Vol. XXV. TILLAMOOK, OREGON JANUARY 9, 1913. No. 30. 9 Banking service is not an expensive luxury. Some of the greatest services we perform cost our clients absolutely nothing, per will be nerved for^which 50c. per plate will be charged, the pro­ ceeds to be used to furnish the kitchen and dining room. OLLIE W oods . Secretary Mt Hood Lodge. . No. 221, Beaver, Oregon. The first annual meeting of the Tillamook Cheese Contesting As sociation will be held in the rooms of the Tillamook Commercial Club on Tuesday next, January 14, atone o’clock, and it is to be hoped that the dairymen will make it a point to attend this meeting. This is the only association of its character in Oregon and as it is to benefit the dairymen there should be a large gathering. , A QUESTION AS LEGALITY TO Attorney General Holds that No Election can be Held. First National Bank, Tillamook, Greaon. Tillamook, Ogn.. Jan. 8, 1913. Attorney Crawford, Atty. Genl., ... Salem, Oregon. Will vou wire me collect whether in your opinion city council may at bank to help him make his J. C. H olden . I thia time call prohibition election without petition to county court. income go farther and to B. C. amb . No charter proviaion.K’afcrogating local option law as at'Medford City W m G. ait . turn some of it into a permanent asset. Attorney insists city not bound by local option law because city and C. W. T almage - county are wet E. J C laussen . At the Gem Theatre on Friday The small business^ man needs this ali . chrader . evening, the management showed Salem, Ogn., Jan. 9, 1913, films of the pictures taken at the bank’s help to make his business grow. E. J. .Claussen, Life Saving Station during the visit We have just installed some modern Safe De- Tillamook City. of the Portland business men to Cities may hold local option elec This bank is here to serve all the this county last year. The films tion only in November and must posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe showed the life saving station in petition the county court. L. O. L. people, and its officers will be glad to 4922, second election two years after action, shooting­ the rocket and the from fire. We will be pleased to show then to you. voting dry. L. O. L. 4931. life boat in the surf, which are fa­ A. M. C rawford . talk to any having need of banking miliar scenes to most of the people Saloon and anti-saloon interests here. That the large audience was service. pleased with the pictures was evi­ were aligned against each other at r “1 dent by the applause given at the a special meeting of the city council Under Government on Tuesday afternoon when the close. proposed election which was A public installation of officers scheduled for next Tuesday to de­ on Time Deposits COUHXY TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. __ SUPERVISION COUNIY ot the Tillamook Lokge I. O. O. F, termine whether the city shall re­ and Morning Star Rebeka Lodge main wet or go dry was again dis­ on Tuesday evening at the Tilla­ cussed. Attorney E. J. Claussen Wanted, a buggy horse, a young mook Commercial Club, after which questioned the right of the council one preferred, not under 1050 a supper was served at the Cafeteria. to call the election at this time or the permission given to towns and the City Council decided by a vote pounds. —Apply to Guy Ford, Maple The officers installed were: Oddfel in the manner attempted, while At­ cities to regulate the license and Found, a small black fur, which Leaf Creamery. Har­ lows: N. G., J. W Maddvx; V. G., torneys H T. Botts and T. H. sale of liquors. To recapitulate, we of 3 to 2 to hold the election , rison, Bales and Dick being for was lett ut this office. Go to the Clam market for Clams, Chester McGhee; recording secre­ Goyne argued that the proceedings are of the opinion that the Home Rule amendment is self executing ; holding the election and Leach and See Big Mack for your sewer con­ Fish and Crabs. Second Avenue, tary, S A. Brodhead; financial sec­ h eld are legal. that the municipality an n whole Sappington against, retary, T. R. Monk; treasurer, nections. near First St., in the building back Attorney Claussen’s arguments stands as the greater unit, and the Chester Holden; Rebeka», N. G., were based on the “Home Rule various werds or precincts, if more Glasses fitted. Any kind, any of Beals’ office. Mrs. Henry Diehl; V. G., Mrs. Amendment” passed in 1910 which than one exists, are the lesser units, I n porta nt Notice. If you wish rooms for the Winter, style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Alva Williams; secretary, Mrs. E. provides that "the exclusive power in the county at large ; that the procedure preliminary t> sub­ Assessor C. A. Johnson has ap­ by the month "cheap.” with hot or D. Snodgrass; financial secretary, If the party who borrowed u long to license, regulate, control, or to mitting the liquor question to a cold water and with bath, call at pointed Ross Shreve hie deputy. Mrs. J. W