Tillamook Headlight, January 0. CITY COUNCIL. Mayor’s Message--Liquor Question to Be Voted Upon. Two Women Ap pointed Special Policemen. Delegation of W C. T. U. Pledges Support- Mayor Makes Appointments. The first meeting of the City Council was held on Monday even ing, when Mayor J. R. Harter and Councilinen F. I. Sappington, M. F. Leach, G. L. Dick, Erwin liar rieon and Emmett Balea were pre- sent. THE MAYOK’H MeiMAUE. proper person to fill the position of Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore gon, and we therefore hereby re­ commend him to your conaiaera- tiod for such office, and pray that you may appoint him to fill such position for the year 1913. Respectfully submitted, — J. - — j. s, Lamar, N. Myer», S. G. Thayer, T. H. Goyne, Albert Plank, J G Ranen, ’ J, C. Bewley, Alex McNair, Rollie Watson, F. S. Whitehouse, B. K. King, M. V.’. Harrison, fra Smith, W. C. KIM« H. T. Bott», Fred H. Miniek, John Kirchoff, Frank Fitzpatrick, A. H. Harris, M i L mcb Wm Powell, Erwin Harrison, C. Van Patton, Wm. D. Body felt, S. W. Conover, J J Powell, B. D. Lamar, G. W. Burge. C. E Reynolds, A. J. Stillwell, ‘ A. Pennington, N. L. Burdick. A. C. 11 Wolfe, C B V'antreas, Ralph Himes, w. Thatcher, R. E. Jope, D I.. Shrode, Cha*. E Haas. D. A. Mackenzie, Bernice Dick. H. W. Kuhlman, E. F Laughlin, Retlia Phillips, T. P Johnson, W. J Stephens, Chas Armblister, Geo. Crim mins, E A. Fishbocker, C W. Clements. after a little Mayor Harter, thoughtful consideration of the petition, asked Mr. Todd whether lie had made any promise» to the saloon keeper», and upon being as- mired that he had not, the mayor made the appointment of P W. Todd as recorder,which was immedi­ ately confirmed by the council. LI'JUOR QITIST1ON TO HE PUT TO 1813 ____ . Most of the councilmen concurring, that the thank» of the »lbility. Mayor and the Common Council i» agreed with Mr. Sappington that hereby extended to said Handley, the police should be under the con­ and that they do hereby take thia trol of the Mayor. It was finally means oi showing their deep appre­ ciation of his services and hi» bear­ agreed that N. J. Myers should be ing and treatment of the Mayor and given the day job for a while to Councilmen, and they extend to give him a rest, and that the him their unlimited praise and ap­ council should appoint the night preciation; and B e it further resolved *hat a man. J G Rane»' names was pro­ copy of this Resolution be spread posed and he waa nnar imously ap- upon the minutes, and that a copy ;>ointed night policeman. be presented to »aid Handley under The following committees were ap­ the seal of »aid city, signed by the Mayor and outgoing Council, thus pointed : Ways snd Means: Leach, Harrison, showing their friendship and es­ teem for Mr. Handley. Sappington. J. R. H arter , Mayor. Licenses and Ordinances: Dick, Har­ Mayor Harter, after the resolution rison, Bales. had been passed, made a few re­ Streets and Public Improvements: marks in which he highly compli­ Sappington, Dick, Leach. mented Mr. Handley for the faith­ Health and Police: Bales, Leach, ful and efficient service he had Sappington. rendered the city while he had bsen Accounts and Current Expenses: city recorder, and in reply Mr. Harrison, Bales, Dick. > Handley said he appreciated great­ RECORDER’S REPORT. ly the compliment the city council Tillamook, Oregon, had paid him. | December 31st, 1912. mayor given power TO appoint to oie Honorable Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon. SPECIAL POLICEMEN G entlemen ,—I herewith submit A resolution was passed unani­ roy report aa City Recorder oi Tilla­ mously giving the Mayor authority mook City, Oregon, covering the time from December 29th, 1911, to to appoint six special policemen. December 3lst. 1912, as follows, to- Mayor Harter caused some surprise wit : when he appointed four of that GENERAL FUND. I number. They were Attorney T. Jan. 1st, 1912, amount on hand...................................... $4,125.50 H Goyne, Rev. H. W. Kulhman, Pastor of the M.E. Church; Mrs. Receipts for year aa follows : I Bernice Dick, wife of Councilman From Taxes ....... $ 2,352.14 Dick ; and Mrs. Retha Phillips. Aa From Saloon Licenses....... 