Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 23, 1913, Image 1

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heart ‘‘The world loves a lover”
and loves a good hater equally as
well, but the good fighter is be-
knighted and admired, exploited
and even made ruler of kingdoms
because he is so loved by the
world. The voting contest at The
Gem will do much to teach our
Early Wednesday morning be­
young voters the true spirit of elec­
tween five and six o’clock, the sec­
tion and show them the importance
tion and bunk houses on the P. R.
of being good fighters.
A N. near Enright were demolished
by large trees falling across them,
PORT OF BAY CITY WINS. which killed two men and seriously
injured three others.
Supreme Court Holds that Tbs section boss, Will Conley and
the track walker, Lewie M. Dudrey
the Port is Legally
with his wife and daughter occu­
pied the section house, ’ while the
bunk houses were occupied by
A telegram was received from
Japs who were working on the road.
Salem on Wednesday stating that
The section house was about (XX)
the Supreme Court had rendered a
feet from the railioad track at what
decision in favor of the Port of Bay-
was known as Miller’s camp when
City, which holds that that body is
the railroad was building, with a
legally organized
The case was
small creek betweeb -. the section
argued on Tuesday and a decision
house and the track.
rendered without taking the case
The day previous the Jape had
under advisement.
shown some uneasiness, having
gone to the boss and told him they
were afraid to remain there, and it
IS CHARGED was their intention to have moved
from there on Thursday.
Commission Hears Complaint Dudrey had also become-alarmed,
fearing that the trees would fall,
Against Railway
but her husband assured her they
were safe and that they would get
out of there when the trains would
S alem , Or., Jan. 17.—The State run again, which he said would
Railroad Commission today receiv be only a few days.
ed a complaint against the newly
Early Wednesday morning, Dud­
built Pacific Railway A Navigation rey was the first to get up. Mra.
Company, on account of the slides Dudrey was in bed on one side of
which have occurred along its line, the house and her daughter slept in
The communication signed by a cot the other side of the house.
Captain R. J?. Voeth of the Port­ Conley was also in bed in hie room
land Press Club, indorsed by L. B. on the same side of the house as
Davis, recites the plight of an Mrs. Dudrey slept. It was while
anonymous young woman of his Dudrey was building the fire and
acquaintance who haa been delayed while leaning over the stove, which
in Tillamook County since Decem­ was in the middle of the room,
ber 29. It is charged that, as a con­ when the crush came and the trees
sequence, she has lost her position cut the house in two, but fortunate­
and haa been deprived of the op­ ly did not demolish the two ends.
portunity to sell a valuable piece of Dudrey was instantly killed and
property. This, it is alleged, is due Conley was injured, while Mra.
entirely to a small slide obstructing Dudrey and her daughter escaped
not more than 50 feet of the line, uninjured.
and the railroad company is blamed
The bunk house occupied by the
with being .delinquent in its duty, Japs fared worse, in which one Jap
in not having its roadway in opera wan instantly killed 'and
tion earlier.
seriously injured.
While the Commission will give
was. obtained an
the inattera thorough investigation, promptly as possible and a train
the opinion ia that the landslide sent to the scenn of the accident.
would be considered unavoidable Dr. Hawk, the coroner, was notified
and, there would be no basis for and taken in a train to Enright to
legal proceeding against the road. hold an inquest on the unfortunate
men, after which the men who were
uninjured, and the bodies of the
twodead men were puton a train and
Tillamook Lodge of the I.oy*l Airouglit to Tillamook, It was soon
Order of the Moose was organized after four o’clock when the train
last Friday evening with about one reached this city, It consisted of a
hundred and thirty applicants by Hat car and one passenger coach
S W. Greene, national Director of the and engine. The bodie« of the
Moose, with the following officers: men who .were killed were on the
Capt. E. E. Jenkins, Director; C. ilat car. The first 16 alight whh
M Vidito, Vice-D.; John Keldson, Will Conley, the section boss. His
Prelate; J. J. McCormick, Post Di­ head was bandaged up. and al­
rector; A. D. Case, Sargent-at-arms; though aide to walk he was injur­
C. Armbuster, inside G ; S. A. ed about the body.. The next was a
Brodhead, Sec.;
Irvin Keldson, Jap who was also able to walk, but
Treat.; J. Wing, Fraak Hanenkratt his arm was in a sling. These men
Bert were taken in charge by Dr. Boals
and Jap Kanes. Trustees;
who took them to the hospital in
Stephens, Outside Guard.
