December 26 Notice N otice i9 H ekeby G iven ,-That the total coat of the improvement of: "The «iouth side of Second Street Ia the beginning tbe pleno was a frorr th-- n^rihesBt corner of LoQz, barp shaped piece of wood, “aring two Block 2, Maple Grove Addition west or three strings From time to time toil nird Avenu» lAest, tioth eides more strings were added until tb» cf Third Street from Stillwell Ave cithara was Invented. This was an in- nue to Third Avenue West, the south aide of Fourth Street from atrument in the shape of a capitel F. third Avenue West to SixthJAvenue with ten strings stretched across the West, the north aide of Fifth street open space. Many centuries afterward from Third Avenue West to Sixth musicians conceived tbe idea or Avenue West, the west side of First stretching strings across an open box. Avenue West from Third Street to About the year 1200 this was done, the Fourth Stre*t, both sides of Second Avenue west from Second Street to dulcimer made its appearance, and tbe Fourth Street, the East side of strings were struck with hammers. reu yeui» For another hundred years or — so Third Avenue West from Second Street to Fourth Street, the west side these hammers were L. held In — the banda, ------ of Third Avenue West from Fourth and then some genius Invented a key­ Street to Fifth Street, both sides of board. which, being struck by tbe fin­ Fourth Avenue West from Fourth Ft-ei t to Fifth Street and the east gers, caused the hammers to strike ths aide of Sixth Avenue West from Four- strings. This was called a clavicy- th Street to Fifth Street, by construct tberium, or keyed cithara, and from ing concrete sidewalls along said time to time It waa modified and im­ portions jof said streets has been proved. ascertained by the City Surveyor to During Queen Elizabeth’s time ■ be $5,323.85, and that the Common was called a virginal and then a gplneL Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, is about to asses and determine the because tbe hammers were covered proportionate share thereof aesess- with tbe spines of quills, which struck ble to each lot or parcel of ground and caught the strings and produced abbuttiog on, adjacent toand speci tbe sound. ally benefited by said improve­ During the period between 1700 and ments ; and will at a meeting of 1800 it was much improved and en­ said Common Council of said City, larged and was given the name of at the Council Rooms (Commercial It was in 1710 that Club Rooms), Tillamook City, Ore harpsichord. No gon, on the 6th day of January, Bartbolomeo Christofoll. an Italian, in­ 1913, at 8.00 o’clock p m. hear and vented a keyboard similar to tbe on? No Urne Phoophutoo determine any and all objections we have now. which causes the ham­ and remonstrances to the assess­ mers to strike tbe wires from above, ment of such cost, and shall then and thus developed tbe piano. proceed to assess by resolution, During the last century the inventive each lot or parcel ot ground, with Phone me from the Sheridan its proportionate share of such genius of musicians the world over bes iron. TILLAMOOK CHEESE coat, which assessment shall be revised and improved it until It has Hotel. WINS. I reached the present day perfection.— final and conclusive. Done by order of the Common Exchange. W. Hiner and Andrew Presbyterian Brieflets. Council of Tillamook City. Oregon, of date December 23rd, 1912. ■ Christensen First and Second T. B. H andley , 1 MIGRATION OF WEEDS. at Albany. The Christmas tree and eater- City Recorder of Tillamook lain.nent held on Tuesday evening City, Oregon. • How a Sood Ripened In Asia May Take Al"AXY, Ore., Dec. 20th-I W. Root In America. Hiner, of Tillamook, won the first waa well attended, considering the Weeds migrate as well as men. Ac­ prize for tbe best cheese exhibited , stormy evening, ank all who took at the third annua) convention of i part in the program brought credit „ horse six years cording to the best authorities, there A fine driving the Oregon Butter and Cheese- to themselves and great pleasure to old, buggy / and harness nearly are already 600 varieties at least of new, for $1 1150 cash. Inquire