Tillamook AN EYE FOR BUSINESS. AN ACQUIRED TASTE , December 20, A BIG GOLD BRICK 1912. THE STREETS OF NAPLES. AT SEA IN AN OPEN MAT. Odd Compliment That Was Paid to an They Are the Workshone ot ths Peoeto Ths Way Disraeli “Put One Over" •n English Artist. An Anaiou« Experience Off the BvoB Publisher Colburn. In the Poorer Quarters, Hichard Wilson, tbe English land- Bound Coast at Korea. When the Hou. Mr. Ward wrote bla scu|ie iwilnter. was not of a pliant die The nticlriit city of Naples tine al perils of the »mall boat at sub ted In Uncle uuvel "Tremaine” be was fearful of isisltlmi C oum 'I ous ot his own merits, The Trap That Jernegan Batted ways lieen more celebrated tor Ito are The told by Jack Ixmduu to aa artkX acknowledging himself the author un lie disdained to bumble himself to beauty and Interest of Its siirrouudluge un ’ Smuil Boat Kailliig" to toe ItoBB- With Salt Sea Water. Iffices. til it.« fate should have lieen ascer­ tlioMe wbo measure men by rank and tbau for Its own attructli eiu-se ing Monthly; tained. He accordingly. I lie better to vulue them by isiutids. But Wilson's scenic advantages "About tbe llfolleet eight days of toff preserve Ills incognito, sent the miinu- friends liked him no less for hie The cbarui of Naples itself lie» in Ita life were s|a-nt In a small t* at OB toe SCHEME OF A CLEVER ROGUE life TAR ROLE. Hcript copy by the wife of his attorney brusque maimer. —tlie careless. o|ien uir llle of Ha • e»l roust of Korea.” be wrttoe 1 to Mr. Colburn. The work, although people. Willi much of it pttssed •1 GolilsmltU. Sterne. Wilson a nd Dr. was in an u|«*u boat, a «»m pea. <* • accepted, was not considered likely to Johusuu were assembled at Garrick's The Smooth Swindler and Hie Accom­ most wholly out of doors under the risky const wta*re there were no Filled Up th. pay extremely well, and consequently gaze of the passerby The Neapolitan bouse with a [>arty of ladle* for sup- plice Showed How Easily They Could houses mid where tbe tide» ran ftuto Is and Pr.cious a trifling sum was given for IL Con­ per. la the most buoyant, light hearted thirty to sixty feet My crew wvow Extract Gold From the Ocoan—Fleoo- roperties, They trary. however, to Mr. Colburn’s ex­ creature In the world and. It must la- “We were very lively at your ex- •d Their Dupoo and Thon Decamped. added. about the most indolent. The Japanese fishermen. We did not apv*k pectations. it rau to three editions K«»«. peiise indeed. gentlemen.” said Mrs. each other's language Vet there wob The ingenious author of “Vivian Garrick, rallying them for having ar­ \ iirinu* inventors have been working streets are brig tit and moving pictures uutlimg monotonous abowt that tlVX ■les government Grey." then twenty-two years old. hav. rived late. “To punish you for not ' 1 messenger. This be quickly effected laurel." In the isiorer and more |iopuloua j lie hour. From tbe day his bubble Joined them, and for several hours W method of ex- aud ii|s>u a promise of giving her £20 "No. sir." said tbe pretty, lively lady, i Jurat and he left for Europe nobody quarters all handicrafts mid occupa­ dosed fitfully Then a sea deluge* OB induced her to be the bearer of his tions are carried on out of doors, and "you are wrong." seems to know what has become of ir uietals when with icy water and we found aevarat novel to tbe same publisher. the streets are as busy as beehives. “For rue. perchance." said be. him. Jernegan. wbo posed as a^ltfgy insisted merely inches of snow oo top of the ant The woman was instantly recognized a...... ­ Tailors are seen at their work, and man. and C. E. Fisher, once'/r floor “No. air; guess again." ir bars of gold by Mr Colburn as tbe same person “It noon became a case of ewamptag “Wby. I am dubbed bitter enough. walker in a New York department carvers of lava, tortoise shell and coral at our anchor Seas were sptaahlng OB 9 dissolved out who brought him "Tremaine.” and. articles, makers of stutuary. women ig the