Tillamook Headlight, January 30, i®x>- This was followed by the “ Cup of Enjoyable Affair. It is hoped that sufficient interest Kindness, ” which consisted of ‘HITS” AT THE GEM may be aroused among the busi- One of the most enjoyable socials fruit punch with wafers, and then Standing of contestants at Mason, nesa men of this city ao that held in thia city Friday even­ the real social really began, every Tillamook Talent Create« In­ Pennington & Co. up to Wednes- enough members; may be secured ever ing, when they celebrated the an- body joined in the games and the terest in Things The­ «lay Jan. 29, for the upright parlor to properly man al) of the carts. adversary of ** Robbie Burn’s birth, spirit of gayety ruled. Truly the atrical. at the home of Mr. and Mr«. White­ ■'fey spirits” were abroad and help­ urand piano: ing in the celebration, and it made house. 1 ... .... 415,ino 101 The first prize was awarded Little . 308,710 102 The program given by Mr, and many people declare »hat they must 2 2(000 1 Miss Violet Grimes, "The RagTime 3 . . ... 283,1« 5 L3 . A large number of people re MrB. Mackenzie was very fine, Mr hurry home and read those poems. 2,<1(0 . 166,200 104 . 4 Kid." Her rendition of »he song sponded to the call of the commis­ Mackenzie delivered an address on 368, 790 . . .. 178,480 109 . 5 •‘Everybody’s Doin’ It,” was very 2 000 sioners of the Ports of Hay City and the writings of Burns, with quota­ I 6 . .... 192,000 106 clever and storms of applause call 7 107 2,000 Tillamook on Saturday and a better tions from his poems, which would Latest on 302.775 understanding of the condition« have drawn a big admission fee in ed uer back and she bowed udiuidst . 19 7,940 108 . . 8 . . surrounding the proposed reorgani­ (Mazda 2,000 109 . ¿15,150 » . a rain of silver. She not only sang 139,635 110 2,000 zation of the Port of Tillamook re­ a course of lectures, and Mrs. Mac­ and danced her way into ttic hearts i 10 • 187.740 sulted. Atty. C. W Talmage, who kenzie sang old Scotch ballads, 1 11 ... .... 2,0t/J 111 of her audience but into the 1 12 ... ... 122,000 112 2,000 presided, explained the purpose of *• The Red Red Rose” and “ Jennie $ .45 15 watts 2,000 the meeting as an effort to shape and Jannie” and was enchored as pocket, as well. Several dollar» in , 13 2,000 113 . . .46 25 watts matters so as to form one Port of 177,530 2.0(0 114 . cbunge were thrown upon the stage. ! 14 .. .... .50 Tillamook Bay. Thia, the com ­ heartily and as many times that 40 watts 2,000 . 41,205 115 .. Next to share honors with her 1 15 . . .06 154,160 missioners thought, would meet she pleaseJ her audience by sing­ . 177.340 116 60 watts 16 w,.s Miss Gladys Roberts in “Pony 1 17 .. .... 191,300 117 2 000 the approval of the farmers who ing other poems written by Burns 100 watts . 1.00 Boy.” A real eow girl in appear­ 18 . . .... 231,645 118 . 402.770 have in the past opposed the ports. Frosted Lumps five cents extra. Mr Bozorth speaking for the which have been set to such beauti 2,000 119 .. 1 19 . . . . 100,706 ance und a real artist in sung and Effective October 11th. 169,435 Port of Bay City, asserted that ful music. Mr. Mackenzie sang “A ... • dunce. She deserved much credit 20 ... . . 161,780 120 2,000 while Bay City would do every­ Man’s a Man fora’ That,” which T illamook E lectric L ight and .... 2,000 121 .. ,21 for the mauner in which she pre thing necessary to satisfactorily 2,000 . 214,870 122 , 22 .. was highly praised, and then the F vrl C ompany . sooted her specialty. 