1913 L HENDERSON, JOHN DEATH OF JOHN JOHNSON Another Tillamook Pioneer P.t«ses Away at Garibaldi ÔREÈK STRATAGEM. Royal BakingPowder l Tillamook Military Tactic» That Won Where Strength Was Lacking. After the decline of Rome the conter of the worlds military progress was for seven or eight centuries transferred to the Greek empire. Constantinople ruled elements of a much less homo generous nature than Rome in her prime bad depended upon. 1 here w as less loyalty to the central rule there and far less liberty under it The decisive military fact of the east was, however, that Byzantium bad to contend against overwhelming numeri­ cal superiority tn Its enemies. South of It. from the Indies to the Atlantic, was the Saracen empire, burning with the zeal of a new religion. To the east were the Seljuk Turks, while to the north were the Bulgarians and th« Slavonian and Hunlc tribes. Against such odds it was useless sim­ ply to match man for man. The mili­ tary leaders of the empire were full of military spirit and took keen delight In war as a game, but they were thg descendants of LTyssea. and they made of war a game of finesse, of clevernes» —in short, a war of wits. By their spy­ ing and bribes, by stirring up treason In the enemy’s camp, by surprises, sim­ ulated retreats and ambush, they Il­ lustrated the saying of Bacon that stratagen 1« a weaker kind of policy used by those who are not strong enough to win by fairer methods.—E4- ward D. Jones in Engineering Mage­ slue. Baker’s Bread Di-a'li claimed another ol the eaiiy pioneers of Tillamook County on Tuesday, when |ohn Johnson rtap.iuded to the last call. II is rot known eiactly what time lie died, I as be wire found dead in bed nt bis I home at Garibaldi early that morn­ ing. The deceased had luen failing / in health for several months, but G. McGEE, M B. no one thought the end wan so near. He died on the homestead he took up in 1871. The deceased ,1 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. was one of those who had voted for Lincoln, and attended a Repub. lican meeting in this city last fall Office : One Block East of voting for Pregident Taft at the general election. Post Office. She makes it best who, looking after th» Tue remains were buried this culinary department, turns her back resolute­ (Thursday) at the Bar View Ceine- I ¡■iJOf'il ly upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food tery. FAMILY The G.AR. had charge of the accessories. She is economical; she knows i Services at the grave and religious that true economy does not consist in the use RECIPES sen icea at the house was conducted of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She by Rev. Kiehle, of Buy City. ' Captain Romulus Jonnson, father is an earnest advocate of home made, home I of John Johnson, was one of the The valued family re­ baked food, and has proved the truth of the pest known ot the mariners plying cipes for cough and coll an ocean craft between New York statements of the experts that the best cook­ cure, liniments, tonics and and Liverpool during the fore pait ing in the world today is done with Royal other remedies have ss & of the ln»t century, a sturdy »on of careful attention here as Baking Powder. Knglaod und u natural follower of the most intricate prescrip­ Hie sea. Nevertheless, in hie young, tions. er days the captain waa equally nt THE GAME OF GOLF. lioti.e In shouldering arms, and in Our fresh, high grade Beat Cough Medicine fjr Children. It 1» ■ V.ry S.riou» Matter With th» I. O. O. F. Installation. thia capacity served in the war of “I um very glad to Bay a few drags will help to make Real Scot Enthusiast. 1812 under the American flag. He these remedies more effee- *’ There will l><- a Joint Installation wor^H in praise of Chamberlain’s married Anna Johnson, a native In Fife and the Lothians every one Cough Remedy” writes Mrs. Lida tive than ever. daughter of Deiiimnk who accomp­ of the I. (>. O. F. Lodge, No. IM, and Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis. " I have plays golf—men of leisure, working­ anied her husband on many of hi» the Rebecca lodge on Tuesday even- used it for years both for my chil men aud loafers, the last class produc­ I Right prices are also ocean voyages. March 27, 1830, ing, January 7th, at the Commercial dren and myself and it never fails ing the finest players. Many of the to relieve and cure a cough or cold. assured. while hie ship waa in Nsw York Club room». Aiteiwards supper No family with children should be Scotch towns have public courses, and harbor, his