gold with recollectiug tbe great sale of that nov­ Iierbai» a crab,” said be. “for that store aud before that's diver, got to­ sawing, cooking and performing ail board In growing volume, and we baUsd man." pointing to Garrick, “baa dub­ gether in the fall of 1890 and for a constantly. And still my BshertodB impurities that el. be lenia-d at tbe manuscript pre­ bed me Sour Dick.” whole year carefully considered the their domestic duties, men. women and crew eyed the surf battered shore sad sing with utter sented to him with tbe utmost eager­ "Guess again,” said Mrs. Garrick, problem of extracting gold from salt children eat lug. sleeping, chattering, did nothing. Bited States uue ness. It was quickly read and a hand­ laughing. ’’Will you give it up?” water. It to true, tbelr whole field of playing, singing, all In the open. There “At last, after many narrow secepan professors over some sum given for the copyright a “Yes. madam.” thought compassed tbe use of ^alt wa­ la no cessation to the noise and bustle from complete swamping, the Bahar- short time, however, enabled Mr. Col ­ in the streets from early morning, as for scieutltic “Wby, then, sir, you are likened to ter as an accessory only, ttod real ma­ men got into action. All hands tailed burn to find out bis error, but too late ly those of any olives. Now, will you dare to inquire terial from which tbe goi.d;was to be when the tinkle of goat belle starts on to tbe anchor and hove M ■■ to remedy himself. The work was not the day. until the evening, when count­ further?" i a process for extracted being the American people. For’ard. as tbe boat’s bead paid at. toe successful, aud a considerable sum was less mandolin players, wandering from | Simply stated, “ Let me see, ” said Wilson, with all Very artistically Jernegan, to whom set a patch of sail about the stoe of a lost by Its publication. bouse to bouse, from trsttorla to cafe, eyes upon him “Well. theD. my dear, was left the matter of publicity, per­ ■as than electric flour sack. And we beaded straight tor out with It! 1 dare.” bars are placed mitted some vague rumors to leak out “singing for tbelr supper" of macaroni tbe rocky shore. 1 unlaced ay suwe. TRAPPING AN ERMINE. I the gold is de- “Then know, sir.” said she. rising “A leading clergyman had a rparvol- and red wine the famous old love unbuttoned my greatcoat and rant and bly pure state. and courtesylng most gravely. "Mr. ous money making device. Tbe world songs of Naples and popular operatic wns ready to make a quick parUH strip | behind In soln Ona of th« Reasons Why the Prized Wilson Is rough to tbe taste at first, was soon to be stunned by a fact that a minute or so iiefore we strw-h Hat All day long the rattle of wheels, the Fur Is So Costly. tolerable by s little longer acquaint­ would make the possessor of the orig- we didn't strike, nod as we nishvk la I cracking of whips, the furious shout ­ “This stole of imperial ermine Is ance and delightful at last.”—Ex­ ■ inaI secret so rich that all the multi- that iuterested snw the lieauty of the «Ituatk® Be- ors. Tile fact worth fl.tk»»." said tbe dealer. “Dear? change. i millionaires would tie paupers in com ing of drivers, the Jingle of the elabo­ fore us opened a narrow ban net. rately decorated harnesa. the cries of Just consider bow tbe animais illy found with Nix frilled st Its mouth with I-reeking anna. I | parlMMi." When they had stirred up innumerable street hawkers, the play ­ Bed ever since comprised In it were caught! Vet long Iiefore. when I bad ecanoe* I public curiosity Jernegan and Fisher CAUGHT THE BLUFFER. ing of military bands as regt menta “In the first place, they were caught y was In swad the shore closely, there bad been no went to New England and there set up march through the streets. dii the air such channel I had forgotten the thir­ fact that go.'d In n winter of extreme cold, for it is De Wint’s Clever Ruse That Sold On. some mysterious machinery. With a not