of weeds In New England that were not makera’ Association, which was those who saw and heard them Wm. Phillips, Tillamook, Oregon. to be found there when the country he'-I here this week. The attendance at the regular Box 368. was first settled. Within less than By virtue of his victory Hiner re meetings of the Bible School at 10 twenty-five years after the landing of cm Yea a gold watch, offered by the a m. is increasing each Sundav $100 Reward $100. the pilgrims one observer counted The readers of this paper will be pleased Mcrschell Dairy Laboratory, of Two new classes are to be started more than forty new weeds the Euro­ Madison, Win , and other prizes. the first Sunday of the new year; to learn that there is at least one dreaded peans bad brought them. disease that science ha9 been able to cure in Hiner was only half a point over one a young men’s Bible class all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hill’s Nature employs all sorts of methods Andrew Christensen, of Til'amook, and the other an intermediate boy’» Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now for spreading life about tbe planet and known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh who, as winner of second place, class for boys between 13 and 16 being a constitutional disease, requires a does not seem to care whether the life constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh is that of a weed or of a plant fit for will receive several prizes, as will years of age. Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon Indeed, it uses such un- the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, human use. the winners of third, fourth and Next Sunday morning the pastor thereby destroying the foundation of the romantic material as old rubber over­ fifth places. i will give a message appropriate to disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting shoes for seed carriers, as many new the season, having for his theme: nature in doing its work. The proprietors weeds have appeared in a valley in At the Oregon Butter and Cheese have so much faith in its curative powers | “Are you treading a circular or an that they ofTer One Hnndred Dollars for any Connecticut since a factory wan estab- Makers exhibit which was held at Al­ case that it fails to cure. Send for list of lished there that found use for such onward pathway ? ” bany just previous to the Dairymens’ j testimonials. ----- ---------- —-------- --------- AddreM~M. S. CHENEY A CO., Teledo, castoff things. At 7:30^1. m. a union temperance meeting, Tillamook County carried off Ohio. Tbe overshoes come from all parts of , meeting will be held in the Presby Sold by all Druggists. 75c. all cheese prizes. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation the world. Tbe cloth lining Is torn out 1. W. Hiner of the Eait Beaver ter'an church in which four churches before tbe rubber is used, and from the cheese factory took first prize by a unite- Rev. H. W. Kuhlman, Rev. Sewer Pipe for Sale. seeds that have found lodgment tn score of 96. and received a gold watch , R- ®- J°Pe and Mr>* Thomas, will such an apparently unpromising place For Sale all sizes of sewer rer pipe fr. m Marshall Dairy Laboratory, Mad- Five addresses, and the Presby- 1 plants have grown on tbe dump heap, and sewer connections. See *_ - „ „ I. H ison, Wia.; also five barrels of Diamond teri«n choir will furnish special McMahan.__________ __ and their seeds have found fertile soli, Ci>stal salt offered by Monroe & Cris- ,nilBic. The'general subject will be multiplied and flourished. What a ro- Tonight. tnKbee there is In tbe Ilfs of such a sei of Portland; and five gallons of “Bitter Tillamook’’ and will be Tonight, if you feel dull and seed—rl|>ened. |>erbaps. In Aula, trod­ Arnold’s Rennet Extract offered by treated under the sub-diviaions: stupid, or bilious and constipated, 1. Institutions; 2. Citizens. den in tbe mud and carried on board Columbia Supply Co., of Portland. take a dose of Chamberlain’s Tab­ At the Pacific International Dairy lets and you will feel alright to­ ship on the feet of a passenger, thence token to Europe, where it was picked morrow. For sale by all dealers. Association meet which was held in i ' Special Tax Levies. up by tbe boot of an American, was Portland last month Mr. Hiner, by an finally dislodged in the overshoe and A Night of Terror oversight, waa not credited with a L’nion High School, Dis­ Few nights are more terrible than found Its germinating place In Con­ proper score. Hi» cheese scored 44 in tricts 11, 28, 29 and 39... 