Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 16, 1913, Image 4

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    TillarnooU Headlight, January I le. 1®13
v property I »aid report of the viewers the City The peoyle of Tillamook City do or
on the application of anj ■ . 1
dain as follows:
o tins I I Recorder shall immediately cause
aairf installments which have 1 NS I A LL.M EN I
PA V M E N Ts, measure shall be deemed or taken a notice to be published for a Be it enacted by the people of Tilla­
not been paid, as that expressed in
PROCEEDINGS IN RESPECT to be within or any part of the limi­ period of two weeks in a newspaper
mook City, Oregon:
| the bond to tie issued to pay fur
Whenever an
published in Tillamook City. Ore
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.- uch improvements. Said applica­
Section 8. Thereafter there shall
iron of the filing of eaid report, opening, altering or improving a
That on the 23rd day of January tion shall also contian a statement,
giving the date when the name will street or construction, reconstruc
11113 at the City Hall In Tillamook by I its or blocks or other conven- be due and payable annually for
ten consecutive years to the treas
the Common tion or repeair of a sewer or for any
City, Oregon,
1 lent description, of the property ot urer of Tillamook City by the own­ A MEASURE TO AMEND ARTICLE l,e eonaidered by
Council, ileaeribinK with convenient local improvement which has been
i’lie applicant assessed for such er of each lot or parcel of land as­ VIII OF THE CHARTER OF TILLA­
A Special Election
certainty the tioundarien of the pro­ or may hereafter be made by Tilla­
improvement or «ewer. No appli
will be held at wlii< h there will be : cation, as aioresaid, shall be re- sessed for the improvement of any The People of Tillamook C lty, do perty aHseseed by the viewer« in mook City. Oregon, is or snail be
»aid report, and notifying all per­ defective insufficient, or inadequ
ordain as follows
submitted to the qualified ele< torn of Iceiveu and filed bv the City Record
Ciilamook City, tor their adoption < r il the amount of such assess- whose application to pay the cost Be it enacted by the people of Till­ son« interested to present m writ ate or has been or sh’ll be here
inR their objections to said report, af er »e* aside, annulled, declared
or rejec tion, the following Measure« ' ment. with any previous assessment
amook City, Oregon :
providing tor amendment»* to the fir street improvements or sewers, installments has bee filed as pro- Section 1: Article VIII. of the if any they have, and said objec­ or rendered void or its enforcement
Charter of Tillamook City, Ore­ tions, if any there be, together with refused bv an” court of this State
City Charter ol Tillamook < ity, to asseised against the same pio- vitlec in Section I of this Measure,
t.-n per cent (10 per cent) of the
gon. is hereby amended so that said rejKirt, shall be heard and de­ or any federal court having iuris-
Wit .
! perty and remaining unpaid, shall cost of such improvement or sewer
ttie same shall read as folloms . termined by the Common Council diction thereof, whether directly or
A measure, to amend the charter of equal or exceed the appraised valu assessment against the property of
It shall also lie the duty of the City by virtue of ny decision of such
Tillamook City, Oregon, by add ation of «aid property as shown by such owner, as appears by the bond
Section 1. The Common Council Recorder forthwith to send by mail, court, or when the Common Coun­
1'1*4 thereto sections authorizing the appraisement thereof made t y hen docket described in Section 6 of Tillamook City is authorised and postpaid, a copy of said notice to cil sha’I be in doubt as to the va
me issuance of bonds of the city three freeholders of «aid city ap- of this, Measure, with the amount empowered within the limits of the owner, if known, of each lot, or liditv of such arsessment or any
for such part of the coat of pub- i pointed by the council. The ma­ of one year's interest at not to ex­ Tillamook City, whenever it may part thereof, or tract of land as­ part thereof, the Common Council
Ji. 'mprocements as the common jority of the owners of the property ceed six per cent per annum on un­
it expedient, to open, lay out, sessed, any part of which is appro may’ by resolution mike a new as­
council may deem it proper tor so assessed may select a competent paid assessments or installments. deem
alter, extend, printed for the proposed etree', or sessment or re-assessment upon
the city to assume: and providing person to inspect such improve­ The first payment aforesaid shall establish,
vacate or close streets, and to ap­
for the payment of assessments ment under the direction of ttie city be due and payable at the expira propriate and condemn private pro­ to the agent of such owner, when the lot«, or blocks, or parcels, of
the poetoffice address of such land which have been benefitted,
lor public improvement« by in* J engineer of Tillamook City. Pro­ tion of one year from date of said
iaatuilrnents uod for the issuance vided, that application for such assessment in the bond lien docket, perly therefor, and to assess any owner or agent is known, and if not I to the ex ent of their respective and
l,onding «hail be received by the and subsequent payments at the special benefit arising from any known by him, then such notice proportionate shares of the full
of improvement bonds.
