Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 30, 1913, Image 1

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No. 33
Vol. XXV
Financial Growth
A large, strong bank does not
lose dignity or conservatism when it
encourages the small depositor.
The lorge balances of the future
are having their beginnings to-day in
modest Jaccuniulations.
We want to place within the
reach of all, the privileges of an asso-
tion with a strong, helpful bank.
serious minded person who has a regu­
lar income and a desire to consere it,
need hesitate to become a depositor
capital '
Rugs at Patzlaf's, call for yours
if you have any due you. on or be­
fore February 15th, 1913, as that
See Big Mack for your newer con­ will be the last day.
A r umber of the
have or-
Bom, on Saturday, to the wife of ganized a basket ball
and will
B. C. I.amb, a daughter.
meet the high school girls in a
Wanted, employment by lady on game in the near future.
farm. Enquire at this office.
Special ten day’s sale on Ladies'
Any kind, any Hose at Patzlnf’s. Choice of any
Glasses fitted,
pair in the Store at 11 cents, plain
style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt.
Another dance will be given at Black. Fancy Lace and Silk Hose
Portmaster Baker received in­
structions today from Portland to
call for bide to carry the mail be­
tween Tillamook City and Nehalem
by stage, as the post office officials
in Portland were at a lose to know
when train service would be resum­
ed when talking with the postmaster
over the long distance this morning
Sheriff Crenshaw had James
Smith and Floyd Wileon, son of
James Wileon, arrested in Portland
on Monday. It aeems that Smith
decoyed Wilson out ot the county,
who drew $70.00 from the bank be­
fore he left. They went out by way
of Astoria. It was the intention of
Sheriff Crenshaw to have gone to
Portland on Tuesday had the trains
been running, but it was decided
not to prosecute the case and they
were released from custody.
Mrs. Dudrey with her daughter
and the body of her husband, Lewis
M. Dudrey, who was killed last week
by trees falling on the section house,
left this city Monday afternoon.
They were taken as far as Wheeler
that day and the next day the train
managed to get through. On ar­
rival in Portland the body was
shipped East, Mrs. Dudrey and
family accompanying it. As the
result of the subscription which
win started to assist Mrs. Dudrey
and family, $228 was subscribed
on the list circulated in this city.
This included $20 from the Gem
Theatre and $10 each from the
M. E.. Christian, Presbyterian and
U. B. chur hes.
In addition to
this Rev. Van Clarenbeck
Mrs. Dudrey $36.80 which had been
subscribed by those belonging to
the Catholic Church Bay City also
had a subscription list and ubout
$60 was collected.
The body of
the Jap whs shipped out on Tuesday.
I Charles P. Doe, head of the North
Lost, a Brown Fur, somewhere Pacific Steamship Company is to
The Board of County Commis­ within a few blocks of the Tillamook become the owner of the steamer
sioners will be.in session next Wed­ post office. Finder will pleaseleave Golden Gate, which for 14 months
the same at the Headlight office.
, has been tied up at the yard of the
Leave orders with the Tillamook
Do not forget the Sunday Chicken 1 Po t and Ship-building Company,
Feed Co. for wood direct from the Dinner at the Todd. Better than . L. P. Branstetter, of Fresno, Cal., is
yon nan have at home for less money, ; in Portland to arange the details,
and he purchased shares held in
’"Slab wood for sale direct from Come and try us. Service from 5:30
the Portland & Tillamook Transpor­
the mill or sawed and delivered. ♦c 7-IW p.m.
tation Company, owning the vessel
See Shrode.
The first burich ot packages to by Captain O. W. Hosford and
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ reach the post office, notwithstand­
Charles Nelson. The Portland &
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. ing the parcels post system went
Tillamook Corporation will be dis­
per pound.
into effect on the first of the month, solved and Mr. Branstetter, as the
Dr. Jack Olson has opened den­ arrived here on Monday.
sole owner, will dispose of the ves­
tal parlors over F. R. Beals’ office
The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ sel to Mr Doe and eventually it is
lows who haul anything, anywhere, expected that she will sail under
Both phones.
Office on Main Street, the colors of the North Pacific fleet.
Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. any time.
Country work solicited. Phone 1313 ¡opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call Two routes are said to be under
us by phone. Main 651.
Pacific State».
consideration for her, one being be­
Housekeeping Rooms Furnished
N. S. Grout, Amanda M. Wright, tween Coos Bay and Eureka, con­
for Rent. See I. Parson, at the George C Grout and Mellissa G necting at Eureka with the steamer
Hotel Columbia.
Raymond vs, John H. Harter is a Kilburn from San Francisco, and
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ suit filed in the Circuit Court to at Coos Bay with the Alliance from
Portland. Another run talked of is
mook Meat Company’s Market. We quiet title on a lot in Bay City,
on the Southern California coast >
pay 12c per pound,
The Patsy came in on Saturday probably from San Pedro or San
Miss Effie Jordan, of Bay City, ■ with a full cargo, amongst which
Diega to Mexican ports.
visited over the week-end with her 1 was the second bunch of express to
friend, Miss Nettie Smith.
reach this city by the water route
The Tillamook Hose Company on account of the tie up on the
has 250 feet of new hose, which was railroad.
placed on the carte on Tuesday.
