Vol. XXV. No. 31. TILLAMOOK, OREGON JANUARY 16, 1913. Payment by check provides indisputable in the form of returned canceled checks. be decreed to be a lien upon the premises in Tillamook county; that the defendants be required to > surrender and cancel the note and mortgage executed by plaintiffs to defendants J H. Hathaway; that they be required to execute and de­ liver to the plaintiffs such convey­ ance as may be neceasrry to revest of record to title to said lands in Washington County in the plain­ tiff, etc., growing out the deal to what is known as the Elmore ranch. Payment by check saves many a long trip ; saves the trouble of making change and taking receipts. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING. Being a depositor with us acquaints us with each other and lays the foundation for accom­ modation when you want to piece out your re­ sources with a loan. Surplus Increased and Divi­ dends Paid. What You Gain lar depositor with TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Your funds are kept in absolute security. ________ *. The Annual meeting of the stock, holders of the First National Bank of Tillamook was held at their banking room Tuesday, January Every courtesy and facility is rendered the 14th, 1913. small as well as the large depositor Don’t D. L Shrode was Chairman and ; C. I. Clough was Secretary of the ' wait until you can begin with a large deposit. meeting. The stockholder’s were , very much pleased with the excel- • il lent condition of the bank under I the new management. The old j Board of Directors was unanimous- j CQUNTY I TILL-AMOOK CITY. ORE SUPERVISION | ly le-elected for the ensuing year. h —■* âaiÉ ------ i On the first of January the sur- I ---------------' plus was increased to $4 000 and a If you wish rooms for the Winter, dividend of three per cent was de- by the month “cheap.” with hot or clarrd. cold water and with bath, call at The Patsy came in on Tuesday. the Todd Hotel. • The mail from Willamina missed See Big- Mack for your sewer con­ on Monday, and it was the next nections day when three days mail arrived Work was resumed this week Oil in the city. the new hotel. A Moose lodge will be organized The weather continues to be wet in this city on Fridavevening, there and stormy. being about 100 persons who have Dr. S. M. Kerron has been on the signified their intention to join. sick list this week. What a pity that tender little Lost, a Brown Fur, somewhere Wanted employment by lady on within a few blocks of the Tillamook hearts should be lured from beneath » farm Enquire at this office. post office. Finder will please leave the ‘halo of blue ribbon' by taint­ ed filthy lucre rained upon Glasses fitted. Any kind, HHV the same at the Headlight office. * them by anti prohibitionists as they style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. The Engineer will be in hie office Snow covered the ground till« at the city hall on and after Friday marched without a leader through the streets of the city, parroting the (Thursday) morning. for the purpose of adjusting any cry of their teacher, i. e., "Tilla­ Dr. Sharp will leave for Nehalem mistakes made in the street assess­ mook dry.’’ on Friday and will be gone a week. ments. Rehearsed in church and school Editor Trowbridge, of Bay City, The Sheriff’s office is undergoing were the children, to chant little was in Tillamook on business Tues- some improvement, the stair way prohibition prayers and sing little to the court room being cut out and day. prohibition songs and march in Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ a window put in the north side of parade heralding the "Battle Cry the office. mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. i of Freedom" (from saloons) to the Do not forget the-Sunday Chicken populace. But the leaders of the per pound. It is expected that train service Dinner at the Todd. Better than juvenile army were in the rear of will be resumed on the P. R. & N yon can have at home for less money the line of battle and the yellow Ccmt and try us. Service from 5:30 streak was too next week. wide to per­ | to 7:00 p. m. mit them even to rally the army Dr. lack Olson has opened den- Charles Ray and William Owen, against the volleys of silver fired at tai parlors over F. R. Beals’ office. partners doing business as Ray A them by the enemy. Both phones. * Nor did these noble (?) leaders The aunual meeting of the Hose Co., vs. Issac F. Quick and wife is Company will be held this (Thurs a suit filed in the county court to pray as did George Washington, I recover $137.42. nor curse as did Napoleon as day, .-.rening Waterloo closed in upon him, but The City Transfer Co. are the fel ­ The Port of Bav City case will be the wail of Joeephine was echoed taken up next Tuesday by the lows who haul anything, anywhere, any time. Office on Main Street, by the Her-vld extra. Supreme Court opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call And like Niobe, who was turned Phone joe Lilly for wood sawing. us by phone. Main t>51. into stone for her incessant weep­ Country work solicited. I’hone 1313 At the regular meeting of the ing, by the gods, who became an­ Pacific State«. noyed, these leaders should be Housekeeping Rooms Furnished Water Commission on Monday, made wise. But the arrows that at the '*■ Melclioir was elected president for Rent. See I. Parson, to fill out the unexpired term of rent the air were dimes, nickles and Hotel Columbia. C. E. Reynolds; W. G. Dwight, quarters and even larger coins, and ___ Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ vice president; Carl Haberlach, instead of the enchanting twang of mook Meat Company’s Market. We secretary; Chester McGhee, treas­ silver bow strings from the clouds pav 13c. per pound ' • urer; w Q urer; W G. Dwight and P. W. that hovered above the city |of Thebes, the music^was.the tinkle of TheLord Chief Justice of Nehalem, Todd finance committee. Joe Effenberger, dignified this city- The monthly meeting of the real U. 3. coin and the patter of on Monday with his presence. Shakespeare Club met on Friday at "little drops of water.’’ Another slide occurred on the the home of Mrs. Alex. McNair, And the kiddies, boys and girls P. R. AN.. Wednesday at Bailey's when there was a large attendance in white were scrambling in the Mill, which will take three days to of members and a few invited sloppy streets for tainted money move. guests. Another very pleasant and crying "Tillamook Wet.” Wood sawed and delivered, or de­ afternoon was enjoyed by the ladies Gentle reader, ask yourself is it livered direct from the wagon as it and Mrs. McNair served an excel­ right or fair to the children to be See lent lunch. Mrs. Everson will take paraded through wet streets shout­ comes from the country. the place of Mrs. Goyne in the club ing the sentiment they Shrode. know for a time. nothing of—that they are too young Wanted, a buggy horse, a young B N. Sproat and wife vs. J. H to understand ? one preferred, not under 1050 Is it right to parade children pounds.—Apply to Guy Ford Maple Hathaway and wife is a suit filed parents in the circuit court growing out of without consent of the Leaf Creamery. . a land trade in which the plaintiff in any cause what so ever ? Go to the Clam market for Clams, prays for a decree that the convey It’s not the wicked people who Fish and Crabs. Second Avenue, ance by plaintiffs to defendants do the most harm in this world. near First St., in the building back herein set out be canceled and ad­ I It's the good, well meaning, mis­ of Beals' office. judged void, that the note and guided who come silently as the Ed. Laughlin was arrested by the mortgage executed by plaintiff to Arab, and before we know it the city authorities on the charge of al defendant tie adjudged and cancel­ mischief has been done. These little children, too young to lowing a woman in hie place of ed; that the plaintiffs be restored business and found guilty. It was to their former ownership of the | know what they were doing, were one of Laughlin's liar tenders who property in Washington county, placed in position where they be­ allowed thin while I-aughlin was and that the defendants be decreed trayed the cause they were taught absent As Attorney Holmes con­ to tie the owners of the land in to support. "f-ead me not in the way of temp- tended that women now have a Tillamook County; that the plaint right to frequent saloons the case iff« have and recover from the de- | tation" seemed to have fallen light­ will lie reviewed in the circuit court, fendants $3 füll; that said amount ly upon the consideration of those who sent the little one« to their de­ feat and put them directly in the way of temptation and caused them to desert a cause and take up the war cry of the enemy. It was a real comedy from one stand point and tradgedy from sn- other. When peeple resort to acuh means and drag little children into politic« its time to appoint a special ;>olice • « force to clean np politics. ba ^ k TLLAMOOK county ba MSM TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS A SHATTERED IDOL. Young Americans of Til lamook Scramble for “Wet” Money in a Wet Street. LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE, TIUbACnOOK. OREGON Drop in and book Around ” Respectfully yours. J ack v . V kknox . JONES-KNUDSON FURNITURE COMPANY. FIFTH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE FROM JANUARY 20th to JANUARY 25th, inclusive, We Offer to the People of Tillamook County our Entire Stock of FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS at the following DISCOUNT: Framed and Unframed Pictures Wall Paper - - - - Window Shades - - - - Rugs, Carpets, Linoliums - Matting and Matting Rvgs Blankets, Quilts and Pillows Dresser Chiffonniere Commodes Kitchen Furniture - - - Iron and Wood Beds - Bed Springs and Mattress Dining Table Bullet China Closet - Sectional and Combination Bookcase Dining and Rocking Chairs - Couches and Davenports Library Tables Stand Pedestal Taborets, Etc. 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 15 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Special Sale on E grade Linolium, 45c. per square yard. Matting Remnants Below Cost. Discount for Cash Only. Farm« for Bale 20 acre«,—15 in cultivation; all creek bottom land; 4 acres timber; house 16 x 24, hen house; 2H miles from town, 14 mile to school price $2000; $000 cash, balance 4 year«; all fine garden land. 20 acre«, al) in cultivation, 2H mile« from town, Vi mile to school; price $2100. $000 cash, balance 10 year«. 122 acrea; fair building«; 00 acre« in cultivation; 2 miles to town, 400 yards to «chool. on R F 1?.; 10 acre« atrictly No I prune orchard; price $v r. that you could rat any kind of food you desired without injury ? That may seem so un­ likely to you thHt you do not eve, hope for an ending of your trouble hut permit ua to assure you that if ia not altogether impossible It others can be cured permane ’tly, anti thousands have tieen, why not you? John R. Barker, of Bittie Creek, Mich., is oue of them He says, " I was troubled with heart­ burn, indigestion, and liver com­ plaint until I used Chamberlain'« I ablets, then my trouble wns over.” Sold by all Dealers. W. H. Chayman Winnebage, Neb , tella how he did it "My two children had a very bad < otigh and the doctor’s medicines did them no good. I got a faittle of Foley's Honey and Tar Comno'ind, and be­ fore it ^yvas all used the children were free and cured of their cough, Ad ministra.or'« Noticelo Credila«« I saved a doctor’a bill for one 25c. bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar N oth K 1« IfKkKHY GlVKN, —That . Compound.” No opiates. Sold by the undersigned, loseph Durrer. htta < Umar'« Drug Store. duly In-en ap|>oint*d admimatrato of the estate of Joseph Anton Hirili- Escaped After Fifteen Year« iliann, deceased by the County W. P. Broyles made a successful Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, escape after fifteen jear« of stiffer anti all persons having claim« mg front kidnev suit bbtdder against aaid estate are hereby noti­ trouble«, holey Kidney I’tll« re­ fied and required to present the leased him anti will dn just flic same to the undersigned, together aame for others. Ilr say« : "They with due proof thereof, within aix cured a most severe tmckache with months from thia date. painfnl bladder irregularities. ami Dated De> ember 23, 11*12. they do all you claim for them ’ J oseph D i mkkk . Refuse «ubatitutea —Solti by La Administrator of the Estate of mar's Diug More. Joseph Anton lliri'.uiiaa, dacMaad.