Tillamook Headlight, February Ô, 19:3. i Popularity ws. The Truth. family bad gone to lied except Bert JOHN L HENDERSON, • —— Varuey. who received me very cordial­ Jesus Christ was the most un­ ly. He offered me some refreshment popular person that ever lived. He before goiug to bed. setting out a bot­ was spat upon, sla|>ed, cast out of ATTORNEY A COUNSEL tle of whisky. I swallowed some of II, the synagogue. Poverty and deati tution, lowness of birth all tended though I didn't like it. and smoked a A Lo R-AT-LAW, He w.s finally cigarette with him. which didn't trou­ to degrade Him. crucified and put to the greatest ble me ao uiu. to. I took quite u fancy Tillamook Block, Tillamook,Or. at that time all to him frum tbe stall uud anticipated shame known because of his strange doctrine. Room No ®6i. pleasautly my appruichiug rides with "The Kingdom of God at hand,” Produced exclusively from him over the plautatiou. But I gasped But Not In the Regu- * the greatest truth that the human Choicest and most carefully for breath every time I thought about ' mind has ever been able to com­ T. BOTTS, . selected. lar Way meeting bis mother in tbe moruiug. prehend. The sovereignty of God As to bis sisters, thank heaven be bad makes every man master o< his own A ttorney - at -L aw . destiny, for God reflects upon us none. Of which every grain is thoro­ Complete »et of Abatract Rook just what we are to others. Popu ­ MITCHEL "Mrs. Varuey Is Just too lovely for larity is exemplified in a solemn ughly cleansed, washed and dried. Difieî. Taxes paid for non- anything. When 1 bad finally screwed prayer, a profession of righteous­ . up my courage to go down to break­ ness and a claim of a reward in “ ART FLOUR ” is a better milled patent flour I “My dear Margaret," wrote Miss fast ber son bad finished bls meal and Residenti. heaven. The truth, by the prayer than any other SOFT WHEAT flour on the market, BFrunces Pouieroy to her friend, Miss j had gone out. So 1 was received by in the closet, repentance and the Tillamook Block. Kjuqueliue Seaton, “I have had the time bet alone. 1 breakfasted principally gift of God. J. C. Gov®. TILLAMOOK FEED CO., TILLAMOOK, OR. •/of my life, it has been unique. 1 have on fruit. Mrs. Varney chatting with me Both phones. PELZ A KIRSCHOFF, TILLAMOOK, OR. FOR SALE BY M‘not only s|ient chill November In a the while. Summons. MEYER A SON, HEBO, OR H warm climate, but have done so mas “'Now. my dear boy,’ she said, ‘you D. 3. BOYAKIN, NEHALEM, OR liqueradiug. Do you remember when we must make yourself entirely at borne. In the Circuit Court of the State of C/ARL HABERLACH, (^Oregon for Tillamook County. were sophomores how Bess Wharton Go to lied and rise when you like, eat Department No. 2. '' and 1 dressed ourselves as boys, went and drink what you want, but I would B. Hill, 1 ^.out on to the campus, kicked football advise you to keep out of doors as Plaintiff, A scientific combination of East­ ATTORNEY AT LAW, vs. Sa and were ordered off by the college au much as possible. Bert asked me to ern Hard Wheat and Western Soft thorities? And perhaps you will re say to you that he will start to ride Frederick Briody, John i Krebs, W. G. Willett, E member what a good looking boy Tillamook Block. over the plantation at 10 o’clock thio Wheat. Geo. G. Willett, Oscar E made—to say nothing of Bess. morniug. and if you wish to join him Lion, Carl Johnson "Well, we were caught, as you know, I am to order a horse for you. How “FISHER’S BLEND” is the Ibest for uni­ Chas. P. Nelson, W. ^5,EORGE WILLETT, & going into your room, and the whole did you leave your dear mother? versal use. It bakesi>UQre and larger loaves G. Dwight, F. K ■ thing came out. The faculty notified You're looking better than I expected Beale, H. C Ellis, J. bread per given quantity than any other R us that our presence was no longer re- to find you—a little pale, but when J. Gee, Ixruise P. brand. Whether [for bread, biscuits, cgke or A t rokNB v - at -L aw . Lockwood and H. B. ■ qulred at the university and we were you have spent a month in the open ’ . . • 4 pastry, it is the dependable Lockwood, J. F |en- I S directed to repair to our homes. I ex- air with Bert you’ll have more color in kins, Defendants. J Tillamook Commercial Building. ■ pected to meet with a very cold recep- your cheeks.' To the defendant, J. J. Gee : ■ tion there, and so 1 did at first, but “1 should think so. Indeed. I felt the in the name of the State of Ore­ T illamook - O regon . g when I told the whole story to papa he color coining into my cheeks every gon, you are hereby required to ap­ Price, $1.60 per 49-lb. Sack. Costs- S laughed and said. '1 didn't believe when time 1 looked at my trousers. 