4.900.00 the two latter were present the From Fines ........................ 502.50 100.00 Mayor handed their appointments From Theatres ................... 60.00 ................... to them with a copy of their dutiea From Teams 35 OU From Dog Tax ................... as policemen. 20 00 From Peddlers ................... 185 99 DELEGATION OF W.CT.U. PRESENT. From Miscellaneous ......... Mayor’s message was read in follows: Gentlemen; I h-reby beg leave to submit to you a statement, of the condition of our fair city; and would respectfully sub­ mit to you for your consideration a few VOTE suggestions, and recommendation«, Another petition was presented to which if carried out, leenw to me will the city couuJi! calling for a special Le along the line of progress. During the hurry and hustle conse­ election to submit the liquor ques­ quent upon the amount of work that tion to a vote of the people of thia we I. ui on hand during the past year, city, whereupon ttie city council ther. were many things of vital im­ passed an ordinance calling for a A delegation of the W.C.T. U. was $ 7,264.64 portance neglected and overlooked, special election on Tuesday the 14th. present during part of the proceed ' Total $ 11,389.14 chief among which is our inefficient Tlie petition was us follows: ing», and Mrs. Thomas presented Cancelled Warrants, prin- fire protection, dangerous condition of To the Common Council of Tilla­ the following resolution : I cipal.................................... 6,664.42 our old wooden sidewslks in the busi­ mook City, Oregon: To the Honorable Mayor and City Interest on same................. 39 77 We, the undersigned, citizensand ness district, lsck of proper inspec­ Council of Tillamook| legal voters of Tillamook City, re ­ tion of defective flues and other fire $ 6,704.19 Whereas, we feel that the principles Amount on hand January spectfully demand that the follow­ trs|>s, improper fire escapes in some of ing proposed amendment to the which we advocate are not carried out 1st, 1913.............................. $ 4,684,95 our hotelsand lodging house«, all of Charter of said Tillamook City shall as they should be in our city; and ROAD FUND. which ar* a menace to life and proper­ be submitted to the legal voters of Whereas, we feel that the moral con­ Amouut on hand January ty, and demand immediate attentio.i said City for their approval or re 253.72 1st 1912 ........................... $ jection, at a special election to be dition of our city may be improved; by our Honorable body. 1 should also held on the 14th day of January, 1913, Receipts for year as follows ; therefore, like to call your attention to the ne­ and each for myself say: I have From Taxes ...................... $ 2,949.19 Be It Resolved: That we, “The From St. Assessments.... 51.94 cessity of inaugurating a street clean­ personally signed this petition; Women’s Christian Temperance Union” ing department at your earliest possi­ that I am a legal voter of Tillamook $ 2,992.13 City, Oregon; that I have resided of Tillamook, will heartily co-operate ble convenience, and an ordinance in this city for more than 30 day» Total . 3,245 85 with any efforts the City Council may against allowing our merchant«, pedes­ last past. make for the betterment of moral and Cancelled warranta $ 1,718.17 trians and teamsters to cover our side­ First petition circulated und civic conditions in our city. Interest on same . 344 49 walk* and curbs with litter and filth, »worn to by H. W. Kuhlman. W. C. T. U. of Tillamook, i and provide some manner for disposi- W. H Heaston, Total ............................ 2,002 66 J A. Brunt, Per Committee. tio - of the same. As early as prae- Josephine Houston, J. T. Gerrish. Amount cn hand January Mayor Harter took slight excep ­ tl-'. i every dilapidated wooden side- Sarah Van Patton, 1st, 1913............................. 1 183.19 Alpha Olsen, tion» to part of the resolution, and WATER FUND. A. M. Ginn, WH(k in our immediate bu«in ••« dis- Minnie Gerrish, asked Mrs. Thomas to be npeciti: Amount on hand Jan . 