33,135 solve the port question, it was im­ 2,(00 123 23 ... .... entire audience *'Auld Lang Syne. material whether the watershed 2,000 2,000 124 . . Then came Little Dolly Wingrove 24 ... 2,000 was made one port, or waa divided 2(940 125 25 . .... in the cutest recitation of the Sea 156,880 126 2 000 into two ; that the Porte have had 26 son. She created much applause 406,040 no difficulties or disagreements in 2,025 127 27 ... .... and took the second prize. 2.0U) the past and that there is no reason 28 ... . . 543.6U5 128 .. .. 936,905 129 43», 760 to presume that future trouble- Little Miss Fowler was a cllurin- 29 2,(JOO would rise between the interests in ; ing entertainer and was rewarded 30 ... .. . 226,000 130 . . 121 360 various parte of the Bay. This 31 ... . . 190,405 131 liberally by her audience as was 2.000 statement caused a small tempest 2,U>J 132 . Miss Reba Powell in “The Rag 33 . 2,000 when Mr. W. Maxwell, who acted 2,000 133 . 261,370 as spokesman for the Fairview 34 ... .... 200,370 131 Si ng, Circus Day." that from 2,000 farmers, announced Miss Powell made u decided hit 35 .. . . .. 155 435 135 .. .... 563 875 136 2,000 newspaper reports the farmers had 36 und a future is predicted for her. . 202,050 reached the conclusion that the . 188,910 137 .. 37 The prizes were awarded us fol­ 38 . . . ... 213,680 138 2 000 Porte of Bay City and Tillamook , 134,680 had never baen aole to agree. . . . 2,000 139 lows: Miss Niolet Grimes, First; 39 Mr. Maxwell said the farmers are 2,000 . . . 2.000 140 46 Miss Dolly Wingrove. Second. . 2.000 still opposed to becoming a part of 2,000 111 41 The audience bestowed upon the 2,000 142 207,000 u port. They do not oppose ports, 42 others one dollar each to show their 43 .. . ... 374,760 14.1 2,()o0 he said, but they do not see that 2,(110 144 2.000 they will be benefited by improved 44 appreciation. . 125,765 conditions uud want to be left out 2 000 145 Mr. Vernon says, * Let the Little 45 . . . .... . 132,000 146 2,000 of them. The possible advantages Tillamookers come unto uie und I 46 207,500 of better freight lates and better . 398.746 14 7 . 47 will help them.” 2,000 markets from farm produce which . 91,675 148 48 . . 78,680 149 . 2, UOO might result from a larger town, 2,000 are too speculative to receive much 2 (J99 150 50 . the farmers are 106,410 151 . 322.120 consideration ; TO BOOST THE CLUB 51 . 122,120 paying all the taxes the; can stand, 52 ... . ... 188,945 152 Rer'commended Appropria­ 5i ... 2.000 153 , 2,000 nnd do not care to have their pro­ . 194.870 154 . 165,880 perty bonded for $406,060 above the 64 tion of >250,000 for the 2,000 155 . 2 000 amount to which they are now 55 San Francisco Fair 2,600 156 . 2,00 J mortgaged. 36 ... After considerable discussion, in 2 000 157 .. 57 2 000 An important meeting of the 53 ... ...( 213,700 158 2,000 which tins opinion was not much shaken, the farmers agreed to ap­ 2,000 159 249,635 . Commercial Club was held ut the 59 2,UO) 160 2,000 point a committee to meet the Port Club room on Tuesday evening. 6U . . . . . . . 2,000 161 2,000 commissioners and take up statis­ 61 Information that the Club is still 62 ... 301.225 162 142,3110 tics concerning harbor conditions in debt nnd that immediate action 63 | 2,000 1ÜJ . 2,000 here. . Many of the speakers expressed . 369,170 164 2,000 would be necessary to keep the 64 . 2.0OO 165 . 840,6C5 appreciation of the fact that the i organization in existence brought 65 and particularly the 66 . . 2,000 166 2,001 public, out u large attendance and mnny 67 .. . . 2,505 167 ... 2,000 tarmers, had been invited to this ideas for the betterment of con­ 68 . . ... 178,400 168 ... Had the farmers been 2,000 meeting. ditions. 