Tillamook Headlight, February Q, 1»13 HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANQ^ Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE A WA Y, absolutely without cost, the CLAXTON UPRIGHT PI AN O shown below. This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at Mason, Pen­ nington & Co.’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting advertising proposition ever held in Till­ amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Upright PARLOR GRAND PIANO. How to Get Vote Tickets How to Get Vote Tickets. With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING TON & CO.’« STORE votes will be given—100 votes I OR EVERY DOLLAR’S WORTH PURCHASED. Votes in the same proportion will also be given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of onr friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent.’s Clothing and burnishing, 'Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give yon their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be May 1, 1913. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure votes. With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook Headlight accompanied by $i 50 in cash, 5,000 votes will be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tills, mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay’ any of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so much greater for subscription than for anything else. You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the Headlight if you try. Closes May 1, 1913. The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads and other improvements. NOMINATION BLANK. Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest Cut this Coupon out and bring to Mason, Pennington & Co It will Count 100 Votes. No. 1 Name of Contestant will not be known. 2, No name of candidates will be pub­ lished. 3, Every Contestant gets 2.UUU votes to start with. 4, Every Contestant gets h number 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight. ♦» All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­ ten on. 8. Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. <«. Color of Certificates will be changed each month and must be recorded before change 10 Votes ure transferable only before recording. 11. Contestant having the largest number of vote« on May 1, 1913, wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT WURTH WORKING FUR. 13^ I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these 2000 votes to my credit. Name P.O Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. . Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. Advertia'ng Ratea to trade with those who belong „ Commercial Club. We can’t to the club. 1 hat is right and blame the city officials much in proper and comes head wanting to meet >•'— underthe ■•'■-i’-‘i-i' -..... . in *«-- the cjub of tlie "pull together” spirit to rooms and not in their barn help boost the city and one ano­ looking quarters in the city hall. ! ther. Perhaps by driving the city dads from the club rooms they will he inclined to fix up more pro­ gressive quarters for them­ selves. it is going to take considerable waa chiefly responsible for its de­ MilliotiH of packageswere aentbt money every year to keep open feat in Michigan. Out of a total parcel poet during the first week c vote of 530,000, it failed in Michigan the new law. The people have bee: the channel from Bay City to by a margin of about 600. IO First Insertion, per line $ ready for it a long time, but Coo 5 Hucti subseipient insertion, line Dick's Point, we are inclined to During the past few days while gress was slow to find it out Bi litiess und professional curds, think that our friends at Bay Parliament was being convulsed by A Confederate $10 bill was passei 1 month.................................. 1 If) City will soon cotne to the con • the proposition, suffrage quietly and in an entirely orderly way in a neighboring town, last week Homestead Notices.................. 5 IK) elusion that it is a wilful waste pushed itself through both branches How long will it take some folkst Timber Cluiins ................ 1000 of the taxpayers’ money to re­ of the New York Legislature, with learn that ipeeial stamps only wu • Locals per line each insertion 5 only a few votes in opposition. If send a parcel through the mails Display advertisement, an inch, move the silt which congregates 1 month ........................ .. 50 in the channel between these it passes the Legislature a year Gen Botha, the eld Boer warrior hence it will be referred to Un­ All Resolutions of Condolence and two points every year, when people for final aciion of 1915 The has never ceased fighting for liii i.odge Notices, 5c. per line, It tn.iv not lx- a very humane I ( that useless expenditure would proposition has passed one or both country. He is determined tint ('ardu of Thanks, 5c. per line. or Christian method of handling have been avoided had the Stur­ branches of the legislatures of South Africa shall be somethin! Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, than a mere adjunct of the the criminal class, but the snap geon channel been opened out Montana, Nevada and South Dakota more etc., minimun rate, 25c. not exceed and will be taken up iminedi British Empire. shot man would like to help tar instead of being partly closed also, fug five lines. ately by Ohio, Wisconsin and Mich­ Parcels in the mails must not be end. Â letter igan, which defeated it in 1912 It and feather the individual who up at one so tigh-lv sealed that their content) RkTKSOF SURSt RI' TIO.X. I swindled the $10 from Rev. I. from the Engineer to the Port is also before the legislature of can not be readily examined bv the E. Meese which had been sub­ ! of Tillamook some time ago is Massachusetts, New Jersey ant' postal authorities The o'd ’joke (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. ) ()nr • ear.......................................................... 1.1 We culled attention to the un­ scribed by the U B. church for ' useful.information and proves other Eastern states, and wi'll pro ■ about the postmistress and postal bablv be introduced in the Mis '»lx isontlis..................................................... safe condition of the bridge the woman whose husband was what we have stated about the souii Legislature in a week or two cards will be freshened up for sn other run. film month*............................................... I across the slough last summer, killed. Anyone who would do heavy cost of maintenance. No And everywhere the propaganda is being pushed in an orderly way. but it rocks just as bad if not Postmaster General HiKhcock a mean, heartless trick like ' one wants to see good money Entered iih secondrlnsa mid! mat has amended the parcel poet regu : .ly, 1HM8, nt the post otth'r ;»t worse when a team and wagon that needs a wholesome lesson. thrown when all this could have lotions to permit printed deecrip Uhiiijook, Ore., under the net o «villi two \ arils of gravel passes | It is more than probable that he been avoided had the natural Mr. Wilson will viBit the Panama bye matter to be sent in parcel» 'lurch 3. im Canal next summer before the \V<- don lo I* t < . iganda are being shown in a strik- 1 '' hat is pure water ? It may be tex paying days Hiippv is the practice, and then fails, why,' i t . ?i i'* i Ute inK W!,y‘hese days After a contest more difficult than the one already than the dealing in representative man who la not "touched'’ for ■ fieriIts and marslinls should hot1 that the loss falls on a big cor- lasting three or four years the £n8"’,ered of "What is pure whis- of material things, without then being necessarily anything material be condemned when flivy-have poration, for had the roa«i been ¡»uffnigista at last were enabled to i key . a few burnire I dollars. owned by by some some person person of of limit limit- ­ their issue up in Parliament I Three Columbus jumped jumped to represent, as is shown whet ■o clues to wank on. owned Three girls girls in in Columbus " lien it came up there it encoun­ , from an upper story of a burning more wheat or cotton is bought of ed mentis the road would be still tered as great violence of language i A bounty on gophers and i?to a nver and swam sold than the visible supply Tht tied up. as was shown against the Irish ■snore. T«e new woman is acquir man who sells has none to sell aad 1 il'.nniook County is «AMI, moles would help some in ex home-rule bill in its recent pasaage ing some valuable accomplish­ the man who buys wants none. Ai terminating these pests in tins wli.it behind other progressive ’ rv2‘* V-’ that either is desirous of doing >< through the House of Commons, ments. counties in making un effort to Due thing more than another to raise or lower the price. county, for they have bee >me with this exception that while the A few American dreadnoughts in induce home seekers to locnte .1 which will help to boost and opponents of home rule were Tories fur too numerous. Plans have been approved by th* here by wnv of publicity work. I advertise the county will be the solely, the cabinet was divided on Mexican waters will be an effectiye War Department to prepare on th’ safeguard to American citizens on • hie reason is on uccouut pf luck improvement of Tillamook bar. suffrage nine of its members, the wrong side of the border, battlefield of Gettsburg a rang I among them being Premier Asquith, id funds for that purpose. .\t and which will lx- of inestimii-j being hostile and seven of them and to American business that has containing 54.000 tents for th* •Mi.OilO or 70,(100 survivors of th least $.'