oldest child. John, was will be served at the Cafeteria. : without it as it gives almost im­ even where they are private the arti­ san clubs may use them on generous bora. Besides him there were three H. A. Wheeler, G. M., of Oregon, mediate relief in cases of croup.” terms. Says Stewart Dick In "The daughters. It huppened that Cap will be with ua at this time on his Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy i» Pageant of the Forth:" CLOUGH i pleasant and »afe to take, which us tain Johnson changed hie course in official visit. All come out. "There ls something very Scotch | of great importance when a inedi- 1847 and made u trip to Hamburg, 'cine must be given to young chil- about the Scotch golfer, He seems to Reliable Druggist. Forma for Sale. 1 dren. For sale by all Dealers. Germany, und while there he died, suit the leisurely and contemplativa game. ‘Keep your eye on the ball,’ wbi e yet iu the prime of life, and 20 acres,—15 in cultivation; nil Chronic Constipation Cured. ‘Slow back’ and ‘Aye be up’ are writ­ the height ot popularity ua a teu creek bottom land; I acres timber; • ‘Five years ago I had the worst ten all over him. As a nation one captain. house lb x 24, hen house; 2H miles CBM of chronic constipation I would say the Scotch were profession­ After the death of his father, from town, l4 mile to school, price ever knew of and Chamberlain’s When the eon win thirteen years of $2(XM>; $nU0 cush, balance 4 ye-jrs; Tablets cured me,’ writes S. F. al. the English amateur, golfers, for Fish, Brooklyn, Mich. For »ale by there should be nothing dilettante age John Johnson remained with nil tine garden land. about the game of golf. all Dealers.______________ Ilia mother in Germany until her 20 acres, all in cultivation, 21» Washington hears that President “How serious a matter It Is may be marriage to John H Glaslioff in miles from town, ’« mile to acbool; Judged from the old Btory ot the Scotch Keeps both rider 1*43. He then came to America price 82100; M’JO cash, balance 10 Taft has decided to accept tlie offer minister. Emerging after a hot and of the Kent professorship of law at and settled her nffuira in Albany, years. unhallowed strife in the bunker, his and saddle perfectly drtj. 1 Yale University and if so will take profane words still echoing In his ears, Y., ufter which he went to Fond 122 acres; fair building»; 00 acres Made for rough wear and <1 . ’ nc county, from there to Racine in cultivation; 2 miles to town, 400 ’ up hie duties next spring. He will he mops his heated brow and exclaims long service in the wettest riot be restricted to lecturing to Yale bitterly: < it ly. Here lie attended the pub­ yards to school, on R F. D.; 10 "‘Ah maun gle It upl *h maun gie I students. li< schools for three yeais, and, b< weather. acres strictly No. 1 prune orchard; Now that the governor of Arkao- it up!’ r !• . ‘' 1 •• - with l^lt». was increasingly price $3500; $20C0 cash. You ain’t atisfaction guabanteed •’ ‘What?’ cries his partner In con­ ted ■ '.e lis.’overy of gob! buy n prune orchard like this < ne 1 has emptied the Penitentiary he sternation. ‘Gle up gowf?’ o hecouat. An opportunity came for $400 an acre Write for free might offer the vacant building to a L o OKFORTSISMARK “ ‘No,’ he replies, with sublime scorn; I his w ly in 1852, amt tie crossed in price list, ii * 1 um a farmer und consumers’ league for the storage ■gle up the meeulstry!’ _ - of E xcellence the suin' train with his uncle, hav- no town land shark. of eggs pro bono publico. The "This ls the real old golfing spirit -T sibwi ® iug two yoke 'of oxen of his own, Legislature should at least make which still survives round the shores 1 want 23 Finlanders to btty my $5.90 EVEKYWHEBB und u complete outfit. Leavina cheap hinds, only three miles from an appropriation to keep down the of the Forth." A.J.TowutCa ..«•*» cobwebs. Cilumet, Wta., April 4, he arrived town. See list nt this office. I T owes C ambihi ba in ,'laryeville, Cal , ufter n journey Th» Peacock at Homa. Write for fr-e list; I nm a furmet A poor wretch has surrendered i. six luoutll», during which time live on my farm, 2% milea south­ himself at Springfield, Ill , and con­ The real home of peacocks or pea­ 111* purty experienced terrible de­ west of Sheridan, Oregon; I am tt<> fessed to having taken $25 from the fowls ls In India. There they were privations, und suffered from dm! town land shark; it will cost you safe of a great trust corporation aud are huuted, and their flesh ls used era unit Indian outbreaks. In 