unpleasant and thoroughly quality In com only In such a winter that the weasel, ty foot tide And It was for this time I On Narragansett bay was an old half of Hie Paintings. Neapolitan dim—American Travelers gle acid known or eiuiine. turns from tawny to snow Unit tbe Japanese bad so procartonaiy Peter De Wlnt the English land- dismantled wharf, and nt tbe sea end Magazine. takes a combi white. In normal winters the ermine waited." aca|>e painter, was accustomM each of this the two erected a cheap frame uriatic acids to ouly turns to a greenish white, like tbis sluiuty alxiut 8 by 10 in size, with a year to have a semi private show ot metals in solu Mim greenish white stole here BREVITY APPRECIATED his pictures Iiefore sending lhem to tbe square hole ent through the floor and “SCRATCHED ROCKS." Other hand, is "lu I be second place, tbe ermines lookiug directly down into about fifteen Water Color society's exhibition. Un r acid. No one were caught young, for when fully de­ Japsnew Courtesy W«s a Bore to Both feet of water. An electric wire from They Mark the Course of Glootora g a nitric acid veloped their coats nre coarse and stiff, such occasions bis friends frequently a small battery was run along the pil­ Oriental and Englishman, Adown Our Continent, bought pictures, which, ot course, ap ­ ■ie presence of as In this $2*>0 stole, and to catch them Oriental courtesy take* up a great ing of tbe wharf and attached to a Throughout the uortbern Uui'ed je theory, sound young the tongue trap must be used. peared at tbe public exhibition marked deal of time and on that account I* nut j mysterious box. with heavy iron States, from tbe Atlantic ix-ean to toe ■n could not lie Auy other trap would tear the delicate “Sold.” always appreciated In Western lands. fur north west and as far south aa Keo Among the painter's friends was a clamps and holes all through to per­ I. Therefore, it fur. mit of free passage of the water back aa Is shown In tbe following extract lucky, huge bowlder» are fouad acat- [wasn’t enough "The tongue trap is a knife, hd ordi­ wealthy man wbo wanted to appear a and forth. from Yoshio Marklno's book on Eng­ tereil ut haphazard. Tbe rocks sad B make it worth nary hunting knife, smeared with [intron of art and at tbe same time Finally tbe great secret was divulged. lishwoman. "Miss John Bull," In which ledges are smootteed and marked erito keep tils money. He managed this by hen. of course, grease, that the hunter Inys In the These two men had discovered a way be says: Kcratclies varying from faint ilneo to ly platinum, so snoiv The little ermine sees the blade, loudly admiring the paintings already “I used to live In Greenwich, and brood grooves two feet deep. Home at of taking all tbe gold they wanted from which It mistakes for ice. Ice it loves sold. He was always a bit too late to • he salt water at a cost so trifling thence I attended to the Japanese na­ these Ixiwider*. weighing maay teas, I to experiment. to lick, and so It licks tbe knife blade buy tlie pictures that pleased him val otllce In the morning, then to tbe are so balanced oo a ledge that a ellgbt I uncovered the and Is caught fast. Its tongue. In that most, and having seen them, as be was •hat it was ridiculous to mention it. nlgbt school of tbe Goldsmith Insti­ wont to declare, be could never content Two wealthy persons, one a Provi­ tute. it was nearly 11 o'clock every touch will rock them. The Indiana aeo* lhe wood pile zero wen tiler, frozcu to the steel dence Jeweler aud the other a New them a* "alarm tielle” Bus fnct- mime "Yes. sir. when you see n stole like himself with less beautiful works night when I arrived at my diggings. The grooves or scratches oo throe lie Wlnt at last suspected tbe mnn's York florist, were approached by Jer- I was deadly tired. The landlord ask n alone wns not this don't tiegrndge a good price for it. rock* nre as a rule parallel and eaten* Borne of Its al- for every -rmine In It was tongue sincerity, and when tbe next show day iiegsn with what seemed to be such ed me every evening: north and south South of tbe above I soluble For trapped In subzero weather—a mighty came round he concluded to test him a trustful and childlike proposal that “ ’How were you getting on with mentioned area neither bow Idem nor ■ of 5 per cent slow >ijid painful band process."