Tillamook Headlight, January le, 1013 HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CLAXTON UPRIGHTPIANOshown below This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook nlngton td Co. S store or cut from ibis ad. This will be the most amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beau ifu p g How to Get Vote Tickets. How to Get Vote Tickets With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook Headlight accompanied by $1.50 in cash, 5.000 votes will be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla­ mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay any of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so much greater for subscription than for anything else. You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the Headlight if you try. Closes May 1, 1913. The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads and other improvements. With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON & CO.’s STORE votes will be giveu—100 VOTES for kvbrv < dollar ’ s worth purchased . Votes in the same proportion will also be given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent.’s Clothing and Furnishing, Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start tue more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be May I, 1913. Cutout Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure votes. NOMINATION BLANK. Cut this Coupon out and bring to Mason, Pennington & Co It will Cou.it 25 Votes. No 1. Same of Contestant will not be known. 2. No name of candidates will be pub­ lished 3 Every Contestant «ets 2.000 votes to start with 4, Every Contestant gets a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook. Headlight. 6. All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­ ten on s Tie Votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. 9. Color of Certificates Will be changed each month and must be recorded before change lu Votes are transferable only before recording. 1 1. Contestant having the largest number of votes on May 1, I913, wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRBSEN 1 worth working for . jy I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these 2000 votes to my credit.; Name P.O Also Two Gohl Watches and a S25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. “WETS” WIN OUT. BAR IMPROVEMENTS. Carry the City by Over­ Additional Appropriations Eliminated from Bill. whelming Majority. Mator Trucks Are Actually Displacing Horses. i “ passers,” making it possible f« the driver to do the work ale® without leaving his seat. This nove form of unloading has been adapt« to many other forms of deliver wagons and a wagon load of fu­ tons can be uploaded in le»a that minute. The truck bodies ar a minute, 1 also ..I.., constructed | 8O they can bt loaded from the side as well aa it delivering the consignment, Wherever battery charging »er vice is available electric truck! have shown their superiority ov« the gasolene engine, because the former is free from engine trouble! and ignition difficulties. The electric power is stored in batteriei and while the “charge” is there anyone can drive the truck without difficulty, With the wonderful in­ creased efficiency of the storage batteries during the past few yean tire biggest trucks will run fori good many miles before recltargiaf is necessary. Statistics to the contrary, power- driven trucks are actually displac­ We have received the following ing thousands of horses annually. Tillamook City for about a vzt-t-k telegram from Congressman Haw­ True it ia that horses are still scarce was stirred up over the special ley which states that all additional and high priced for all the him- erection which was called by the appropriations for the improve- dreds of thousands of automobiles temperance people todecide whether , r.n ’ . , ' , ' , , 1 ment ol I illamook bar have been and power wagons now in use, but the city should remain ' wet” or go this ia owing to the fact that horses 1 dry.” The fight was forced by are not being raised as extensively the temperance people, who thought as formerly and not because of any- that the lust city election was a H olden . increased demand for horseflesh to criterion to go by ue to the senti­ B. C. L amb . haul wagons and carriages. ment of the |>eople us to the liquor 1 bill by the senate, provided In the city of New York there are question, thinking also that this lie Port of Bay City case is W m . G. T ait . today- more than five thousand WHS the moat favorable time to call ed by the Supreme Court in an election. What appears to have motor trucks and Chicago has more Following is the telegram • C W. T almage - created must excitement wua n than tiro thousand. There is hardly Washington, DC., special edition of the Headlight a city of any size in the country bin 15th, 1913. 