Tillamook Headlight, January 10, Advertising Rates. L egal A pvektihemen ' im : 11 Firat Insertion, per line « r Each eubeequent insertion, Ime Business and professional carda, 1 month ....................... 1 Of) llomeatead Notice* 5 (4) .. 10 «I Timber Claims 5 Lo ala per line <-ai h inanition Display adveitiaemenl, an in< li, 50 1 month ................ All Resolution* of Condolence ami larflge Notices, 5c. per line. < arils of Thanks. 5c. perline. Notices, Gist, Strayed or Stolen, etc. m inumili rate, 25c. not exceed­ ing five linee. gratul tie the citizen», having to decide between two evil», • bey choose the leaser and that which wa - for the best interest of the city. T he citizens have given theii verdict l»v a two to one vote, which is pronounced enough to show that they are not in favor of a repetition of tin- hoot leg system which pre­ vailed here under local option. We have every confidence in the present city officials giving th«- city good clean business administration even if that body is “dry.” County Court Business « 1Ö13 Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Koof Paint. Pursuant to an order of adjournment made and entered on Friday, January 3rd, 1913, Court convened on Tuesday. January 7th, with the following mem­ bers present: Hon. Homer Mason, Judge; H. M. Farmer, Geo. R. Edner, Commissioners; J. C. Holden, Clerk; H. Crenshaw, Sheriff. In the matter of the petition of Ru­ dolph Zweifel and others for a county road, same was continued. In the matter of appointing road supervisors, it is ordered that the fol­ lowing named persons be appointed; Road District No. 1, D. F. Thompson; RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. ) DOCKS : WAREHOUSE. We ar«- not in favor of invok Road District Na. 2, W. B. Aiderman; 1.5<> ing the recall on ativ of the city Road District No. 3, J. M. Baker. One year........ FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd 4 6rd AVENUE WEST 75 Six months ... In the matter of the appointment of 50 and comity officials because Three months part in a county veterinary, it is ordered that they took some Entered us second class mail mat forcing an election on the liquor Dr. J. E. Reedy be and is hereby ap­ ter July, 1888, at the post office at question. It will only create pointed County Veterinary. Tillamook, Ore., under the act of more friction in the city, ami At this time the court proceeds to March 3. 1879. will do no good, even if the draw a jury list of more than 200 names “wets” have a preponderance from the assessment roll of the coun­ Iof votes. We disapprove of ty to serve as jurors for 1913, said list Tillamook ^rabligbt. A any move in that direction, and being certified to by the clerk. In the matter of designating county if the “wet»” attempt it we will »crap them. We have implicit j official papers, it is ordered that the Editorial Snap Shots. confidence in the present city Tillamook Headlight and the Tillamook Produced exclusively from ifficials in giving the city a good ! Herald be designated as the county offi- Choicest and most carefully We want to congratulate Bro. administration. They know the cial papers for the sum of one hundred selected. Botts on the excellent tight he sovereign will of the people on dollars each as compensation, said pap­ BLUE STEM WHEAT the liquor question and should ers to print all of the official court put up. Of which every grain is thoro­ accept the verdict nr.d act ac­ calls, calls for warrants and for bids, proceedings of Commissioners' Court If the snap shot man has fallen cordingly. ughly cleansed, washed and dried. and other like publications, all of said from grace, then the Christian “ART FLOUR” is a better milled patent flour matters to appear in both of the above spirit should be to pray for him di»tri> do considerable road “ Perfect All-Purpose Flour Second Justice Precinct. work this year. The heavy tra In the matter of the appointment of vol on the roads in the vicinity Price, $1.60 per 49-lb. Sack. deputies for the various officers the of Tillamook City is