The Gem Moving Picture and Obtains the $10 Subscribed
Wood sewed and delivered, or de­ Vaudeville Co. plays its opening
by U. B. Church.
livered direct from the wagon as it date on the Gem Circuit at Bay City
See Saturday night February let, under
comes from the country.
On Monday a strange man went
the management of Mr. Frank
to the Rev. I. E. Meese, pastor of
Concrete Construction, sidewalks Hanenkratt.
the U. B. Church, and stating that
As a result of the benefit given he represented City Marshal Myers,
and floors a specialty. All work
Thos. Dolan, Phone by the management of the Gem asked for the $10 which the U. B.
Theatre, $20 06 was turned over by church had subscribed toward the
Main 333.
Frank Hanenkratt to the subscrip­ relief of Mrs Dudrey and children.
Wanted, a buggy horse, a yon ng
tion list to assist Mrs. Dudrey and He claimed that they were leaving
one preierred, not
under 1050
family whose husband was killed the city that day and wanted the
pounds.—Apply to Guy Ford, Maple
last week
money before doing so. The rev-
Leaf Creamery.
The P R. A. N. managed to get gentleman hesitated at first, hut
Go to the Clam market for Clams,
through some of the freight which told the stranger to write out a
Fish and Crabs. Second Avenue,
has been held up in the mountains receipt, after which the money was
near First St., in the building back
since the tie up on the railroad on turned over. Mr. Meese cannot
of Beals’ office.
Wednesday, and when the cars ar­ give the officers a description of
If you wish rooms for the Winter, rived in this city they were covered
the man, so they are baffled in
by the month "cheap.” with hot or with over a foot of enow.
tracing him, and how he came to
cold water and with bath, call at
The 12th judical district, which find that the money had not been
the Todd Hotel.
will be created if Carson's bill goes paid. The receipt is as follows:
S. Verieck, whe had some iron through, out of Yamhill, Tillamook
Tillamook, Ore., Jan. 27.
Received of Rev. Meese Ten Dol­
castings shipped by the P. R AN, and Polk Counties, will also cause
payment in full for U. B.
has been notified that the railroad the creation of several new offices,
Church, for lady whose husband
cannot accept it
by train.
including a judgship, District At­
G. P. Nl<;HOUS.
Captain Jenkins is loading five torney and minor court officers.
tons of back mail in Portland today
Prof. L. I- Baker has organized a
on the Henrietta and will bring it reading circle for the benefit of
Kill Kare Klub
in by the water route.
those who would otherwise have to
The Loyal Order of Moose, which take examination on the books
Tbe Kill Kare Klnb was pleasant
which are required by the educa­
was organized in thio city, will have
ly entei tamed on Thursday by Mrs.
tional board. About twenty teach
another installation tomorrow (Fri­
Harter. The subject for the year
ers are taking advantage of this
day) evening when it is expected
being the Travels of the United
150 new members will be added to
States. Mrs Severance read a very
ary reading.
the lodge.
interesting and instructive paper
on Chicago, after which she gave
a summary which was unique in
its construction. Mrs. Hales read
a «election from the Mystic Mid
regions, subject, ‘‘Deserts ot Cali­
fornia and Arizona.”
Tbe hostess provided an enjoyable
game, after which a delicious lunch
eon was served.
All members, except two, were
pree-nt. The invited gueata were
Mrs. Vint, Mrs. I-owell and Mrs
house on
’* Drop in and Look flround.”
LOSS IS $150,000 TO
THE P R. & N.
Passenger Service will be
Resumed Friday or Sat­
urday, Perhaps.
First National Bank,
Tillamook. Lreaon
Fate willing, the Pacific Railway
and Navigation Company’s line be­
tween Portland and Tillamook will
resume operation tomorrow or on
Saturday for the first time in five
J. C. H olden .
weeks, for it was tbe heavy rain and
B. C. L amb .
wind storm that swept the Pacific
Coast on tbe night of December 28
W m . G. T ait .
and continued for several days
which put the railroad out of com­
C. W. T almage
This was followed by
other heavy rain storms during tbe
P aul S chrader .
month uf January, and it was only
the last week that the weather took
We have just installed some modern Safe De-
a change and the rain ceased. This
road has been the victim of the
posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe
most barrowing aeries of misfort­
unes that has ever befallen an Ore
from fire. We will be pleased to show then to you.
gon line.
Since the first slides and wash­
outs ot the present period of die
turbance which began during the
holidays tbe company has suffer­
ed damage to roadbed, track and
other property which will aggre­
gate at least calculation $100,600,
and will probably couie closer to
according to estimates
made over a week ago by General
Superintendent D. W. Campbell and
Division Engineer F. L. Burkhalter.
instead of a cougar they had been
A Cougar Story.