>.opo « year could l»e ex- ble Ijepefit to the whole of the favorable. The speaker ruled that strayed too far from home. I nion and Confederate am eso) pc'ded to good advimtage. : It central part of the county, for the torni and substance of the Coastwise trade in the United the fiftieth anniversary in July next franchise bill hr had been altered so States auivunii is the live, wide-awuke coun­ wateyways will do more to i create amounts io to something im- For this event Congress has ppp** non* io rente comnletftlv v roll* thn.» - ùfV.L.1 '. th . amendment mense. ties that are doing the ndver industries and pay ** It has preserved preserved’ the skill priated $150,000, the State of 1 en* ____ _ , ______ rolls Hmn ! striking out the word ‘•male* that of Americans as as , shiobuilder« shipbuilders, and sylvania $250.000, and other -tstfl tising which are catching the highways. Prospects lixik g«x»d ought tn to h* be presented i oi Americans *__ Cis look trnod ■ the measure otuht A uer. , these are but two of the advantages will provide for transportation »> Rumora continue to Is- circu­ new settlers. for a great deal of activity iu i II! ,,le i!1"1* of “ new b*n Then of the national coastwise policy. penses. The first week of lulj lated that th«- 1 nite I Railways Tillamook county this ve.ir with « '■ “i rigid bill*. The same thing have the hearty supimrt of our dustrial undertakings will have gists have been working In the Kansas, Oklahoma and parts of the national dedication of the rieH ol 1912 they won in Ari Missouri have for manv years en­ was on the tapis two venr« ago, , eitixens. It is appalling to sex- . been decided upon. Tillamook campaign Kansas And Oregon, making the luxury of natural gas for »"'Will am Rocke'etler «bill < ioveruor We»t, for person how many Voting girls ¡ire lured c.>tmtv, certainly, has n bright xona. _____ must !>•* nine states in all in which women joyed and manufacturing pur- service ot of a subpoena, sub: hitiire. which ianowon the eve comma ihX have the ballot on the Sinn terms heating al, petty reuaot.a, vetoed the nwny from homes mid pareuU poses The commodity has recent- "~ hia presence before the Jupo Hot* [ to lend a life of shmift-. debau­ , <>f development. bills. m ¿""1 The other six states, in ; ko . d |( ly changed from a luxury to a most of which women have been necessity and its use must now be Committee as a witness, bef- re k chery ai.d premature dentil, for can be held as advised of the sun «otmg for year., .re Wyoming. ------- ‘ that is th«- terrible price th.it The ex« iteniciit overthe |mve­ < hie of the stipulations in the J-Olorad««, ( tab. Idaho, Washing restricted to lighting and cooking. moning Nobody doubts that R ulent und æwer assesnments is paid bv girls and voting women project for the improvement of ton and Caliiornia. Suffrage waa Army women, by which term is is thoroughly advised of that fa**- grndually exhnusting itself. It who forsake the path ,.f virtue the bar is that the port of Bay defeated in a sit ial election ln daUR h«ers and sis sis- It is knowledge of that fact whirl in uau Kh,er * «nd *r, 1911 l»rcr re.tora has forced him to remai 1 11 n<3e’ 1911. when it w». was O.™ 21 ?¿*”y °®1 is uol aurprising, for the agita and cans«- deep sorrow to |»ar- < ity will have to ' agree to cre­ Ohio in Septeiulier, «ote«l on as one of the forty two tion of the canteen. The« are just cover during all of the indent«*1 tion wna atnr«ed by thoae who ents and other relatives. ate and maintain an effective proposed amendments to the state ■■ good women as those not con­ weather and has now in spite* hml nu tu grind or for s- me channel between Bay Citv and conatitution It was defeated in nected with the army and know a his sheltered life brought <>• 1 Personal rensone. th« City of Tillamook of at least nieeonsin and Michigan in Novem- gieat deal more about the cat.teen ■ever? attack of larvngitis. ~t® question. They may be acquitted to a legal fiction, shW piual capacity to that author­ ber Its failure in Wisconsin, where t" adJ“Bce ol sny desire to increase «ccoroiog '* worth prese-ving, tb it has twen championed for yeara ise«! bv the existing project, bv Mr !.> Follette, surpri^the drunkenness and immorality nmoeg Rockefe ler doe«n t know that • *1 he buaiiieaa tuen who belong tu the Commercial Club intend which provide« for a depth of H onttitry but the liquor interests of the soldier* in the midst of whom subpoena has been issued for hi* Milwaukee were more powerful than they must live, but ahouk be in the only legal way in whtcfc* feet at menu high water.” As^ A. the senator. The Mme element crexhted with the natural instinct of witness can lie made to know •* j self protection to reduce iL through service. L rual A dvertisements :