the cause These brand manufactured by following persons were named: Deputy of the roads being cut up more MORE per Sack than usual this winter, ami to Cow Testing Association. County Clerk, K. Mills; Deputy Coun­ Fisher Flouring Mills Co. ty Clerk, Vida Rogers; Deputy Sheriff, prevent this crushed rock will “ America ’ s Finest Flouring Mills, ’ ’ This afternoon a goodly number of LESS perLoaf Oscar Swenson ; Deputy Assessor, R. L. have to be used. ranchers met at the Commercial Club Shreve. Seattle, Washington. rooms and attended the first annual In the matter of a tax levy for 1912 <)ne uncharitable person be meeting of the Tillamook Cow Testing assessment roll, the County Court finds longsug to the ' mail«« Association. that it will require the sum of $339,729- the remark that a large num The past year’s work of the associa* .25 to defray the expenses of the coun­ her of women of this city must t.ion was discussed pro and con and ty for the year 1913. drink. That is not the enne many valuable points were brought Bridges, $27,000. SIDNEY E. HENDERSON’, JOHN LELAND HENDERSO The women voted “wet” I m - out. While there was some dissatis­ President. Roadsand Highways, $20,000.00. Secretary-Tree» cause they did not want to see faction expressed, the majority of Payment County General Fund war­ Attorney-at-Law and Nnt°- n dirty bootleg city again, for those present were well pleased with rant and interest, $59,797.75. Public. they know there was more last yeur’a showing and will still re- For road purposes,$128.000.00. I drunkenesw among»t the boys main in the association. Circuit Court, $2500.00. under that regime. This, we It is necessary that there should be Justice Court, $500.00. think, showed their good judg thirty members in the association, and To pay State Tax. $18,231.50. meiit and in giving them th«- while some may dropout it is expected Clerk’s office, $3,500. itanchise. that others will take their places. It Sheriff s office, $3,000.00. is the intention of the society that each i 1 School Superintendent's office, farmer enter 20 or somewhere near 20 $1000.00. Wil** cows in the test, which costs him $1.00 County Treasurer’s office, $1000.00. ■ach for the season. The tester makes County Court, $3,000.00. (INCORPORATED). a call at eacn rancher's place once County Coroner. $100.00. every month and spends the day there. County Assessor, $2100.00. flurry Svenson was the tester for Court House and jail, $3,500.00. the past year and is reported to have County Poor Farm, $10,000.00. given the very best of satisfaction. Insane, $25.00. Aevertising resources of the county, BOTH PHONES. $1,000.00. TILLAMOOK. OR EGO Jas. Walton an Attorney. Experting county books, $700.00. Printing. $3000 00. J nines Walton Jr.. Httoruey at law, Stationary, $1,5000.00. has taken possession of the tormer County poor, $1,000.00. |uarters of George N. Davis, now cir­ Current Expenses, $2,000.00. cuit judge, at 1001-2 Spalding building. Teacher»’ Examination, $400.00. George R. Alexander will retain his Truant officer, $75.00. offices in the suite. Refund taxes. $150.00. See vv h,it a mistake the“di vs’ Mr. Walton, who has determined to Public Schools, library and institute nu-de. The "wets” felt him i<‘ locate permanently in Portland, was tn. 1 thought that with the W45.800.00. I Scalp Bounty, $390.00. mi n vote the ’ilrvs" w ere hi n ded the puplic schools at Salem and majority. It would have I h ‘< h later took the course in law at the It is therefore ordered that the fol­ a good thing if the "wets*' \\ ere University of Oregon. Mr. Walton lowing rate of levy be and the same is kept thinking that way The was first employed in the Ladd & hereby made, excepting the levy of 9 N OLDEN DAYS, when buying "divs” thinking, too, that the) Rush bank at Salem. He came to mills for road purposes from which all a cook stove, people would buy v.i •«• in a minority, thought Portland for the Security Savings & property within the corporate limits of the one they could get the cheapest; tl s . hi opportune time to « lose Trust