Tillamook Headlight, January 2, 1913. HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CLAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shown below This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks maybe obtained at the Tillamook Headlig t office, at ™ nington & Co.’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting advertising proposition ever u in amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Upright PARLOR z 1________ 1 How to Get Vote Tickets] How to Get Vote Tickets With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON &. CO.’s STORE votes will be given—ioo votes FOR EVKRY DOLLAR’S WORTH PURCHASED. Votes in the same proportion will also be given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent.’s Clothing and Furnishing, ‘Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will Mave in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be May I, 1913. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get tliem to pay it and secure votes. 11 1 X With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook I Headlight accompanied by $1 50 incash, 3.000 votes wil I be given. This applies to back subscription, and vou can | pay for as many as you desire. You cm also get votes on | job printing—100 votes for each dollir paid on either job | advertising or printing. All leading merchants in n ilia I mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and I » they will be glad to give you the votes vhen they pay any of their accuunts. But the best way to jet votes is to get subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so 1 much greater for subscription than for antthing else. You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscri, ti 11s to the Headlight if you try. Closes May 1, 1913. A«' fa 1 ■ (Ti ixlon CMCAM ' —.4-.-, -------- --------- «■>x.JmniaBaenut'auDacn^£aBa The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads and other improvements. Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest, Cut this Coupon out and bring to Mason, Pennington & Co. It will Count 25 Votes. NOMINATION BLANK. fa 2,0D0 I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these 2000 votes to my credit. No. 1 Name of Contestant will not be known. 2 No name of candidates will be pub­ lished. 3, Every Contestant gets 2.(JOO votes to start with. +. Every Contestant gets a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight. 6, All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­ ten on. h . Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. 9, Color of Certificates will be changed euch month and must be recorded before change lo Votes are transferable onlv before recording. 11. Contestant having the largest number of vote« on May 1, 1913, wins Piuno. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT worth I Name P.O F orking for I Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. The Money Trust The New South. conditions which have existed there In the County Cour* of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County. A pardon of 360 convicts by Gov. for a generation. If some of them In the matter of the] rush to extremes it is but human Donaghey, of Arkansas, all at once, guardianship and ' estate of Joseph I is nn nd of such striking unusual­ history ugain repeating itself. Cosgrove and Ka- ' ness that it is certain to command therine Cosgrove, , wide spread comment. The gover Hearst-Foraker Case Aired. minors ) nor makes no pretense that all or Both Editor Hearst and former N otice is H ereby G iven —That even any of the men liberated had Senator Foraker, of Ohio, have (lad the undersigned, the duly appoint been proved innocent of the charges their turn» on the stand before the ed. qualified and acting guardian of the persons and estates of Joseph upon which they were convicted. Senate Campaign Fund Committee. Cosgrove and Katherine Cosgrove, He set« out no array of correspvn First came Hearst, presenting five minors, pursuant to an order and deuce coming from judges, jury­ of the famous Standard Oil letters license, made and granted in the above entitled court in the above men or prosecuting attorney» urg­ und a telegram The letters were ing the liberation oi any of the from John D. Archbold to Foraker, entitled matter on the 5th day of June 1912, will, from and after convicted. The plea of meritorious relating to a loan of $50,(XX) to the the «th day of January, A. D 1913, behavior while imprisoned is not latter and to bills that Archbold sell at private sale for the highest offered, liven the old and lately wanted Foraker to oppose The und best price obtainable in cash, discredited plea of hastening death telegram was from Senator Penrose all of the interest and estate of his said wards, being an undivided from incurable disease is not nd to Archbold, offering to see Aldrich two forty fifths (2 45) part of or in­ vanced. I about some mutter relating to the terest in and to