1 mill. that of a mother looking on her necticut—Chicago Record-Herald. flavor, but in adding the pointe he was Hay City ................................ 10 milla. child choking and gasping for credited with only 41 points in flavor, Port of Bay City ............... lMimills breathe during an attack of croup, Horn of the Unioorn. and nothing in the house to relieve which gav? him a total score of 93 Diat. No. The born of the unicorn was reputed it. Many mothers have passed 3. when he should have been given a 2 »» nights of terror in thia situation. Instantly to reveal poison In a dish by 5. 2 M score of 96, which would have tied him A little forethought will enable you sweatlug blood, and great wm the ri­ 9. 5 » , with Mr. Barber of Mohler for second to avoid all this. Chamberlain’s valry as to tbe possession of the finest 11. 2 » » Cough Remedy is a certain cure for specimen while this belief still flour­ place. When the committee in charge 14 4 >» croup and has never been known to ished. Charles the Bold proudly pa­ 15 discovered their mistake they sent Mr. 10 » * fail. Keep it at hand. For sale by raded six. two of them eight feet long, 16. Hiner a gold watch fob which will go 5 * » all dealers. 17. very nicely with the gold watch which 4 »» two six feet, two five feet According 18. * won at Albany last week. 2 Dr. Wm. Sadler, author of “The to Renvenuto CelllnL “the finest ever Andrew Christensen of the Tillamook 22. fl f » Cause and Cure of Colds,” says seen, which bad cost 17.000 ducats of 23. C reamery won second prize by a score 2 »» tha« common colds should be taken the Camera." waa tbe one for which 24. of 954. 1 »I seriously, especially when they at the pope's command be made a de­ 28. 1. W. Hiner, East Beaver. 96. 1-5 '»• “hang on.” Foley’s Honey and 31. A. Christensen, Tillamook, 95j 3 ,. Tar Compound is a reliable house­ sign. "the finest thing Imaginable. bm G- 33 Adrian Tinner, Fairview 94} 1H„ hold medicine fur coughs and colds, eled half on a horse and half on a 35. Hugh Barber. Mohler, 94. i a., equally effective for children and stag, with a very flue mane and other 36. Albert Schlappi, South Prairie, 93}. 5 .. forgriwn persons. Take it when adornments" Coryat speaks of the 38. A. J. Schmelzer, Red Clover, 92. you feel a cold coming on. It will one at St. Denis as about three yssas 39 Guy Ford. Maple Leaf. 91. I avert danger of serious results and long, and Windsor had two of four 46 H. M. Riberstein, Long Prairie, 91. cure quickly. No harmful drugs, ells The real “unicorn" in many 49. Our next issue will give a criticism Lamar's Drug Store. cases seems to have been tbe narwhal !W. from the Judges in regard to the de­ 8 „ ficiencies in the above exhibits. I 51 —London Chronicle. 4H,, 54. Cbaa. Kunze of Tillamook was elect­ 3 „ 55 ed to membership on the executive 5 ., Igorote Craftawoman. 57. coir.mittee of the Oregon Butter and » 6 „ Though their tools are few and crude, Cheese Makers Asso., for the ensuing , 5fi 3H„ tbe Igorote« are clever workmen, gome rear. Mr. Kunse made a hit at a ban- of their axes, «pears and shields show jjet given by the association on the 15 watts ....................... $ .45 For Exchange. 18th by cutting and distributing a prize a wild art all their own. The pipe­ a watts........................................... .. cheese exhibited at the convention. makers, too. turn out pipes of peculiar 40 watts •••••• .50 Near $20,000 worth of first class and graceful design. One day I watched On watts........ . ............... .05 _______________ and Farms fot Sale. I property located in Vancouver the women working In clay and turalag Portland to exchange for farm, or 100 atts 1.00 out kitchen utensils. Two girls «-«T- 2U acres,—15 in cultivation; all dairy ranch near Tillamook, or in Frosted Lamps five cents extra fled Hay from a distant pit while old­ creek bottom land; 4 acres timber; the Cooa Bay country. Part of thia Effective October 11th. er women in tbe village worked It up. property is the Homewood Hotel, ho.iM lfl x 24, hen house; 2S mites in the best location in the city and T illamook E lectric L ight and shapely urns and bowls are molded from town, >4 mile to school price ••oing a good business. Lot 50 x from the plastic clay and sat la the bet F url C ompant . 5 Wash. turned everything be touched to 122 acree; fair buildings; "Poor old fellow." GIVES INSTANT ACTION yards to school, on R F D.; 1U “Why do you tblnh he was a J. S. Lamar, dr-iggist, reports that «crew strictly No. 1 prime orchard; oM feltowT pt ice 535UO; $200i > cash. You can’t A SINGLE 18 »SE of simile buck­ He never .-ould eat a pickle wP* thorn hark, glycerine, etc , atcon- buy a prune orchard like thia cne bis flngera."—Cbk-ngu Ioa«ible for a«v 1 -e«t of Sheridan, Oregon; I am mi tend shark; it will coat yon Ml* contracted hy my «rife Pearl ^s%«e«- my Iwrgain*. <». C tfutaon, after November *i M ank HixMrtN. v p 1. Sher id xu. Or- Nc-orue. Waah only Royal Cut tb Mason, a iso Tw< AdtnIniatrBtor’a NOTICE 1» HERBBY ( by virtue of «n order < 3 County Court of t-'e i Ire gon , for Tillainoo ’ of the Es the Malier de< Wingate, < Nûvembçr^ -Job 1VU •it. r ,ir:«e?>he 30th dm will after f private >■> ’ Hlwing deecri ■‘Wronging to st "illainook C< Lots rine (9) five (5) of th lifers will be f the adminid . City, Oregon, ted this Novem H, Administrate annexed, o Harry W De- Notice of Fine tick IB HBRE1 ' -undertiffnad I Court of Ti V‘Æ.‘ inioistratorTfrV.« Mangan. deS.e"?5l indie of said Lot Monday, ' It'll, at the hour a at the office of W in the Court Hou City, Oregon, at » for the heunngof final account an •,,t -of. .. Gated thia Novi ri'lnaiook city.^L Admiuist* annexe« I NoTU'K » *’* bv virtue of u" « ,t of tl»* e,,rt* <>•. vtfon» M ook, « "l to '• ,v of Noveinb ’nt • "<’ ’M entered of t*<4 „„A by » of Ne»*“»b" .her ♦»» ' ! is John KrO Williwui G o fendnnt. in ’ against «»ul < exec«’«”« I at the property I and herein««» *um due tlte .andNinety V Dollars. witU rate of •**<- cent per « day «• r sum d and i I .«id. to»r‘h diobureemee«» .«■rsix>i Twenty-th»»- ” L o R-AT-LAW, Baker’s Bread Sold I will o» the w--. the ho“r,¿.yí’yv» day at th* F’«"’ ^„i. kly °“Tl‘.’i.lieh that , «ell at Couch SoWI by «U d« Latest Prices on Tungsten (Mazda LAMPS. at I_J . T. BOTTS, x x ATTokNEvrt« All Grocers ( ( ¡ Complete set of Abgtncth Residents. ( Tillamook Block G. PHYSICIAN McGEE, & M.D. Both phon«. SURGEON. C arl haberlach , Office : One Block East of attorney . at . uk , Post Office. Tillamook Bioct. Q.EORGE WILLETT, FAMILY RECIPES. ArrokSKY-AT-Ut T i 1 la niook C oinmerciil I I I | 4 | i ! ! I The valued family re- cipes for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip- tions. T illamook TILLAMUOL Tillamook Block. KER RON, M. g are also i 01 PHYSICIAN TISFACTION GUARANTEED I $3.00 Everywhere A J. TOWER CO. BOSTON goynk 5pWE/?_5 Tuww Canadian Limited, T oronto ATT o KNKY-ATD* Office : Opposite Cow> T illamook , 01 J~^R. P. J. SHAKI, RESIDENT Di’1 Office across the «t* Court Hen* » a SARCHÍT, I . The Faibw with the problem of buying Harness you will find it dietinctly^advanta ffeous to come und do your eelect- C.ea-jing, l’rtssing in8riiiere -You wiU 8*1 the begt qualities, the most thorough and ing a c?n8c’en«’OU8 workmanship and be parged the most reasonable prices We can supply single or doubls St »re in Hein» Sets or sny single article that yoa Gallen “•y bejn need of W.A, Williams &C? lest Door to Tifiaaiook Constv Bank. Çicutschrr # aij Till»*** T illamook • Foley> Pills UlC-M JUj t;q O>5-- Alum MMmiii Tillamook Block, 7'n1tao Room No Mi. BakingPowder AbsolutefrPnre I .ATTORNEY & C0? Tillamook Prsm ths First Cruds Instrum.nt to Its Prssant P.rfsetisn. rena RE l ’ s will al of our s, Un and y thic J [ EVOLUTION OF THE PIANO. reedv , •((Both'D1 Tillamook A Morning* You a gte in the rnuUt’” CKamlxrlxm » Tablet*. - They j