69 . 108,129 169 199,380 taken more into the confidence o the promoters of the previous ports . 368,015 179 2,000 Hereafter, the Club's by-lawu will 70 .. 471,810 171 71 139,360 it is probable that a better feeling be strictly adhered to. No persons, 72 you drink because a craving for if ve . 98,875 172 2,000 would now exist in the matter. not members, will be uilmitted to 73 2.0ÜÜ 173 ... 99,285 the stage nothing satisfy excepting rougii, . . 2,325 174 ... the rooms except by visitor's curd 74 2,UOO ... 301,490 175 . 2,050 Defect« in Pavement Cause is not for or to attend public meeting for 75 ., 63,UUU 176 76 . . 2.000 Some Excitement. which the rooms may be used. The 77 . . 68,310 177 if it ’ s and flavor ’ looking 2,0U) Club rooms nre not to be rented to 7H . . ... Several lively meetings of the City 2,000 178 187,760 you ’ like Cyrus anyone or for uny purpose without 79 2.UUÜ 179 2,000 Council have been held the past 34 J. 480 18) ... 217,050 week taking up the assessments for; ua adequate charge. Even the ’ 86 i 81 . . . . 2.000 181 2, UM the sewer system and the street ' council ia to be restricted to one of i Because it’s pure—because it’s palatable— 2 J W) 182 82 . 218,800 the smaller rooms, and an addi­ 83 2,000 183 because you don’t have to dilute it with 2, 'JU I pavemen'. Somewhat of a surprise tional charge will lie mude when 84 . 7ü,44O 184 2,000 was caused on Saturday when a - water to be able to swallow it. . 301,840 183 the nttcudunce ut a council meeting I 85 198,340 committee of citizens dug up sever- ' It coats no more than an/ other good whiskey. . 2,OJO 186 2,000 recpiires the use of the large hall. I al pieces of pavement which did ... 43,700 87 . . . . 187 ... 2,000 A committee of three was up I Van Sohuyver Co., Portland, Or 8« . . .. 359.875 188 ... 2.000 not comply with the specifications. pointed to approach delinquent 89 2,IMA) 189 182,705 They were taken to a council meet-’ . . 2,(MX) 190 mernbera in un effort to collect out- ‘ 9J 2,091) ing on Saturday night and a meet­ ... 171.873 191 .... 250.500 ut.imling dura und accounts. Names HI ing of the citizens was held asking SIDNEY E. HENDERSON, W2 .... 2,(100 192 JOHN LELAND HENDERSO 2,000 of members und n record of tlie 93 . . 2.IMÀ) IUI President. 184,790 that the matter be deferred 30 days. Secretary-Treas date to which time they have paid 94 ... 2.365 191 2 000 Another meeting of the city council Attorney-at-Law and Not“.-» dues will be conspicuously posted 95 .... ... 155.5.50 195 137 950 was held on Monday evening and 2,1X10 196 Public. 2,000 in the Club rooms and nil members «Ü attendance of 97 ... 2 ÜÜû 197 2.000 there was a large w m are more thun two months in 9H 1118,475 108 07,975 citizens. After a good deal of argu­ tn rein s will be barred from tl.e 99 ... 410,620 199 .... ¿31,015 ment it was decided to continue the 100 2,090 200 room« until the buck dues have 2.000 matter until the next meeting, with been | aid. A resolution tlint each the unders anding that it be con­ meiul er pledge himself to bring in Hose Company’s Election tinued from time to time. In be­ u ..ew member within 30 days or A special meeting of the Tilla half of the citizens it was stated I pay the initiation fee of u new that the samples snowed there were mook Hose Co was culled Thurs member was also adopted. The delects in the construction of the day night, January 23 for the pur provision ot the constitution pro pose of holding the annual election pavement ahd that they did not vlding for a $10 initiation fee for (INCORPORATED). It seemed at the be want to pay for