the following des­ But the governor offers what he oil trust, and offering to meet Arch­ cribed real estate, situated in the thinks 11 better reason titan any or bold in New York at his pleasure. County of Tillamook and State of Oregon to-wit: nil of these, lie han long been Hearst thought he had seen only The South half (SH) of the North­ urging the State Legislature to enact photographs of the original letters, east quarter (Ne*-«) and the North­ west quarter (Nvv!i4) of the North­ laws which w ill reform conditions in und said he had obtained the copies the convict camps of »he alate. from 11 man named John Eddy, of east quarter (Net4) of Section Kiev- en (111. in Township numbered Six These camps, in Arkansas and in London, the man who wrote the ’•>) South of Range numbered Nine some o her Southern States, ure articles for Heurst'a Mugaxine. But 9i \\ eat of the Willamette Meridun i Said guardian will sell all of saidi places ut which men under Peni­ Hearst said he did not know where tentiary sentence ure herded and Eddy got them, but that Eddy did interest of his said wards in and to, the above described real estate sep- i kept at work for contractors who not pay money for them. aratelv and as an undivided whole pat the state a comparative pittance Next Mr. Foraker told the com­ in one body or parcel, and subject to confirmation by said court. tor their labor. These camps, in mittee what he believed to be ttie Smd guardian will receive offers Arkansas as elsewhere, are de­ truth nbout the procuring of the and proposals for the purchase of fended as humanitarian measure» Standard Oil letters It was mostly I the said interest of said wards in keeping the convict» in the open tlie re|Hirt made to him by a colored and to said tract of land from and air anil in better health. Gov. man n.mied Gilchrist Mewart, of after said «th clay of January, 1913, Donugliney alleges that, after thor New York very recently. It was 1 until and including the 16tli day of ’January. 1913; such offer» and pro-1 «»ugh investigation, he has ton nd to the effect that two colored men, nosals to be submitted in writing • but they ure places where men are one being Willie Winkfield, a son of to Jo' n S Bial at room 725 Yeon treated more brutally than brutes Archbold's butler, had sold the Building, in the City of Portland, Oregon. are ever treated, through the letters which they stole troui the J ohn S. B eal in Hous |ot guards and officer* re­ Arehlaild office files to one Eldridge Guardian of moved from the discipline of the employed in the office of the New Katherine State Prison and the reatraints York American, that the deal was which discipline and humanity closed only after Eldridge had con Notice. might impose. He bus frequently • lilted with Hearst and that $34 IXJO urged the State Legislature to act, waa paid for them, Foraker told N oth K, —Is hereby given that at and, th«V body having repeatedly the committee with ironical amuse the General Election held on the 5th (ailed to do so. he has taken the ex­ ment that Hearat had purloined I day of November. 1012. a vote waa treme alternative of turning the the letters in the nterest of civic taken for and agai nst stock running at large in the following Election men loose upon society. nghteouanesa and moral uplift *‘ Precincts. to-wit B eaver , B lainr Of course, the action itself rests He declared that not only were the FotKY and I.ITTLlt NESTUCCA. Now, T hem «FORK. take Notice that In ths Federal Court at I hicago upon the ground, so often taken by letter« taken on Hearst's approval, on the Ulti suit was brought by the the governor, that the camps ure but with his direct orders in suc­ in S ixty D ays from the date of thia Notice, it will be unlawful for government »gainst the so called maintained only to make profits for cessive batches. Foraker then en­ stock to run at large in the above contractor» and politicians, and ofti- tered upon a long explanation of , named Precincta, under penalty of butter Uuat, composed it the Elgin Board oi Trade aud the American ciala who profit in less degree by his relatione with the Standard Oil, $10.00 for the firat offense and SKXOb for each subsequent offence Association oi Creamery Butter l>erpetuatiug the system. Similar seeking to show that the money Dated this lltli day of December Nanufacturerera, together with ot. charges ware made aa to Georgia paid to him in that interest was all 1912. tirera and director» Attorney Gen-1 Government by Tom Watson when tor legitimate legal services ren­ J. C H oldkn . County Clerk, eral VV icke reha tn makes sweeping | *,c op|a»»uig the Democratic dered by him. He told how the went loau of $50.