This is entirely outside the loss of
in mortal combat with it was a bob
B. J. Stephens und A'. Perry wei e
traffic both freight and passenger,
tailed squirrel measuring 11 inches^
up on the former’s homestead o i
and means that the company’s loss
Bert looked at Al. and Al. looked at
Monday, and on their return flu y
through the hostile play of the
Bert us they beheld the poor little
gave out the information that they
elements in one single month has
victim on the ground, when Bert
had been attacked by a conga .
amounted to, roughly speaking, 3
remarked, "Sav. Al., don’t any u
Bert made all possible haste to
word about thin; they'll jolly the
per cent of the original cost oi
ahoot the ferocious animal as their
life out of us if you give it away. t »
building the line.
lives were in dangei. Loading his
Al. promised that lie would held
In speaking of the repeated dif­
gun, the shell jainbed, and having
his whist, but he Bquealed. Next,
ficulties wh ch have been encount­
no time to lose Bert used the butt
ered in trying to keep the line in
end of his gun on the animal and
operation this Winter, Mr. Camp­
beat out its brains, while Al. climb­
For Sole.
bell said a week ago last Monday :
ed a tree in moral fear that the
“Few people realize the hard­
A good milk cow, will l>e freak
cougar would attack him and send
ships we have been up against in
him to David Jones’ locker. The about the middle of February. See
battling with the storms and other
cougar, so they claim, measured 11 F. S. A rmentrout , Hemlock, Ore.
forces of nature
We have done
feet 2 inches. After the mortal en­
the very beat we could
Call for City Warranta.
counter was over both hurried to
circumstances and conditions that
the shanty in the darkness and
All warrants on the General Fund
have been extraordinary, to say the
locked themselves in where they
endorsed prior to September 1st,
least. The road is new and is
felt safe from further attacks of the
1912, and all warrants on the Road
through a country where almost
large number of cougars which
fund endorsed prior to January 1st.
any kind of a storm is apt to inter­
were prowling aronud the home­
1910, will be paid on presentation.
fere with operation of trains until
stead that night. The Headlight
Interest ceases this 25th day of
the road is well worn down.
man is reliably informed that they
January, 1913.
"The task of keeping men at
became horribly scared after dark
A. H. G aylord ,
work clearing the line and making and next morning they found that
City Treasurer.
repair« has been no small one.
Imagine what it is to be working
up in the mountains far from
civilization, day in and day out, in
mud and aluah knee deep moat of
the time, and you will have some
idea of what we have been up
against. I have been surprised at
the loyal way in which our men
have stood by us, and we hope to
be able to get the line open clear
through from Portland to the coast !
Are you getting your clothes
not later than Wednesday. We may
possibly get through tomorrow.
well made—of good cloth ?
We are going to try it, anyway."
Ao enormous smount of freight,
Fashionable Garments made by
baggage and mail has accumulated
during tlie weeks the line has been
J. WM. EDWALL, the New Tailor,
out of comiasion.
Under U S- Government Supervision.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Ladies and Gentlemen
The Cheese Situation
Cheese is not moving very fast,
but from all accounts Portland and
other coast markets are getting rid
of their surplua stocks and will
soon tie in the market for more.
There are about SOO cases Novem
ber cheese left in the country and it
is expected that this will be moved
out within the next two weeks
Anyway, the cheese should all be
moved before new cheese comes in
in large quantities thia apring. The
price remains at lfl1^ cents Till»»
mook, which ia a good price We
understand one of the independent
factories sold their cheeae at 15V,
cents for balance of last season,
but this ia lower than the co*o|>era-
tivea have sold
any cheese It i
aeema that the high prices pre­
vailing in cheeae the past year has
caused a mush-room growth of
factories in different parts of the
northwest especially in the state of
Washington, and all of these are
now factors in the market.
The make for past season will be I
higher than first supposed. Carl
Haberlach as ye that hie sale will
be over 3 200,000 Iba. and should
bring in over $525,500, unless the
market declines further, which of
course is uncertain
The higheat
gain was at the Maple I-eaf factory,
which had 736,000 lbs. more milk
than the year before and it also j
sent some of its milk to another
factory during the flush season.
Central factory made a gain of
4n2Ji)0 lbs, or 72 per cent.
Ra^taarant Utensils for Bal«
Restaurant Utensils oi all dea-
cnptions for aal«. Enquirv a< 'C2
Firot Street Wevt TillamouA City, j
are carefully made in the latest New
York styles with genuine
all wool
fabrics, in worsteds, serges and di­
Beautiful patterns !
in and make your selections.
First-class work at
2nd Avenue East; Tillamook; Ore.,
Coal, Cement, Lime,
Brick, Shingles,
Plaster, Roof Paint.