Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 06, 1913, Image 1

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    Vol. XXV.
No. 34.
FEBRUARY 6, 1913.
A meeting,
Commercial Clubs of Tillamook
County, was
held on Saturday
afternoon to consider publicity
Leak and
I work and to recommend to the Vessel Springs
County Court some plan to adver­
Drifts ont 60 Miles.
tize the county. The Sunset plan
in connection with the Southeru
A storia , Or., Feb. 1.—The steam­
The Tillamook County Bank has
Pacific waa agreed upon.
er Praiso arrived from San Francis­
A serious accident befell William co this evening, having in tow the
been a strong factor in the commer­
Noble, a bricklayer,
on Friday Portland Fish Company’s launch
cial progress of Tillamook City and
morning, who was working on the
new bank building. It seems that water-logged, with George Thomp­
J. C. H olden .
a four by four broke which waa son and H. Thierson on board.
The launch left Bay City four
supporting the scaffold and he fell
B. C. L amb .
Since its organization in 1902 '
30 feet to the ground. He was pick­ days ago for Portland, and while
W m . G. T ait .
ed and taken to Dr. Boals’|hoapital. crosaing Tillamook bar was struck
this bank has maintained its individ­
where it was found that he had in­ by a huge sea which loosened
C. W. T almage -
uality in resources and in the public
some of tbe planking, allowing
jured hie back.
the water to pour in. The engine
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellison re­
P aul S chrader .
alao went out of commiaaion and
turned to this city on Tuesday,
the craft drifted helpleaaly to sea.
having spent the winter in Califor- j
The high position which it has
We have just installed some modern Safe De­
-1 On account of the leak one man
nia. They were at Santa 1____
° • | was compelled to stand by the
attained is due to its conservative
and Mr. Ellison says it is the cheap­
i pump constantly, but the other rig-
posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe
est place to live at he has ever seen.
policies and the satisfactory service
ged a sail from gunnyaacke and an
He kept an account of the expenses
effort was made to beat up the
which itsclients have enjoyed.
from fire. We will be pleased to show then to you.
each month and all that it cost him i coast as the bar waa too rough to
and his wife for living was $10.00 a put beck into Tillamook Bay. Con­
trary winds and currents drove the
Dr. Emma Drake, a social speak­ launch fully 00 miles off shore.
er of national reputation, will give
The one can of water on board
a lecture in the First Presbyterian , was loat while crossing the bar
Church on Thursday evening, Feb. * 1 and within a short time the small
0, at 7:45 p. m. Admission free, f aupplyof provisions was exhausted.
Dr. Drake has spoken in a number I Desperate’ with hunger and loss of
of the largest churches of Portland * ,leep for four days, the men deter,
A. G. Beals has gone to Portland recently, and she comes to us high­ mined to beach the craft if passible.
»he expectation of making ar­ ly recommended by the pastors of Accordingly, during last night they
rangements to ship lumber from these churches. Her lecture Thurs­ headed directly or the shore and cultural College. So far aa mv in­ Ginn, James Feeney and Frank
formation extends the ugricultui id Hanenkratt.
See Big Mack for your sewer con­ this city.
day evening is for both sexes.
picking up a favorable wind arrived extension work of every state in the
Mr. Branstetter, who owned the about six miles off Tillamook Rock, Union, which ia supported by state
Go to the Clam market for Clams,
F. D Small and wife left on Tues­ Fish and Crabs. Second Avenue, steamer Golden Gate, was in the when they were sighted by the aid, is placed in charge of the agri
cultural colleges or experiment
near First St., in the building back city on Wednesday. He was in Praiso, which took them in tow.
day for Portland.
Large Hildings to Be Developed
Port.and, and having nothing to do
While completely exhausted, the
If such county proceeds indepen­
Get your Blackford's Calf Meal at of Beals’ office.
When Tillamook Is Accessible.
If you wish rooms for the Winter,
the Tillamook Feed Co.
unnecessary duplication of work
pay Tillamook another visit before is not seriously damaged.