Company until 1906, when he Tillamook City and Bay City is exempt- that’s because there were only a n Un- snloons. But, oh, what a went to Tillamook and engaged in For county few makes on the market and - .00300. I I 46.370.242 surprise it w. s to both pari iss business. Mr Walton stayed in Tilla­ school fund. were all practically the same In • .00002, t- Hud that the "wets” w. re mook until July 1912, when he deter­ Library, 305.468 construction and material institute. • .00001, t vice its numerous a» their op­ 151 234 mined to take up tne practice of law­ Scalp bounty • 00002, ponents. Now the tight is over in Portland. Poitland Journal. 302.468 It's 'Diferrnt Now! Thereu. J™ u„ General, an close to * thousand different ranges »♦ must be concedetj that it did .01096, 166,601 382 on the market today-good, bad and indifferent. W ise people use a little inure Ilium than giHwl, Road fund except- lores. ,ht i, sclectmg their ranje, and they make no mistake in selecting Best Cough Medicine f >t Children. ing within the cor- I mu very glad to say n few Tire R ance X. ith a R epvtation —the range that is recommended bv words ni piai»«- ol Chaivl-erliiin s p«>rate limits of every user; the range that has stood the test— 7 Cough Reined«" write« Mi» Lids Tillamook and Bay But Dew-ry, Milwaukee Wis 1 11.i ve Citv. 009UO. DB.00l.4B0 used it for years both tor mv eliti dteti and myself and it never falle Total 02300 339,729.250 to relieve and eon- .« «««ugh or No tanno With « hildien »Im-, Rwd Work 0« Gad s Valley Road without it as it give» alinrlanealers. Geo. IVugherty 14.50 Guy Tedder 14.15 W. R. Fox, l'O w W ashuigtot- Gao. Pickett 17.75 i Noblesvdie, I , I say s : ‘After Dan Aliev »uttering many monili» 21.50 with Jokn Suffell kidnrv trouble, nil r trying other 3.50 remedies .i,.| prest i pt ion a. l pur Joo Suffell 3.50 chased i Im* of F«i r Pili, 25.00 which not only did me n.ore good Wm. Womelsdorf 4 team than hi « , u,rr remedies ............... _ . 1 ever Julius Total ........................ used, but lisve laisitiveh aetmvkul Hugo Klein........................ um in in»t nt neva right Other memtier» < t nn T H. Pitta end team . ... the rvwiilt of lamilv lisle iisetl them with similar T. H. Pitta, Sup. ........ 26.40 temlts •• l ake rtl the !>■»« *,g„ of eleetiou on kidney trouble Sold by l-nniara * 4111 to eon- Drug Store Total 190.15 Til lamooK Baker’s Bread Sold at Aii Grocers. LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. G. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Post Office. . a.-PHpa Si H *• * Superior Patent Flour Tillamook Title and Abstract Company & Office : One Block East of Fisher’s Art Flour Fisher’s Blend Flour McGEE, M.D FAMILY RECIPES. J * a «a» a«e» The valued family fe­ ci pcs for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics r.ud other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. Right prices assured. are also ■I: ■: « W HI W** B 0 CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. ALL THE RAIN You don’t know how much real comfort you can take out of a rainy dny until you h«v« worn a TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER The only slicker with the famous Reflex Edg* (pai d) that prevent« water from running ia at the front. Made for hard service, iwo colors—black or yeUow. $3.00 Everywhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. MTCNTC0 A. J. TOWER CO. BOSTOH ver Cana, -no Limitei Tonnio lull ROWERS I T hese & R ifles E oces Paone. Yoe « W ater C annot n I n A t Rt T HE FRONT. Law Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance Keep Abreast of the Times T he Great Majestic Raage Alex. McNair Co 4 PÌARNKS I S n j. with the problem of buy ng Hurries« you will find it distinctly advanta geons to come anil do your select­ ing here. You will get the lest qualifier, the most thorough and conscientious workmaaship and be charged ttie most reasonable prices We can supply single or double Sets or any single] article that you may l>e in need of. W.A, Williams & Co Nest Door to Tillamook County Ba'-k.