—N'eiv After plenty ot time bad been allowed they both embraced it eagerly. It was your work today?' s< rnl< tied rocks can be found. for l>e Wiut's friends to make their that, all bls apparatus being ready for readily soluble York Tribune. “I always answered blin every small lion came the liowldera In tortr po­ liurchnscs the rich man arrived. As experiment, they would come to the detail of my work at tbe office and tbe Ir lending to the sbuuty ou tbe wharf prepared to go sition? What scratched tbe rocho? ■ out of mem usual, his eye soon fell on two "per ­ The Blanket Tras. Agassiz, famlllnr with the gleetaraafl through a night's vigil and wituesa the school. One day I said to my land­ of tlie predoni Blankets grow on trees in Ecuador, fect gems" marked "Sold.’’ Turning to lady: the Al|*i. probably gave tbe tree nn- ■ all others In and. while the idea of an all wood the artist be said; “Now, De Wlnt result, accompanied by any sclentlflc “ ‘Wby Is your busband giving ma awer. lie showed that a similar otato friends they cared to bring along. L had been run fresh from the forest bed covering those are exactly the things 1 should such a troublesome question? You of tilings to produced today by the ffte- The idea, u* outlined by Jernegan, [solutions wert might give Insomnin and a backache to like io possess. What a pity they are was to send a current into a pan of see, 1 often feel too tired to answer.' < ic-re cf Switzerland. Tbeae afreaasa ¿f ■ of Iron wert the child of civilization who likes to not to be had.” "She patted me aud said: ice creep slowly down from toe mrty ■Deedl.v of silver snuggle comfortably under several lay "My dear sir.” said tbe painter, slap­ mercury held within the box. the recep­ " ’My poor boy. yon need not give summits of the Alps through toe vni- tacle then being sent Jo the bottom of Bee then pinti ping him on tbe back. “ I knew you him all Information of your work. It era of down and wool, the natives find BO a month has it all right, as tn fnct it is. would like them, so I put the tickets tbe sea and drawn up aftpr »evernl la our cnstom to say “How are yon leya to tbe filnln*. They bear ne toeto surface huge rocks falleu from sop- it would be found that hours, when Uncle Sum getting on?” and If you simply say roundlng cliffs The otooee frimaa to When an Ecuador Indian wants a on to keep them for you." the mercury had absorbed gold from ce the sources The awkwardness of the situation “All right” that will be qnlte enough.' blanket he bunts up a demajagua tree tlie tiottuui of the glacier, preened B owb the ocean. i facts suggest “The next evening the old man put by the enurmoue weight ot ice eBev» and cuts from It a five or six foot sec­ was only relieved when tbe enthusias­ When tbe night of the experiment posit* of piati tic admirer became tbe somewhat un ­ tbe same question to me. At Brut them, scratch and groove the rorBe he- tion of tile peculiarly soft, thick bark. came the box was prepared in tbe I are going to This Is dniiqiened and beaten until the willing purchaser of tbe two “gemi.”— shanty, tiro chemist*, friends of the I rather hesitated because I thought neath. as tlie tool of a carpeetovBaoBm • gold coming such an abrupt answer might offend out a piece of wood. flexibility ot the sheet Is much Increas­ Youth's Companion. capitalists, bringing their own mercury ed states and him. but I got courage at last when ed The rough gray exterior la next What was the ondltbio of AawGce with them. The box was lowered to in It Is found Resistance to the Sun. I naw bls wife giving me some sign to when «Imliar effects ware prodacadf peeled off. and the sheet dried tn the the MttoBi. and then the party of five gold lined In Animals whose capacity for thermal her eyes. I shouted loudly. 