such matters and to make the same shall be addressed to such owner value thereof Such re-assessment
: City Recorder, in case where the
The *»eople of Tillamook City, Ore- , amount of the assessment together expiration of each year thereafter. a lien against propertyjbenefitted.
or airent at Tillamook, Oregon. If shall be based upon thespecial and
Should such owner or owners
go , do ordain a« follow«:
Section 2. Whenever the Common such report shall appear to the pecu'-iar benefit of such improve
| with previous assessments for
Be it enacted by the people of Til­ street improvements, or sewers, neglect or refuse to pay the sums Council shall deem it expedient to Council to be in all respects reason- inent to the respective parcels of
aforesaid as the same shall become j
lamook City. Oregon
against the property (and remain due and payable for a period of i I lay out and establish, or widen any ble and just, it may be ¡adopted by land assesse' at the time of its
S'*« ti.m 1. The Common Council ing unpaid/ shall exceed the ap­ twenty days, then the same shall i street, it shall direct the City Sur ordinance embodying such report original making. Interest thereon
of Tillamook City, Oregon is here praised valuation ol said pro|»eriy be collected in the same manner veyor to survey such street, or Or, if it shall appear to the Com­ from the date of delinquency of the
by authorized and empowered to as shown by appraiament thereof, and with the same penalties as de­ change therein as the case may be, mon Council, that the damages or original assessment may be added
«el! bonds of Tillamook City. Ore if ttie owner shall before making linquent street or sewer assess­ and to make a report thereof con benefits assessed are unreasonable, at the discretion of the Common
gon, in convenient denomination«, such application pay in cash into ments are collected in Tillamook taming a plat of the survey of such unjust, or insufficient in any re­ Council. Such re-assessment shall
change, showing the spect, the Common Council may be made in an equitable manner as
bearing interest at such rate, not the treasury of the city such excess City It shall be the duty of the street or
exceeding 6 per cent, and running of unpaid assessments over ttie City Recorder when the install­ boundaries thereof, and of that por­ send the same back to the same nearly as may be in accordance
for such period, not exceeding valuation us shown by said ap- ments and interest on any assess- i tion of each lot or tract of land to viewers for their consideration, and with the law in force at the time it
(20) year«, a« the common I praissment.
ment in the bond -lien docket are | be appropriated for such street or the viewers may alter and revise is made, but the Common Council
coiiuul may determine, to pay foi APPLICATION TO PAY IN IN due, to make proper extensions of ' change, which report shall be made the same as they n ay deem just, may adopt a different plan of ap­
the cost of the paving of inter-sec
STALI.MENTS, HOW KEPI' such installments and interest on ; to the Common Council within ten and report the same to the Common portionment of benefits, when in
ti<ms * streets and alley«, or apy
said bond lien docket and to turn i daye from the time the same is Council, who may thereupon adopt its judgment essential, to secure
public ways, and of any purtof any
Sections TheCity Recorder «hall the same over to the treasurer of j ordered unless the Council grant or reject the same, or Baid Common an equitable assessment. The pro
jiurovement« heretofore or here keep ail «ncii application« a« are Tillamook City, whose duty it shall further time. Should the Council Council may appoint new viewers ceedings required by the Charter of
alter made, which the Common «pecified in Section 1 of lliis Meas- be to notify the owner or owners of | deem said survey, plat and report with like powers, duties and obliga­ Tillamook City, Oregon, to be had
Co im*il may deem proper to be a« «ure, in convenient form for exami­ property that the installments i satisfactory, it shall adopt the same tions as the first viewers to make prior to the making of the nriginal
snmed or paid by the Citv as the nation. The application« received aforesaid are due and payable, but ( by ordinance embodying such re­ such assessments and awards, and
assessment -shall not be required
}nst «hare of the benefit ot «uch for each street improvement and a failure of such owner or owners I port.
