Tillamook Headlight, January |2, 1813 36e. Sherry Wine ......... 1 the Seniors failed in the taak. The 35c. Angelica Wine........ estiy and well they may have government agents ascertaining l*r quart 35c. Zenfendel Wine that served the public. from prospective jurors C — ■ five players for the Sophomore* per quart 40c. Tokey......................... were: Lamar, Jope, Bain, Buel and Pebbleford, bottled in bond, L egal A dvertisements : _______________ i they would convict if selected as , per quart 25c. per bottle....................................... $1 50 Claret ......................... The Young Ones who have io First Insertion, per line $ 75c. White Grape Juice. jurors. On one occasion it was , Coates, Clarke's Pure Rye, bottled in 5 Each aubeeqiient inHertion, line Bull Mooaer* are not eligible tiould aspiration* for Heroes were: Wade ___________ . . 3 bottles for 50c. Local Beer, quart. arranged that Heney sL------- - bond, per bottle........................... Busineas and professional card*, — - - , Ivancovitch, Atterbury O d Crow, bottled in bond, per Domestic Beer, qt., Shuttles for 75c. to serve on election boards in speak in one of the largest Fletcher, 1 month........... . ..................... 1 00 Tillamook County, and the and Moulton. The games were re- bottle .............................................. I ® Homestead Notices ................. 5 (Ml churches in Portland, and in 1---- -- " 1 by Melchoir and Moore, Hermitage, bottled in bond, per 10 County Court, will, of course, this building, which had been fereed Timber Claims boitle .......................................... • > 50 time-keeper Bain, score-keepers 5 follow the law in this respect, Loci1» per line each insertion dedicated to the worship of the Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ............... 1.56 Keg Beer..................... 15 gallons $5.75 DispiavHdvertieement, an inch, which says • Dawson and Ginn. O T. O, bottled in bond, per Divine Being, Heneyism was Keg Beer............... 10 gallons 4.00 1 month ............ -............ 50 • No more than two judges and bottle............................................. J-“® Local bottle Beer, Gdoz. quarts 10.00 All Resolution* of Condolence and two clerks shall te member* of the at its height and this building Kentucky Dew, H gal., bottled High Defeats in bond Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints n.ou Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. same political party, and they shall used to denounce innocent citi­ Tillamook ............................ . J 15 < »rd* of Thanks, Sc. per line. be appointed from the two political zens, which gained the plaudits Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled Hebo. 75 Notice*. fx>*t, Strayed or Stolen, parties which respectfully east the of the church going people who in bond .............................. .. Budwieer Beer. 6 doz. quart* $15.00 etc. minimuri rate, 25c. not exceed­ highest number of votes for the pre had allowed themselves to be I In a basket ball game at Clover­ John Dewar 4 Sone, Old Scotch Hudwiser Beer. 10 dozen pints 18.06 sidential elector*of the United States ing five line«. Whiskey........................................ 1.56 Old style I.auger Beer, 10 doz pt 11.00 at the last preceding presidential hoodooed by Heney and the dale last Friday evening Tillamook’s Black 4 White, Old Scotch election.” secret service systems. There Invincible Five defeated the Hebo Whiskey ....................................... 1.50 RATES OF SUBSCRf’'TfON. i V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey 1.75 surely ought to be some other As the Republican and Demo ­ team by a score of 16 to 14. It waa (■TB1CTT.Y IN ADVANCE. ) White Port, Old Monk Brand, Sandy Macdonald ’ s Old Scotch redress for Mr, Hall than a par ­ cratic parties polled the highest a fast game from beginning to end, 1.50 One year........ $1 00 per gal. 1.75 75 number of votes in this county, don, who was made the victim and all through the forty minutes . -. Whiskey........................................ Six months.... Port Wine......................... 1 «> per gal. Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch 50 this shuts out the Bull Moosers of Heneyism and an autocrat Three months 1.00 per gal. played, the ball hardly ever touch­ Whiskey........................................ 1 50 Sherry................ from serving on election boards. clothed with power and money ed the floor. The close of the first Canadian Club ............................... 1.50 Claret ................................. 75c. pergal. Entered us second cluss mail mat­ 1.00 Angelica............................ 1.00 per gal. to persecute anyone whom he half looked like defeat for the Tilla­ I. W. Harper.................................... 1 OO Zenfendel ter July, 1888, at the poet office at ..................... 1-25 per gal. Harvester Old Style................... had a grouch against. It is no mook boys, for the score stood 7 to 4, Monogram...................................... 1 00 Tokey................................. .1.25 per gal. Tillamook, Ore., under the uct of There should not be any diffi­ March 3, 187». wonder that the people have or but not in their favor. Thia only re­ Kentuck Dew ................................. 1.00 cult in disposing of the $15,000 1.25 Billie Taylor, full quart worth of stock necessary to the are losing confidence in courts newed th*ir vigor and at the end of Coronet Dry Gin........per bottle : 1.00 Monogram ......... pergal. $5.00 of justice when they see so the second half John Ebinger location of a whey sugar factory A.V H. Gin................... per bottle : 1.75 White Corn Whiskey, per gal. 4.00 much trickery practiced by part threw the ball for the basket just ■Gordon Sloe Gin... .per bottle 1.75 Harvester Old Style ..pergal: 4.25 which the National Milk Sugar per bottle 1 1.25 McBrayer. 13years cld.per gal. 6.06 Company of New York is figur­ of the legal profession when as the time keeper blew his whistle. ■ Gordon Dry Gin 4 25 to The ball hit the basket and drop j Rock and Rye............. per bottle ’ 1.00 Echo Spring ............pergal ing upon erecting in this neigh­ they are placed in a position El Bart Gin ....................... 1 25 Chestnut Grove Rye. per gal. persecute innocent persons. ped through and sent the High borhood. This is but one of Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle 75c. Kentuckey Dew per gal. School home on the long end of the ' Port Wine ................. per quart 35c. Alcohol ... ............... per gal 4.00 other industries which will fol­ score, 16 to 14. The Hebo team is a I Cornet Dry Gin............ pergal. 4 00 The County Surveyor success­ low the installation of a whey Joint Installation good one and with a little more fully completed the job of sur­ sugar plant. We want to give AT practice will be able to make any the new enterprise a boost and On Friday evening the Masonic vey ing at Eugene. recommend it to our citizens as and the Star Lodges held a joint in team in the county hustle. A re turn game will be played in Tilla­ worthy of their support, for, no stallation of officer*. Good advice at this season of doubt, it will prove a good in WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER. COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE E The following Masonic officer* mook some time in January. Field Foul the year to the booze tighter. vestment. Take a few shares were installed: Dr. R T Boals, Baskets. Thrown Tl. ' Hebo. Get on the water wagon. of the stock and advise others W. M ; Bert Severance, S. W.; C. Allen to do the same and it will not I. Clough, J. W.; C. E. Trombley, McGinnis This is 1913 and the year that be long before the necessary Sec’y.; Thos. Coates, Treas.; Fred Cross McGlnnisG. the Democratic party is going money is raised. Minick, S. D.; Dr. Reedy, J. D.; W. Kellow to try again the experiment of M. V. Stillwell, Tyler; Henry Cren­ free trade. Total How ready some people are shaw and Ira Smith, Stewards. Tillamook. to pontice down on a railroad Frank Severance acted as installing Ebinger officer and H. T. Botts as marshal. directly an accident occurs Stanley Get the boosting spirit ntid The following officers were in­ Wallace help give Tillamook County and We understand that