Tillarnoolc HeadligHt, A * Come Back.” Grangers To Meet- To the Editor : lu legarti to the last issue of the Headlight alrcut the cheese pro­ position stating that Mr. Carl Ha- l«rlaeh had some MX) odd cases of cheese r n hand and is holding it st UHzc., also stating that one inde pendent fat lory had sold last year's make for 15‘,c , from what we have been informed, Mr. Carl Haber lach offered cheese to Portland jobbers for the same price but could not sell it in car load lots. I ndependent . Following is the program for etti Grange Meeting at Fairview on February 13: Song by Grange. Quotations by each sister present How the farmers of tins Com­ munity may improve their farins|: By the f'se of Manure, Gus Goeres. By the greater Lae of Clover, Morrison Milla. By the greater Use of Commercial Fertilizer. Mr. Dunstan. Song by Oscar Tittle. Recitation, Rose Crawford. Recitation, Rachel Weston. How to Manage at House clean ing time: To do the work, Myra Goeres. Meals, Myrtle How to Get the ." ‘ “ "* Holden. How to Get the Men to Help, Minnie Maxwell. Song by Grange. Select Reading, Mr Booth. Select Reading, Sabra Olds. Song by Grunge. . Big Moose Lodge. A Birthday Party. Mr and Mr». Edward Blum and Miss Edna Blum «pent Monday, February 3rd, at the home of Mr. Elmer Hal), the occasion being to celebrate the birthday of Mr» Edna Hall and Miss Edna Blum A bountiful dinner was served at one o’clock, Some very pretty as well as uee- ful presents were received by both parties. Little Miss Blum celebrat­ ed her first birthday while Mrs. Hull her forty-first.—A G uest . Notice To Water Conanmera N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That water rents must be paid by the 10th of each month at the office of the Water Commission, and if not paid by that date water will be shut off. E. D. H oag , 9upt. February O, 1913- Permanent Highway, Tillamook County, Oregon. CALL FOR BIDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY’GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Tillamook Co., Oregon, until 1 o clock P. M., Marc h 6, 1913, for furnishing all material and labor necessary for the construction of different compet­ itive types of hard-surface or perma­ nent pavement, on the improvements mentioned below: _ Bids must be addressed : Board of County Commissioners of Tillamook County,” and the envelope marked ‘‘Bid for the construction of perma­ nent Highway,” and must be accom­ panied with a complete set of specifi­ cations of the type of pavement pro­ posed by the bidder. The work consists of grading, pre­ paring subgrade, ditches and shoul­ ders, and constructing a hard-surface road from the North boundary of Tilla­ mook City to Sta.------------------ . on the road running North from Tillamook City to Bay City, Oregon; also from the East boundary of Tillamook City East to the P. R. & N. Railroad on the road running East from Tillamook City to Fairview. The plans on file in the office of the County Clerk show the location, alignment, profile and grades; and the contractor is to submit his own specifications covering the type of roadway proposed to be constructed. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on a bank of Tillamook Co. or a Postofflce money order,! in a sum not less than ten per cent of the amount of the bid, made payable to the County; such check or money order to be forfeited to Tillamook County by the successful bidder in case he fails, within 20 days of the date of the award of contract, to furnish acceptable bonds in the full amount of the contract price for the faithful completion of the contract and the payment of all labor, material, mens anti sun-contract­ or claims thereunder. The Board re- serves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this February 5, 1913. Board of County Commissioners of Tillamook Co., Oregon, By J. C. Holden, County Clerk. bridges and trestles from Station 43 x 10 near the Hebo Store, to Station 559 x 01.6 as per plans and specifications now on file in the office of the County Clerk and also in the office of the County Surveyor. Bidder to submit i bid for construction of each mile sep­ arately ; also for construction of entire road. The road runs from Hebo toward Dolph, up Three Rivers, and is partly a reconstruction of the old road. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on a bank of Tillamook County, or a P. O. money order, in the sum not less than 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. made payable to the County; such check or money order to be forfeited to Tillamook County by the successful bidder, in case he fails within 20 days of the date of award of the contract to furnish acceptable bonds in the full amount of the con­ tract price for the faithful completion of the contract and the payment of all labor, material men’s and sub-con­ tractor’s claims thereunder. Bidders will be required to deposit $5.00 with the County Clerk to insure the return of the plans and specifica­ tions. The Board reserves the right to re­ ject any or all bids. Dated this 5th day of February, 1913. Board of County Commissioners of Tillamook County, By J. C. Holden, County Clerk. At the Second meeting of t tie M >ciue on Hid ay «veiling, they took in u class ol about 50 and adjourn­ Bids Wanted For Hauling ed to meet next Sunday at 3 p. tr. There will be another large class Clover Leaf Creamery Company will receive bide for hauling 1013 put through at that time, und the cheese from its factory to steamer charter will close on account of Standing of the Contestante j wharf and train at Tillamook, and such a large attendance. There is no supplies from Tillamook to its fac- hall large enough to accommodate Standing of contestants at Mason, ’ lory four miles from Tillamook. the members,therefore they have to Pennington & Co. up to Wedties : Leave bids at Carl Haberlach’s use the Star Theatre. Mr Greene was day, Feb. 5, for the upright parlor office before March 1st, 1913. ; C lover L eaf C reamery C o . notified that the Moose had purchas- grand piano: Highway, Tillamook County, Oregon. < <1 theCollins Hot Springs Sanatori­ . . 467,505 i ....... 615,070 1 Wood Bids Wanted. um torn home for the Oregon Moose, 2 ........ 308,710 . . 2,100 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. price $5uO,OC(), this being n summer ....... 283,9»5 The Clover Leaf Creamery Comp­ ... 2,000 3 Notice is hereby given that sealed . 166,220 2,000 any wishes to receive bids on green i.s well as health resort a short 4 bids w’ll be received by the Board of . 368,793 body Hemlock wood in four foot ... 17s. 480 5 i ¡stance from Put Hand. The County Commissioners of Till­ ___ 192,(00 ... 2 0C0 lengths delivered at its factory four 6 amook County Oregon, until 1 o’clock, < hatter und all lodge parapher­ ... 2,U>0 miles North of Tillamook City. 30 ... . 1 9,075 7 the 6th day of March, 1913, for the nalia are here and the books have ___ 193,940 . 3'32,775 cords to be delivered before May 8 furnishing of all materials, except* as .... 215.150 . . 2,000 15th, 1913, and balance before otherwise specified, and all labor, nec­ ... 139.635 ... 2,003 August 15th, 1913. Company re­ essary for the construction of the im­ ....___ 2,003 .., 187,74(3 serves the right to reject any or all provement mentioned below, said work .... 122.000 2,000 bide. Leave bids at Carl Haber- to be done strictly in accordance with . 2,000 2,000 inch's office. Tillamook, Oregon, the plans and specifications approved 2.000 ... 177,530 and now on file in the office of the .. . 41,295 2,00.3 Dairy Landa tor Sale County Clerk, and also in the office of 154,160 ' .... 177,340 the County purveyor. . 2 OuO I .... 191,360 Bids must be addressed. “Board of .... 231,015 . 402 770 161 acres choice dairy land, part- County Commissioners of Tillamook .. . 100,705 2,000 ly improved, good pasture, easily County,” and the envelope marked, . 161,780 . 169,435 cleared, plenty spring water, no “Bid for the Construction of the .... 2,060 2,000 hills, no rocks. Dandy barn, good Netarts County Road.” Bidder to sub­ . 214,870 2'000 community, and market for milk. mit separate bids for construction of 2,000 . 33,135 12 miles from Salem and 2 miles Highway, Tillamook County, road from Station 157 plus 25 to Station .. . 2,000 .. 2,000 from Aumsville. Will sell all or Oregon. 203 plus 65.3; from Station 203 plus .. . 2,940 2 000 purt. $60 per acre Terms X cash. been turned over to the secretary, 26 . 150,880 65.3 to M. 5; from M. 5 to 324 plus 93.2; .. 2 0(1) Rosenberg Bros., Aumsville, Ore 2,025 also for construction of entire road. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. who is taking up duplicate receipts 27 ... .... . 406,040 . . 091.065 . 2.IJ3O Notice is hereby given that sealed The work consists of clearing right and issuing the regular form sent 28 For Sale' . 