Tillamook Headlight, January 30, 1913 HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO, Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CLAXTON UPRIGHTPIANO shown below. This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at Mason, t^en interesting advertising in Till- nington & Co.’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This This will will be be the the most most interesting advertising proposition ever held via vn amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful I pright PARLO How to Get Vote Tickets How to Get Vote Tickets. With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING TON ¡S l CO.’ s STORE votes will be giveu—ioo VOTES FOR EVERY DOLLAR’S WORTH PURCHASED. Votes in the same proportion will also be given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent.'s Clothing and Furnishing, ¡Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be May I, 1913. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get tliem to pay it and secure votes. The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads and other improvements. With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook Headlight accompanied by $1.50 in cash, 5,000 votes will be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla* tnook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay any of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so much greater for subscription than for anything else. You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the Headlight if you try. Closes May 1, 1913. NOMINATION BLANK. Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest Cut this Coupon out and bring to Mason, Pennington & Co It will Count 100 Votes. I No. 1 Name of Contentant will not be known 2, No name of candidates will be pub- lished. 3, Every Contestant gets 2,0UU votes to start with. 4. Every Contestant gets Numbers ,__________ published weekly a number. 5, Standing ________ _ by _________ ______ in The Tillamook* Headlight, miiaf be lu- brought lirnuuht in -ir» Wednesday Updnpfidui' for ft -r recording. rrr'Anl i Tjg. 7, VOtCS IlJUSt N Ot - be WTlt* 6. All votes must ----------------- ten on. b. Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. 9, Color of Certificates will be changed each month and must be recorded before change IO Votes are transferable only before recording 11. Contestant having the largest number of vote« on May 1, I9I3, wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT WORTH WORKING FOR. I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these 2000 votes to my credit. Name P.O Also Two Gold Watches and a S25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants Editorial Snap Shots railroad connections, but the a duty they owe the city, and the bay to this city, This need not and levies blackmail on would-be ___________ company is deserving of a great Commercial Club needs their entail any bonding, for a small purchasers. Thecornerei renders no deal of credit for the manner in financial and moral support. ■ tax, and what could be obtained useful service to anybody but him- which it grappled with a situa­ Why not all j*ull together in; from the government, it would self. He tells “ the community to tion that took strenuous efforts this direction ? The Commer- tie only a few years before the “stand and deliver,” and the pro­ to surmount. We, in common cial Club has done a whole lot channel was improved and of ceeds of the hold-up go into hie own with the citizens of Tillamook of good for the city, and as this sufficent depth. This, we think, I>ocket. The nation's highest court County wish the P. R. & N Co. is the proper place to invite is about the liest solution for the has pointed out a way by which Some people cannot see the better luck in the future. visitors,which makes them feel improvement 8f the channel, 1 these wreckers can be placed be Certainly January was a bud at home and in the hands of and as it would not burden the hind prison bars. If the lower month as far ns the weather need of reform in anything else But friends to have the privileges of taxpayers, we ask that the dairy­ I cou ts perform their duty the jaili whs concerned, but no one need than in the liquor traffic. In regard to the defects in the be surprised what happens in what about the back biters and I street pavement, we see no rea- the club rooms extended to men give this their careful of the country will quickly get a scandal mongers. There are a them, to sav nothing of the ad­ consideration, for it is now more ; few cotton and grain cornerers who 1913. _______________ ! son why the board of engineers whole lot of that class in this vantages that it afford to busi­ important to the future devel- are now at large, _ . and will __ _______ abolish i cannot adjust the difficulties Witfi train service resumed, city who need reforming and ness men to get together. The opment of the central part of their occupation far all time. So with as little delay as possible. If Tillamook City will again par­ who fail to comply with one of Commercial Club has a great Tillamook County to improve far as it aims to curb cornering of 1 the work is done according to ticipate iu the usual business the most important Christian work before it, but it must have its water ways than its road- the market