185) nothing to see my burgains. C. O. pome years ago. His conscience for food. As the birds live in the lie v.ua u member of the vigilant* BVNGEta, R. F. D. 1. Sheridan, Ore­ I troubled him. This increases the same region as the tiger, peacock bunt­ comiuittee in Fun Francisco. That gon. Rhone me from the Sheridan w'onder of why it is that conscience ing ls a very dangerous sport. The long train of the i>eacock ls not its M Juli"..on remained in the vier Hotel alilicts only poor offenders. The tall, ns many suppose, but ls compos­ iij ut Placerville for eight yeuii* corporation from which thia money ed of feathers which grow out Just Tonight. ■irgucM a fair meuMuie of succeaa n« was taken has several times been above the tall and are vailed the tall Tonight, i( v<>u «lull ami indicted for extortion and none of coverts. Peacocks have been knows a miner, and u purticulur liking lor th:u me ".ns of making u livelihood, ftlupid, or hilioiM tiiui roiiHtipHted, its officers has ever confessed any­ for many hundred years. They am a dose of c hutuberiaitf a in IKV.I. in company with one liun take mentioned In the Bible. Job uieottowe Ivta and you will feel alright to thing which was proved. dred men, lie slur ted on an e.X|>edi- morrow. For aule by all dealers. them, and they are mentioned, too, in Denial that he had any idea of I Kings x. Hundreds of years ago U tion into Arizona. Indians stain- partisan advantage in mind when Rome many thousand peacocks wees pedsd and stole their liornes, und Card of Thanks he placed the fourtli cluss post­ killed for the great feasts which ths I mui Fort Yuiuu they liad the pro­ master;« in the civil service is con­ emperors made The brains of ths We desire to express our mncere tection of the Unite ! Slates Cavalry. tained in n message from President peacock were considered a great treat, thanks to our friends and nriuh- A (lull yielding $18 was all the gold they secured In 1801 he went to tsirs for their aid mid kint sympathy in’ our e nd had deeply regretted the failure of Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. turned to Portland in the winter of bereavement, in the loseof u father, Congress to respoud to his repeat Ths Mystery Sleep. ed request for authority to place all 18(11112 and engaged m teaming kind snd true. It Is Impossible to give any pseelee local offices under the civil service . C. A JoitNsox A.xn F amily . Until 1871. explanation of the pbenomeHSH st T and thus to end the evils of the From Portland Mr Johnson came sleep. Yet many theories have beea spoils system. He advocated the advanced. Legendre has show* feff For Sale to Tillamook county and located on admission to cabinet iiiemtiers to fairly conclusive arguments that It ti his present place ot one humtred A tine UiivinK horse six yearn und sixty acres, where he farmedand old, buggy mut harneen, nearl; sit in Congress with right to debate, due nett tier to “brain pallor," M te raiaed stock for many year» und new. for $150 cash. Inquire c but not to vote; the legislation for Intoxication by carbonic add. aar • where he died. He had even much Win. Phillipa, Tillamook Oregon. coal land leases in Alaska and the presence of narcotic substancaa IB Box 308. authorising of a court to preview the blood, theories that have been of the pioneer tile of the west, hud turn advanced. Legendre Intima food law decisions. practically grown up with theeoun- $100 Reward $100. his preference for ths view that ek try. aud had a hand in many of its The rvailrr« of thia paper will b< plesact la not the result of fatigue, but la an dearly won battles. As a private to lenrn thnt there 1« nt len«t one drrndetl Inherited Instinct designed to protect dÌHea«e thnt «ctener hn« been able to cure tn he enlisted in Company 1», First the organism against tbe 111 effect» ed nil it« «tnicr« ditti thnt i« Catarrh Hill'« Oregon Infantry, und served under Catarrh Cure i« the only positive cure mtw fatigue—Ha rper’a to the medical ftaterttiiv ( atarrh L'aptniu I'owell on the frontier und known bein< a constitutional diaeaac require« a at Fort Hall, living dia< bulged ultei constitutional trentment Hall « Catarrh Figure It Out. ia taken internally acting direetlv upon a »einer of eighteen month», lie Cure thrbloxMl at»»I niueou« «urf'ace« of the «vatem. A man had sixty ducks for sale and thereby dr«iruvlng the foundation of the belonged to Tillamook Post G it .R. *h*TÌ.’