Mrs. Fred.C. Baker left for Eugene by the month “cheap.” with hot or
which means waste of means nnd
As Siam as the bay at Tillamook
cold water and with bath, call at he returner! to California. He was
effort. Agricultural extension wr.-k
on Wednesday morning.
greatly surprised to see how rapid­ Amateur Night at the Gem must be based upon experimental is opened t-» vessels of a sufficient­
the Todd Hotel.
John Hathaway and wife return­
ly Tillamook City was coming to
data and the agricultural college ly large draft fo permit of the ship­
C Reed, who comes from Med­
ed to the city on Sunday.
and experiment station
is the ment of timber and lumber general­
the front as a live, progressive city.
ord. has accepted a position as as­
ly, in large cargoes, the Whitney
To night the little folks will com­ source of this
Wanted, employment by lady on
He left on the train this morning.
sistant cashier at the First National
In conclusion I beg to assure Company, Ltd., will begin develop­
pete for the five
silver dollars
farm. Enquire at this office.
Representative T. B. Haudley in­
your people that the Agricultural
Bank of this city.
offered for the best specialties. i,e. College has no interest in the move ment of its extensive holdings there.
Glasses fitted.
Any kind, any
troduced three bills in the house as
Fred Christensen and wife and
Such is the information given by
Three dollars for the first prize and ment other than to serve the agri­
style Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt.
Mrs. Claud Christensen came in on
cultural interests of the stale in the Russell llawkius, local manager of
two dollars for the second.
H. B. 375, by Handley—To pro­
The Board of Count}’ Commis­ the train Sunday after being de
the company, who lias been East
Miss Vio et Grimes will not ap­ verv best possible manner.
vide tor propagation of salmon and
I beg to remain, very cordially
sioners is in session this week.
tained in Portland since the Christ­ purchase of hatchery sites, appro­ pear again in competition, nor will
to attend a company meeting at
Alex McNair left for Portland on mas holidays.
priating $20,000.
Detroit, Mich.
Miss Gladys Roberts, aa they have
J ames W ithycomue .
H. B 876, by Handley—To make it
Tuesday morning on a business
This company ia one of the larg­
Mrs. Fred Poorman, who has been unlawful to ptrt tanbark or hair in withdrawn from further contest.
est holders of timber iu Oregon,
This leaves an open field for those
in Portland several weeks waiting any stream.
Wanted.—To buy
young pigH to come in on a visit to her parents,
and by far the greater portion of its
11. B. 377, by Ilandley-To pro who have not yet won the first prize.
Joe Donaldson, R. F D. 1, Tilla­ Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Aiderman, ar­ vide bounties ou gophersand moles
Several entries have been made
The Gem Vaudeville Co. played stand is in Tillamook County.
in Tillamoook County.
mook .
According to Mr. Hawkins the
and the show bide fare to be ex­ Bay City Theatre Saturday night,
rived on Sunday’s train.
Train service was resumed on cellent. At any rate the amateurs
Leave orders with the Tillamook
February 1st, entertaining a full lumber business in the East is in u
Will Conley and the two Japs who
Feed Co. for wood direct from the were seriously injured in the smash Sunday after a tie-up of exactly five tested are most clever, well’re­ house to a greut degree of satisfac­ flourishing condition, there being
weeks, but on account of several hearsed and presenting a catchy
a marked increase in the value of
up of the section house on the P.
freight cars going off the track program. Next week there will be
Slab wood for sale direct from, R. & N. and were brought to Dr.
Miss Violet Grimes, the Ragtime Southern pine and for a lesser de­
above Mohler, the service was several new names added to the list.
Kid, was exceptionally good, snd gree other varieties.—Oregonian.
the mill or sawed and delivered. Boals’ hospital, have made good
------- - j - ----- ----------
slight’y crippled on Monday. The
- J W L U ■
Mr. Beals’ illustrated songs were
progress toward recovery.
See Shrode.
passengers were transferred on the
excellent The company is adver­ Social Betterment Addrr ce».
Delayed Mail Arrives,
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
The merchandise store of Myers A incoming train that day, and it waa
tised to play there again thia coin­
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. Son at Hebo was destroyed by fire eleven o'clock liefore they arrived
Captain Emmet Jenkins arrived
per pound.
