Tillamook Headlight, January 30, lots . "■ 1 - ■«■g». U J_ Better Dairy Herds Are Law- Democratic Sheriff Fights West’s Pet Bill maker’s Hope. Estimating that about a third of [the dairy cows of the state do not even pay their board and desiring to bririg the dairy industry up to ¡the highest (tossible standard, Rep ■ resenative Weeks, of Marion Coun- fty, will introduce a bill in the [House this week, providing for the [creation of cow-testing associa ■ tions. The carrying out of the provisions of the bill is delegated to Prof. Kent, head of the dairy depa-tment of the Oregon Agricultural College, and it is provided that he shall be entitled to his actual traveling ex penses, but that he shall receive no compensation. Further, it is pro­ vided that he may from time to time appoint field assistants, and that, whenever any community shall have formed a cow-testing as­ sociation and made provisions for half of the funds to conduct it, these field assistants shall assume charge of testing the cows for the associa­ tions and give all possible informa­ tion with regard to feeding, breed­ ing, and the general management of dairy herds. The other half of the expenses incurred in conduct­ ing the associations is to be paid by the state, and for this purpose the bill calle for an annual appro­ priation of $5000 for the next six years. Representative Weeks has also introduced a bill defining what shall constitute adulterated ice cream, and one providing that any ' tni’k inspector or his agents who connive at the violation of the milk laws shall be guilty of a misde­ meanor. All of the bills have the indorse­ ment of State Dairy and Food Coin missioner Mickle. S alem , Or., Jan. 23.—Sheriff Ed Rand, of Baker, is here to begin war on Senator McColloch’ a bill giv ing the Governor, at his option, the right to appoint special sheriffs and prosecutors whenever he de­ sires their services for a crusade. Rand says the bill is vicious and he will enlist the assistance of every sheriff and prosecutor in the state to invoke the referendum if it should pass. Rand, like Senator McColloch and Governor West, is a Democrat. Other Sheriffs and District Attorneys are coming in to fight the measure. Routing the Pessimist». Passimistic tourists who, finding that Oregon is not a land where people can live without work, evince a tendency to write back home that the talk of prosperity on a- small farm is without foundation of fact, are respectfully referred to the case cf Taylor Needham, of Thurston. Mr. Needham has faith in chick­ ens. Last spring he decided to raise a flock that he could be proud of. He bought high priced eggs, took good care of the chicks that were hatched from them, an100. The readers of this paper will be pleased the amount of bonds to be issued. His bill provides that upon peti­ to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in tion the County Court shall call an all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hill’s election for the purpose of having Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh the people vote bonds and to de being a constitutional disease, requires a treatment. Hall’s Catarrh termine the roads to be built. An­ constitutional Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon other difference is-that it provides the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the for the issuance of serial bonds, disease, and giving the patient strength by up the constitution and assisting and that one-twentieth of the sum building nature in doing its work. The proprietors called for by the bonds issued shall have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hnndred Dollars for any be paid each year. case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Measures Provides County Road Board. testimonials Address H. 8. CHENEY A CO., Teledo, Ohio Sold by all Druggists, 7fic. