Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 13, 1913, Image 1

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drove five miles the other
day to pay a debt, losing
half a day’s time doing so.
Had he been a deposi­
tor with this bank, he
would have mailed his
check at an expense of two cents, and
spent his time more profitably.
It’s an extravagance not to be a
bank depositor, for nothing helps so much
to save time and money as having an
account with
Sheriff Crenshaw will start col-
lectirg tax next Monday. During
the week he has been making out
statements and mailing them to
see Big Mailt for your sewer con­ those who have made request for
the amount of their taxes.
Get your Blackford's Calf Meal at
George Warner came in on Tues­
the Tillamook Feed Co.
day from Portland
He has been
Born, on Wednesday, to the wife connected with the manufacture
of sugar from wnev, and was
of Jack Latimer, a daughter.
chemist of the National Milk Sugar
Glasses fitted.
Any kind, any Company at one time.
style Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt.
On Monday, February 17th, at
When you want wood call or Patzlaf's.our entire line of Women’s
leave orders at the City Delivery. • | Low Shoes, Oxfords, Ties and
Leave orders with the Tillamook i Pumps, on Sale. The selling price
Feed Co. for wood direct from the i of all was $2.25 to $1 74. Your choice
i for ten days at $1.50 the pair.
A. A. Yager vs. W. R. Stubbs and
The gasolene schooner Patsy was wife is a suit filed in the circuit
unloading freight in this city on court to recover $150 on a promis­
sory note; and A. A. Yager vs.
Slab wood for sale direct from Chas. Himes and wife is a case to
the mill or sawed and delivered. recover $150 on a promissory note.
See Shrode.
Postmaster Knight, of Nehalem,
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla- was down on Saturday and took
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. the civil service examination for
fourth class postmasters before
per pound.
Postmaster Baker.
He was the
House to rent, five rooms. Rent only person who took the exami­
$10 a month, Apply at the Head' nation.
light office.
One of the largest and beet con­
Attorney E. J. Claussen will ducted dances took place at the
assist Sheriff Crenshaw during tax opera house on Friday evening,
which was given by the new frater­
Loyal Order of
Dr. Jack Olson has opened den­ nal order, the
tal parlors over F. R. Beals’ office Moose, which has a membership of
Both phones.
The body of John A. Ward, father
Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing.
Country work solicited. Phone 1313 of G. H. W ard, was shipped in from
Portland on Wednesday for burial,
Pacific State».
who died in that city the previous
The Hose Company will give a day, who was 90 years old. The
banquet this (Thursday) evening at funeral took place today under the
the Todd Hotel.
auspices of the G. A. R.
Housekeeping Rooms Furnished
After being without a commercial
for Rent
See I. Parson, at the teacher since the Christmas holi-
Hotel Columbia.
Idavs Miss Mabel Parker took Mrs.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Hill’s place at the High School on
mook Meat Company’s Market. We Monday. She had been detained
I in Portland on account of the tie
pay 12c. per pound
up of the railroad, and was taken
W. L Bryan, who spent several sick there.
months in Indiana and Tentiesse.
z \ b it is unlawful to allow chicken
returned on Sunday
to run at large in the city, the
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wi ey, who sheriff might gather up a few of
spent the past three months in the truant chicken that are scrath-
California, returned on Sunday.
ing around thecourt house grounds
Wood sawed and delivered, or de­ and feed them to the prisoners, and
livered direct from the wagon as it in that way reduce the coat of the
comes from the country.
See board for prisoners.
Word reached this city Monday
Attorney H. T. Botts left on that a boat capsized near Hay­
Tuesday morning for Salem to stack Rock at Neskowin and that
argue a case before the Supreme Guy Alley and Elwood Squires were
drowned, and that another man by
the name of Smith, who accompan­
Concrete Construction, side walks ied them, managed to reach shore.
and floors a specialty. All work They were fishing at the time the
Thos. Dolan, Phone accident took place.
Main 333.
They say Frank Hanenkratt went
Go to the Clam market for Clams, out on the fishing trip to procure
Fish and Crabs. Second Avenue, some motion picture of the fish in
near First St., in the building back the briny ocean and Dr. Monk went
of Beals’ office.
along with his camera to take the
If you wish rooms for the Winter, photoe. but motion pictures wasn’t
by the month "cheap ’’ with hot or in it with the motion of the small
cold water and with bath, call at craft. Look out for the sea sick
pictures at the Gem.
the Todd Hotel.