1 de­ pear and answer the complaint These brand manufactured by I you went to college that you would be- cided to ride witb Bert that very morn­ filed against you in the above en­ MOPE per Sack ■ have yourself with sufficient circum- ing and in half an hour went out on titled Court and cause, on cr before ■ spection to get through, and I'm not to tlie veranda, booted and spurred. 1 the Sixth day of March, 1913, and if “ Finest Flouring Mills, ’ ’ LESS per Loaf I disappointed.' Dear old pappy! 1 never had ridden in divided skirts, which you fail to answer for want there­ of, the plaintiff will apply to the Seattle, I could do anything that would seem ter- was n tine preparation for riding In FilXSiClAN A SURGEON Court for the relief prayed for in I rible in his eyes, and even if 1 did 1 breeches. Itert. who had already been his complaint herein, to wit: out on horseback, rode up. and when I ■ always knew bow to get round him ao That tbe mortgage described in riLLAMlOJt. bad mounted we started on tbe dally plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed I that it shouldn’t count against me. and that the premises described in "It was two years ago that 1 took rounds. Tillamook Blocs. | leave, prematurely, of my alma mater. "I studied Bert's countenance in an said complaint be sold to satisfy I 1 dare say that the day will comewhen effort to make out how far successful the same, and that the proceeds of sale be applied in payment of the , I 1 shall regret my folly. I'm nineteen I was in personating a man. He didn't amount unpaid and owing to the M. KER RON, that home health give me the slightest evidence that ■ years old. and if I hadn't been expelled plaintiff on said mortgage and the I from college I would now be a dignified there was anything unusual In me, notes secured thereby, to-wit : the . is governed largely by sani­ senior. I’m going to tell you a story treating me ns a man would naturally sum of Sixteen Hundred Forty PHYSICIAN & SURGEON tary conditions, doesn’t it seem that puts that sophomore episode In treat another mail several yearsyoung­ ($l,(M0) Dollars, with interest there­ Tillamook Block, the shade. Compared witli what I’ve er tli.-in himself. He was very kind on at the rate of Seven per cent per that good plumbing is worth i lieen doing, the first was a mere baga and attentive, telling me all about tbe annum from the 14th day of May, I while ? orange culture, the dangers Incurred 1911, and that you be barred and Tihamcok, .. Oregon. telle. foreclosed of all rights, claim, or "Last spring I was very much run and the pleasure experienced after equity of redemption in said pre­ ■^tatrdatuT guaranteed plumbing down in health. Papa aud mamma passing a season of them in gatberinff mises and every part thereof ; and worried about me just as if 1 had been an abundant crop. 1 reined In several that plaintiff recover his costs and fixtures afford perfect sanitation U. HAWK, good and took me out on a farm, hop­ times during the morning under a tree disbursements incurred herein. Í and give years of dependable ser ­ That this summons is served to pluck ripe fruit. How mucb more ing 1 would get better. Bnt 1 didn’t 1 i think I was pining for something out delicious is an orange eaten just off f’:»on you by publication in the vice. Tillamook Headlight, by order of tbe tree than one picked green and of the general run. don't you know: PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Hon. Wm. Galloway, the Judge of Our prices will interest you. bit of spice in my diet. At any rate, sent north, ripening on the way. the above flamed Court, dated on “It would require several hundred the 13th day of January, 1913, the such an opportunity occurred, and this pages of this letter paper—es|>ecially first publication to be on the 23rd BAY CITY, OREGON. is how it