973,40 433 700 ‘¿ j . . bids will be received by the board of of way, grading, preparing subgrade, by the Grand Lodge, The 36 . 226,000 2,000 80 acres of bottom land known as County Commissioners of Tillamook ditches, and shoulders, from S’ation number of this Lodge is 1200. The 31 . . 190,405 .. 121 360 the Peter Braut place. The price County, Oregon, until 1 o’clock, the 157 plus 25 to Station 324 plus 93.2 as boys will give a dance under the i 32 .. ... 2,003 .. 2,000 is $400 an acre. Viucentz Jacob. . 6th day of March, 1913, for the furnish­ per plans and specifications now on file 2,000 33 ... . 2,000 ing of all material except as otherwise in the office of the County Clerk, and auepicies of the Tillamook Lodge, 200,370 34 .. . 264,370 specified, and all labor, necessary for also in the office of the County Sur­ No. 1200, Friday evening, Februnry 35 ........... 155 435 For Sale .. 2,000 tne construction of the improvement veyor. > The public are invited, but all 38 . 763 875 mentioned below ; said work to be done Each bid must be accompanied by a 2.000 A good, milk cow, will be fresh objectionable character* will be ex­ 37 . 188,946 . 202,050 strictly in accordance with the plans certified check on a bank of Tillamook about tiie middle of February. See . 213,686 . 2 (JX) and specifications approved and on file County, or a P. 0. money order, in a cluded. No person under the in­ 38 . 39 2,006 . 134,680 F. S. A rmentrout , Hemlock, Ore. in the office of the County Clerk and sum not less than 10 per cent of the fluence of liquor will be allowed in 40 2.0011 .. 2.(113. also in the office of the County Survey­ amount of the bid, made payable to the hall. A line lunch will be served 41 Restaurant Utensils for Sale. 2,000 .. 2,000 or. the county ; such check or money order by the. proprietor of the Spanish 42 . 2, C00 . 237,000 Bids must be addressed “Board of to be forfeited to Tillamook County by Restaurant Vtensils of all des­ .. 43 . 374,760 2,0o0 Commissioners of Tillamook County ” the successful bidder in case he fails Kitchen, so there will be no need fo criptions for side. Enquire at 102 44 2,600 .. 2,000 First Street West, Tillamook City. and the envelope maiked “Bid for the within 20 days of the date of award of leave the bull for refreshments. 45 ... , 2 000 . 125,765 Construction of Section B of the E. E. contract, to furnish acceptable bonds «1 . 132 000 . 2,000 in the full amount of the contract Conductor S. L. Miller, Norfork. Cross County Road.” 47 . 587,025 207,500 Nebr., ou Bonesteel Division of The work consists of clearing right price for the faithful completion of the W.C.TÜ, Discussion. 48 . 91,675 2,(XX) C A N. W. Ry. Co , recommends of way, grading, preparing subgrade, contract, and the payment of all labor, 49 . 79,(180 .. 2, COO Foley Kidney Pills and sayB: "1 ditches and shoulders, and building all material men’s and sub-contractors At the next meeting of the W C .50 ... 2 000 .. 2,000 have used Foley Kidney Pills with 51 . 106,410 .. 322.120 very satisfactory results and en. T, U., on February 11th, the folio» 52 .. . 188,945 .. 122,120 dorse their use for any one afflicted SIDNEY E. HENDERSON, ing question will be answered, JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. X . 2.000 , 2,000 with kidney trouble. They are all P resident. with discussion following : Secretary-Trea r. 54 . 1144,870 . 165,880 right.” 55 . 2,000 Thia under the department of Chris 2 000 Attorney-at-Law and Not»rr 2,006 56 ... tian citizenship . 2, (XX) Public. 57 . , 2 060 1. What is law and for what pur 2 000 58 . 213,760 |M>ses are laVs enacted? . 2,000 2,600 2. What is the intent of an ideal 50 . 249,635 80 ... piohibitioii law ? 2,000 . 2,000 2,000 3 What is the intent of ati ideal 61 2,000 license law ? 62 ... . 301,225 . 142,300 Spend your money in your . 2,000 1 la it possible to have local 63 ... . 2,000 ■tiobibilion in your state under ex- 64 309,170 . 2,000 home town That is the way to 65 ... .♦ti laws ? If so, how ? 2,000 . 841.440 make this place a better one and 66 . . 2,000 What power does the Initia . 2,00) a more prosperous community. turn Referendum and Recall give 07 .. 2.505 . 2, (XX) 68 .. till- people 7 . 178,4(10 . 2, (XX) Spent for 391,350 ti What is the effect of a local cr 09 . 199,380 Every Dollar (INCORPORATED). 70 County option law ? 368,015 . 