report the same to the Common to be done „gain in case of re-as
improvement derived by the entire each «ewer «liali be kept separate, to receive such notice shall not be | Section 3. Thereafter, and within Council.
sessment. Such re-rssessment ehall
City or to take up any City Warrant« and he »hall ul»Q enter in a hook
or held to prevent the collec­ 60 days from the adoption of such appointed, the same proceedings be made and shall become a charge
now outstanding, provided, how­ kept for tln.t purpo«e, under sep­ taken
report. the Council shall appoint as to notice of their meeting shall
upon the property upon which the
ever, that the total amount of bond« arate heads for each street improve­ ed. The treasurer of Tillamook three disinterested freeholders of
had as in the case of the appoint­ same is laid, notwithstanding the
whit ft may be sold or aseumed ment and each «ewer, the date of City shall issue a receipt to the per­ Tillamook City to view such pro tie
under the provisions hereof shall filing of each application, the name son or persons paying said in­ posed street, or change, and to ment of the original viewers, and omission, failure and negtect of
nt no time exceed the sum of $75, of the applicant, a description of the stallments and interest, and shall make an assessment of damages the Common Council shall have the any officer, body’ or person to com­
same power over the report ot the ply with the provisions of the
(NX).(N) unless the people of Tilla property and the amount of the as
file duplicates of said receipts with and benefits as provided in the text
mooli City by u majority vote at an sesBrnent, a« shown in the applica­ the City Recorder, and when the ; tollowing section, and shall assign new viewers as over that of the Charter of Tillamook City, Oregon
or connected with or relating to
election at which such question is tion.
I City Treasurer returns said bond I a day and place for them to meet
Section 6. In all actions, suits
improvement and assessment,
«hull authorize an
ASSESSMENT LIEN DOCKET. ! lien docket, the City Recorder shall ( and shall cause a notice to be given and proceedings concerning the such
and notwithstanding the proceed­
amount in excess of such sum, and
by publication for at least four
Section B After the expiration of make
openings, laying ou*. establishing ings of the Common Council or any
then only to the extent mo author- the time for filing* applications for
bond lieu docket, showing the successive weeks in some news­ or changing of any street under the
the payment of assessments for im­ I amount of eacti payment and tile paper published in Tillamook City provisions of this Charter, all pro­ officier, contractor or other person
connected with such work may have
appointment of such viewers,
Section 2. When the Common provements of street« or laying of date thereof, provided, however 'ofthe
Council ahull desire to issue bond« sewer, by installments, aa provided that at any time after issuance of j with their names and the time anil ceedings had for that purpose shall been irregular or defective, whether
such irregularity be jurisdictional
of the city to pay for internet tion« i in Section 4 of this Measure, the such bonds any owner at any place for them to meet, and specify-
of streets or public ways, or for any City Recorder »hull enter in a dock­ I time being of any such lot or par- j ing with convenient certainty the and legally taken, until the con­ or otherwise. The Common Coun­
cil shall appoint a time and place
part of any improvement, it shall et kept for that purpose, under aep ' cel of laud or other property ; boundaries and termini of the pro­
Section 7. The Common Council, not less than twenty days distant
declare by resolution ttie amount arate head« tor each street or «ewer, against which such assessment is posed street or change, and the
when it will meet for the purpose
ot part ot such improvement which by name or number , a description made and lien docketed may pay | boundaries and descriptions of the
it shall deem proper tor the city to of each kit or parcel of land orotlier into the City Treasury the whole ‘ private property to be appropriated lay out, establish or change said of making such re-assessment. The
assume and shall direct the city property against which the assess amount of the assessment, and tor ! tor such purpose and specially street, and «hall pass an ordinance Cit Recorder shall give ten days
Recorder to prepare and issue such ment is made, or which bears or is which lien isjd ocketed, together with notifying all persons claiming to that effect, shall, by resolution, notice by one publication in a
bonds, prescribing the form, date, chargeable for the cost of such im­ the full amount of interest and damages by reason of the appro direct theCity Recorder to enter in newspaper published in Tillamook
rate of interest, time to run, price provement or sewer, with the name costs accrued thereon to such date priation of such property to file the docket of city liens the respec­ City, Oregon, of the time and place
(which shall not be less than par; of the owner and the amount of such i of payment, and upon producing their claims for such damages with tive sums of benefits over damages fived by the Common Council for
and such other matter« in respect unpaid assessment.