With the Masonic, I O O F and
the Loyal Order of Moose orders all
figuring upon erecting new business
buildings and lodge quarters, thia
will still further help to improve
the citv and give it another boost.
And with a large amount of con­
crete pavement to take the place of
the delapidated plank aide walks
will also add to the improvement of
the city.
Dairymen Affiliating with the
Commercial Organization.
Carl Haberlach has been elected
secretary«ealeanian of the two co­
operative factories, one at Nesko­
win and the other at Oretown.
These were operated by Chas. Ray
heretofore, and have now been
taken over by the farmers. A H.
Commons is President of the Ore-
town Cheese Company and Joe.
Aufdermauer of the Neskowin Co­
operative Dairy Association.
The regular meeting of the Kill
Kare Klub was held at the home of
Mrs J. S. Lamar. Another chapter
from the Mystic Mid-regions was
ably read by Mrs. Albert Plank.
Mrs. Aiderman read a well prepar­
ed paper in the form of a story of
Idaho, Wymoning, Nevada and
Montana. The hostess provided
some interesting games,after which
a most delicious
luncheon was
served. The invited guests were
Mesdames Poortnan, B. D. Lamar
and Mrs, D. A. Mackenzie.
The I. O. O. F. lodge of this city
is making arrangements to build
this summer on its property in this .
city and erect a two story building '
Architect C. A. Burggraf of Al
bany, has drawn a sketch of the.
proposed building, and in all pro­
bability pressed brick will be used
in ti.e construction. Krebs Bros ,
who are going to put in a brick
plant at South Prairie, has promis
ed to have brick by the first of June,
provided the county gravels a road
soon so they can get their machin­
ery in.
Our next issue will contain a
synopsis and the co-operative asso­
ciation's and other reports of the
cheese industry for last year in Till­
amook county. As it was the ban­
ner year and will make interesting
reading and good advertising liter­
ature. it would be advisable to send
copies to those who expect to come
to Tillamook or make their homes
in Western Oregon. As the Head­
light and the Herald are pulling to­
gether to help boost the dairy and
other industries the same will ap-
pear in the Herald. We had hoped
to have had this ready this week,
but had to hold it over because we
had not received the exact figures
from a few factories.
A case was filed in the Circuit
Court by Lena Clarke against her
husband, Chas.
Clarke, for
divorce These parties were mar­
ried on May (J, 1909. at Ranier, Ore
The grounds upon
which the
divorce is sought is cruel and in-
human treatment, the defendant
almost daily cursed and swore at
the plaintiff and at her children.
At one time he told his wife that
if she did not get out of the house
he would throw her out with what
little property she had, and on an­
knocked plaintiff down and severely
hurt and injured her, after which
hie conduct grew worse, and find­
ing her life was unbearable she left
him as he again threatened to
Word was received in this city on throw her out of the bouse.
J. A. Jackson and sister came in
from Roseburg on Sunday on a Mondav that George Cohn was
Cheese is moving off a little bet­
visit to his brother. County Survey­ quite seriously sick in California ter, all of the November now being i
with blood poisoning, and was not
or U. G Jackson.
expected to recover. C. B. Lamb ehipfied out. except from one fact
Mr. Wendell is in the city for the received a message that evening ory. Payments for butter fact at
purpose oi erecting the new depot, stating that Mr. Cohn had taken a several of the largest factories will
which will be pushed to completion turn for the better and was out of be as follows: Maple Leaf, 40 cents;
Tillamook Creamery, 39% cents;
as soon as possible.
danger, which was good newa to Fairview, 38,3 cents and Three
The Stockholders of the Tillamook
Rivers, 39c. While prices were con­
County Creamery Association will
County Clerk Holden has received siderable higher a year ago at thia
ho'd their annual meetingat the the mandate from the Supreme time. November. 1911. payments at
Tillamook Club on Monday next.
’Court in the case of the State of the same factories were as follows;
Married, on the 6th Inst., at the | Oregon, upon the relation of Geo. Maple Leaf, 38 cents; Tillamook.
Allen House, by the Rev. H. W. i Watt. vs. the Port of Bay City, in .19 8 cents; Fairview, 39.7 cents, and
¡which the Supreme Court holds Three Rivers, 37 cents. Maple I-eaf
pastor of the M.
Church. S. G. Cochrane and Rosa there was no error, as allegi ;ed, and had an average test of L 7 per cent
: affirmed the decision of
_ thi ie lower for November* bring ita milk to an
court The respondents to recover average pficw of $1.88 (ier 100 lbs.