'All right!* Instead of ns-al glaciers acattoeod to sun The result la a blanket soft lea Gold from regulation to limited, such ns rabbits began their wait. Soon after daylight To my surprise, tbe old man seemed fug In larger light and fairly warm, of an attractive and monkeys, rapidly succumb to ex- Jernemin announced that It was time more satlsfled than to hear tlm details the i allei». the whole surface eow 000- cream color It may tx* rolled into a ered with bowlders meat have been r It is found, poHiire to tbe tropical sun In tbe to drQk' the box up again This was "Since Ibis event I began to luclino hidden by an immense sheet of Ire. i is popularly compact bundle without hurt and with done, and the whole party eagerly set same circumstances the skin of a man Jobe to have more friendship with Judging from tlie mark» oo tbe recka. . Guinea gold ordinary usage will last for several rise* some 8 or 4 degrees U. above tbe to work to And out whether any gold Bui leases tbau John Hulls!" tlie wheel mined front tbe north toweefl bad lieen received. When the chemists Its own It Is years—il a nair’s. norimil. Theoretically lhe black skin the south carrying with It ntaaeee to telry trade for of negro nu-es should absorb more best announced that gold to the value of Chilling Proapact. ro«-k Harper's Meetly Butterflies That Live on Fish. ill was found mixed with the quick than that of the white people How­ In l.lneoliishlre. sod the It was The butterfly was blue and transpar ­ sliver all were »tunned by the dlscov I of wilderness ever. colored races are better able than preceding E.DSdancy Life. As through blue glass Its tiny the white to regulate their temperature ery and realized at once tlie vast pos­ ffiiacd of Ute train nt lhe L tilled with ent to a gru junction had lieen attentive Ineiirsmv I« calculated emtlons. fieman whose luggage he mitlced was bl* length of lune a iwrwui eaa Tows, have so tasly. unit the professor rend a news- |iertin|m liecaiiae perspiration to mure tbe original experiment having been labeled to an out of the wav little «L« r I’lil. I« celled the avere * et­ B of the white pn|>er article through Its lovely blue abundant The ape. although a native practically made with a toy apparatus tiou h few mile* lieyoinl Ou rvachlli* ici Many eie borni» tamer rare wings "This. ” he said, “ is the pter- The story spread li'-e wildfire, and ■uch to expect of tbr Iropiee. i* less capable of resist­ I the traveler’« destination tlie gourd. pen these dis- opoda. a Mediterranean butterfly. It ing the sun tbun other animals and tbe modest Jernegan was prevailed I having carefully i»lti«l tlie «rotta ■hiiui in large eats tlsh. On Its tongue are rows of even tbe white man. This to no doubt upon to organize a company. 8tock man's trs|m on the plat fono in Be- Bvered Some pointed hooks. They serve ns teeth. attributable to tbe fact that Its natural was ««Id. und after getting poeeeoslon knowleilglueiit of n grnenoi« tip. b U- B-bornlng now This tsiautiful creature would turn up borne Is In tbe forest* For certain of thousands of dollars the promoter emnly grn»pi«l the donor * mind and latlmim gulch Its nose nt a garden of roses and lilies, monkeys two hours of exposure to tbe sailed away to Europe Tbe success of feelingly aln»ik It This uuiiaiial naive Bunded on the hut It would feast ecstatically upon a tropical sun to fatal. > tbe great ex[>ertmeut was explained raised the rurioatty of tbe imMriiger. of »2087 an putrid eel. Now and then a pteropoda afterwnrd. Fisher, the diver, had gone i wbo aakeil I be uirniilng of It Tita Bments of the I* found on the Florida or the Call for out from the shore in bla diving suit, guani nmawerrd «lunilli nntly A Unique Laboratory, K be Its price nln coast It is only abundant, though, Outside the