Maddux; treasurer, Mrs. suppress or prohibit, the sale of in­ vote should be by petition to the and u short step ladder from the the Todd Hotel. • King 4 Smith Co. are having a Elmer Hoag. After the supper the toxicating liquors” within any tnu-. County Court ami order of that Star Theatre lust September will A car at the depot grounds was gallery erected in their hardware members had an interesting time nicipality “is vested in such munici­ body, and shall follow in general return them no questions will be caught by the wind on Tuesday the local option law ; that the in the club rooms. store. pality; but such municipality shall notices for the election shall be asked. went sailing down the track and M. R. II anenkkatt . School was resumed on Monday went over two miles List of the telephones recently in­ within its limits be subject to the posted by the sheriff and return , l»U _ ’ « made as therein provided. This after the Christmas and New Year stalled by the Pacific Telephone 4 provisions of the local optitfn law William Powell has been ap­ will give the effect to the amend­ Cut the High Coat of Living. Telegraph Co. Main 1313, Joseph holidays. of the state of Oregon. ” • The local pointed constable for the second ment which the people contem W. H. Chayman, Winnebage, Wanted, —a family to work on a justice district, on the recommen­ Lilly; MaiD 1263, R. F. Zachman, option law expressly provides that plated when it was adopted, and all Neb , tells how he did it "My two Res.; Main 781, G. P. Vickers, Res.: petitions to determine whether the these things were done in the case children had n very bad cough and farm. Apply at the Headlight | dation of Sheriff Crenshaw. at bar. Main 474, Emmett Bales, Res.; sale of intoxicating liquors within the doctor’s medicines did them no office. | Mrs. Wm. Tinnerstet left last week It is believed that the exclusive good. I got a t>ottle of Foley's A marriage license was issued on for Clackamas, Oregon, where she Main 444, Ed Leach, Res.; Main 425, any county or subdivision of a power to license oi prohibit the sale Honey and Tar Compound, and be­ Saturday to Dan Devine and Josie will spend some time visiting her D. C. Brown; Main 183. Clark Terry; county shall be by petition to the of intoxicating fiquors, which pur­ fore It was all used the children Main 125. J. S. Heyes; Main 111, Ed county court and that such elec­ ports to be vested in incorporated were free and cured of their cough. O’Hara. daughter, Mrs. Frank Haberlach. Hadley, Res ; Main 303, M. E. Hold­ tions held under that law shall be cities and towns, having been ex I saved a doctor's bill for one 2cc. Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Lost, a Brown Fur, somewhere en, Res.; Main 1, Tillamook Drug held on the Tuesday after the first pressly made subject to the provi­ hottie of Foley’s Honey and Tar mook Meat Company's Market. 13c. ■within a few blocks of the Tillamook Co.; Sub 6E15, Gus Goeres; Sub Monday in November of any year. sions of the local option law, the Compound.” No opiates.—Sold by per pound. right thus granted to the munici­ Lamar’s Drug Store. post office. Finder will please leave 6F31, Robt Stillwell; Sub 6F41, Mr. Claussen insisted that because pality is necessarily governed by It is expected that train service the same at the Headlight office. Dye 4 Lyster; Sub 6F5, J. T. Child­ of these provisions and of opinions all such provisions so tar as applic­ His Stomach Troubles Over. will be resumed on the P. R. & N. County Surveyors U. G. Jackson ers; Sub 6F4, Ed Karl; Sub 6F3, of the Supreme Court on these able requiring for its enforcement Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not next week. returned last week, with his bride, Marion Chance; Sub 5F22 Fawcett points the petition should be pre­ in changing an order for or against like to feel that your atomnch prohibition that the petition there Dr. Jack Olson lias opened den- and is receiving the congratulations Creek Mill; Sub 1F3, Frank Bester, sented to the County Court and the for should be presented to the were ov»r, thnt you could ent any kind of food you desired without tai parlors over F. R. Beals’ office and best wishes of his friends. They Res.; Main 13, J O. Bozorth, Rea. election ordered by that body. county court, which shall order an injury ? That may seem so un­ Baj City; Main 105, E. A. Hess. came in by rig from Willamina. election to be held to detrmine Both phones. In the cases cited by Mr. Claussen, likely to you thnt you do not eve, the question, notwithstanding the Phone joe Lilly for wood sawing. A local train service between Til­ Bay City; Main 211, E. G. Lantz, the Supreme Court of the State phrase ' within the limits’’ of the hope foi an ending of your trouble but permit u* to i>s*ure you that if Country work solicited. Phone 1313 lamook and Mohler went into effect Bay City; Sub 271, Brighton Mills; makes the following statements: municipality is used in tlie amend- is not