Vol. XXV. No. 29 TILLAMOOK, OREGON JANUARY 2, 1913. I CONFIDENCE The man who keeps his money in the bank while he has plenty creates a friend in the bank to whom he can turn when he has little. Having confidence in this bank begets its confidence in you, and we can’t, any of us, get very far on the road to success without giving and receiving confidence. This bank has fairly earned your confidence through nearly ten years of square dealing and helpful service. It will appreciate your account. I OLDEST IBANK I IN TH E J COUNTY TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. CAPITA L $30.000.00 STATE SUPERVISION TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Nr- and Mrs. Gordon I.. Burge left Friday for Portland and valhy points where they will spend their See Big Mack for your sewer con­ honeymoon. nections. Born, on the 29th to the wife of Henry Tohl is down from Nehal­ Earl z\yer, a daughter; and on the em and came by road. 26th, to the wife of Stanley Coates, Miss Grace Whitehouse, of Port- land; Miss Florence Mitchell, of Baker City; S. H. Doak. of Lexing- ton; Terry Beck and M. Ford of Portland, who spent the holiday» in Tillamook left Wednesday morn ing for Sheridan by private convey­ ance. Dr. George Gilbert Bancroft, the noted Psychologist, will be at the high school auditorium the 16th and 17th of January, 1913 Under the auspices of the Cobweb Calen­ der. He is an entertainer of rare ability. Conimisaioner G. R. Edner and tie up on the railroad, wife returned from California last A quiet wedding took place in- week and Mrs. Edner remained in thia city on Wednesday evening at Portland. the bride’s home, when Rev. D. L. The Killkare Klub will hold ita Shrode united in marriage Sherman next meeting on Thursday January W. Conover and Susie Crane, both 11th, at the home of Mrs. Carl of whom are well known in thia city. Haberlach. The city council met on Monday Commissioner H. V. Alley came from Nehalem on Tuesday, and as there was no other conveyance he hoofed it to this city. The city tax week which ia _____ road 4 _ mills; i water. 3 mills; 13 mills. evening and owing to the engineer , being unable to be present on ac­ count of the tie-up on the railroad. I the matter of remonstrances and levy was made thia objections to sewer and paving as- General puriioses. | j aessniente were adjourned until the purposes, 5 mills; 20th January. Another meeting of library, 1 mill; total *^e council will be held to clean tip |business of the year. UAMflR’S VARIETY STORE. TILiüAmOOK. • « OREGON. Drop in and book Around." Married, on Monday, Dec. 23rd, at the home of the bride's mother, st 161 East Thirteenth at, Eugene, Ore., by th. bride’s brother, Rev. Cornelius Beebe, Mr. U. G. Jackson and Miss Ethel Beebe. The bride is one of Lane County’s best teachers and the groom is a popular young civil engineer and county surveyor of Tillamook county.—Register. The friends of County Surveyor Jackson’will be glad to bear of this event and to congratulate him on bis return to Tillamook with his bride, where he is highly respected as a citiaen and county official. They were to return to this city on Thursday, but owing to the tie-up on the railroad it ia not known when they will reach here. VX alter Price, the pioneer mer­ chant of Marcola, a village on the Mohawk branch of the Southern Pa­ cific, a few miles above Springfield, Ore., has sold hie general store to !■ ■ Bogers, of Tillamook, wbo has Quite a sensation was caused in already taken possession of the the city on Monday night by Earl business. Ford, who, while in an intoxicated Carl Haberlach was one of those condition, abused bis wife and who left on the train Sunday morn- threatened to kill her. It is a won­ which was wrecked. He was on his der that Mrs. Earl was not seriously way to Seattle to see whether he injured or murdered, for her hus­ could dispose of two thousand cases band shamefully ill treated and beat of cheese which is now on hand be­ her. and had he been in possession longing to tne different co-operative of a gun it is thought that be would have shot his wife and then hint*., companies. Attorneys E B. Tongue and G R. self, for ford was in a grouchy, Bagley, of Hillsboro, were in this sour mood as a result of. the booze. city the first of the week in con­ He was placed under arrest by Sheriff Crenshaw and locked up in nection with the suit which is to be brought against the city in connec­ the county jail. Desiring to obtain tion with the sewer and paving as­ a divorce from him Mrs. Ford agreed not to prefer a charge of Wife sessments. Au the railroad was him, provided tied up they took a rig to Willa­ beating against he would let her alone and leave mina. the city. This Earl agreed to doj Rollie W. Watson is meeting with One of the penalties in Oregon for a good deal of success in disposing wifs beating is flogging, and should of stock in the proposed whey milk Ford in any way molest his wife in sugar factory. He was at the dif­ future he will be immediately placed ferent factories ou Thursday