2, (XX) Long-Range Tailoring is a 471,810 . 7. How many kinds of prohi­ 71 138,3tX) Blow to a Local Industry. bitory law ? 72 ... . 98,875 . 2,000 8 How can these forma of la»' be 73 ... . 2,000 . 99,285 Every dollar spent for a mer­ 74 . secured ? and which is the tetter . 2,325 . 2,01X3 75 9 Which are must often vio . 301,490 2.000 chant tailored garment employs luted, prohibitory or license laws 7(1 .... . 03,000 . 2.0U0 a local workman, thereby im­ 77 mid which the greater violation ? . 68,310 2.000 proving our local prosperity and BOTH PHONES TILLAMOOK. OREGON 10 Whnt reuHons are given for 78 ... . 2.006 . 187,760 insuring to you better value, I 79 licensing! saloons and what busi 2.600 2, (XX) Have your next suit made in 80 ... neea interest benefitted ? 343.480 . 217,050 Tillamook by 11. Does license money lower 81 .... 2.000 . 2, IX» “Maiaxtic Ranges ataad (ha fast taxation ? 82 2.(00 . 218,860 And Ceok and Bake a ad ara tba *-—*** 2,000 12. Wlist |>er cent of the iniiiHte* 83 ..' . 2,000 WM. of jour »tale penitentiary are there 84 70,440 .. 2.1XU through drink directly or indirect!, ? 8.5 .... 301,8«) . 198,340 MEN’S AND LADIES’ TAILOR. 13 Have you u State Board ot 86 2,000 2,(XX3 TILLAMOOK. Control for stste matitutiona, itide- 87 ... 0 . 2,000 leruiinate sentence, probation and 88 3M, 875 . 2,000 p.uole laws r 89 .... 2,000 . 182,706 I 14. Ilo»' many and what licenses 90 ... 2,(00 . 2,0001 must retailers ol intoxicating bever 91 ... 171,875 . 250.500 I ugea have ? 92 ... 2,060 2.ÜU) ’ 15. What protection is a United 93 2.003 . 184,790 ¡ Stuteetax receipt (Internal revenue)? M 2,385 2,61» W. What is your license fee for US . 155,550 137.9601 TN OLDEN DAYS, when buying 96 state, county, municipality ? 1000 2, (XU- a cook stove, people would buy 17. What officials have power to 97 ... . 2 000 2,000 tlie one they could get the cheapest; UN grant licenses in state, county 188.475 ,. 67,975 municipality ? 99 .... that’s because there were only a 440.620 .. 231,(345 ' 18 When are they obliged |o IlM 1060 '2,0(10. few makes on the market and grunt licenses ? f were all practically the same In 19 HsU must < itj ordinimi e» Old Age » construction and material compare with state laws ? Old age a« it come« in the order- _____ 'JU. How cun each be changed ? ly practM <1 vatme ia a t>r»iutit.-.l NoWf There are close to a thousand different ranges 21 W hose duty is it to prosecute and iiiujeative thing. It stands lor violators ol United St. tea revenue experience £25^ ke‘ ^«nt- people use a litd! knowlAlge, wisdom, laws ,• State laws Municipid laws ? cou . im I, That is old age as it - r X ;; ....... ‘ ^ Cir R and ,he f make no mistake in selecting 22. Whut oath does any official should be, but old age a« it often i R ange \,nn A R eputation —the range that is recommended by take 7 is means poor digestion, torpid Xi. 55 hat penalty is provided by bowels, ,< sluggish liver und n gen every user; the range that lias stood the test— 7 the state laws for onicials who eral feeling of ill health, despond­ violate their oath ■ ency and niiwerj. This in almost 24 Whut is included in the oxth every instance is wholly untie, e» which is require,! ot every attorney • try 15 watts .. One ot Chuntberluin’a Tab. í «1 unw 00 watt* ... « els That feeling of deepoolency D jb ' i Y uu Believe it will give wy to one of hoj>e and KU w«tt« ... R ange M ade — 1.00 Awne say that chronic cow Mips- good cheer. For sale by all dealers I Froste,! Lxmps five cents ertrw jfe’i cannot be « turd l>on't you Effective October 11th. «lir'e it Chamberlain'a Tablets Methodist Minister Recommends T illamook E lkctkic L ight BAJtlTH M 4. «KJCJTM Chamberlain s Cough Re nedv have cured other» why not you? Cue them a trial They cost only Rev. James A Lew,«. Milaca I F uel C ompany . a quarter. For sale by all dealers. Minn., writes "Chamberlain « Congti Remedy »«as been a needed ami welcome guest w our home toi The Best Cough Medicine. G. a numtwrof years. I highly recoiu I McfiKE, I haxe im«. I Chaitiberlsin'« mend it to my fellows a« teiow a Cough Remedy ever since I have medicine worthy ot trial in cases of been keeping house." sa)» I. U. colds, coughs and croup'* Gite Humee, of M»rt>urx Als I con­ Chamber an, . Covgli Remedy n| PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. sider it or« of the t-est remedir« I trial and we are Confidant you will erri usr