altogether impossible Sub 284 C. H. Benson, Barview, It ment. Pacific State». on Sunday, which will give a pas­ The (»eople first made known their other* can lie cured permanently, Housekeeping Rooms Furnished senger and mail service. The mail I will on this subject by their local Mr. Botts presented the argu- and thousands have been, why rot Cheese Takes a Tumble you ? John R. Barker, of Batti“ option statute which all understood, for Rent. See I. Parson, at the service will be three times a week. ment that all the cases which have Creek, Mich., is one of them. He us it was intended, to apply to ap­ Hotel Columbia. A fall of snow on Friday night When asked about the cheese situ­ ply *o the whole state by counties been decided have been instance* «ay*, “ I was troubled with heart­ Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ covered the county, and with a ation, Carl Haberlach, secretary­ or subdivisions or precincts thereof where the comity has been dry and burn, indigestion, and liver com­ plaint until I used Chamberlain’s regardless of city boundaries. Re­ mook Meat Company’s Market. We freeze Saturday and Sunday, kept salesman for most of the factories cognizing this as the true construc­ cities have attempted to change Tablet*, then my trouble was over " pav 13c. per pound this condition within their limits the «now on the ground, hut there in the county, said. tion, »Medford and some other towns I Sold t y all Dealers. The state tax for Tillamook coun was not enough to make sleighing "The cheese market seems to bo had their charters amended so as 'and that although the Supreme Escaped After Fifteen Years ; different than I have yet seen it. to overcome the statute “within i Court has held that in such a case ty is $18,231.50 this year. A year enjoyable. W. I*. Broyles made a success: ul their limits” which could be and i it is necessary to petition the Born, to the wife of Attorney T. ; We reduced prices one and one- was legitimately accomplished by ago it was $49,238 50. escape niter fifteen years of nutter County Court and conform to the ng from kidney and bladder Representative T. B. Handley left H. Goyne, on Monday, a son; to ! ! half cents this week, and in calling the latter as against the former roubles, Foley Kidney Pills re­ The people responded I local option laws, it does not fol this week to attend the session of the wife of Herman Sanders, on the ■ up eighteen Portland parties was statute. eased him and will dr» just the Sth, a daughter; to the wife of , . able to sell only ten cases triplets in their second utterance on the low that the same procedure must same for others. He nay* : “They the State legislature. subject by declaring in general Ralph Welsh, on the 7th, a ' and three cases Y. A’a. for ship terms in the first amendment to I be followed to vote a wet town dry cured a trust severe backache with A complaint has been filed daughter. • ment to Portland. Dealers gener- the section in question that, al­ I In his opinion the local option law painfnl bladder irregularities, nnd against C. F. Hogan for peddling is in force only in dry territory iiml they do all you claim for them ’ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burge re- ! ! ally have a few cases and a few though the voters of a municipality fish without a license. might ena:t or amend their charters need not be obeyed in "wet” dis Refuse substitutes.—Sold by La­ turned on Friday via Willamina, are quite heavily stocked, but gen- exclusive of the power thus con I mar'* Drug Store. The steamer Sue H. Elmore lias tricts, and, further, he also con from a week's visit in Portland, j ■ erally the trade seems to be waiting ferred was subject to the Constitu­ been laid up for repairs for three tends that under the Home Ru'e W. R. Fox, lir> W. Washington They were accompanied by Mr. j | for something to drop. Wisconsin tion and criminal laws of the state. months and the Patsy will take her law there is nothing to prevent the t., Noblesville, Ind,, says : “After Burge’s sister, Miss Katherine. • . prices at factories are 16 cents for The court decided that thia amend­ auffering many months wi’ii place. ment made to the local option law who has been visiting friends in • ! twins and half cent more for paramount to any charter or muni­ citizens from circulating petition kidney trouble, after trying other calling for elections on the liquor Wood sawed and delivered, or de Clackamas. Daisies. California fancy flats are cipal regulation even within the remedies and prescriptions, I l’Ur live red direct from the wagon as it selling 13Va cents and firat for 13 limits of the municipality. The question at any time they feel dis­ clia*ed a box of Foley Kidney Pills Mail service was resumed on Mon- . which not only did me more good See conies from the country. ' cents at San Francisco. San Fran people speaking for the third time, posed to do so, and can proceed than ar.y other remedies I ever day, after a tie up of nine days a have cryatalized the law as thus de ­ either under the Home Rule law or Shrodc. cisco is shipping Tillamook cheese used, but have positively set my kid­ caused by the crippled condition of clared into constitutional form, Lost,—Child's Locket, “Helen” the railroad track of the P. R. 4 ; to Seattle and selling it at lflj^c. and have not only repeated the the local option law, but in the ney* right. Other members of my engraved theron, attached to chain. N. After some delay in making and 17 cents Sesttle. This is sum­ very words they said before, but latter case election can only be held family have used them with similar results.’’ Take at the first sign of Finder leave with Dr Sharp and arrangments, it was finally decided mer cheese that cost them about have also particularly specified by in November. kidney trouble.—Sold by Lamar’s name the local option law as one After listening to arguments for 15 cents. receive reward. by the Chief Clerk of the Railway of those to which every municipal­ over an hour, the Council went into Drug Store. "My sales this year will be about ity should lie subject. The people Do not torget the Sunday Chicken Mail Service to establish a three executive ses*ion, but was unable Tonight. Dinner at the Todd. Better than days a week service to Tillamook. i 45,000, aa against less than 37,000 have . not stipulated themselves Tonight, if you feel dull and but have spoken the same way to reach a decision as to the proper boxes for 1911, s gain of over 8 000 yon ran have at home for less money Ex-County Commissioner H. V. . every time on this matter and action to take regarding the election stupid, or bilious and constipated, Com« and try us. Service from 5:30 Alley returned to Nehalem on Sat­ boxes. We have only about 3,000 their mandate should be obeyed. take a »lose of Chamberlain’s Tab. and adjourned. ' lets and you will feel alright to­ to 7-(K! p.m. urday. having finished his term of boxes 1912 in the factories, or a This theory is unjust, however. At a meeting late this afternoon morrow. For sale by all dealera. The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ county commissioner with the ad­ little over 1-3 of the increase over For instance : The local option law lows who haul anything, anywhere, journment of the court Friday. 1911. Thia will be worked off pretty provides that when a district has no further any time. Office on Main Street, Having been a fair, honest, con­ well during this month and Feb- voted to go "dry,” election on prohibition may be held opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call scientious officer, Mr. Alley returns urary.as we are not in favor of bold­ for a period of two years. If then a I ns by phone. Main 651. to private life carrying with him ing old cheeae over to a new aeaaon. town goes dry, the local option law "Coos Bay cheese hurt us a lot__________ is in force, __ and the saloon men are The annual election of officers of the thanks and respect of all fair thia year, as they are unorganized ,t>oun<1 ,t»ound by this section «ml »nd ma may not I petition for the right to reestablish the Ladies* Guild of the Presbyter­ minded citizens down there and their cheese being ' their business for two years. If, l ian Church will be held next Wed The I. O. O. F. rxxfge. of Beaver. uninspected they are as a rule however, the town votes to go wet. nesday. when all members are re- Oregon, will dedicate their new h-»ll willing to take about a cent less per soother petition may be immedi quested to be present. Saturday, January 11th, 1913. Sup- lb. than we ask for our goods. Then ately prepared and another elec tion there are a lot of small factories called, although the local option law expressly . says that in such a , being started in Oregon and Wash­ case, no election shall be held for' ington and they do not seen to keep one year. The ^provisions of the closely informed on market condi­ local option law would not be in tions, being willing to take less force a-cording to thio theory and the saloon men could immediately thru w^ unaltv are. ” Most of <1ur cheese sales lately 1 be forced to fight soother attempt have been for shipment to I-os i to put them out of bustoesa. Angeles and Spcfctne.” The contention of counsel is not so much that the constitutional Sewer Pipe for Sole amendment requires additional DOCKS I WARKHOrSK «« legislation to put it into execution, FRONT s TXKKT, BETWEEN Ind A Scd AVEMI K WENT. For Sale all size* of sewer t>'4> as that the Couuty Court of Lane and sewer connotions. See I B H county must give its consent before Mr Mahan t Springfield can take advantage of Banking Service The individual needs this DIRECTORS L . P i^TILLAMOOKGOÔNTÏBÂNfe^» T S U,S- Supervision Interest Paid TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS UAIWHR’S VARIETY STORE, TILibAmOOK- OREGON Drop in and book Around " Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint. LAMBACHRADER COMPANY.