(*X> had been Intended chargea ol wneptmcy to tii the » teuimr in that ntatr, \\ Hie Stomach Troubles Over farther than Gov. IHtenghrjr for the purchase ot Coluinbua paper | prices ot butter, h ia a leg rd that Mr. Dyapepti«'. would you not this combine waa formed five yearn 1 guaa, in the way of assertion. He and how it was returned when that ‘ ' like to feel that your stomach ago and that price tiling lommittee 'named names, end openly charged ileal (ell through. were over, that you could eat any I that friendless men, such ae ne ­ kind af fo-d viiu desired without is dominated by large iiiauutuctur injury ? Tin t may seem so un­ rl ami mid storage bouses Hl groes, were frequently railroaded C«t the High Coat of Liviag likely to you flint you do not eve. era ot the Association admit th t to the I'emtentiary lor no otlivr W. H. Chavinan Winnebage ho|>e for _ an ending ______ ___ ________ of _ your trouble they have titty two member», rm reason than the one that it was Neb , tells how ^ie did it ' My two | but permit ua to aaaure you that it If bracing Hie largest butter makers nr eaaary to keep up the aup|4y of chil«lr«n had a very bad cough and 11» not altv>gvH>er im|>oaaible in ths muatry. but denies that ttiev I convict camp contract la tor. These the doctor'» mevlicin»» did them nolotteera can 1« cured permanently. are purely itonieslicuueations which good I gut a bottle it Foley's and thousands have been, whv not try to tii ttie price ol butter John R. Barker, of Battle Honey and Tar Compounil. and lie- you ? Hie Southern States must settle toe fore it was all used the children Creek. Mich., 1» oue of them. He Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. themselves. It ia growing increas ­ were free and cured of their cough •ay*. 1 was troubled With heart­ Ibis remedy has no aupenor lue cuiigbs and voids. It is p «usant to ingly evident all the time that the I I saved a doctor's bill tor one 25c burn. indigestion. and liver com­ take. It contains no opium er other heart and conscience of Southern | (■«»ttie of Folev’e Honey and Tar plaint untd I used Chamberlain"a No opiates. Sold by tablets, then mv trouble was over.*’ uarcotic. it always cures Foreste men are being at med more aud Compound." I »mur'a'Piug Store? Sold by all I dealer a. by all Idealere 6 r to protest aga inst some e«ii I Throughout two long sessions of the committee, Morgan was on the stand fencing with I'ntermyer and putting himself on the official rec­ ord uliout u great many trunauc- ti >ri» in which he or his hou»es figured in recent years and curious­ ly entangling himself in conaisten- t!»S hs between theory und the action. The main object of the ri.uimittee, namely to discover if there he a money trust, came to a definite issue while the distinguish, ed witness wat being qttixxed uliout various voting trust» of big rail road, insurance and industrial cor porution» in which he ha» held t lie reina. Morgan readily admitted Hie inct oi these trust» and also of the various b ard" of directors in plucing their fund» in Morgan'» bank and to agreeing to va ions combination» ot interest so as to avoid ruinous competition Hut, when waked the direct question whether these voting trusts tended to "enormous concentration und control” he took refuge in the blunt denial, "no air.” A moment later, be opined that a voting trust was necrasary lor Ilia protection of a property. He admitted that he l ivotrd combination and o upeiu lion, but aaaerted that he liked ' 11 little competition.’’ Ashml if it might not l>e possible t«> grtcontiol ol the money. .Morgan insisted th it though 11 man might "nave nil 'lie money 111 christendom, he cun 1111 doit.” When asked why lie form­ ed the steel tiust if hr favored cum- petition ne gave this reply; ' I did thatB*eciiu»e I wanted a eur|Hinttion < apable of making all kinds of steel ” To repented efforts of L'ntermyer to get bun to tell why he bought the hqiiitublc stock Con trul from Ryan with face value of »51.UUU uud paid |3,l*JU,Ul*J. -Motgan would otvy reply that hs thought it was ttie thing to do. Fisher’s Art Flour A Superior Patent Flour Produced exclusively from Choicest and most carefully selected. BLUE STEM WHEAT Of which every grain is thoro­ ughly cleansed, washed and dried. I ART FLOUR" is a better milled patent flout* than any other SOFT WHEAT flour on the market, 4 FOR SALE BY [TILLAMOOK FEED CO., TILLAMOOK OR OR. ID. S. BOYAKIN, NEHALEM, OR. < SIV k S K'^HOFF, TlixASlOOK, MEYER & SON, HEBO, OR Fisher’s Blend Flour, A scientific combination of East­ ern Hard Wheat and Western Soft Wheat. “FISHER'S BLEND" is the best for uni­ versal use. It bakes more and larger loaves bread per given quantity than any other brand. Whether for bread, biscuits, cake or pastry, it ia the dependable “ Perfect All Purpose Flour Price, $1.60 per 49-lb. Sack. These brand manufactured bv Fisher Flouring Mills Co. “ America’s Finest Flouring Mills Seattle, Washington. MORE per Sack LESS per Loaf when you begin craving rough,, high-proof, strong, whiskey .......... when when flavor, delicacy and age no longer appeal to you cut out drinking. w. J 2™’ ,NoW* ’• fnre' «’M »"«J pshtsMe— Bottled at drinking strength. C-'. no more than any other