: on Wednesday night. A blaze was in this city and it was the next in this city on Saturday morning ing Saturday nigh», February the
Mrs. Emma F. A. Drake, M. D. who
8th, and once each week until the is touring the state under the direction
Dr. Jack Olson has opened den­ discovered in the ware house about morning before the train reached with 6*4 tons of back mail, which he
season opens—then steady.
of the Portland Lecture Bureau In »he
Portland on the
tal parlors over F. R. Beals’ office. 10:30 and the fire was well under here. Thia delayed the outgoing brought from
A social dance will lie given by interests of socisl betterm»
Both phones.
train Tuesday morning two hours.
The Gem Co. after the performance in Tillamook for » series u. iouiu *■>*
, insurance.
run from Astoria to Tillamook at
Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. i
to which all are cordially invited.
There was a large gathering of
covering a period of Severn! dsyr '
Only members and those having
night and crossed in over the bar
Country work solicited. Phone 1313
members and visitors to the city at
week. Her repertoire of leetu» sub­
i visitor’s cards will beallowed to use (
at eight o’clock in the morning.
Pacific Statep.
ject* may well insure her an sv. ..once
the club rooms in future.
The I the smoker at the Tillamook Com­ Beside* the mail he had on board
Club Is On the Boost
Housekeeping Rooms Furnished
mercial Club on Wednesday even­
in whatever capacity the eomn.-
several drums of gasoline and cases
for Rent. See I. Parson, at the
'liated with the club will not be | ing. President Shrode presided at of oil. The mail waa piled outside
The Executive Board of the Com charge may place her. She v’;i. no
Hotel Columbia.
a short business meetingfat which
allowed to take their friends there
the poetoffice, which whs a curiosity mercial Club last Monday night doubt, be invited to speak i.e*.
Have you sent in your applica­
took several steps which will help
the question of new members was
in the future.
to see so much mail. Most of it in the rejuvenation r>f the Club now the women’s and men’s club- of the
tion for membership ?
again taken up, the committee
At a meeting of the Executive having that in hand being given waa paper mail, and as it waa the planned. The Directors instructed city aa well an the schools, cliurcf.es
body’s doing it’
Committee of the Tillamook Com­ until next Wednesday evening to 29th December since the tie up on the Secretary to issue cards as a and some private parlor gatherings.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
Her first appearance will be at the
the P. R. A N., thia had accumu­ receipt for dues Only member« who
mercial Club on Monday evening report.
can exhibit cards showing theirdues
Several new applications
mook MeatCompany’s Market. We
it was decided to hold a ball and ’ were made at the meeting, and it lated before the mail waa routed for the current month paid will be Presbyterian Church this (Thurs­
pay 12c. per pound.
noon Poat- given the privilege of the < lull day) evening.
'basket social on St. Patrick’s day, , is hoped that every business man via
Cards of a
distitu live
E. H. Virgel came in from Port­ which is to help raise funds for the
Following are some of her lecture
maeter W, F. Baker had a wagon I rooms.
injthe city will affiliate with the club.
I co'or will be used each month so subjects:
land on Monday and left the next club.
Be sure and attend this The stunts at the smoker were box
that it will be easy to determine
morning for Woods.
Adam, Vt here Art Thou?
south part of the county, and by whether the holder is paid up or not,
social affair.
ing contests, singing and instru­
four o’clock the regular stage be­
Our Boys and Girls.
The Directors also determined on
County Clerk J. C. Holden ex­
There will be a reception at the mental music.
tween this city and Cloverdale had a liashet social to be held Friday
Sex Hygiene in the School*.
pects to have the tax rolls finished
home of Mrs. Arthur Beals on Fri­
A Big Masquerade Ball will be another bunch of mail. Bay City evening, March Ifitli (St Patrick’s
Playground* and Civic Center*.
by the end of the week.
Dancing will lie the order of
day afternoon, to which all members given at the Opera House, Tilla­
obtained part of its mail by auto on the evening until mid nigh», hut it
The Juvenile Court and Father*.
A saloon license was granted of the women’s clubs, and also all
mook, Oregon, February 14, 1913 Saturday afternoon, and the Sun- ia probable that a program will be
The Pasaion Play at Oberammergau.
Erickson by the county , women of the city are invited to !