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation Bett Cough Medicine fjr Children. “ I am very glad to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain’a Cough Remedy’” write» Mrs I.ida Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis. " I have used it for years both for my chil­ dren and myself and it never fails to relieve and cure a cough orchid. No family with children should be without it as it gives almost im­ mediate relief in cases of croup ” Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ia pleasant and safe to take, which is of great importance when »medi- cine must l>e given to young chil­ dren Foi -ale by all Dealer», Representatives Gill of Clacka­ mas and Hurd of Lade offer­ ed a bill for the creation of a county road board of three members, tak­ ing the appointment of road super­ visors away from the County Court and placing them in the board’s hands The measure also gives the board the power to levy assess­ ments lor the construction of roads in the county, and makes incorpor­ ated cities road districts Hints far Housekeepers. Hurd offered a bill which pro- j Keep Folev’s Honey and Tar vides that an annual election shall Compound always on hand, and be held for road supervisors. you can quickly head off a cold by its prompt use It contains no heals and soothes the in­ Recall of Congressmen and opiates flamed air passages, stops the 1 cough and may save a big doctor’s Senators Urged. . bill In the yellow package Sold by Lamar’s Drug Store. SALEM, Or., Jan. 21—Lawrence of W. R. Fox, 196 W. Washington Multnomah has introduced a bill t, Noblesville Ind., says : “After in the House providing for the recall suffering many months with of United States Senators and Con­ kidnev trouble, after trying other gressmen, The bill provide« that remedies and prescriptions, I pur a box of Foley Kidney Pill» candidates must sign ooe of two chased which not only did me more good statements, one pledging reeigtia- than ar.y other remedies I ever tion within 24 hours after official used, but have positively set my kid­ returns show that at an election the neys right. Other members of my recall has carried the other that family have used them with similar results.” Take at the first sign of they will not heed the recall. Pe­ kidney trouble.— Sold by I-airier» titions for a recall election shall Draff Store. bear 20,000 signatures if for a Cat the High Coat of Living United States Senator and 7000 W. II. drayman Winnebsge from a Congressional District if for Neb , tells how he did it “My two I children had a very bad coach and a Congressman. the doctor’s merit cine» did them no good. I got s bottle cf Frley'a Ckronic Constipation Cured Honey and T»r Comno'ind, and be­ •• Five years ago I had the worst fore it was all used the children case of chronic constipation I were free and cured of their cough. ever knew of, and Chamberlain’s I saved ■ doctor's bill for one Sic Tablets cured me,’ wrim S. F bottle of Foley's Honey sad Tar Fiah. Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by Compound.’’ No opiates. —Sold by all Dealers. Lamar's Drug Store. Successful Teachers. The following were succesagul appli­ cants at the December examination for teacher’s certificate»: Tillamook Miss Georgia Sowers, Mrs. Cora Finch, Mrs. Maud Bidgood Mis» Katie Sheets Mrs. Nellie Hanson, Miss Gladys Beals. “ Allie Phillipa •• Eva Wolfe, “ Winnie Epplett Barney Hansen, Neakowin Earl B. Nedry, Bayocean Miss Mabel Ramsey, Beaver F. E. Borneman, Mohler Miss Hannah Ranpard, Hebo H. M. Cross, Cloverdale Miss Mattie Nedry, Beaver Mrs. Audie Stone, Neskowin Miss Mamie Sutton, Hemlock Mrs. A. C. Jennings, The following were granted renew­ i als : Tillamook Miss Kathryn Burge, Sand Lake Miss Carnie Wood Cloverdale H. S. Brimhall, Hobsonville Miss Lydia Crane Garibaldi R. Lee Black, Nehalem Mrs. Agnes Randall, Woods Miss Ruth' Sutton, Neskowin Miss Hazel Schurzinger, Miss Elise Lodershausen, Hobsonville Hebo Miss Minnie Ripley, The following secured accredited standings of 90 per cent. Tillamook Miss Elsie White, Hemlock Miss Leola Dunham, Tillamook Misa Aelena Schlappi, a.« Miss Mabel Noyse, 4 4 Îlohler Ethel Thompson, Hemlock Jennie Blanchard, 4 « Tillamook Marie Garrow, 4 4 Gertrude Schlappi, « 4 4 Harriett Gaylord, Helen Beals, 4« 44 Permetia Lucas, 44 <4 Flora Edgar, 4 4 Ruth Burge, 4 4 ¡Veda Sappington, Miss Allie Phillips received highest average 93.9 per cent. Miss Mabel Ramsey, second highest average 92.3 per cent. Mr. F. E. Borneman, third highest average. 