Mr. Greeu says it loukn aa if they his auto. The most seriously in­
will put in at least 800 Moose in jured was a Jap who had to be
Tillamook as thia is as lively a packed on a stretcher and placed in
small town as he has been in in a drav.
Mrs. Dudrey and her daughter
the state of Oregon.
He says it
beats Ashland with their 8,000 peo­ were also on the train and were
ple. He sees
people on taken to the Todd Hotel.
the streets in one pleasant day than were so poorly clad that Marshal
, Ashland in a week,
Myers gave the woman his coat to
wear on the way to the hotel. Here
they were well looked after and
Burns’ Anniversary.
suitable clothing obtained for them,
as well as a subscription started to
The anniversary of the birth of help them. Mrs. Dudrey says that
Robert Burns, the Scotch poet, will the Greeks who were working on
be celebrated in thia citv at the the railroad stole $110 and a gold
I home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. White­ watch belonging to her. Her hus­
house on Friday evening, for which band was 44 ot age and they have
a suitable program will be present­ three children, two being in Port­
ed consisting of Scotch songs, read land .
ing and customs.
Dr. Boats reported thia morning
Following is the program :
that the moat seriously injured of
Quartet, "Flow Gently Sweet Aft- the men was Will Conley, whose
— — M
head ia badly injured on one aide,
Clarinet Solo, "Selectiona,” Mr. with a long wound under hie scalp
from the back of the ear to the fore­
Solo, "The Red. Red Rose,” Mrs. head, while ot the other aide he
D. A. Mackenzie.
has another scalp wound, which
Ladies' Quartet, "Annie Laurie.” may prove serious. He has severs!
Original Poem. "The Highlander riba broken and other injuries. The
most seriously injured of the two
Solo, "O Whistle and I'll Coms Jape was the one who was taken to
to You. My Lad," Mrs. Mackenzie. the hospital on a atrrtr her. whose
Clarinet Solo,
'Selections,” Mr arm was seriously wrenched while
the other Jap had a brokeq arm.
Among the The Doctor thinks they will all pull
Poet* " Rev. D. A. Mackenzie.
Solo, "A
Man'» a Man
On Friday, evening the manage
mint of the Gem Theatre will give
■' That.”
a benefit in behalf of Mra. Dudrey
Closing Chorus:
I-a eg and her children.
A cordial invitation ia extended
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
to one and all without regard to
Thia remedy has no au|>erior for
and colds. It is p easant Io
nationality to join in celebrating
It contains no oj.uim or other
the birtbdav of Scotland's ps’ron
■nicotic. It always cure« For sale
by m Daaiaea.
REDIT is the temporary use of funds
belonging to others, and returning
them promptly when due. It is the part
of wisdom to establish one’s credit.
Meeting every obligation promptly
lays the foundation. Having an account
with this bank helds a long way.
This bank takes especial pleasure in
aiding* its clients to establish themselves
upon a good credit basis.
Don’t wait until you want to borrow
Begin to establish your credit now.
count y J_
1 you can have at home for lee« money,
See Big Mack for your sewer con- Ccntt and try us. Service from 5:30
♦c 7-00 p. n>.
» Born, on Saturuay. to the wife of
The City Transfer Co. are the fel­
lows who haul anything, anywhere,
Rollie W. Watson, a daughter.
any time.
Office on Main Street,
Wanted employment by lady on
opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Cal
farm Enquire at this office.
us by phone, Main 651.
I W. B Gordon returned last week
Representative T. B. Handley
from a business trip to Portland.
was made chairman of the com­
■ Glasses fitted.
Any kind, any mittee on commerce, and was a
Style Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt.
* member of the forestry, judiciary
■ Rudolph Kunze left on Sunday on and resolutions committees.
Attorney Webster Holmes, Mrs.
hi» return to his home in Idaho.