Such docket to the City Recorder the receipt of the Recorder before the time so ap­ so assessed upon each particular making such re-assessment.
to the Hume ns they may deem nec shall stand thereafter ns a lien the City Treasurer (in which receipt pointed for the meeting of the lot or parcel of land, and the names the time appointed therefor, unless
at some time the Common Council
e«sury. Such bund« «hall not be docket as for taxes assessed and shall be not only stated the amount viewers, and the Recorder shal.
included as any part of the limit;» levied in favor of Tillamook City,
also send by mail, postpaid, a copy interest in the lands other property shall adjourn until a future time or
tan <n of indebtedness prescribed and for «uch amounts of such up- of such payment but also a des of such notice to each of the pro­ benefitted, and assessed in like day for such purpose or appoint
of the lot or parcel of land
h> the Charter. Asacsstuent of the paid assessments therein docketed, cription
perty owners whose property is manner as assessments for street another time therefor, and in such
residue of ttie cost of «uch impvove with interest on unpaid assessments or other property upon which such proposed to be appropriated, or to improvements are entered in such event at such adjourned or further
ment «hail be made against the I at the rate of six per cent, per an­
the agent of such owner when the lien docket, and when so docketed appointed meeting, the Common
property owners benefitted in the num against each such lot or parcel er shall enter in such lien docket, postoffice of such owner or agent said sums shall be a lien or charge Council shall proceed to make sncli
usual manner. If an aVMeHMinent of land or other property, until such
is known to him. but if such post- upon the estate and interest of the re-assessment in the manner pre
Illis already been made for the coat assessments and interest are paid in, the fact of such payment and office address be unknown, than respective owners and parties in scribed. At the time of making
ot such improvement before the in the manner hereinafter provided:
, such notice shall be directed to terested in such land or other pro­ such re assessment the Common
passing of ttie resolution assuming and all unpaid assessments and in­ thereof is discharged
such owner or agent at Tillamook perty, and said cost so assessed Council shall give an opportunity
a part of the cost thereof by the terest shall be and remain a lien nil MONEY RECE1\ HD UNDER THIS Oregon.
published notice shall be paid to the treasurer of to any property owner to appear in
City,the Common Council «had pro each lot or parcel of land or o her
shall be deemed Tillamook City within 10 daye from person or by Common Council end
cecd to rcusse«» the residue of the property, respectively, in favor of
conclusive notice to all owners of the time of entering the same on be heard in'reference theretu. After
cost upon the property benefitted such city, and such hen shall have
property whose property shall be the docket of city liens, or the same having- made such re assessment,
to 1» e extent of the respective bene­ priority over all other liens and in ceiving uny funds accruing by appropriated for such purpose.
«Uall be deemed deliquent and the Common Council shall declare
fit« received, and «hall credit each < umbi .mt on wh its<" \ er.
Section 4. The Recorder shall, at thereupon shall be collected in like the same by resolution, and the
reapectiw lot or parcel ot land with < 11\ IMI’ROX EMENT BONDS TO
manner as provided for the collec
and apart from other funds of the least five days before the date eet tion of other del'quent assessments same shall be a final determina­
the difference between the original
tion of the regularity, validity and
for such
meeting, cause said
n«MCM«ment and the re-assessment
Section 7. When such bond lien paid on account of installments viewers to be notified of their ap by the Charter of Tillamook Citv.