Do not iorget the Sunday Chicken ! from the appellant their cost in the Average price received for Novem­
Dinner at the Todd. Better than sum of $25
ber cheese was a little over 16 cents
you cao ha ve at home for leas money.
per pound Tillnmook.
Gems and try ua. Service from 5:30
to 7: 90 p. m.
city ordinance by allowing chicken
For Sale
County Judge Homer Mason and to run at large and the saloon man
Commissioners Fa mer and hdner ¡who violates a city ordinance ? Both
80 acre« of tsittom land known as
went out to Portland on Tuesday look alike to us Some of our citi­ the Peter Hrant place.
The price
to inspect different kinds of hard zens had better pluc k the motes out is 64H) an acre Vincents Jacob. .
aurfaced pavement.
of their own eyes beiore they accuse
An amended complaint has been j others of violatin
io La ting the law
■nstaurant Dtenaila for Sale
_ _____
filed in the Circnt Court _
in the
case *yer- _ •,u* i hope
.* that the city offi-
('tensile of all dea
of B. N. Sproat and Agn
l,w breakers who allow chicken criptioas for sale. Enquire at 1C2
Sproat ve J 11. Hathaway r and
First Street West. Tillamook City.
to rnn at large.
Anna M. Hathaway.
Amateurs at the Gem.
Last Thursday was amateur night
at the Gem and the little folks sang
and danced their way into the
hearts of their audience and made
great hits.
Little George Cook was the "funny
fellow” and presented "Where the
River Shannon Flows,” in a man­
ner that put him in a class known
only to him and answered the
with the
comedy version of "The Days of
49," capturing the first prize of
three dollars.
The only adverse criticism we
can offer George’s performance is
the waits |occasioned by him
stopping to pick up the coins
thrown him by hie audience
George says he got the habit of
picking up small coins during the
last election in Tillamook and
promises not to hold the show to
. night.
Miss Louise Fowler and Little
I Hattie Severance vied and tied i«i
, honors for the second prize and
were given each two dollars while
the audience presented Little Miss
Fowler three dollars in appreciation
Of her work.
The others were also very good.
Captain Jenkins went to Netarts
on Monday with the Henrietta for a
fishing boat, bringing it back with­
out a mishap. On Tuesdav morn
ing he took a party out deep sea
fishing, and the bar becoming ;
rough, he was unable ‘o return. I
The last seen of the launch was at
six o’clock that evening, and there
was some anxiety here for fear the .
weather might become boisterous. |
morniug a telegram came
from Astoria that the Henriatta had
reached the lightship at ten o’clock
the previous night and next morn- .
ing the launch put into Astoria. ,
There were about a dozen passen­
gers on board.
Frances E. Willard Memorial Day
will be
by the local
W. C. T. U. on Tuesday, February
16, at the home of Mrs. Jennie King.
There will be an all day meeting,
the members of the Union seting
as hostesses, and each taking some
part of the refreshments for the
noonday lunch, also each member
is expected to bring a friend or
friends. The trysting hour at noon -
day will be observed as is custom
ary with the organization. In the
afternoon will be given a program
on the life and work of the great
and sainted reform leader, Miss
Willard. Good music will enliven
the occasion. A silver offering
will be accepted.
A special meeting of the Board of
Directors of the Tillamook Commer­
cial Club was held on Monday even­
ing, with President Shrode in the
chair, when several matters of im­
portance to the club came up for
It was deaided to issue transient
cards to those who wanted to use
the club rooms upon payment of
monthly dues of $1 50.
The committee on delinquents was
authorized to permit delinquents
who are more than $12 in arrears to
retain their membership on pay­
ment of $10*and $1.50 dues during the
present campaign for new members.
In future a charge of $10 will be
made when the ball is rented, and
it was decided not to loan or rent
the club’s furniture.
At the request of the Rev. J. E.
Jope, an invitation was extended to
the Boy’s Federated Clubs to visit
Tillamook during the coming sum­
The following applicants for mem­
bership were accepted : E. E, Koch,
Dr. Jack Olson, Harvey Ebinger,
Oscar Aschim, N. J. Myers, B L.
Beals, Wm. R. Roy, E. W. Stanley,
Dave Fitzpatrick, Geo. Williams,
Verle Stanley, E J. Gienger, John
Sheets and A. H. Hill.
First National Bank,
J. C. H olden .
B. C. L amb .
W m . G. T ait .
