Tillamook Headlight, January 23, 1H3. HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO Mason, Pennington & Co, and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE A WA Y, absolutely without cost, the CLAXTON UPRIGHTPIANO^ shown belo^ This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook nington & Co.’s store, or cut from this ad. This will be the most interesting a amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beauttfu pr g How to Get Vote Tickets flow to Get Vote Tickets With every yearly subscription to The Tillamool Headlight accompanied by $1.50 in cash, 5,000 votes wi; be given. This applies to back subscription, and you cat pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votesot job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either jot advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Till» | inook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, ant they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay am of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get | subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is s much greater for subscription than for anything else. Y01® will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the H Headlight if you try. Closes May 1, 1913. With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON & CO.’s STORE votes will be giveu—ioo votes FOR EVERY DOLLAR’S WORTH PURCHASED. Votes in the same proportion will also fa- given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of onr friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Geut.’s Clothing and burnishing, Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be May i, 1913. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure votes. L-yxtv-tr’i*- The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspape: J of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five yean | have been boosting for the county, advocating good roai and other improvements. NOMINATION BLANK. Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest. Cut this Coupon out and biiug to Mason, Pennington & Co It will Count 100 Votes. I Also I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these 2000 votes to my credit,] No 1 Name of Contestant will not be known 2. No name of candidates will be pub- lished. J Every < ontestant acts 2.UUU votes to start with. 4. Every Contestant gets ' — Standing Numbers r published in The Tillamook Headlight. it number. L, ______ _ by _________ ----------- weekly ------ .... ::;;:::t he be brought in Wednesday w-.■■.!::ee:!.;v for fur recording. 7, Votes roust Not be writ- 6. All votes_mu«t s number and amount ten on -- Tie L votes . --- - in ... packages with Contestant's - -----' ------ ------------ — on top - , slip. m . Color of Certificate# Will be changed each month and must be recorded before change 1U 1O Votes are transferable only onlv before recording. 11, Contestant having the largest number of votes on Mat 1, 1913. w ins Fiuno. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT WURTH WORKING FOR Name P.O Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants Editorial Snap Shots. I ", OR GRAND PIANO We understand that certain etn "easy money,” as used to be case, when city warrants were ployers, some of the labor unions discounted. There is method in and more of the liability insurance 1 iilk about a square deal, this some peoples madness. There companies are actively opposed, county han received a pretty bail von have it in a nutshell why a but for the best interests of the d- al in regard to mail since the sudden opposition bloomed out 1 state and in assurance to outside tie up on the railroad. and the election was called off capital that it will be safe to oper- by the city officials, for they saw ate, some sort of a compensation Those who are auperaticious it would be defeated. ¡law must be placed upon our stat­ nfaiut the year 1913 must have ute books, if we as a state shall go 1 on increasing prosperity. become alarmed, for weather There is no disputing the fact condition« this month have been Workmen’s compensation legis­ that some of the teachers in the lation has come to stay. To stand i bad, which put buaine«« on the district school have taken too in the way of equitable laws is , bum. active an interest in city poli­ worse than folly. Humane as well Most of us think our little tics. The two recent city elec­ as economic considerations demand j troubles look big, but when it tions are convincing proof, and the early adoption of workmen's ! comes to real, perplexing trou it there is to tie a reform move­ compensation laws in every state, ble the P. R. A N. have been ment in this city a little reforma­ of the Union. If the progressive) up against it good und hard the tion amongst the those teachers element among legislators, em­ Ins* four weeks. who have made themselves ob­ ployers, wage workers, insurance > noxious to the patrons and tax­ experts and the public at large do f payers of ttie district is now It is to I m * hoped that the not settle this problem in an econo- ; perfectly in order. We con­ C uuty Court will make a start uric, efficient and humane fashion ; tend that any teacher in a dis­ building a road to Bayocean it will be settled for us with a < trict school who interests them­ this summer, for the taxpayers vengeance by the demagogue and ’ It IS gratifying to know the selves to such an extent in a city nud property owners are justly agitator Fourteen states have Port of Bay Citv baa won its election to go around amongst entitled to a way out, consider­ already enacted workmen’s com- ing the large amount of taxes friendly suit in the Supreme the voters and