ex­ under arrest with thatchaige hang­ plaining the situation to the dairy­ ing over him. men, who are most iuterested and concerned in this new enterprise Reception to City Dads. affecting their business. Glasses fitted. Any kind, any a daughter. style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Lost,—Child's Locket, “Helen" Mrs. Carl Hunt has been quite engraved theron, attached to chain. seriously sick with convulsions. Finder leave with Dr Sharp and The new city administration will receive reward. hold its first meeting Monday even- Wanted, a buggy horse, a young The Board of County Commis­ ing. one preferred, not under 1050 sioners convened on Thursday, , pounds. — Apply to Guy Ford, Maple Wanted,—a family to work on a and as there is always a large , farm. Apply at the Headlight ' Leaf Creamery, amount of business to be transacted office. Go to the Clain market for Clams, the first of the year, including the Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ i Fish and Crabs. Second Avenue, annual levy, the Board will be in near First St., in the building back mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. session for several days longer thia iof Heals ’ office. per pound. term. County Commissioner-elect Dr. lack Olson has opene-J den­ I If you wish rooms for the Winter, Edner, who does not take office tin tal parlors over F. R. Beals’ office i by the month “cheap.” with hot or til Monday, was present, cold water and with bath, call at Both phones. A. C. Gist died at 6 o’clock on the Todd Hotel. • Miss Carrie Monroe, of Seattle, Friday evening of last week, aged Lost, a Brown Fur, somewhere 82 years. Wash., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mr. Giret had been in within a few blocks of the Tillamook poor health the past five years. E. T. Haltom. post office. Finder will please leave He had been a resident of this Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. Country work solicited. Phone 1313 the same at the Headlight office. . county for 27 years and besides a Pacific States. Late Thursday night a fire alarm widow leaves three sons and two Housekeeping Rooms Furnished ( was given, the fire being in the roof daughters. He was buried in the for Rent. See I. Parson, at the of Will Hadley’s residence, which G. A. R. cemetary, the funeral ser­ was extingaished with a small hose. vices being conducted by Rev. Hotel Columbia. Do not torget the Sunday Chicken Blalock.—Courier. W. 13. Gordon left for Portland on Thursday morning, going out by ’ Dinner at the Todd. Better than you can ha ve at home for less money. way of Sheridan. The public school which had a Ccmv and try us. Service from 5:30 vacation of two weeks will be re to 7:00 p. m. The range, which was given sway sumed on Monday, Bring your chickens to the Tilia-{ by ths management of the Gem mook Meat Company’s Market. We Theatre on New Year’s eve, was won by number 033521 held by pav 13c. per pound Edward St.. Bek. J. G. Ivanes has been re-appoint- The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ ed marshal by Mayor Harter and lows who haul anything, anywhere, has accepted. any time Office on Main Street, A balcony is being erected at the opi>osite Clough’s Drug Store, Call Gem Theatre so as to provide more us by phone. Main 651. seating accommodation. Miss Hattie Walker and her Mias Mabel Goyne, who has been , mother, Mrs. Dave Martiny, left home for Christinas week, left thia last week, the former going to visit i (Friday) morning for Salem. relatives at Spokane and the latter District Attorney Gale S. Hill has to visit with friends at Astoria. appointed At’orney T. H. Handley The case against Cliff Mattoon, deputy for Tillamook County. who was charged by M. C. Kellow Wood sawed and delivered, or de with assault with a deadly weapon, livered direct from the wagon as it waa heard by Justice Stanley on See Tuesday, who dismissed thecase. comes from the country. Shrode. Two rigs belonging to Rogers’ S. G. Reed iadown from Nehalem, barn left with thirteen passengers having business with the county ' on Tuesday, and a rig from Daw court in regard to ruada in that son's barn took out five passengers vicinitv. the next morning as a result of the lltaöliobt Frank Hanenkratt, of the Gem Theatre, made a flying trip to Port­ land this week for the interest of the house. The wreck and elides on Sunday had abut off the film service. Frank left Tuesday after­ noon on horseback by the Sheridan road and returned Thursday by the same route, making the trip ita 46 hours with a 5 hour stay in Port­ land He brought 66 reels. Died, in this city on Sunday last, Andrew Bibby, who waa 40 years of age and single. He was born in Wisconsin and came to Tillamook 11 years ago snd waa a brother of Jamea Bibby. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Donald A. Mackenzie in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday and the inter­ ment in the Oddfellows' cemetery. The deceased was a carpenter and he was a man who was well thought of in the community. His death came as a surprise to hia relatives, wbo mourn hie demise. Mayor Harter has offered the re­ cordership to Attorney I. I. Hen- derson, and in all probability he will accept. Attorney T. B. Handley waa given the appointment and he accepted so os to wind up the busi­ ness of the year, but handed in hie resignation to take effect on the 6th, as he will leave in about ■ week to attend the State legislature as rep­ resentative for Tillamook and Yam­ hill counties, and being appointed deputy district attorney, he would not have time to attend to the office of city recorder. Died, on the 24th December, Mr». Mary Agnes Eichinger, wife of R. Eichinger, after being sick for three weeks, aged 65 years. Iteceased waa bora in Cork, Ireland, January 10. 1848- Her girlhood days were spent in Ireland and I .on don. and she came to the United States in 1866. She was warned to Robert Eichinger at I>eroy. Win , and seven daughters and two sons were hern to thia union, only three of whom •urvivtx It will t>e remejnbered that the deceased lost two daughters a few years ago and a eon t«ro weeks since. The remains were buried in the Gldfrllowe' cemetery. and the herseved family have the sympathy of the community. First National Bank Tillamook DIRECTORS J. C. H olden . B. C. L amb . W m . G. T ait . C. W. T almage . P aul S chrader . We have just installed some modern Safe Po- posit Boxes where your valuable papers will-be safe from fire. We will be pleased to show then to you. Under U.S- Government Supervision. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Happy New Year A reception for the new council is being planned by tbs W. C. T. U. to be held at the Commercial Club rooms Monday evening, Jan. Sth, to which all are cordially invited. Mrs. T homas , President. OGDtN »SHASTA ROUTES Bridge Washed Out. The bridge across the North Fork of the Trask river was washed out by the freshet on Sunday. Ia fixing the telephone lines of the Pacific States, the line men had to go up the north fork and make a crossing there. The bridge ia in the toll road. W.C.T.U. Meeting, A special meeting of the W.C.T.U. is called at the Reading Room on Saturday, January 4th. All mem­ bers are requested to be present as there is business of importance on hand in connection with our next year’s work. The coming year will t>e an epoch in ths history of the W. C. T. U. i»s Tillamook and as much good has Ixen done in the past year, let every member be pfee- eat at this our first meeting of tbs ■ew year. Mrs. T homas . President. In this, our first message of the New Year, we wish to express our appreciation to the public, for their patronage during the past year, and of what we value even more, their confidence and cordial good will. We realize that the public’s interest and our interests are 'mutual and that whatever helps one helps the other. In extending our thanks to the public for their patronage during the past year we pledge ourselves that during the coming year we will use our most earnest efforts to merit tlx? continuation of the pleasant relations which have existed in the past. Accept our [sincere wishes that the New Year may bring you happiness and prosperity. Southern Pacific Company The Mail Situation In answer to telegrams sent to Portland by the postmaster for authority to handle the mail by way of Tillamook-Willamina, on account of the tie-up on the railroad, a message waa received Thuraday from Portland wanting to know what the cost of service would be. A reply to thio meaaage waa im­ mediately wired to Portland. In a situation like the present, had the postmaster of Tillamook City been given the discretionary power to expedite the mail service when it io held up,there would have been but little delay, as arrange­ ments could have been made and the mail service resumed laat Mon­ day, whereas the best pert of a week has elapsed with a large amount of mail matter held up at both ends. A few years ago, when it waa impossible to get the mail across the mountains owing to the heavy enow that year, th« Portland mail, day after day, waa routed that way, but what brought immediate relief was a message eent to postal officials in Waabinlon to have the ■tail routed by way of Sheridan, fox at that time there wee a etar route between thia city and that place. Friday morning the wires on the Western Union were "dead?’ con- ' eequehtlv no reply could be recetv. ' ed from the poatmaatdf'a feply as to the root of carrying the mail to Willamina. Anyway it will be sev­ eral days before there ia any mail. ' unless something has been dona to route it to Willamina and bring it to Tillamook by wagon. West Coast Electric Supply Co. Beg to announce the opening of the nezv “ Electric Store.9 9 Next door to the Tog ^erp. ESTIMATES SUBMITTED. LATEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND NOVELTIES. Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick. Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint, LAMB-.SC1IRADER COMPANY. DOCK* : WAREHOUSE. FRONT STREET. BETWEEN gnd A «rd AVBMiE VIST.