1st. trie should be replaced by artificial Mrs H. ht. Bewley, Jonas Olsen, 1912 ................................... $ Mrs. R. G. Lowers, A N. Erskine, in any accusations or recommenda­ 366.01 ato •, placed on a proper grade, cov­ 4 W. Atterbury, S. McCargar, Receipts for year (taxes)... 1,176.05 tions they make. He said they en- i by a five year mantainence bond, A. A. Atteibury, C. Van I'atten, would always be ready to listen to W. S Stanley, M. J. Atterbury, Total................................. $ 1,542.06 to insure a first clasa job. Mrs F. Young, T. H. Goyne, Amount turned over to the citizen». Many of the sidewalks in the busi­ Fred H Miniek, C. E Trombley, Water Corn mission......... 1,390:80 Mrs. Thomas »aid they were not ness, and also in the residence districts, Mr*. W. S. Stanley, D E Robinson there to criticise, but to assist the aru n continual menace to both life Mr*. A. Kuhlmuu, Goran Munson, Amount on hand January W J. Hawkins, city council in improving the moral 1st, 1913.............................. $ 151 86 and limb, and it is only by luck and I.. S Hush beck, II W. Ku hi ma n condition ot the city, nor were they LIBRARY FUND. good fortune, that the city has thus Mia. F. R Beals, Mis. S G. Thayer. prepared tc make any suggestions. Amount on bond January far escaped expensive darnuge suits, Second petition circulated and 1st, 1912 Mrs. Bl aine Hays spoke in favor I would suggest that the proper tire sworn to by 1. E. Meeae. Receipts (taxes) . 294. vJ of the boy» and though* that the fighting equipment be supplied to the I. E. Meeae, R. I.ydia Meeae, city council should provide u place hoae company immediately, and that I. S. Phillips. Total .............. 294.00 .............. $ I. . Dick. She had Amount turned over to an ordinance be passed defining the Bernice Dick, Mr» F.E.l'uiigburn for their amusement, Board .............. ........... 256.04 grown up under the conditions A. E. Doerge, powers and duties of our fire warden, Rutil Bish, wlricb hud prevailed in the city for together with a form of report, cover­ W. D. Gladwill. Soleus Gladwill, Anount on hand January Laura I. Leach, Corn M. Finch, n number of years and was of the ing every business house, hotel, lodg­ I, L Bilker let, 1913 .......... ...............$ 37.96 Charles Fineli, opinion that it would be a great ing house, or other buildings in the \ adle Kinniunan A. Chriatenaon, GENERAL FUND improvement if the buys bad a Total tire district, such report setting forth \ . Chiistensen, S. G. Thayer, Warrants issued Mrs. A. G. Beals clean and wholesome place of the condition of all the flues, tire es­ J. C Bewley, during year $ 33.766 65 Mrs. C. Allen, A. G. Beals, amusement. cape* and tire connections in each F E. Langhorn, <>. B. Lamb, Mrs. N. J. Myer* agreed with the For salaries $ 2,31(180 building, in said tire diatrict, such re­ Retlia Phillips Mrs. F Bailey, For lights 1,941.06 II. W. R. Holme*. previous »peaker port to be made not leas than every Mrs. I.. Baker, For printing 880.80 Mrs. Jennie Erskine. —— days, by the fire warden. Mrs. Bernice Dick complimented For elections ............ 19.00 Third petition circulated and the Mayor in regard to the aup- For boarding prieoners .,. Owing to the growing intelligence 14.85 sworn to by R E. Jope. For gravel .......................... 79.72 of the peoule, crime and lawlessne««, pression of the cigarette habit For lumber ........................ 1,214.53 haw been lessened during the last Mrs Nellie H. Jope, . R. E. Jope, amongst minora in the city For labor on street............ 1,306.47 John J Job 'insi in, M. Doty. year, and by th* activities of our po­ 11. M . Standinger, Councilman Dick moved that a Miscellaneous....................... 9,270.98 I Stain II. T. Botts, lice force and the assistance of some Mrs. Bertie Doty, vote of thank» be extended to the Storm Sewer.......................... 