I Frnnk Hanenkratt made a busi­ Holmes, Miss Ruth Holmes and
ness trip to Nehalem the first of the Clint King were amongst a num­
ber of persons who left here on
Saturday to go out over the rail­
■ Web Elliot is serving 25 days in
the county jail for violating the fish
There being a large amount of
misconception and fnlse reports
■> Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
circulated about the special elec­
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c.
tion which was to have been held
per pound.
today, Mayor Ilarter called the
I Dr. lack Olson has opened den­
election off.
tal parlors over F. R. Beals’ office.
Although it is twelve months be
Both phones.
fore Postmaster W. F. Baker’s time
I Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. I expires in the poet office there are
Country work solicited. Phone 1313 three petitions being circulated,
Pacific State».
. i one by the postmaster for re-ap-
■ Housekeeping Rooms Furnished pointinent, and the others by I’. W.
for Rent. See I. Parson, at the I I Todd and B. D. Lamar.
Hotel Columbia.
■ Bring your chickens to the Tilla- .
®ook Meat Company’s Market. We I
Cav 13c. per pound
* 1
B Captain John Groat and C. I. 1
Clo gi went to Portland on Sun­ '
day going out by way of Sheridan.
sewed an<
and delivered, or de-
V Wood sawed
..am the wagon as it
livered direct fro
| Comes from the country.
Bh rode.
I Wanted, a buggy horse, a young
One preferred, not
under 1050
pounds.—Apply to Guy Ford Maple
, Leaf Creamery.
Go to the Clatn market for Clams,
Fish and Crabs. Second Avenue,
Bear First St., in the building back
ot Beale’ office.
■ If you wish rooms for the Winter,
by the month "cheap.” with hot or
Cold water and with bath, call nt
Die Todd Hotel.
I Attorney H. T. Botts left on Sat-
tirday for Salem where hs argued
Kha Port of Bay City case before the
/Supreme Court on Tuesday
Although the stock in the pro-
posed whey sugar factory is not
been subscribed for as it should be,
owing to so many other improve-
meats to be provided for, it is
thought this will not interfere with
the industry being started this year.
William Ryan returned on Sat-
urday from a two weeks’ visit to
Colorado. He went out over the
railroad after the tie-up and re­
turned the same way.
While in
Colorado he experienced some cold
weather, it being 33 degrees at
A meeting of the city council was
held on Monday evening, when the
matter of sewer and paving assess­
ments were taken up. It was past
i midnight before the meeting was
over. It is expected that the matter
will be finally setted by Monday
evening next, so that ’lie Warren
Construction Company can receive
its pay. Another meeting is to be
held thia evening.
The situation on the P. R. 4 N.
remains serious, with no prospects
oi train service being resumed for
several days.
The local betweeu
Lost, a Brown Fur, somewhere
Trithin a few blocks of the Tillamook
x>e* office. Finder will pleaseleave
this city anil Mohler was taken off
he same at the Headlight office.
today (Thursday). There are about
While Representative T. B. Hand ten cars of freight at Timber for
ey is attending the State Legis-
this city and it is reported thMt
ature, Attorney S. S. Johnson is some of ’hese have been broken in-
icting as deputy district attorney.
to and goods stolen. Latest reports
County Clerk J. C. Holden is have it that trains will be running
working on the tax rolls and ex- either Saturday or Sunday.
pects to have them finished some­ rotary plow is clearing the «now in
time between the let and loth of the mountains.
The present day "young Ameri-
Mrs. Geo Vaughn underwent an ican" is full of ambition and ever
operation at Dr. Boals* hospital on ready for battle, contest or chance.
Saturday, which proved satisfac­ The spirit of the west and the red
tory and the patient is getting along corpuscle of good fellowship puts
fire in the eye and courage in the
< <
Drop in and book Around ”
Moose Lodge Organized.
First National Bank
Trees Fall on Building-
Others Seriously Injured.
J. C. H olden .
B. C. L amb .
W m . G. T ait .
C. W. T almage -
P aul S chrader .
We have just installed some modern Safe D p -
posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe
from fire.
We will be pleased to show then to you.
Under U.S- Government Supervision.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
An Important Event—“Who’»
Who and Why” of
You've attended the Convention,
Mr. and Mrs. Voter, as have also
your sons and daughters. Now, in
as much as you’ve had a voice in
nominating the vast number of
candidates, its up to you to support
them. The ties of friendship are
ties that bind stronger than the
bonds of politics. Then why isn’t
it equally interesting to vote the
issue of who’s who and why, as
well aa why Tillamook should go
"wet" or dry ?