it is superfluous, specifications then the contrac­ activities which prevailed pre­ graces. One finds them in poli­ the financial and moral back­ ways. ____ ___________ tors are entitled to their pay, vious to the tie-up. tics, in the social circle, on the ing of the citizens to succeed. and where they have not done I11 his art of war Napoloen nt vet street, in the home and even in We are glad to ”8ee that those 80 they are ready to make good. To Tax Trading in Futures. notified the enemy that he would Say, it looks to the simp shot church members. So in start­ It was unfortunate for the con­ who have stood by the club from i allow a week to think it over. muti that there is some spile ing a moral crusade, why not tractors that the wet spring and its * inception have still the boost­ C ases of a double heart were dis­ work at the tiottoin of the ruc­ commence reforming the back summer was no kind of weather ing spirit and that they intend 1 Senator Cummins has introduced tion ubout the pavement and biters and the scandal mongers.i to lav bitulithic pavement, but to boost the memliership of the ‘ a bill for a 10 per cent tax on deal­ covered by a medical accident, not tin,: a good many falsehoods are who talk disrespectful and lie there was a great deal of coin- club, for with that brought ings in futures in cotton, grain and in the loan shark investigations. about other people ? 1 about it will greatly help the all other agricultural products. Tlie being peddled around. Prof. Lowe of Australia has dis­ plaint amongst the citizens on effort to give the city anil county ' Iowa statesman is an innocent per­ covered another comet. We don't account of delay. We hope the Prospect» look exceedingly matter will l»e straightened out another real live boost this sum­ sonage. He ought to know that in need it, but we suppose there is every session of Congress for the room. good for u large number of peo­ and satisfactorily settler! to all mer. past dozen years one or more bills ple to visit this city the coming concerned, All the citizens want Mr. Wilson has discovered a way It was not surprising to us in on the subject have been proposed, to cut out zoological detrforaliza- summer, in fact, we expect to to be assured of is that the con­ see quite u stir and bustle all tractors have done a good job, the least that the meeting Sat­ and in no case has any of them ti:ns at a ball. He jrroposes to over the county, with new set­ but if they have to rely on the urday in regard to enlarging passed. Cummins' bill has not the omit the ball. tlers and new money to help de­ 1 say-so of every Tom, Dick and the tetritory of the Port of Till­ faintes chance of enactment. Kven Maine’s new senator also is an velop this section of Western Harry the ruction is liable to amook proved a failure in that if thia were a long session the bill editor. Due allowance will be m.ide respect, the opposition comir.g Notwithstanding i* is nula» Oregon. would fail. It ought to fail. file matter of inter­ last for months. , if these newcomers say esteemed from the dairymen. They are f< 1 to allow stock to run nt esting home seekers and those If any good arguments could be contemporary instead of honoruDle perfectly within their rights in made for the enactment of any such large in several of the precincts who want to engage in manu­ college. Help boost the city the com­ the course they have taken and some of tlie goody, goody citi facture should not be overlook­ measure as Mr. Cummins has in­ bing summer and don ’ t knock. According to the latest official they, no doubt, think they are zen continue to turn their stock ed. Anyway, beautifv and help troduced—and none has yet been those who have some pettv, justified in their opposition. estimate the population of the out on tin* roads. A ' round make the city attractive with I i personal feelings and feel a lit­ But, for sake of argument, let i I brought forward yet—he ought to L nited States, without counting up" is in order. nicely painted residences, clean tle bit grouchy, we would ad­ us place the dairymen in the know that the Supreme Court re outlying possessions, is 96,496, < Oft streets and, above ail, plenty cently handed down a decision vise them to call in the under­ The per capita of money in circuit- The citizens of Tillamook of pretty flowers in the parkings taker and have him bury them. shoes of the timber men, who which would make any such legis­ is $34.72, but somehow this fails to have been paying for a number City showed the tnie Christian mid around the homes. lation needless. Mr. Cummins, | meet the Socialist idea of a division. That k mi of a spirit don't help of years 75 to 80 per cent of the like the authors of the other meas­ spirit when they contributed to improve a city. Tillamook City taxes of this county, what would Before conceding the entire suc­ the needs of Mrs Iludrey and It is evident that curb stone Inis a splendid future and is they think of those who oppos­ ures on this subject which were cess of the new parcel post system buried in congressional committees family, who was rendered «les knockers will succeed in dis­ bound to push ahead, despite ed making improvements so in the past, or submerged under an the government will have to take titute on account ot her llUH crediting the credit