the same until they resident members und s $5 fee for nf officers ginning of the meeting that every were assured that the pavemvnt non-resident members will lie re­ had been laid according to speci­ «toreil to its original terms Uy one was thormighlj disgusted with fications, while on the other hand Which new members ure required the way things were lieing handled Attorney Montague, representing to pay u $25 fee. This action was ■ nd were ready to quit but, after a the Warren Construction Co, con­ deterred to the next meeting in few minutes talk it was decided to tended that they were under heavy proceed with the election. a 'cotdunce with the by-laws. BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK. OREGON Those elected were E. J. Claussen, iiond and guaranteed^ their work, Although the Club has pressing uud whenever there were any de­ Oiihgutious which must be met. it president; Elbert E Ginn, secre­ fects they were ready to make them R. Monk, treaau-er; ia by no means aolvent. The fur tary; Dr. I good, but he complained of the I Sherry Wine ........ 35c niture mid fittings of the Club Allen Page < hief; Ira Smith, as­ continual delay, for his company BOTTLE I Angelica Wine.... 36c sistant Chief, Will Spaulding. rooms are atone amply sufficient Zenfendel Wine- .. was entitled to 80 per cent of its per quart 35c. Captain of Huae Cart No I; Hen TokeyJ........................ to . over ull its debts The difficulty per quart 40c. pay. To adjust this matter Ex- Pebbleford, bottled in bond, per bottle......................................|i 50 Claret*...................... in the past has twen that the iu \ antres- t aptaiu Hose Cart No. Couucilmati Knudson per quart 25c suggested .W hite Grape Juice 75c come baa been ao little in excess of 2; Henry Plaaker, Captain East that a board of civil engineers pass Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in bond, per bottle ............... ] 33 Local Beer, quart. 3 bottles for 50c Division Curt; t heater Stewart. on the work, one representing the Oil Crow, bottled in bond, per the uecessary expenditures that Domestic Beer, qt, 3 bottles for 75c progress has beeu slow. With th,, Captain West Divinion Curt and contractors, one representing the liottle ....................................... |5 q Drew Dawson, Hermitage bottled in bond, per Captain of Hook Special Prioes for effort that is now beiag put tenth council and the other representing boitle ................................... ] the Club should receive enough to und Ladder. the citizena. This suggestion was Cyrus Noble. 3 Crown ............ 1 50 Family Il was decided at thia meeting to 1 pay all its obligations and have readily accepted and as soon as OTO, bottled in bond, per Keg Beer.................... is gallons » 75 hold the unnuul __________ ____ fireman's ball mid the engineers can be obtained they sufficient to meet runniug ex|ieiises bottle ........... ................ J23 Keg Beer 10 gallons 4 00 Kentucky Dew. H gal., bottled ' Another meeting will be held on 1 resident Claussen appointe I Dr. will pass on the work. local bottle Beer, Bdoz. quarts 10.CT tn bond . . .. 2 15 Local bottle Beer, 10 dot. pints ll.Oo Wednesday. February 5 at wlucli 1 R Monk, Jos. Illingaworth und Kentucky Dew. full pint, bottled For Sal u. the couniritteea will report and Iru Smith as a committee to hike in bond................. Domestic 73 further steps will be Ve planned. complete charge >f the arrange Will sell at sacrifice th« following J“A" Drw Br * Sons. Old Scotch Budwiser Beer. 6 dot quarts $15 00 merits. It is hoped that the busi ­ Ralph Vaili, Dr. Kernui uml Burr W nwkey ........... 