It is given by Jenkins Four Piece day morning train took the mail for rendered between dances for the
Heredity, Environment and theurace
court to be opened at Wheeler.
| listen to Dr. Emma F. Drake, M.D., Orchestra. All the latest up-to date
the post offices in the north part of benefit of those who do not indul ;>• of God.
Arthur Stillwell was taken sick on who is here for the week lecturing ball room as well aa all of the old-
the county. It waa no easy job to of the Club will be charged $1 n d
Individual Responsibility.
Saturday with ptomaine poisoning on civic betterment.
faahioned dances will be participat­ handle thia mail, and although the others $1.50.
The Home, The School and I he
Ladies will be re­
but soon recovered.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sawyer, who ed in that evening,‘making it an poetoffice ¿staff kept sorting every quested to furnish basket lunch - Church.
Allen Rice is in from Forest have teen visiting
with their enjoyable evening for tbe old as day and part of the nights, they which will be auctioned at mid­
Daughters in Bondage.
Grove to look over the beat dairy­ daughter, Mrs. W. G. Tait, and | well as the young, so everybody were handicapped by the lock boxes night to the highest bidder. The
The Teacher.
funds raised will lie used in payi ig
ing section of country in Oregon.
were detained here on account of I come and bring your friends. Good being filled up with mail. It was off the Club's indebtedness.
Mother and Daughters.
Seven new members were add -<1
Wood sawed and delivered, or de­ the tie-up on the railroad, left on music and the best of management Wednesday before all the mail was
Girls Who Go Wrong.
livered direct from the wagon as it Sunday for California, where they guaranteed to all. Poatively the sorted. Sunday’s train also brought to the Club’s roster. They are: K.
Mrs. Drake's expenses will be mot
D. Severance, S. E Henderson, I’.
comes from the country.
See will visit before returning to their beet dancing floor in the county. in four days mail.
J. Worral, A I. Thomas, Elbert E. by collections and free will offering*.
Admission- Indies, free; Gentle­
home in the East.
Concrete Construction.¡side walks
William Roy, the contractor, who men, $1.0U Floor managers, Harry
Demonstration Farm
and floors a specialty. All work is building the Christian church, Sutton and Joe Illingeworth.
have received the following
Thos. Dolan, Phone returned to this city on Sunday >
from Spokane where he had gone I Mrs S. S. S., Van Buren St., King­ communication in regard to th*
Main 333.
ston, N. Y.. (full name furnished establishment
Do not iorget the Sunday Chicken to spend the Christmas holidays, on application) had such decided
farms, which ia of interest of those
benefit from using Foley's Honey
Dinner at the Todd. Better than
who are advocating a demonstra­
tbe railroad.
Work A Tar Compound that she shares
y« n can have at home for less money. tie up on
her good fortune with others She tion farm in Tillamook county
Cm and try us. Service from5: 30 on the new church was started writes. "Foley’k Hooey A Tar Com-
Mr. F. C. Baker Editor of Tills
again this week.
to 7- 00 p. m.
pmwd brought my voice back to
monk Headlight Tillamook, Or
nW during a severe case of bronchi­
My* Deer Mr. Baker,—I am ad
tis and laryngitis. Oh, how many vised that the citizens of Tillagiook
people I have recommended it to." are pi-Utionirfg the legislature to
have the demonstration farm work
When Burton Holme* recently placed under the control of county
gave his celebrated travelogue on courts. I candidly believe thia to
I m - a very great mistake
In fart
Panama" at Orchestra Hall. Chi­
under such an arrangement it
cago. he was seriously interrupted
would tie utterly impossible to pro-
by continual coughing of the audi­
|>erly coordinate the work In dis­
ence. No one annoys willingly and
tricts having similar agricultural
if people with coughs, cold*, hoarse­ conditions and throughout tbe state
ness and tn kling in throat would
use Foley’s Honey A Tar Com­ generally.
For efficiency ami economy I am
pound. they could quickly cure
sure the better plan ia to centralize
their coughs and colds and avoid
the work in one department and
this annoyance.
tl.ie, ol < ourae, should bn th* Agri-
First National Bank,
For Nearly Ten Years
Tillamook. Crecjon.
Under U S- Government Supervision.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Coal, Cement, Lime,
Biick, Shingles,
Drain Tile,
Plaster, Roof Paint
** Drop in and book flround.”