correctness of the re-assessment,
th *reof, und in
c ase«
where ducket «hall be made up us herein |
Section 8. When such
report except as herein otherwise provid­
pointiuent, and of the time and
application ha« been made to pay before provided as to the assess-’ and interest on unpaid install­ place of such meeting, and said ehaall be adopted by the Common ed Such re-assessment shall be en-
tl>>* original n««essment in install mt nt« torthe improvement of streets ‘ ments, snail lie placed to the credit viewers shall meet at the time and Council as herein provided for, it tered in the docketof City Liens
n < nt«, each installment shall be i or the laying ot sewers the common of funds to be known and designat­ place designated, and shall than be shall order the City Recorder to and shall be
* enforced and collect­
I «puttionately reduced. In c.ise council «hull by ordinance authorize ed as "Improvement Bond Sinking sworn faithfully to discharge the draw r warrants on the City Treas
-------- ­ ed in like manner as ordinary as-
io.pr«tvemcnf bonds have been is* the issue of bonds in convenient I'uml" and “Improvement Bond duties assigned them. Tliev shall urer for the-atnounts of the damajres sessments for improvements are
Interest Fund” respectively. The
sued and sold lor the entire coe< o: denominations,
exceeding amount placed to the credit of the then or on iftiy subsequent day on found for the respective parties enforced and colie ted under the
ti c improvement the city ah ill I
tit) each, anti in all etpial to the improvemeat bond sinking fund which they may adjourn (which adi found entitled thereto, and deliver Charter of Tillamook Ciiy, Oregon
instead ot selling additional bonds total amount of unpaid assessment
journment shall not exceed one the same to such person so entitled. All sums paid upon the former as­
ns hereinbefore provide I, a««uttiik ; tor such street improvements and shall from time to time, under the week at a time) proceed to view the
Section 9. When said warrants sessment snail be credited to the
the payment ot an amount ot such sewers, and lor which applications
proposed street or change ond to are drawn and ready for delivery property on account of which the
improvement lM»n<h corresponding to pay under the provisions of this be deposited in such bank as will determine and assess how much, if to the parties entitled to the same, same were paid as of the date of
t > the part ot the cost ot the improv act have been tiled, as shown by pay the highest rate of interest, or any, less valuable lands or any the property acquired for public sukh payment.
ue invested in or used for the pur
ment nssiiii.ed by the city.
said lien docket : ami such bonds
part thereof through or over which use as shown in the report of the
Section 3. Before «uch re asses« shal’, by the terms ttiereof, mature chase of improvement bonds of the
street is to be opened, City Surveyor shall be deemed ap­
ment is made due notice shall be in ten years from the date thereof, Tillamook City at par In the pur- laid proposed
out. established, or changed, propriated for the purpose of the A Measure to amend the section 1
gisrii by the City Recorder by one and be payable in gold coin of the oi improvement bonds, the accrued
will be rendered thereby ; and shall street, and the Common Council
of Article VI. of the Charter of
publication in a newspaper pub­ I*lilted States, ami bear interest not interest thereon shall tie paid out also
ascertain the respective in­ shall, by resolution, declare such
Tillamook City, Oregon.
lished in the city or b) posting m to exceed six per cent, per annum, ol the improvement bond nite est
street to be opened, laid out. estab­
The People of Tillamook City do
ti re public place« within the city, interest to be evidenced by coupons
lished. or changed, and within 30
that .it a time tht*rein named, n »1 attached to «aid bond ; provided, the treasurer on account of coupons be the ow ners of ths lands or other days after the adoption of said res­ ordain as follow :
le«« Ilian one week alter the publi I ! the rigid to take up ami cancel such due shall be placed to the credit of property aforesaid, or of the im­ olution file City Surveyor shall file Be it enacted by the people of Til­
i . i oi posting ot «.nd liotict, bond or bond«, upon payment of the the improvement bond interest fund. provements thereon, or to have any for record with the County Clerk of
lamook City, Oregon.
common Council will hear ami face value ttiereof, with accrued in­ Interest due on improvement bonds interest in such lands or improve Tillamook County, Oregon, a copy
Section 1. Section 1 of Article VI
octeriuinc any written objicUun« terest to the date of payment at any snull be paid out of the improve­
of the Charter of Ti.lamook City,
All of said owners respectively, will of said resolution and an accurate Oregon,is hereby amended so that ,
Io .-•.!» h le assessment tiled with the semi annual coupon period at or ment bond interest fund.