one of the stalled by the Stars: Mrs. Henry Stam City the biggest boost the com­ passengers, who was not hurt in the wreck on the P.R. & N., Crenshaw, W M,; H. T. Botts, W. DeLilliea ing year they buve ever had. , has threatened to sue the com­ P.; Mr*. Ira Smith, A. M ; Mrs. Total A Perfect —absolutely dependable, everyday, year in. pany for damages. All he has Amnndu Haberlach, Sec’y.; Mrs. The officers of the game were: year out. Built on honor, ox the best materials. \» e suppose that the soffra- ' to il<- is to employ an attorney Maud Botr*, Treas.; Mr*. Lola Referee, Moore; Umpire, Nedry; Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges get tea will be a little inquisi­ >and then go on the stand and Stirode, Con.; Mr*. J. E. Reedy, time-keeper, Cunard; Score keepers, 77ie only ranef- mode entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. tive to know whether they have perjure himself that he was so A. Con.; Mrs. Ethel Hays, Adah; Malleable iriAi can t break—charcoal iron won’t ruet like eteel. Bodyfelt and Eberman. lieett selected on the jury list or seriously injured he wa* crip­ Mrs. E. L Baker, Ruth; Mrs. P. W. Economical In Fuel appointed as judges and clerks pled for life. The railroad should Todd, Esther; Mr*. Sarchet, Murtha; The ream» of tl.e Majestic are riveted (not put together with of elections. bolts and i’*ove putty)—they will always remain air tight, not be held accountable for ac­ Mrs. Homer Mason, Electru; Mrs. The Whey Sugar Factory because neither heat nor cold afTects them. The Majestic cidents similar to that which oc­ Thos. Coatee, Warden; Henry Cren­ oven is lined throughout with pure asbestos board, Just a Few Reasons Why this held in place by cn open iron grating —you can see it —and It's not so bud after all on curred on Sunday, for in a shaw, Sentinel; Mrs. Erwin Harri­ $15,000.00 Stock Issue for the secur­ it stays there always. Air tight joints and pure asbestos son, Chaplain Frank Severance linmK assure an even bakin’? heat, sa\ ing one-half the fuel. mountainous country this is as account of the tie-up on the rail- ing of the National Milk Sugar In­ All doors drop to form rigid shelves. No springs. acted as installing officer and John liable to happen on a county ror.d, tor there's the old stand­ Malleable iron oven racks slide Out automatically* hold­ dustry should be subscribed: ing whatever they contain. by d— the steumer Sue H.Elmore road, which have often occur­ Groat as marshal. let. The money invested in thi* After the ceremonies a fine ban ­ red, as on a railroad. No mat ­ or the hurricane deck of a cay- stock will return the inventor 8 use to remind us of strenous ter where they occur,something quet was given by the Star Lodge. per cent interest aud be expend­ is going to happen when a flood firm s in Tillamook. ed in this town and county. of water breaks lose in a gorge 2nd. The money invested in site Alumni Win from High or on a mountain side to those and buildings will be the very The snap shot mnti is still who may be unfortunate to be School. best security for the funds so itu.ienfly waiting for the Hon. directly in its path at the critical invested. E B Beals to prove the truth 1 he Tillamook “ All Star* ’ ’ de ­ time. That was the trouble 3rd. Labor and material will be r ! his accusation. Perhaps the with the train on Sunday. feated the High School team Satur­ necessary to carryout the plans. letter was "inspired." Anv- day evening ut the skating rink in Which incidently means that a x-/ny, it is a good thing to tell a hard played game of basket ball, We believe in patronizing the by a score of 13 to 12. The Alumni large portion of this money will the truth mid shame the devil, —has ah copper reservoir which :.eets like a tea kettle, through a home merchants and the home were represented by such seasoned be placed in circulation here. Fred, copper ppen end new year's resolution that we Vierick, Eberman, Clint King and completion of the plant will at a Art i i r on i pan does away w.’h FUcvelmg ashes- ic sure tc be dis- J. MAjCSlICyj months circulated in this coun ­ fast and promising High School doubt, ndvertiae itaelf na tilling ÜMUUtlcJI anrxtinU'd. Come to our store, and see the Great Maj- ’stic — have its many exclusive features ex­ the slogan be, "Trade at the ty, for labor, material and sup­ Charcoal ’’Five.’’ Vierick baa played with “a long felt want." No one plained - find out why the Majestic is 3o»)'i stronger than all other ranges where most ranges are weakest. plies, which will grow material­ Iro., with liny buaineaa sense or ex­ I home town !" Why not, when the O.A.C. and Multnomah Club It is the best range at any price ax>d it »huula be in your k-tchtn. addin« ' ninny of our citizens are paying and only through him and Kber- ly from year to year. perience aeea the need of it, but 300% t* FOR SALE BY more for goods by sending to niun did they «core any pointe. Sth. The establishment of this Ufa of let her come. other towns for them than they factory means: More money in Ran«« Thia waa the first game between can be obtained right here in circulation incideutial thereto. There appears to be a alum our home town from reliable Alumni and the High School thia It mean* more homes for Tills- term and will probably be the last in the cheese market. That is business men. Get out of the mook. It means more people and then the Alumni will be not surprising iilmut thia time habit of trading elsewhere and for Tillamook. It means more strengthened by such able players of year, for there is more or less cultivate the habit of trading nt business for our merchants and of a alum after the holiday sen home. The print shops of this ■•Stam. Stanley and Ebinger, who expect to a general advancement all along graduate thia coming son. But a real slum ia liable city don’t like to have bills the line in the future growth, to occur should the tree trade rendered every month when the June. This was the only defeat the development and success ofthi* '■ Scholars” have met with so far party monkey with the tariff. bill heads and other small job* town. and in the future games tietween of printing are done in other Now, dear Mr. Citizen, think this Bay City, Hebo, Cloverdale and We simply mention Probably the storm on Sun­ towns. many others they will, under coach­ matter over seriously snd at once. day will make the P. R A N tin* ns an illustration, for the ing by Moore, put forth every effort The committee will be glad to hurry up with its depot, for the printers lire amongst those who to win. The standing wa* : answer any and all questions you wuter covered the dock as well sutler, like other business men, may wish to be more fully informed Field Foul in damaged some freight, which I by the growing system of trad­ Alumni. Banket*. Thrown Tl. on. ing in other towns. Business Su ppingtun F. . 0 . o . 0 is another convincing argument Let us start the New Year right F. .. 4 . . Ü . . 8 that that was no place for a de­ men should set a good example Vierick and Keep Right by each and *11 of Kbcrman C. .. 0 . . 1 5 along these lines mid trade one pot fora live, progressive city. us hustling for New Industrie* for King G. .. 0 . . 0 . 0 with the other, and the news­ Sfaoley G. .. u 0 .. 0 Tillamook and Tillamook County papers would feel more like during the year of 1913* Much good reception is to be given boosting home merchants mid Score .. . 13 is sure to crown our efforts along the new city official* Mondnv home trading if they did so. It Scholar*. this line. F. .. 0 . . 3 . . 3 evening bv the W C T.I ., and is a matter of regret that some Ebinger H. T B otts , F. .. 1 3 .. 5 thia mint tie taken for granted will not trade at home, but we Stunley F. ______ R. B eau , . Wallnce C. -. 2 . . 0 . 4 that the city father* won't lie do not know a better time than IVI.illie* w. c. K ino , G. .. 0 . . 0 . . 0 dined and wined to curumem- at the eomniencein.’iit of ano­ Slum G. .. 0 . . 0 Rollie W. W atson , 0 I I «' has . K unze , unite the advent of another citv ther year to call attention to I Score ............. P reston M aroi . f , .... 