harbor of Hfax, Tunisia, openeil the tmx ami. taking out the ( “Well. »Ir. you nei er can irli I bave L They will lu the Mediterranean.” I tn the shallow water of the clear mercury that had lieen brought by the left ________ several gentlemen em-h an you at I story exten mite, but never picked 1 Mediterranean. Is situated a biological chemists, substituted a vial of bla own the metal that Ancient and Modern. laboratory for the study of sponges. that had been strongly Impregnated one up. tlixHliie»« only know« what (a gold. 1 iieeome* of them. I don't”- Laiudoa Mr. Choate, tbe well known Ameri­ ‘ It Is one of the most unique In the with gold. I finding this can diplomatise was being shown over world and affords opportunity for ob­ Both before mid since the Jcrnegaa Telegra|tU tafis'sedly uu a very old English parish church, serving the development of the sponge fraud many attempts have been imide I refining com Pointing ou* an oak screen, the rector from tiny larva, so small that It can to extract gold from salt water, some Fiaing the Quilt. Following riiu, wbo was following a B> their smelt Informed his visitor that It was “can- only be studied under a microscope, of them fraudulent, some genuine and Bon Is arising. turles old." “And this paneling on until live years later It has developed based on scientific grounds that have pair of huroac. the owner of the far« Ittncle Ham or tbe door?" Inquired Mr. Choate, much into a perfect sponge. from time to time spiraled even to noticed that tbe drill« TIui laid l*oa B bought their Interested. “Ob." I replied the rector. deep student*. Hut all so far have running out for potatoes were strange fnlled dismally Though traces of gold ly Irregular I at cost and "that Is quite modern! It was pot np Two Sidea. “Tim.” he «aid. "these drill« ere very ■r out of his only forty years before the d toco very of "There are two sidea. you know, to are to tie found in salt water, com b out .m the America, you knowf-Ixindon Globe. merclal application is practically Ins- crooked ” This la English —Oe Yea Oat Mt every argument” said tbe ready mado “Faith, they are now,” assented Tint ■ baa stopfied I. • ' ■■ >..’.■■■ . nine running la la I [»ossiiile New Yurt Pnw pblloaopher [ be is a little "but you should have «een them this father and -sal Buttons Barred. “Yea.” replied tbe gloomy pereoo. | mom In before tb' sun warped there " ■ Oi f iliu r I have Just gal A C.oetaot Buffer«». •Our collection today, my dear breth­ “but It makea a difference which aide .reign and ihr,-»[»ore “Is ycur mother a suffragette. Rob ren." said t->e rector, “la for the cloth­ you chonor There two sldee to • gleca •Ifn« a that ««Id bls fat stupì« ing fund At the same time, ray I of fly paper "-Washington Htar. ort J" “I wish I was bair as beeorifol as “Wall.” said Johnny, "Tep. she’s always suffering If it earnestly impress opou you that, ain’t with her shoes or her corset It’s Mies Hrown." remarked the fair EdWb bought a guinea pig for though Hie collection la for the cloth­ An Exception. I to Mr Green ing fund, .1 la not necessary to con "Money, after all. means nothing hot because somebody that owes her aa “ Well, yon are. yon know, ’ repiton Vary Thsreegh. invitation had a party and didn’t ssk tribute buttons?" trouble " Oreen tboughtlenalv Clarice-Waff, auau bow do yen her to It”—C'bJcsge Becord Herald “Will. It Is the only kind of trotabto Then be wondered wby site auddebly . > ly lie's so thorough Ha nevar es First CriUc-i uiKtoretae* ja« aaw to ar* me witlanit finding asana I B-rtbier's new comedy last nlgbt thing the matter with me -Je*BD Wbo played the kernt MeeeBd Crltlc— I dkl I «si tbr-.ugb tbe whole tbln* ■echleoa Philadelphia Ke. ofW Howell-1 H<1 roe ever do any Beat at darlas ’ I'ns ell - Y«a. I once asid wta* Neither walla, theaters, parch so I I hough I wls-n giieesfog a werenXW aetiwlese equipage make «tatas, .«« New lera l ares to- .<►. «.» itile to rely epos tl ■toon..- Artotldoa. w«r