i it\ Recorder before that time. At alter one year from the date of such
the same shall read as follows:
the time so lived, or nt a subse­ I bond or bonds, shall be and heieby be held tiy the treasurer of the city the ow ners of such improvements perty so appropriated for public
Section 2. The Mayor shall have <
quent adjourned or regular meet is vested in l ilhiuiook City. Notice
the power to ap|>oint such number .
mg, the Cmnmon Conn, il «hail i «tilting that certain bonds are to lie
of policemen as he may see fit, and
h.io and »leteimine such ohjvc I taken up and cancelled as aforesaid, mon Council, when required tor such lands, if such owners shall may provide by ordinance any reg­ to make all necelsary and conveni­
tarns and make the re assessment ¡and that the interest thereon shall the redemption ot bonds previous­ within 60 days alter the appropria­ ulation« aa to the manner of open­ ent rules and regulations fortlie or­
: iich te assessment shall be in pio I cense at the interest ¡mynient period ly issued, as they shall become due tion. Ot such lands shall be com­ ing, laying out, establishing or ganization and conduct of the force, i
pleted. or within such further time changing streets not in conflict and shall have the power to eu«
poition and not in excess ot the te ■ next tol owing shall be published n'ld payable.
«¡»Vi live special and peculiar bene in a uewspap**r printed and pub- ENTRIES OF PAYMENTS MADE as the Council shall allow therefor, with this Charter, and may provide pend or remove any policeman at
remove such, improvements from by ordinance anything convenient his pleasure. The Common Coun­
his receive d by each several lot ot ; hshed. ami of general circulation,
Section 10 Entries of payments such lands. Otherwise such im­ and necessary for the effectual car­ cil shall have the power, and they j
p tcel otland assessed and may Lv ini I'llhimooK County, not less than
»uade utheiwise m such iiiaui ei as twice during the month ¡»receding of installments, interest and costs provements ^sholl become and be rying out of the provisions hereof. shall provide for the compensation
the t omiiionCcmncil inn\ deem just ««Kt semi annual period ; and after made under the provisions of this the property of Tillamook City. Any property owner may appeal to of all policemen of the city, and
and equitable, and the same stiaii « ad seuii annual ¡»eriod interest up­ net shall l>e made in the lien docket Said viewers shall also make a just the Circuit Court of Tillamook shall make all necessary and con­
be a final and coiielasive deierminu on »he t»oiids designated in such aioresaid as the same shall be re and equitable estimate and assess­ County, from the assessment of venient rules and regulations for
tion ot the liability ot the lots and notice shall cease Such bonds, be reived, with the date thereof, and ment of the value of the benefits and benefits or damages aa to hie pro the care and management of th*
pat k els ot land so ssatssvd tot the tore issuance, shall be signed by such payment* made and entered in nd vantages of said proposed afreet perty, but such appeal shall be city prison, for receiving and hear­
am K ills
assessed t *e Mayor, countersigned by the said lien docket shall be and oper­ or change to the re«j>ective owners taken within 3D days from the time
complaints against any mem­
against them
without regard to City Recorder, am! authenticated by ate as a discharge ot such lien, to and other |>ersona interested in all of the adoption of the report of the ing
ber of said force, and to provide
any tormri proceeding
the seal ot l'illamook City attached the amount of such payment, and lands or other property which said viewer«.
for the forfeiture o< all or any °*
Section I Whenever any street I thereto, ami shall be registered cun- from the date thereof
viewers shall deem specially bene­
the wages that may tie due .my
improvement, or the construction fsecutively by number and denomi-
fitted by such opening, laying out.
______ ____ of ______
said ____________
force on account
Section 11. At any time after the establishing
ot any sewer or seweis is ordered i nation ot each in a book to be kept
or change.
Said A measure to amend the Charter of member
misconduct or negligence in the
oi ahull base beeu ordered by the * by the < ity Recorder, to t»e known bonds which may be issued by vir­ viewers shall thereafter, at their
ducharle of !'•« duties.