91.9 per cent. JOHN Fisher’s Art Flour Summons Escaped After Fifteen Years W. P. Broyles made a successful esca|»e after fifteen years of suffer­ ing from kidney and bladder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills re­ leased him and will do just tbe same for others. He says : "They cured a most severe backache with painfnl bladder irregularities, and they do all you claim for them ' Refuse substitutes. — Sold by La­ mar’s Drug Store. Bi» Stomach TroaMee Orwr, Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not like to feel that your stomach were over, that you could eat any kind of food VOW Loa Angeles, Coltou, Pasadeua, Riverside, San Barna line un 1 i ether California points with stop-overs in other direction I and long return limit. THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE DAILY SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS: With Observation Car, Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleeping Car and all-steel high back seat day coaches and dining car. CALIFORNIA EXPRESS : With Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, all-eteel high back seat day caches and dining car. <( All train connect at San Francisco with through Eastern trains via Ogden nr south through Los Angeles and the Sunset Ro ite For fares, sleeping car, accommodations, tickets, or literature on California, call on nearest Agent, or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General Paaseuger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Tillamook 1 11. GOYNE, A ttornkv - at uw . Office : Opposite Court IioUbC. T illamook , O broor J2)R- ’’ J SHARP, RESIDENT DENTltT Office across the street fro»- Court Hous. Dr. Wise’s office. <1^ 8ARCHET, . The ¡ aihionable Tailor. DON’T KNOW THEY HAVE APPENDICTIS. Many Tillamook people who have chronic appendicitis, which is not very painful, have {doctored for years for gas on the stomach, sour stomach or constipation. J. S. Lamar states that if these people will try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i-ka, the German appendicitis remedy, they will lie surprised at the QUICK benefit A SINGLE DOSE relieves these troubles IN­ STANTLY. ’ T T. * A BLUE STEM WHEAT f _ In the Circuit Court of the State o Oregon for Tillamook County. Department No. 2. ] S. B Hill, Plaintiff, vs. Frederick Briody, John Krebs, W. G. Willett, Geo. G. Willett, Oscar Lion, Carl Johnson Chas. P. Nelson, W. G. Dwight, F. R Beals, H. C Ellis, J. J. Gee, Ixiuise P. 1-ockwood and H. B. Ixickwood, J. F. fen­ kins. Defendants. J To tbe defendant, J. J. Gee : In the name of the State of Ore­ gon, you are hereby required to ap­ pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en­ titled Court and cause, on cr before the Sixth day of March, 1913, and if you fail to answer, for want there­ of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint herein, to wit: That the mortgage described in plaintiff’s complaint be foreclosed and that the premise» described in said complaint be sold to satisfy the same, and. that the proceeds of sale be applied in payment of the amount unpaid and owing to the plaintiff on said mortgage and the notes secured thereby, to-wit : the Hum of Sixteen Hundred Forty ($1,640) Dollar», with interest there­ on at the rate of Seven ]>er cent per annum from the 14th day of May, 1911, and that you be barred and foreclosed of all right», 'daint, or equity of redemption in said pre­ mises and every part thereof ; and that plaintiff recover his costs and disbursements incurred herein. That this summons ia served upon you by publication in the Tillamook Headlight, by order of Hon. Win. Galloway, the Judge of the above named Court, dated on tlie 13111 day of January, 1913, the first publication to be on the 23rd of January, 1913 and you are re­ quired to appear and answer on or before the Sixth day of March, 1913. J as . G. H eltzel , Attorney for Plaintiff. Tillamook Block, Tillamook,Or Room No «€’. Produced exclusively from Choicest and most carefully selected. Fisher’s Blend Flour, A COUNSEL LOR-AT-LAW, Superior Patent Flour (TILLAMOOK FEED CO., TILLAMOOK, OR. Kn» «MB rv J PELZ & KIRSCHOFF, TILLAMOOK, OR. rux SALE BY -j MEYER A SON, HEBO, OR ID. S. BOYAKIN, NEHAI.EM. OR. L HENDERSON, AITORNEY A _ L !_ L J-B» Keep Abreast of the Times TN OLDEN DAYS, when buying * a cook stove, people would buy the one they could get the cheapest; that’s because there were only a few makes on the market and were all pra< tically the nunc ia construction and material. Cltauing, Pressing and Repai ing • Specialty. bi tre in Heins Photographic Gallery. J. CLAUSSEN, Pcutacher Jll’Dohi'i ft's 'Different NOWl There are close to a thouond different ranpw on the market today—good, had and indifferent. Wise jiccple use a little fcrvlijht fcl selecting their range, and they make no mistake in selecting Tnr. F. ajcge V/rrn A R xhttatiom —the range tliat h revMuiuended by every user; the range that has stood the test— The Great Majestic Range the range that ia made of M ai . lhahi .H an-’ C nA »co a i. I kon »hr range that S avsv Pimp—L asts L oom »—C osts I’« a » t »< m i v N < harrt • M sesQ «■•»•- 4 .-