came. "Mother has an old friend she hadn't written in my scrawly hand—to give of January, 1913 and you are re­ Telephone Main 1314 quired to appear and answer on or you an account of nty experience with seen for years, a Mrs. Varney. The Varneys are rich and have both a sum Bert Varney. I thought him a very before the Sixth day of March, 1913. J as . g . H eltzel , R. BEALS, nter and a winter home. Their winter pure man. for 1 noticed that lie said Attorney for Plaintiff. home Is In the center of an orange not a word to me but wbat be might grove In Florida. After we got home in have spoken to a girl companion. - REAL ESTATE, September mamma wrote Mrs. Varney, I came at once to have so great a GIVES INSTANT ACTION. telling her that she was worried about reverence—admiration—for him partly F inancial A oknt , J. S. Lamar, druggiat, reports thgt my henlth and said she feared I would on this account that I took pains to repress tbe hoyden nature to which 1 A SINGLE DOSE of simple buck­ need to go south for the winter, but Tillamook, Oregon. you know ottr Income is small, and was born, and up to a few days be­ thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com fore I was ex|>ectlug to leave for borne pounded in Adler-i-ka, the German traveling and putting up at hotels are deported myself In an exemplary man­ expensive, and I knew well enough that appendicitis remedy, stope consti­ ner. H GOY NR, we couldn't afford to make such a trip, pation or gas on the stomach IN­ “ You know that riding horseback Is for mamma wouldn’t take me without STANTLY Many Tillamook people papa, and for the three of us the outlay my liohhy, and If I had been a man I are being helped. would have long ago broken my neck A ttornkv - at -L aw . would tie something awful. “Mamma, in reply to her letter, re­ at a fem e or a ditch. There were no W S. Skelton, a merchant at Stan Office : Opposite Court H odjc . ceived an invitation for me to visit the fences at the plantation except some ley, led , says he would not take Vanievs on their orange plantation. 1 inclosing orange groves, but the ditches tltXl.OJ for the relief a single box of were a constant temptation to me. 1 Foley Kidney Pills gave him. "I had been referred to as Prank, and T illamook , O regon . was afraid that If I should get a fall had a severe attack of kidney when I read Mrs. Varney’s letter I saw In taking one of them It might lead to trouble with sharp pains through at once that she thought 1 was a boy. betraying my sex After resisting my back and could hardly straight My son Albert. who has charge of the P. J. SHAR x ', many teiuptatloua I yielded one morn­ en up. A single box of Foley Pills plantation, she wrote, 'every morning ing and. making a run for a ditch, at­ entirely relieved me.” rides over it nnd Is constantly tn the tempted to put my horse over It. I open air attending to the needs of the RESIDENT DK.4f»S'. felt the Isittom of the universe drop­ trees, the packing of the oranges or ping out tieneath me. a thud, and 1 TOWER’S FISH BRAND Office acrons the street Iron e some such matter. Your son can go knew nothing more till 1 saw Bert with him. and 1 don't doubt that with­ bending over me. My coat and vest REFLEX SUCKER Court House. in a few weeks be will show consider KEEPS OUT ALL THE RAIN were Iritli o|>en. and my shirt sod ua able improvement.' Dr. Wise’s office. dervest bad been badly torn I saw , Cynii Noble, pure, old and palatable— "Well. now. just think of riding about in a moment tliat my secret was out. Bottled at drinking strength. witb a young man that way. Then the Though I was Imdly stunned. 1 felt tbe Sold everywhere—and costs no more thaa idea got Into my bead what a lark it hot blood rushing Into my cheeks. SARCHET, any other good whiskey. would be to go riding around witb him. "Now. wasn't this just too provokiag . The Fashionable Tai'o«. not as a girl, but as the bey be tbougbt for anything? 1 was lying on the in*! 1 couldn't get it out. It stuck and ground, but gathered strength to sit almmered and simmered and stnck un up and rearrange my clothing, tbongb C.s-auing, Pressing and Repair­ til I made up my mind I was going to about all 1 could do was to button my ing a Specialty. do that very thing. Sherry Wine ...................................... 