Commun Council, und the whole < i ami designated as the "Improve tue of thia act shall become paya­ earliest convenience, report the as­
for public improvements.
any part ot the Coat thereof is ns u.ent Komi Register
Each of said ble. aucll Isinds may be redeemed, sessment for damages and benefits
cstrd or to be assessed to tfir pro ! I»oud«. whether issued tor the in; and to that endthecitv shall redeem as in thia Section required to the
petty l»viirfitrtl thereby or hat»lc ; provement ot streets or tor the lay the same consecutively by number Common Council, but any failure
The number and form in which the ballot title of such measure «i*1
therefor, the owner ot any such * mg of sewers, shall hate distinctly ot such bonds, commencing with to state the name of anv owner,
printed on the offi.'ial ballot is as follows
propeity wheir sm. h i out is t wenty ' sud plainly inscribed or printed ou number one of such Kinds and shall cr mistake in the name of any
live Ikill«!*
ot more, may. ' the hue thereof, the registered nmii- give notice of ttie readiness of Till owner, or a statement of a name
within ten days utter uotu e is giv | l»rr of said bands, und the words ■imook City to redeem by publica­ other than that of the true owner,
cn t f «m li tuavasmeiit or such I ' I dlamouk t it), Oir/on Improve­ tion in some newspaper published in such report or in the ordinance
Shall a Measure entitled
further turn* is tbe council ms- ment Boml
Such ls»iids »null be and having a general circulation adopting such rr|H>rt in the docket
VFS Measure to Amend tbe Charter*
i»n<» by tcsohition, tile with the advertised lor sulr und sold tor the among its sutiecribera in such city of city Tiens where the same is en­ 1UÜ
rillamook City, Oregon, bj •
s written application to pay highest price obtainable, but t»»r once each week for three consecu­ tered, or in any notice required by
thereto sections authorising
Hald assessment in installments, not leas than par nud accrued inter­ tive weeks giving the number thia l barter shall not render void 101
issuance of bonds jf the city •
und StM-'h written ap|»hcati«>u «had est, and the proceeds thereof shall of the bonds which will t»e re­ nor in any
affect the lien of
such part of the cost of pnblic i*
that the nppiu ant and pro Is* paid l»\ the purchaser to the deemed. and the time at which sucli such Mseanment U|on the prxqierty
provementa as the Common Count*
owner thereby waives all ir treasurer i t rillanuH»k t ity, and the redemption will lie made after such assessed
The viewers shall re.
may deem it proper for the city
regularities ordefect«, jurisdiction par v line there »f credited to the re time so lived tor redemption no in- reive as compensation
for thetr
and providing for 1
al or otherwise, m the proceedings
tercat shall accrue or become paya services, the sum of *i.UQ each for
payment of assessments for pub1
to improve ttie stieet or lay the speMitv street improvement and t ie on such bond* so notified for each days actually rendered in
improvements in installment«. ••
«Swer for which said assessment were iaaued ; and the accrued in redemption
such service, to be paid by the
for the issuance of i m prove nit­
is isxted and mt he apportionment tereat and premium accruing from OBLIGATION I NDKR ACT NOT city and chargee! as coats and a>-
<»t ttie cost Uierex't. ««id Bpplica« the sale of said bonds ahull be cre­
bonds»" be enacted ?
WITHIN LAW LIMITING CITY sesseel as part of the benefits by
turn shall contain a provision that
Mark X t>etw’een the number a®-
said viewer».
The Recorder of
said applnaiit and piojsrrt) owner
answer voted for.
Section IT No obligation incur Tillamook City shall act as cferk of
.»gices to pay said aaseasii.ent hi the fui.d from which interest ia to curred by Tillamook City bv virtue the viewers, and shall prepare all
ten ruiia! annual einst.«ilir.rnts, I rants, or L» the hiipiovenivtits Imud ot any ot the provisions ot this mea report* for them.
with uitcivst st the 111111» rate on 1
Sextiun 5.
U,x>n the tiling of
•ink mg lu ml, at the wiuiuvu conn- sure nor by virtue of selling tsrnds