1.X Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pint» IS DO household goods. All new, used .* Whi,e Old Scotch Heals. Jr , have undertaken to nt ness men will support the fire boys Old style Lauger Beer, lOdoz pt 11.00 luit one month. Whiskey .................... ........... 1.30 range a smoker and additional as well as possible this year eo as One Round Osk ___ _______ Dining Table . ’ 0 B., Old Scotch Whiskey 1.73 to give them some encouragement. Hunts for the evening. six chairs, three nx kers, sewing ' •'••’-’donald'. Old Scotch likiat'ItiVkaa rasa» »,.».4 — ___ \\ tltsfcpy The fire t>oya also decided to hold White Port, Old Monk Brand, Aside Imm __ ________ machine, cine bed. springs, maP looking after the 1.75 Club'e own Interests, the ilir ill l<«T-4 a banquet on the eve of their next tress, rug, one heater, one atee, 11 u".,erv Ba,*‘‘»oi*. Rye Scotch l.ietiuctcd the Secretaiy t . , W hiskey .................................... 1 50 Port W me......................... 100 per gal. ’ - Ilf) tegular monthly meeting. It is range Sherry.................................1.00 per gal. Canadian'Club .. ....... l tuv liatrict’a legislator« to vote lor planned to have the dinner in au-ne .. L. J A cbenmam . iia appropriation of KJVIU u t,,,' the Fcr address cull at Pelz a Honey. I; W Harper ............................... 1 on Ctoret ...................................75c. pergnl place where the meeting can be Angelica........................... 1.00 per gal t Harvester Old Style Mate representation ut the s.m ................. 1 00 Zenfendel...........................1.25 per gal F.ancisco fair. Hie s.cretury w.<« held directly after the repast is Monogram ............... For Sale 1.00 Tokey ............................... 1.25 per gal Kentuck Dew HSU inaliux-ted to ask the State Kail finished. 1.00 t ommiewioii tu investigate the *) acres of bottom laud known aa Billie Taylor, full quart LS5 The committee which ia compos­ WHISKEYS. ■vlri ail troubles and hualen the re Coronet Drv Gin ne bottle 1.00 ” per ed <>l Ira Smith Henry Crenshaw the l-eter Hrant place. The ... price thru ol tram server A V H. Gin j>er bottle 1.75 Monogram ................. per gal. il dl ia an acre Vincent* Jacob. . and Will Spaulding ex|>ect to have Gonion Sloe Gin per bottle 1.75 White Corn Whiskey per gal Gordon Dry Gin tlie tattles ready to liegin eating at Dairy Landa tor g.|r per bottle 1 25 Harvester Old Style .per gal. Tonight Rock and kve per bottle LOO McBrayer. 13 years cld.per gal. iii 30 |K ni ho that the lioya cu-> g.- it Vuu ferì ___ Echo Spring ................ |>er gal dull and ••• El • Hart »«• * Gin .... 1 25 Chestnut*Grove Rye .per gal. 161 aeree elione dauy lami, nart- directly there instead ot eating at "i -i|o.i or t ilion, ead coactfpatad, \ irginia Dare Wine . per bottle Iv impruved. go.^1 pastura, eésily home. T ‘ Those who uiai takr part i!. * do** °* Vliamberlain a Tab Port Wine .............. ..per quart TV Kentuckey Dew.......... |>er gal. 35c. Alcohol^... cleareil. pieni) swing watet no in thia ' feature ‘ •n4 Xou »ill feel alright to­ per g.a) of the season are bilia, no rock«, Dandy barn k,od morrow. For sale by all dealers. Co-net Dry Gio.......... per gal. mvmtwra ot the Hose Co who are commnnitv, and market far rn lk. 12 milea troni Salem ami 2 unite in good standing exempt member« Sewer Pipe for Sal« ......... Aiitr.sville Wit| ««11 a|| cr and those who will pay the usual i-.iit H»1 i>er a< ve Tevnia cesti. entrance tee of fl to the ar. retarv Fur Sale all sues of sewer nine RvwaUr» Hn.. . Aumsvilfi Or. 4