C. W. T almage -
We have just installed some modern Safe De­
posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe
from fire.
We will be pleased to show then to you.
Under US- Government Supervision.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Civil Government—Flossie David­ conntv, but don’t tell the otlier fel­
son, 97 per cent.
low that you do ao to buy up war­
Agriculture will tie required at rants at a discuunt mid that yon tire
the May examination.
in the "blood sucking" and ‘.‘knock.
The questions lequesteil from 1 ing* business.
the Stat- Department were delayed
Tell your merchants that yon get
on nccount of the blocked train, goods a great ileal cheaper in -nine
and were not received until after other town and charge him withex
the time for the examination. I had tortiou.
brought a few lists from the capitol
If a atriin-rer cornea to your town
while there at State Board meeting; tell him everything is overdone and
thence the reason for quite a nui • predict a general crash in the near
ber district« receiving tint one co;v future.
of the questions, with instructions
If von nre a merchant, don’t ed-
to have questions written on the vertise in the home paper, b.it com­
blackboard. Respectfully.
pel the editor to go elsewhere for
W. S. Bn BL, County Supt.
; advertisements, and howl like a
sore head liecanse he does so. Buy
a ml tier stamp and use it. It may
A New Photo Studio
save you a few dimes and mak*
your letterheads look as though you
Will be opened in this city in one were doing business in a one lioise
week. ' It will be known as the Til town.
lamook Studio, and be ma aged by
If you are a farmer curse the
J. A. Dahlgren, who for several place
where you trade us tl •
years managed the McMillan Studio meanest on earth. Talk this over
here and whose work gave general with your neighbors and tell thriM
■ the men are thieves. It will male
The Tillamook Studio will supply your property much lesa valuable,
Tonight is amateur night again
and promises to be one of the beet
but you don’t cure.
amateur entertainments ever staged side views and scenery, also lantern
at »he Gem. The comedy element
Post cards will also be made and THE
being exceptionally strong.
The cast is as follows: Louise delivered in one hour after negatives How the Taxes, Amounting
Fowler, song; Dolly Wingrovc, are made.
We use the latest and beat pro­ to «389,729 25 Will be Spe it.
recitation; Hans Remer, character
songs and recitation; Miss Rehn cesses and styles and we guarantee
For the information of a corres
Powell, song; and George Cook, satisfaction, or return the money. pondent und taxpayers who may
want to know how the tax mousy
any end we will appreciate a share
of your patronage. We are here ro
Moose Lodge to Build.
stay anil ho-’e our old friends and amounting to $339,729.25 will be
give below the
our new ones as well, will call and
budget as compiled by the County
Arrangements ere being made by see us.
Court at its January term. It will
the new organised Loyal Moose
T illamook S tudio .
be seen that $175,000 will be used for
Lodge to build a three-story build­
bridges and roads and $45,QUO for
ing in this city, as there is no hall
public s-.hoois, which eats up con
suitable for so large a|lodge. They
Brick and Tile Industry.
of the tux money, which,
will occupy the K.P. Hall until it
E. G. Krebs and his brother, who however is disbursed again over tlir
gets its building ready for use.
Added to this is
Plans and specifications will be have decided to put in a brick and entire county.
submitted st the next meeting to tile plant on the property they $50 797.76 Io pay off the county’s in­
the trustees of tlie lodge. S. W. bought fro-n G. It. Lamb at Smith debtedness and place it on a cash
Prairie, are anxious to get started, basis, and $18 231.IM) for State till.
Greene, the director, intended clos
ing the charter last Sunday, but so as to get to business as soon as Another large item is $10,(XX) for u
tint tin- piesent State
the lodge voted for him to stay ten possible. They are handicaped in is.or lurm.
days longe Every applicant will getting their machinery there, at Legislature will do to add more ex-
to tell, hut it is
be balloted on, therefore, it will be
unnecessary for anyone to apply to tie graveled, and cannot do so side to say that the County Court
unless they can pass a ballot
The until it is This is an industry will find that before the yeur has
Charter will surely close Friday, which will lie of great benefit to the expired it will have a good mant­
February 21, which is the next county, for in building heretofore ea Is tor additional ex|»enae that t't
meeting night. As Mr. Greene has the brick problem was an expen dtil not figure on when it made out
These figures
to go elsewhere, as he is in great sive item. When this industry is its annual budget.
demand in several towns in Oregon started it will mean that pressed do riot include special tuxes. Fol­
and Montana, and the organizing brick will be obtained in this city lowing are the different items :
department wish him to close up for $11 or $12 a thousand and tiling Bridges ................................. 27,<OG at
the business here ss soon ss pos­ also at a very low figure, winch will Rouds and Bridges
sible *o that he can start work in be brought to this city in auto Payment County Generul
several towns in Illinois
All the
Fund warranta andin-
large cities in that state are organ­ Krebs Bros, have ccme here and
terent .......