35c coat. Then I clapped both hands to Angelica Wine.................................... 36c “I answered Mrs. Varney's invitation my burning cheeks and would bave Zenfendel Wine per quart 35c myself and didn't say a word about her kept them there bad Bert not gently S> *re in Heins Photographic Tokeyf............................. per quart 40c mistake or that I was a girl, accepting pulled them away. Pebbleford, bottled in bond, per qu irt 25 Gallery. WAToraoor— D urable ber Invitation and telling her when I per bottle .......................................... $1.50 Claret.......................... “ 'Don't trouble yourself. I've known White Grape Juice............................. 75 Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in SATISFACTION GUARANTEED expected to arrive The first prepara it ever since the evening you came Local Heer, ijuurt, 3 bottles for 5)c bond, per bottle ............................1.25 tion I made was to bare a lot of men's to us.' Domestic Beer, qt, 3txittles for 75c O d Crow, bottled in bond, per J. CLAUSSEN, clothes sent borne to try on and kept "He said no more at tbe time; be bottle .................................................. 1.1J0 BOSTON what fitted me. sending the rest back. was too mucb concerned about my in­ LAWYER, Hermitage, bottled in bond, per What an easy time the men bare buy­ jury. I made an effort to rise, but it bottle............................................. . 1.50 ing their clotbee! Why. to buy as much was not very successful. Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ................. 1.50 However, £u-utechrr JlbvohcU. Keg Beer.................... 15 gallons $6,7. O T. O , bottled in bond, per women's tilings as I bought men's in with Bert's assistance 1 got on to my 10 gallon« 4 7 bottle.................................................... 1.25 Keg Beer ........ half an hour would require from one to feet I took no thought as to bruises Ixxral bottle Beer, fl.lox. quart.« 10 413 Tiliamook Block, Kentucky Dew, H gal., bottled two months and no end of trouble. or broken bones or Internal Injuries. 1 in bond......................................... 2 15 Local bottle Beer, 10 dm pints 11 > "Before I started mother said: ‘Now. wax horrified at my secret being out Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled 1 I LLAMOOS - ORVGON. Frank, if you behave yourself and drop and the manner of its exposure. My in bond...................................... 75 your pranks you may catch tbe young bend was bung while my companion Bud wiser Seer, fl dos. quarts $15 07 John Dewar A Sone. Old Scotch man wbo manages that plantation. If was trying to get some of tbe dirt off Whiskey..................... l.SC Bu«e-this ends all tbe pleas I. W. Harper .......... . . . . . f • • • • • 1 «t Angelii a ........... 1 *11 per gal 1 00 Z.enfenilel Harvester Old Style way. When she «nares one It will be ant- friendship— I 25 per gal Monogram .}............. . . . a . 1 no Tokey .1.25 i»er gal. with a trap nersr used by woman toe- *"Yes. It does, on my part.' and toe i.nn r Kentuck Dev for».' kissctl me. 1» Billie Tavlrrr. full qt »art 'This wet me up a bit. though I esw- "It 1« a«tonh>hlng bow far that bl«« Coronet Drv Gin.. .. prr tritile l.rjr» Monogram prr gal. F> 01 fesw I felt mighty squeamish abuwt tetid<-d to restore me. A.V H Gin.................. per botile 1 75 White Corn Whiskey Vr gal You awake with a mean, nftl 4 «*1 what I wan going to do I «ent my "How I remained a few days longer Gordon Sloe Gin P»r txittle 1.75 Harvester < »Id Style • ti’r gal 4 taste in the mouth, which rrmur « men's rl.xbe« Including a ddlng aett. at the plnntstion. a hoy to every one <>ordon Dry Gin per Ixittlr 1 25 McBrayer. 13 years cM. per gal « knew I would never get a bnahaod In tbe regular way Bnt-lf I ever have a daughter and «be 1« Inrllnel tn ptvy aoeh pranks »• I hare pta’ed I II shut tour ap Is Ue lop of a tower ' 4 hl or ni ng Reminder. Tablets. BILLY STEPHENS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER. COR ist and lat AVENUK K « ♦ Tlwy budff up th. ■plm, sm M aatvis !• rwtor« natoral conditwM, and ar. aa ■aafV, tol tK..r action that op. hardly re.L Lwa modkieowso taken. Chamber!.-... « TsMstsasesaM eoaniwtoaso. P it««