instruct them pensation laws of one kind or an­ ! Court. Now push a channel how to vote and accuse Mayor they have paid. other. There is little uniformity through the bar as soon as pos­ Harter of “grafting” ought not among these laws and their re­ I sible, tor it is good news to to tie winked at by ttie members Certainly the fish laws need know that the government’s of the School Board. Any wa v, spective merits are problematic. reforming when 11 county re offer will soon Is- accepted and it is our judgment that it is for Reasonable uniformity is an essen­ tial requirement to the future suc­ reive« flu benefit from the flues the rem.lining appro the best interest of the school cess of workmen’s compensation imposed bill tin- taxpayers have printed In another two years if a few married women who ti pay the board bill when an the central part of Tillamook are teaching were home and legislation in the United States. offeuder decide« to "sweat it co'mty will have one of the best i attending to their domestic There is nothing that will promote uniformity and progress more than out. \\ hy not cull out Governor a general knowledge of la ws already* West and his tin soldiers ? enacted. much serious trouble with slides mid other Occidents. For four weeks the road have been out of commission, and during that time the railroad officials have been bucking all kinds of weather in their endeavor to repair the damage done by the heavy rain storms and snow, and at enormous expense, bo Here—everywhere—in th frozen north—in the fevt ridden swamps of the tropic they look to me for aid. To the invalid, the convales cent, the old, the infirm, give real helpful service way Cyrus Noble. cure and o!t larrge in u precinct where tftsk is not allowed to run nt large. We don't see any differ cure tietween that individual mid 11 bootlegger, for they both commit » misdemeanor. We hop«- th«- B iiv Citi Exanii tier ia no criterion to go by, lor every once in 11 while it lias a grouch again«! thin« itv or »<>me one residing here Its attack on the (.'ouiitv Court last week was unjust and uncalled lot It wna the inutuhlinga of a mail who was talking through his h it endeavoring to create strife uik I ill feeling. Van Schuyver Co Keep Abreast of the Times • $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure la .ill its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hill’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh , being a constitutional disease reauires a j constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have to much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any I case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Kddress H. S CHBXBY A CO . Teledo, Ohio Sold by all Druggists, 73c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation without friction, but since some Some of our leading citizen« few timbers have busied thetn- went to B.iv (. ity lust week for selves in city politics, there is a 11 < onfereuce over the Port sit-¡spirit of resentment amongst nation nod another meeting is the taxpayers. t<> be held in this city on Satur­ day afternoon nt the Commer­ Compensation. cial Club. We sincerely hope that some understanding cun be arrived at which will t>e satis­ In the «eiision of the legislature factory to all sections, as there now convening there will couie up, is a desire to get together under amongst other important thing«, a one Port. But we have our measure to be enacted into law misgivings whether this enn be under the title of workmen’s com­ brought about speedily. It is pensation, and we feel that the em­ I Best Cough Medicine far Children. a matter of much regret that ployers generally, as -veil as those I am very glad to say a few the delay in the improvemeat of who are interested in the welfare of words in praise of Chamberlain’s the Imr is caused by tlilferent the state, should lend their assis Cough Remedy” writes Mrs Lida Dewey, Milwaukee Wis. ” I have sections not pulling together tunce and harmonise upon some used it for years both for my chil measure that will give to th« work dren and myself and it never fails men and hie family the protection to relieve anti cure a cough or cold. that he cah only get now through •No family with children should be without it as it gives a’most im-1 long and litigious contests in which mediate relief in cases of croup ” the mubulance chasing lawyer Cl-amberlai-f’s Cough Remedy is usually rakes off the cream of any pleasant and «,te to take, which >• award that he might get in court. of great importance when a melt- cine num t>e given to young chil- The Governor's compensation «Iren. For sale by ail Dealers, commission has labored faithfully ami no doubt has .endeavored to Hints for Housekeeper«. Keep Folev’s lloney and Tar draft a measure that would meet Coni|ioiind atwsys on’ hand, and lire approval of all concerned, ind ven can quickly head off a cold by while it ia not ideal in all its pro- its p-ompt use It contains no visions it is only fair that it shoaid opiate^ heal« and soothes the in be carefully considered in all its flamed air passage«, stops the and may save a trig doctor s essentials and enacted into a law rough bill In the yellow package Sold by the 1 «tgislalure now in session by l.«tr«r’s Drug Store. TN OLDEN DAYS, when buyfflf * a cook stove, people would b"! Vie one they could get the cheapM that’s because there were only • few makes on the market were all practically the same b construction and material. // sTUffereilt Now! There are dose to a thousand different ran^a on the market today good, bad and ir.d*Jerent. Wise people use a littk wrttijht in sclevt-ng their range, an. ■ 4 ■ Ljÿgj 7