16,719.45 I W B Powell Alice B. Wolfe, W C.T.l’. for their offer of co-oper- of our good citiiens, the open houses Mr». Z. Harrison, w $33,756,65 of prostitution have been closed, and Mrs. Jennie King. R.iy R Wolfe, | tiou, which was carried. (Miscellaneous item* in­ Mrs. Anna Benton, Mary I.. White, their inmates together with their con­ Mrs M. E. Holdeu, Robt J. Watt, This being all the speaker*, the cludes $4.457,62 account sorts, and other vagrants driven from Mrs H T. Botts of Engineering Dept, and 'delegation of the W.CT.U. with­ H. E. Craig, $1,295.50 account of In­ R V. Moore, thi city, rowdyism and drunkenes* on Mrs. Maud Beals, drew. I spectors, also includes the streets suppressed and huodlumism Mrs. Laura Potter Jennie T. lloag, OTHER BUSINESS. Bert Stephen* aud Jack Mrs. I) A Sunburn. . D l„ Shrode, of all kinds considerably decreased, but Mrs, II. K. Cruig, W. G. Dwight asked that the Latimer deeds). B. E King. still there is room for many more need­ Mi» W It Powell. I. «. Smith. time be extended for making cer Redeemed Warrant* less interest .............................| 6,664.64 Harriett M. Ford, ed reform*. R. I’ Moore, tain corrections in assessments All business houses including saloons Mr» G. 1.. Burge, ' Georgia Sowers, which was granted until the 20th II. Crenshaw. I B. 1.. Beals, Outstanding warrant* Jan. should be closed by ordinance at an c A McGhee, 1st, 1913.............................. 27 092.23 It. I.. Beals. Jr i City Attorney Bott* waa instruct __I step* ___ to inform .___ Lea* Storm Sewer Warrant 16,719149 earlier hour than they ar* now accust­ R T. Boal*. M D.. M W. Harrison. ' e-l I to take legal omed to. thereby lessening the oppor­ Fourth |>etition circulated and Dawson Bros, to move their barn, 11,372.78 tunities for crime and carousal, detri­ sworn to by D. A Mackenxie. as it was causing delay in building Lena amount on band .... 4,684.98 mental to the peace ami dignity of the D A Mackenzie. aide walk*. W B. Aiderman, city of Tillamook, and much to the Mr* A. Aldetman, W. A. Williams, $ 6,68R88 A large number of aide walk as­ Alix Watt, ROAD FUND. ar noyanc* of our police force. '1rs. Alex Watt, sessments were approved. Amouut on hand January There is a stale law against mI nor* Mr* R I Moore Mr* E Bale*. i executive session . let. 1911 Mrs II E Allen *na>king eigarvtt*« on our streets, snd M re. R. \\ illisnia, C. W Willett. The city council then went into General Fund .................. 4,684 96 George Willett, also a penalty fur selling cigarettes to A \ Pennington M Mackenzie 1,183,19 executive session, when the follow­ Road Fund ......................... Water Fund. ..................... 191 86 minors, and inasmuch as this is not in Tlir ordinance, in full, will be ing appointment* were made Ubrary Fund ..................... ».96 U.. 1 irtadlctiou of our police court, and ton nd in it not her column. F. L. Sappington, —Preaident of The above report ia incomplete as die proper authorities neglect to the couuei). aa to Road Warrants as Mr. P. W. CHANGE IN VOTING TINE suppress this nuisance, I would suggest City Attorney, — H. T. Bott*. Todd ~ ‘ ‘ has the last report of Tree- An ordinance was passed chang surer and Recorder aud without t< our Honorable body, the passage Marshal,—N. J. Myers. same ir.g the voting tune troui 8 s.m. to I have not time to tile com of an ordinance, giving our police force City Surveyor—Sidney Hender- plete report, t, however, there have a legal light to make arrests under 1 p in. and from 2 p.in. to 6 pan. a >n. been • no w — warrants drawn on the this law, and punish th* otfeaiers, in lull. HI III INKS HIT II HANDLEY. Street Commissioner.— John Dav. Reati F ___ ________ ______ ___ Fund " and thia indebtedness our recorder’» court. I lie following vote of thank* was By a mistake in the city charter hus been materially reduced? tear* Wishing you sucevss in a united ef- unanlmoualy passed: it tell u|>un the council to appoint ing outstanding about $5,50190 Respectfully submitted. fort to make for this year the best, \\ llEMKA*. T B I In II. Iley tin* been the night policeman. Thia caused T B H andley . elca'arst and most progressive admin- the City Recorder cl t illamook City some discussion, principally be­ City Recorder. during III* year ju»t railed. trstim Tillamook has known. kND \\ HUI • lid r B Hand tween the Mayor aud Councilman 19*’. itlUN 11IAT »• W. TOI>I> HE Af ley he* during nil of said time . Sappington The latter contended Bern Cough Medicine f>r Children. proven himaelf to tie thoroughly that the Mayor should have the POINTED KEV ORDER •1 am very glad to say a few reliable, competent and