of the city the fact that curb stone knock that the timber in this county baud being killed. avalanche of votes, confounds deal­ I into account the additional coat of for the purpose of forcing city era occasionally do the city more could be manufactured ? That enlarged buildings, extra clerk* warranta lielow pur We hojie harm than good. So get in and is the wav to lectors watch­ and take whenever certain de­ mentary knowledge of the opera­ penses. ing its construction, ns well ns credit of the city at par and de­ city that much more permanent. velopments are necessary to de­ The problem of lowering the hif tions of speculative exchanges citizens rubbernecking during prive tlie Shylocka of doing a Tl»e city has arrived at that velop the resources of the coun­ cost of living is to be settled by e never mistakes one for the other. land office business in city war- stage of its history that it can ­ the process, they did not dis- ty. 1 he dairymen have been cover some of the defects now runts. Every person who works not be held back by pessimists taking the timber men's money Dealing in futures is a legitimate tablishing state poultry farms an reported to exist in the street for the city is entitled to his full and those who never would turn to build schools and roads, and operation. It is one of the leading shipping eggs from the country I activities of all the great bourses the cities by parcel poet, the wild pay and to attempt tn discredit their hands to help boost the pnvement ? which greatly helped to en­ Future dealing is one of the familiar transaction to be upon a cost basin the city's credit is only to re­ city. However, drop all little, hance the value of the agricul­ The State Legislature will, turn to the days when a tew in­ petty. |>ersoiiiil jealousies and tural lands of the county and methods by which traders protect It was easy enough to solve aftc- It establishes some- *>1* right plan was discovered, no doulit. attempt to correct dividual in this city made n nil inill together with one com­ materially helped the dairy in­ themselves. thing like stability in prices for con-1 The honeet farmer it* now girr blood inonev" mon object Tilliamook City Route of the defects in wlint is gissl deal of dustry, and in all fairness we known ns the Oregon »y stem. by keeping city and county war­ " live, progressive wide-awake think that the timber men are aidersble periods ahead, and is one opportunity to prove hie honesty of the safeguards of widely extend which vaudeville jokers have dar^ rants l»eiow par It certainly needs amendment I business town. • entitled to some consideration ed trade. to question. If stale eirre or rar iu many particulars, and ns the now that they nre anxious to On the other band, cornering has butter should ever reach an ultim o»‘-|il« Imre become aomewhnt develop the lumber industry*. Another effort is to $e mudi* just been condemned by the Su- < consumer by parcel post, dii wired of it. it is not surprising to induce every buainvaa mid Al! that is needed to bring this preme Court as a violation of tlie | to know that 11 movement is on I from the honeat farmer and w was ii-smiiea nils week on professional man in tip* city to about is the golden rule. It I I Sherman antitrust act, and j>eraona out 1 foot to straighten out its many the I’ R A \ the intervention of the mid« ITie wind and In long to the Tillamook Com does seem to us, however, that! guilty of it are liable to punishment, 1 men, our l*e«t loved city tradiL defects. if 110 understanding can be ar-| which min atnrina during Janmin had mereiai Club. Ibis is a move includes imprisonment, would #et a jolt the effect of crippling the mil rive»! at whereby the whole_____ under the criminal law of that Governor West Ims assumed I rend for over four weeks which in the right direction, for if we watershed can be brought into statute. Cornering is gambling ,m — it «fallitilinif on the position of politics! boss of entailed mi outl ly of >130,000, nre going to have a live busi­ one Port, 1 ort then it would be the a larga large scale. Unlike dealing in •cale. Unlike dealing in Oregon, but somehow then* are, not taking into consideration ness town it is essential to have Chamberlain's Cough Remedy also a large, influencial com­ proper thing for the territory futures, which facilitates the ex- t *0 niuin State legislators nt' This remedy has no superior I the loss of traffic. This is ¡1 lot mercial body, backed up by the >*ut side to Port of Bay City to change*, .nd prevents any cats- coughs »nd colds. It is p eass nt Salem wlm don't proposed to tie of monei for the coni|»mv to •*» p ™««. dominated b) II |M*liti«':ll boss, I lose iu its endeavor tokeepo|*en "hole of the business and pro get together for the purpose of cl,smic fluctuation in pnces corner- take. It contains no opium or of fessipual man ot the city. This is improving the channel from tlie Ing aims to ha iper th* exchanges, narcotic. It alwayscuree Fori by all Dealers. I so trouble is brewing. When the people »-lected West gover­ nor, no one expected that he llow easy it ia to kick up a would assume the role of dic­ rumpus in this city when some­ tator to the Oregon legislature. one has an axe to grind or per­ Is thia part of the Oregon sys­ sonal spleen to vent. tem ? po7of. B«>- Ci,y