushed the contractors during the first smooth place he could find favorable light and assures u* .i week from Prof. Withycombe the »vet summer, was advised in the line of breakers when lie the government aid.—Biy Cit) MH in regard to experimental farms came near the bar, thinking that it! ; »miner. 1 he County Court has under It may not be very good news, being under the supervision of consideration the matter of ex- that there »vould several places was the channel. The boat did not that »vould need fixing in the proceed far when she struck the but tax killing time is in order the Agricultural College is right per mentirig with hard surfaced Town Plati spring. This is how it looks to spit, however, and hen the captain Washington next Monday. to the point, for if practical re­ pavement, not, however, to an»' Much Paving. realized that ce was nearly a quar ­ the snai> shot man : A whole sults are to be obtained there great extent, but in a small »» ay ter of a mile above the channel K alama , Wash.. Feb. 1, 1913.-E'l With the prospect of spring must tie some experienced body where there is heavy travel and lot of our citizens howled for which has remained in the same paved streets and signed peti­ place for the past two years since tensive street improvements aril« mid tine weather nut fur off the at the head of it. Better re­ where it is costly to maintain a ing planned by the mayor andto’i tions to that effect. Then the»' the jetty iias done its work. uuto fever will soon tie on the sults would be obtained if the piece of road. A little money howled at the City Council and There is pcsiti»'ely no excuse for council at Kalama. Kalama ill inc reuse. office of State Dairy and Food spent in that direction is along wide-awake town and this is o»| contractors because the the mishap on the captain's part I one step toward improving it 8®S Commissioner and all similar the lines of the good roads move­ the since he has been over the Nehalem It there is going to tie a coun­ offices »»ere placed iti charge of ment, for it will not be many work was delayed on account of bar while engineer on Ine illfated erally. The street work planned is to« ty fair and stock show this y cur, the faculty ot the Agricultural years before the main thorough the inclement weather last sum­ Oshkosh and also the Patsy for a all first class, and it is intended mer. Ho»»- they are howling period of five years, and therefore us there should be. it is none College. build with a future free from repi fares will l»e treated with some I ■ with the idea of standing off the should have known better than to bills ns the prime object. too early to tie planning for it. risk his vessel in the breakers be­ kind of hard surfaced material. 1 No doubt bitulithic will be u* j contractors. The right way to fore being sure of his course. We »»ere under the impres­ As to what kind, that is a mat «u«s this little tempest in a The bell buoy has drifted down a to a large extent as all of theneifl One of the reasons that the sion that it whs Dr. lia»vk, not ter which will have to be tried ' .settle te;i kettle^ t_. l^Lle is to settle with the mile below the bar during the pre boring cities and towns who b i cost of living comes high these Bro. t. otton, »vlio represented out. In fact, m making this contractors“and laid it are finding it economical*® days cheese It). 34c. per lb. net ilie Ba»- City Commercial Club I make them live sent north east wind so that it was very satisfactory. no aid to navigation in this in­ experiment, it may not lx« out'up to the i.o.b I illr.inook aud 25c. retail. ut the meeting to advise the maintenance clause stance of place to suggest, seeing that Wood Bids Wanted. anil guarantee, »vim are under Ix’st methods of advertising the There is every prowjiect for getting there is some competition lie- heavy bonds, which gives the the Mirene off the spit without Th« Tillamook Com me rei til county, and he heartily coincid­ The Clover Leaf Creamery Con tween the paving concerns, to damage during the present high citizens ample protection Club is on tlic boost, mid in the ed »»ith the lelegation from the tides and as the surf is ipife any wishes to receive bids on lfn try several kinds. By doing so effort to obtain new memtiers a idhimook club, a fact which body Hemlock wood in four i it will soon be demonstrated Mrs S S. S . Van Buren St., King­ smooth owing to a strong east wind lengths delivered at its factory k few duirvrueu and quit« n num- the Examiner failed to even which will stand »he heavy tra­ ston, N. Y. dull name furnished from shore, it is another advantage miles North of Tillamook City in favor of the stranded vessel .0 lier of young men have uttili.ited mention. One would imagine vel and most suited to the long on application) had such decided insure her getting back into Jeep cords to be delivered before 3 . that Bro. Cotton was the "It ' with the club. benefit from using boley's Honey 15th, 1913 and the balance. 35cor wet season. Not only so. but J of Bay (. i » mi««tiOn. ' torpid menting on a few small pieces «tierae brmiglit ftiuO.lDtl into the 1 City have Ixs fien Burton Holmes recent! C lover L eaf C reamery C‘l liowrla, n slnggish liver and ¡1 gen x-otnesick and tired of road where the travel is heavy eral feeling of ill health, despond­ gave his celebrated trivelcgue nn county, which was un iiicrvtise of him, 1 which ‘ is not to be won Panama" at Orchestra Half. Chi of $llli,tRU over the pre» iou« | dere«l at. -. f for he has done the IS a move in the right direction. ency ami miser». This in a I m oat cago. he was seriously interrupted Conductors. I„ Miller Nod® » ear. 1 cit» on the l»ay more harm than 1 ne taxpayers themselves want every instam-e i* wholly unnecee- by continual coughing of the audi­ aary One ot Chamberlain's Tab- Nebr on Bonesteel Divisio® further informuti>»n, nnd this ence. Nc one annoys willingly ¡,: <1 g«s«1. lets taken immediately after »no- C A N. W Ry. Co , reconirne« if people with coughs, co ds. hoarse small experiment will furnish I here is ueed «if iin<>t)icr ru per wil improve the digestion, tone Foley Kidnev Pi)’? und Mt®, them with all the information up the liver and regulate the bow­ ness and tickling in throat w mi | have used Foley Kidney Fill«* lorm tn thia city. We refer to use Folev^e Honey A Tar Com ,.„1 .j,,; , they may require and that the» el« That feeling of de.ixm 'ciK» very satisfactory results and 1 the curt» elmic knocker* who "■ 7 could quickly -ute dorse ’heir use for any one atfi®1 can see for themselves after the cold* ar«j avoid with kidney trouble They at* right ” ^illumoob Mjrablipbt, Editorial f the sentiment for good roads is becoming stronger every year, and that the demand upon the County Court for new roads and improvement of present roads is greater now than it was ever before. Although the county made some wonderful improve­ ments in road building, it will take years of persistent effort in this new country to bring the main highwaysupto perfection. One thing more than another which will help to improve the roads is that more care is taken in the selection of rock to be used on the road and in grades, for it is impossible to construct good roads with poor material. It will be noticed that $175,000 will be available ............... for road work and bridges this year, which will greatly improve the roads, mid as those who work on the roads will not be paid for loaf­ ing an