1 ’ all S chrader . favoring well, regulated saloons in Hon. II. T. Botts.’ whete there are not huge power- preference to the bootleg system F c. driven-trucka.running up and down Baker, Tillamook, Ore We have just installed some modern Safe De- which prevailed under local option, hauling loads of coal, ice, wood, River and Harbor Committee »lid at well as diaeuashig the question newspapers, ice-creatn, pianos, not to.include additional appropria­ posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe crushed stone, freight, beer barrels, trom u business point of view. tion for Tillamook on ground that Some friction and criticism arose conditions prescribed in last river and for delivering .furniture, gro from fire. We will be pleased to show' then to you. cries and merchandise of all kinds. as to the action of some of the and harbor act have not yet been teachers in the district school in­ The Ladies' Guild. It costs money to keep truck Complied with and that another act ducing the smaller pupils to take horses in the city where the feed is will be prepared and passed next part tn the city election >n Mun The Ladies of the Presby.eriaL very high and the work unusually year win. h w ill take care of Tilla­ Guild held their annua! election 01 day n number of »mull pupils ap heavv. Such horses rarely last but mook If conditions had lieen com this Wednesday. p.-ared on Mitin Street and yelled a'few years and the wages paid to plied with anioui t would have been tor a ’ dry” town, but Boon aa Officers for the year are as to» stablemen and drivers are far in Home otte asked them to yell hr appritpruited I submitted all evi­ lows: Pres., Mrs. Groat; Vise I’m advance of what they were a few­ dence »if compliance sent me. but it " Tillumook wet” they did so when years ago. Even if the power- Mrs. Sarcbet; Sec’y , Mrs. Malle* money was threw on the »tied was rot sufficient. Si prune Court driven trucks could not make better Treas , Mrs. Clough. in.ii pass on <|u<-stion relative to The youngster« s< rambled I. r the time and carry greater loads it is I The President request all tl» Bay l ity Port in time to get item “wet” money on a wet stieet. one quite possible that they would show members tc be present the inert­ young Amertcun hustler scouputK put in Senate. House committee ■a profit over the horse-hauled ing to be held at the home of Mrs favorable to Tillsttiook ami only up $3.90 There was nj more "dry ’ 1 Aiderman on Wednesday, Janusfl vehicle. sentiment in the youngsters, lot - question waaabmit compliance with j 29, as there will be no more meet- terms of act. W C. H aw lev . The reason for the displacement ; they yelled "Tillamook wet," much 1 , „ in the Guild rooms. Light iv of the team-drawn wagon by the to tlie pleasure of one aide and an freshments served. >100 Reward >100. motor truck is that it decreases the no> utter of the other. E thel B ales , Secretary, j j The reader« ett Illi» paper will I k pie a »et I cost of a delivery and the time re-’ What tile ‘wets" figured on moat 1 ------------------ “T to learn that there 1» at leaet one dreaded quired. One high grade motor w . (lie women vote which provetl «lisente that ecienoe has hern able to cure in For Sale’ truck will do the work of three or di ippointing to them, lor the Wo­ all Us Stages and that Is Catarrh Hill's c atarrh Cure Is the only positiee cure now 80 acres of bottom land known four team-hauled wagons of the men voted ”wri” in large numtwi• k.'"»s to the niedK-al fraterntte I atarrh same size. The motor truck is the Peter Brant place. The pr and tills only can be u»-i counted ‘<»r being a constitutional disease requires a . ..«atiiuuonal treatment llall s ( atarrh faster and surer than the team ia $400 an acre Vincents Jacob. because they waa more heuvs - h“rL* ’•‘»"••»rrsally, acting directly upoa and mucous surfaces of the system wagon. It is independent of weather drinking amongst the young pro I ll>cblo.sl ,lr »troring the foundation of the For Exchange. pie under Itx-sl ubtion thun under oi-esse ami gumg the patient strength be extremes, indefatigable, demands I bulhllng up the constitution and assisting the saloon system. natureTn doing it. work The proprietors no set horse for rest or feed, is free Near $20.030 worth of first cli so much faith in Its curative powers Both sides mu»le an effort to get hare from bad temper, occupies less that tbrv ..