* divided them Into two lota of thirty * ’hr l 'HKnt «trength hr up **" the cor* “-* 4 ' ULJi *m«titution and a««i«ting I and at the rtutuutu of the conqiany building each Oue lot waa to be disposed of nntureTn d>»ing tt work n ork The peupHatom I at three for fl aud the other at two always hud insn) iutrie.tmg stories have •*> Hv uch ‘ faith in it« curative pov that thev *i ,»®cr __ One _ Hundred Pollar* h»r for fl. In his absence his clerk told o tell ot hie border dnye which ure vnw chat tt tail« to cure Send for It« the sixty ducks at live for $2. realising how a matter ot history, in politic. testimonial« tddie«« >1 S CHRCKV a co the sum of $24 It sold according to Nr. Johnson was a Republican, Ohio Instructions one purchaser would have ftoM be all I and be had served a» school direct- Take Hall « got thirty ducks for $15 and the other or, s»il ss road supervisor fur tlirr * thirty for flu. making 823 fur the k>t. terms, in I8W Mr. Johnson mar What became of the tali tied Nary Moor who wn« born in J. S. LAMAR, DRUGGIST Now Ls the time New York State. Novetnl«! 7. I Kt! A Medes* Viets*. DESERVES PRAISE- Charles A Johnson the only child “I have about furnish«! my bouse, s. J I Httiair, dnitftfitu, dearrve* ’ to have that of this ueicn la assessor ol Titln. said the eminent actress. prai from Til hi in* Mik Citv, Orr., r »..■ok countv “How about pictures?“ In Wreconaiti and group picture made |*ople for intonluonx intorducmg here the “1 have enough of myself to fill the i Mr nnd Mr» J< l.ru ., and glycerine parlor and the reception kali ! a'poee ^inhere ntnl active worker* in the buckthorn bark Latest Prioes on ^rldivdi is* Church mixture known as Adler.i ka. Tin« HI have to bare some more taken for Let ua show you our simple tu rn an remedy first be-1 the ortier rooiue " — Louisville Courier- «(wcial display of attrac­ Tungsten (Mazda ! Kacaprfl After Fiftrea Year» tive new stvlee We are I LAMPS. u. I* llroilr» made ii siH. eselul perfectly equipiwd for r-M u|>e aflrt tihevi >»»>• ot «utter A «INiìl.E IM»SK A Matter Fur a Higher Csur*. relieve» »our 15 watte . » .45 •nuking group (Mcturvs i.tg from kidiir. ' Mn,i bladder otomach gas on the »tumach and “1 don't omteratan-t why Matilda baa 25 watts .. .45 und will please lou with tr util»», Folev Kidnsi Pill» . . ,. rt- ,T. •nr.1 me. Judge." protested the defend 40 watte .. I» .»rd him ami will <1a |u»t the con.tipatH.ti INSTANTLY. the quality ot our work. ■ ot In a recent breach of promlee »ult •»•»r for ott ers He aavs ‘Thee 00 watts .. . er "I only did the ««king, while ehe dkl Consumer» make an unprvaeion rwrM a most »»vew bsckm-h* with 100 watts .. 1.00 the prvmlalag.“—Judge e Library. |>sinfal tilsd-ler irrrgiilsitlies, «nd on the cost of living when they Frosted Lampe five cents ex ♦he' do sll y*Mi claim for* them ’ organise an.l t«ke vigorous men Effective October 11th. wrfo.e »iibaiiluiss —«J.t bv lai. •nie* to p otect themselves Mono- Indiata great!' prefer the vnihua mär’» l‘«ue «tare. T illamook E lbctkic L icht «lio i oiuplain but do nothing. AbsoluiefrPure The Woman Makes the Home Sold ATTORNEY Ä COUNSEL I i i LOR-AT-LAW, I Tillamook Block, Tillamock.Or, at All Grocers. Î TOWER’S F ish B rand Room No 361. BOTTS, A ttoknky - at -L aw . Complete set of Abstract Books n oifice. Taxes paid for non­ Residents. T T . T. Tillamook Block Both phones. CARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LA, Tillamook Block EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Tillamook Commercial Building T illamook R Monk ’s Studio. F vkl C ompany , I 1 T. BOALS, M.D, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TLLLAMuOK. Tillamook Block. KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook Block, Tillatncok, Oregon. .. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. S 'HARNESS’ O regon . R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon, H". GOY NE, A ttorney - at -L aw . Office ; Opposite Court House. T illamook , O regon . |~y. P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street froir the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. tí ARCH ET, I- . The Fashionable Tail*»’' C.eauing, Pressing and Repai ing a Specialty. S» »re in Heins Photographic Gallery. J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, Çcutecher ^htJohcd. 313 Tiliamcok Block, T illamook REEDY, O regon D.V.M., VETERINARY < Moth'Ph ones ). Tillainoo, Oregon, A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, nut* taste in the mouth, which remiaa you that your stomach is in a bad condition. It should also remi'd you that there is nothing so good for a disordered stomach as Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. 'TWv