12 ndminintrntion unlea* the wet* tin* and endeavor to cultivate N. G. B oquibt , An interesting game between go one tietternnd give them mi the liubit of trading at home Committee. the Amazon* and Suffragettes old fashione I banquet. mid with home (»eople, which started the ball rolling forttie even­ Chronic Constipation Cured will l>e lietter for everybody n* ing aud the girl* certainly made it I ■' Five year* ago I had the worst Wc ran understand stranger* well a* keeping more money in roll till the flrat half waa played, c*se of chronic constipation I atartiug out on n jourtirv in n circulation in the home town. and then the Freahman and Sopho­ ever knew of, and Chamberlain'* »form aucli n* wna blowing on cured me,- writes S. F more« plaved for twenty, whereup­ Tablet* Fi*h. Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by Sunday morning, but we cm It wna a cottimeniluble act on on the girl* finished their game all Dealer*.______ GRANDMOTHER may not be as spry not uuderstnnd n Tili'tniookcr thè part of Preaident Taft when The voter* detected the Amatuni Hiats for Housekeeper*. lining so during n tierce south- la1 pardoned Attornev Joliti H. as she used to be, but she is in close touch again and it looks like all ’.hut the Keep Folev'a Honev and Tar weater,’with torrents of ruin Hall, wlio bini berti persecuted name. Amazon, implies haa come Compound a'war* on’ hand, «nd with her world for all that. fulling, knowing, ns they do, under thè Henry ay stelli of prua- to naiigh’, but they may aurpriae you can quickly head off a cold bv r»|M. *eleiPhO.,r enab’ei' her ,o »n»ke a* many calls as she that something is liable to hap­ ecutior,. It contains no Hall was l'.S. Dis­ the wily Voter* vet The score in it* prompt use pleases, and in all sorfa of weather. opiates heals sad acothea the in­ pen nt any moment. trici Attornev during thè cele­ favor of the Suffragette* *«« IS to flamed *ir ixsaagr*, atop* the bra ted Oregon lami trial*, and hl Stella Goyne, A ret a Everson, cough and me, save a big doctor'* littl. b*v* »»”•««■ Place, but it i. the many The newly elected citv roun-j Itecuuse thè biw gnve Imo dis­ Alice Eggleston Gertrude Kliinger, hill In «►>* yellow package Sold •nd interested'.' °VCr teleph,’ne k««P people young <’ll will tnke Iwld of the re n« • f I erri ioti ila to proaecuting tliose Mary llare and Helen Case re pre by I.aa’ar'* Drug Store. government on Mondnv. mid we wli<> hod fettccd governineiit •anted the winner*; while the " v R 1 W. Waahington town °”n‘,r0,h*^'”e‘'P,’0ne do not ””P with her own tee! that the'citv will hnvenno l land eitlier by rivii or criminal A ma son a were composed the fol- >t Noblesville. Ind., aava : After her m D’rt"nc’' «entice of the Hell Telephone takes •uffenng many month* with flier good ndniinistrnlion It j prore»*. Henri procurrd Hall'* lowing Mane Emerson. Rath kidney trouble, after trying other her hT'”’. “T1 ''W* refa,i'*« “"<> friend« to chat with will, no doubt, lie |>r»'gres*iw, ¡conviction under a ayatem that Burge, Lottie Crane. Helen Siam. rrmediea and lf making «till w»i* a diagnice follie legai pro­ Margnrette Coate* and Verna chased □ box of Foley Kidnev Pill« which ns>t only did me ®ort gooti tnorr permanent improvement* , fessalo and court* of juatice. It Phillip*. in this prog reavive ci •, The wn* almoat ini possi ble for a per­ The Freahmen met with defeat at th*n say other reroadiM I «T«r city dud* enn relv on this : Thiit soti to obtain n fair trial at thè the hnwda of the Sopbotuore*. 13 to used, but ha va positively set my kid. Other member* of my *otne people willwmit to "turn lime, witli Henry giving out A Thia waa the Freabiea fl rat game fsmily have u**«j lhetn wlth the rascal* out" ut the end of long interviewa trying thè enee* of basket ball and th*y expect to resalta Taka at the flrat aign of the year, no mutter how hvu* ut thg uewnpupcr* uud *p*cial whip th* Aluuiai *vwt* day Mace kidney trouble.-Sold by Umar’* Drug Mors. BOTTLE GOODS Advertising Rate*. Special Prices for Family Trade. Domestic Beers WINES. WHISKEYS. $bt ^illamooh deadlight, Editorial Snap Shots BILLY STEPHENS, Some of the Reasons Why The Great M ajestic ^Charcoal and Malleable Iron Alex McNair^Co. Be In Your Kitchen N TOUCH WITH FRIENDS and RELATIVES Ju THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE * & TELEGRAPH CO. t Every B«U I*j*ph*m* i* iu* Ctmte* «Í th* >y*Uia.