«er One II i n. I red l>ollars lor any I property located in Vancouver a that It falls to cure netid for list ot Out a lull tote .in«! ik'd | eiaous went case apace on the streets, at the dock or Portland to exchange for farm, tc«( inHiniala to the polls. When the votes were <>ht'od"” " * CHK'iKV * co Teledo, terminal and in the stable. It dues dairy ranch near Tillanmok. r «x. u u let I it showed thut the "wets" cleaner work. These facts have the Cooa Bay country. Part of fl Sol»l by all l*ruK^i«t* 75v bs»l au overwlielimug majority, be­ Take Hall s Family Pllle for constipation been demonstrated by actual property is the Homewood Hot in the beat location in the citv » ing two to one in favor ot saloons comparative accounts kept for team doing a good business. Lot 9 The vote stood as followa wagon and motor trucks doing the 100 and 3ti roouu, located just.icf* big surprise to many Wet street from the post-office in Vi same work. IN TILLAMOOK CITY. PAVING AREA TO BE EX­ based on the use of Ritulithic, The fact that power trucks can jconver Electric line from het* .......................... mo S|xnl»d |8 Portland, one g»x»d 10 acre tn I .-c.il people are surprised st the TENDED OVER 6 MILES. which is being used extensively in handle greeter burdens and travel and 4 good lots locateil on car li There was general sstistactiou vl It k results receive»! from other cities and proving lasting faster is argument enough in their close in.—Address B. S. W oe dr* amongst the busiueoa men who Hotel. Vancotrt* simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, Nearly >300,000 Expended and economical as well as attract­ favor, but there ia also an added Homewood "27" Bo* 1,1 "Word with the iiiiiu Wash. ive in appearance. Rpwl ol the ieuipatauce people. etc., us mixed in Adler 1 k.t, tlie Carr feature that meana much in the i foT Improvements. 111. hi rtp|><*tuliviti« rriurdy. J. S, . city. Vehicles for industrial work The result is eon. lusive proof that I dinar states that tlua simple I sport nt Notice can be made so as to facilitate the it is going to be a hard matter to Residence Districts Solely in Pav­ , handling of any particular kind of l»lace Tillamook City )n tlie ’dry" rvmsdy .»ntisepticicea he digestive ed District This Summer If the party who borrowed a long merchandise. For instance, some system suddraws vtf the impurities vol uiun ______ sothoi uglily tn.it IMMil.EhuSI. and a short st«p ladder from the Hint . (jr Hou»ckeep ’ A GFA.xttE. Oregon. January 1, Star Theatre last September will of the heavy coal trucks are so con­ relieve« sour stomach. gas on the 15 watts .......... ...................... $ • structed that no shoveling or carry­ keep Foley’» Hoort and ~ 1913. A total cf Six and one-balf return them no <|ueetione will Tur ind , - stip.itiou IN» be ing of the fuel is required. The 25 watts............ Compound always ol: hand. an.I -.’» ms. h miles of improved streets within netted. Vi u van quickly head off « cold tn MANTI A 40 watts.......... wagon is easily and quiikly backed the corporate limits of La Grande M. R. H ank . xksatt . 1.» ptompt use It contains n.> I «U watts............ • •».. up to the coal hole and the throw­ ftpiatra heals Mn,| „ |tle Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ha» been rounded out with the com­ ing of a lever tilts the wagon body MIO waits............ ........................ 1® Thia rem«-»ly lies no superior for pletion cf the Second Street project tlamed a.r passages, st. r. u,e cough and may save a |.iK vtv^t. i . r ’ ik-li» and euhls. It ia p casant to by the Warren Construction Conip untll the coal is sll dum(>ed into Frosted L m,a five cents ex'** ; Wi In ine yelk a pa. kag. ».-M '»•*- It contains no opium or other any Hie cellar below. Thia is sn enor Effective October llth. Foe Sale all st zee of aewer pipe u •< ’’tic. Il iiwaya.mra b„i «.d, 9) 1. »u «4 « Di ug 3tvi< a-wet connections. See I. H moua saving of labor and d es T illamook E lectric I joht l5* by all l>valers. The majority of eontracta wer*| M.'Mshan. I sway entirely with the old coal F url company . Tillamook DIRECTORS J. c. Under U.S- Government Supervision Interest Paid on Time Deposits Latest Prices cn Tungsten (Masda LAMPS, ............ ......... . »