Nominees In The
Gem Voting Contest.
Miss Ruby McGhee,
Miss Irma Hancock,
Miss Laura Smith,
Miss Cecil Kinnamiin,
Mrs. Hattie
' Green,
Miss Winnie Wallace
Mias Beatrice Harria,
Mrs. Sonhia McKinister,
Mra. Eleie Vidito,
Mi«« Alice Burrows,
Miss Ruby Anderson,
Miss Vida Roger«,
Miss Lola llulln,
Mies A. Trapp,
Miss Ollie Case.
Miss Fritz Bush,
Miss Helen Beals.
Miss Gladys Beals,
Miss Mamie Bell.
The nominations close Saturday
night, January 25th, and the voting
begins in earnest Sunday night.
Get your voting alip from
Ticket Taker as you enter the
Theatre. Write the name of the
candidate theron and take it to the
Grand Leader Dry Goods Store and
drop it in the Ballot Box
votes will be counted an<l bulletined
at the Gem Theatre every evening
after the second reel of the first and
second show.
The prices at the Gem will re­
main the same throughout this con­
test except that children occupy
ing seats other than those reserved
especially for them, i. e., the three
front rows, will be charged full
price of admission.
To-Night at the Gem
Amateur night at The Gem. Pro­
gram : Mias Dollie Wingrove, in a
comedy resitiition ;
Mias Violet
Grimes, song, " Everybody’s Doln
It ” rag chorus ; Miaa Reba Powell,
song, " Circus Day”; Mies Gladys
Roberts, aong and dance, “ Pony
To encourage the young
folks to develope talent the man­
agement ot The Gem gives a first
and second prize in the nmeteur
Three dollars as a first
prize anil two dollars
for the
second prize. First prize thus far
haa been eaaily captured by Miss
Gladys Roberta in recitation, songs
and dancing.
Come on you little
Tilhimookera, be good fighters end
stick to it until she finds an equal
among yon.
Card of Thank*.
We wish to thunk the friends and
neighbor« who ho kindly assisted
uh in our lute bereavement and for
their sympathy.
P eter B yrom ,
Mrs. I- M. AI.I.BV,
S. P. S wenson ,
His Stomach Trouble* Over
Mi. Dyspeptic, would you not
like to (eel that your stomach
were over, that you could eat any
kind of food you desired without
injury ? That may seem so un­
likely to you that you du nnt .-vs,
hope fjrnn ending of your tr--; .le
h it permit uh to assure you that it
is not altogether impossible
other« can be cured permanently,
and thousands linve been, why not
you ? John R. Barker, of Battle
Creek, Mich., is oue of them. He
say«, “ 1 wa« troubled with he« t-
burn, indigestion, «nd live-
plaint until I used Chan.' rri«- i'
Tablet«, then my trouble was over. '
Sold by all Dealers.
Dairy Land« tor Sal*
101 acre« choice dairy land,
!y improved, good pasture, < ssily
cleared, plenty spring water, no
hills, no rock«. Dandy barn good
community, and market for milk.
12 mile« from Salem and 2 miles
from Aumsville
Will sell all cr
part, Jill per acre Terms H cssh.
Rosenberg Bro*., Aumsville. Or*.
F gt Salo.
Will sell at sacrifice the following
household goods.
All new, used
but one month.
One Round Oak Dining Table,
six chairs, three rockers, sewing
machine, one bed, springs, mat
tress, rug, one heater, one steel
L J. At HKkMA.t,
Fcr address call at Peli A Honey.
Cat the High Cost of Living.
H. (hayman, Winnebage,
Neb , tell« how he did it
"My two
children had a very bad cough and
the doctor's medicines did them no
good. I got a bottle of Foley s
Honey and Tar Compound, and be­
fore it was all usrd the children
were free and cured of their cough.
I saved a doctor’s »»ill for one 2Bc.
(Kittle of Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound.” No opiates. —Sold !>y
Lamar’s Drug Store.
Coal, Cement, Lime,
Drain Tile,
Plaster, Roof Paint.