efficient, word* in praise of Chamberlain * Th* follow .ug petition waa pre and ha* at all time* rendered vain control oi the police force ‘of the Cough Remedy" write* Mr*. Lida Milcil to itie city council asking able aid and assistance to the Mayor . city, and iiotated out that if a night Dewey, Milwaukee. Wi*. • I have t‘ at Ute Mayor appoint I* W. Todd and Council, and hie records have . |K>lKeinau wan appointed by the used it for year* both for my chil , been al moat exact, correct and in * ouncil he would have too many dren and myaelf snd it never fail* re, or vl* r: excellent tin in. and lie has alway s • boaeea. and there would tie a con. to relieve and cure a cough or cold. To the Hon. John Harter, Mayor of conducted himself toward* the No family wgh children eiiould be rillaiiiouk Oregon Mayor and Members of the Council tliction in giving Orders, a* one without it a* it give* almoet im­ The undersigned citisen* of Tilla­ at all time* in a re*;»ectful and councihuun might advise him to do mediate relief in caee* of croup.” mook. Ore., believe that I' \\ rud.li* courteous manner and in such a one thing and another councilman Chamberlain* * Cough Remedy i* a clttsen ol integrity aud merit, and manner that no fault could |M>*aib)y anothsr thing Th* Mayor >.x>n- pleasant and safe to take, which la well qualities to till aav |»>sition to l>e fouml, importance when a medi­ wanted the city which you may eee tit Isi appoint __ ___ ___________ luko,ru«l HE _ IT RESOLVED __ by teniled that be cine must be given to young chil- him, aud that he would be a very the Coutusou Council and th* Mayor council to bear some of the re*|>oii dre* hor M|r Bj| Dealer* Fisher’s Art Flour A Superior Patent Flour Produced exclusively from Choicest and most carefully selected. BLUE STEM WHEAT Of which every grain is thoro­ ughly cleansed, washed and dried. “ART FLOUR ” is a better milled patent flour than any other SOFT WHEAT flour on the market, (TILLAMOOK FEED CO., TILLAMOOK, OR. DV PELZ & K1RSCHOFF, TILLAMOOK, OR. FOR SALE BY 1 yiEYER & SON, HEBO, OR I ds . boy akin , nehalem , or Fisher’s Blend Flour, A scientific combination of East­ ern Hard Wheat and Western Soft Wheat. “FISHER’S BLEND” is the Ibest for uni­ versal use. It bakes more and larger loaves bread per given quantity than any other brand. Whether [for bread, biscuits, cake or pastry, it is the dependable “Perfect All-Purpose Flour.’ Price, $1.60 per 49-lb. Sack. These brand manufactured by Fisher Flouring Mills Co. “ America’s Finest Flouring Mills, Seattle, Washington. MORE per Sack LESS per Loaf Build your house from lumber bought here and thus insure per­ manent satisfaction and freedom from the many repair bills that always follow the use of poor or unseasoned lumber. Better try our lumber and be done with it than to buy poorer and then be continually paying for repairs. The best is always the cheapest. A. G. Beals Lumber Company "Majestic Ranies efaad the teat And Cook L ad Bako aad are the best. Keep Abreast of the Times OLDEN DAYS, v.hcn buying a cook stove, people would buy the one they could get the cheapest; that’s because there were only a f._-.v makes on the market and were all practically the same in construction and material. It's ‘Different Now! There are close to a thousand different ran-qa on the market today—good, bad and i..different. Wise people use a little foresight in selecting their range, and they make no mistake in selecting T he R ange W ith a R efutation —the range that is recommended by every user; the range that has stood the test— The Great Majestic Kaage the range that is made of M alleable and C harcoal I ron —the range that S aves F uel —L asts L onger —C osts P ractically N othing for R epairs —H eats M oks W ater Q uicker and H otter , and G ives B etter G eneral S atisfaction T han A ny O ther R ange M ade — and we can prove it! Alex. McNair Co. Bai »an kaaw"— I HL MAJESTIC. EOPLE who are accustomed to the best of everything prefer our plumbing. They know that TtasdanT plumbing fix­ tures and our service give lasting satisfaction. P May we have an onportu nity to convince you f Our estimates on new plumbing will cost you nothing. A. S. FAIR Telephone "Main 1314.