........... 59,797 75
For Road Purpoaea........... 128,(4M) II)
any of the > ittzens to subscribe Circuit Court
2.500 <Jo
but will invest $.30,<XX) in an J ustice < ourt.........................
non (Mi
Eighth Grade Examinations. stock,
industry which will tie of much To pay State Tax............... 18.23) 01)
The following named applicants benefit. As soon as this road is Clerk’s office.........................
3, fit . no
were successful at the recent exami- graveled, which should tie dune t Sheriff's office .................
3,000 0?
nations -
Diet. No. once, the Krebs Bros, will ship Sc In sil Su perin tendant* a
their plant in and commence wort 5
. .
l/MM) U)
Flossie Davidson
office .................
Gilbert Rock........... .........
County Treasurer’s office
l,0K> 00
Glenn S. Taylor ... .......... 22
County Court
Joseph Kvereet . . .... 12
< ounty (. oroner.
201) 00
Emma Hauer.......... ......... 22
2 500 <«0
County Assessor ...
Fred Coulsen.........
Court House and jail
3,500 00
.. 27
as often as possible.
Rotiert Watt
.......... 31
10.000 00
County Poor Farm.........
Denounce your merchants be­ Insane.....................
Donald Simmons .......... 31
cause they make a profit on their Advertising Resources uf
Martha Balmer
........ 49
The following were below the goods.
i,(MX) 00
Glory in the downfall of a mi.n Experting County Books
minimum or failed to write on not
700 00
2.000 00
more than two subjects and will be I who has done much to build up Printing . .............................
1,500 no
permitted to complete st the May your town.
Make out your town a bail pla-el County Pisir.......................
examination by writing on one or
1,000 00
2,000 00
two subjects, only as the case may
Current ExpenneK
Diet. No.
40i (»
be :
Teai tier’s Examination..
the betternment of the material in Truant officer
7*. OO
Herman Tubtiesing ....
Mafic) Sherwood
200 00
1 If ¿dtil < >fli< <*r . . .
... 13
Wrennie Kellow .... .... 13
Rrhind <»f T hxch
Club or assist in any way to pu-li Public St bool* and 1 i
Elmer Hailey.............
the town ahead
<5 MO no
Manillus Day.........
l.rary end Institute
Be a curb stone knis her or the Scfilp iMiiinty
Robert Ford ........... .. . 4d
pup knocker for some other fellows
Mae Holgate ............. ... 51
Ore Holgate
... .... 51
Total ,...;............................. «339.739^$
Highest average- Rotiert Watt, or want to down some city <-r conn
89 per cent Second average—Flos
Get in the swim «ml tie a trouble
ale Davidson, 85.7 per cent
average—Kmma Bauer. 84.3 |>er maker anil a »«‘undid monger, tor
that is the class tliat puts a «ity o.-i
to the growth of the Parfïir
Teli-pilone Compuny a new arreng
Highest by subjects : Orthogra­ bum.
ment Im« tren mude whereby all
phy—Glenn S. Taylor, 86 ;-er cent
Reading Emma Heuer and kotiert the city and < all them 1 ..<1 un-ii win« bill- are mailed Io the subei rib . - «
Ford, let per cent each.
Writing— are ‘‘inspired” by a lol m t.s 1 men »nil they are requeated to remit or
Tell visitors that everybu ly in t-ie «all «• the office.
Mae Holgate Wi per cent Geogra­
phy— Edna Ely, W |ier cent Arith city are dishonest cannot t-e trus'e 1
metic Robert Watt, 99 per cent and are violators of the l.w, anil
Bewer Pipe for Bale.
Grammar—Joseph Kvereet. 60 per that you are the only lion-st '-in.oii
History Mae Holgate and pure-individual in the whole conn-
For S de all sizes i»f sewer |>ipe
Robert Watt W0 per cent each Pliy 1 try who is not attempting t u p .di­
nine then•
- • • 1. H
•iolog v - Arthur Hester, Ijtt I oty et« a just debt.
and Lloyd Jouce 1UU per cent eacL. I Knock the credit uf lb« city .ml McMahan.