Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 26, 1912, Image 4

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    Tillamook Headlight. December 86, 101»
• ■ ■
Ineton & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight
&*»• without cost, die CLAXTON UPRIGHT PI ANO shown Mow.
~d aomlnarron Want»
pre, or cut from ibis ad. This tvill be the most interesting a ve
>d everybody has an equal opportunity to «anoMs^^
With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook
Headlight accompanied by $1.50 in cash, 3,000 votes will
be given. Th is applies to back subscription, and you can
pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on
job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job
advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla
mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and
they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay any
of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get
subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so
much greater for subscription than for anything else. You
will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the
Headlight if you try. Closes May 1, 1913.
The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper
of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years
have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads
and other improvements.
Votes in the
ns paying ac-
itig in Ladies’
»hoes, etc., and
Shoes, Rubber
to-date General
lason, Penning-
s the time to get
antage you will
ig of the contest
r mail to Mason,
pay it and secure
n & Co.
How to Get Vote Tickets.
ing to
X“» Tui-
or rfce
No. 1 Name of Contestant will not be known. 2, No name of candidate» will lie pub­
lished. 3, Every Contestant gets 2,00U vote« to start with. 4. Every Contestant gets
a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight.
6, All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­
ten on. N. Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip.
9, Color of Certificates will be changed each month and must be recorded before
change 10 Votes are transferable only before recording. 11. Contestant having the
largest number of votes on May 1, 1913, wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESEN 1
I hereby accept the nomination as a con­
testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place
these 2000 votes to my credit.
ches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants.
The Bryan-Underwood Feud
ight, title, interest mid In the County Cour* af the State of
ich said defendants Wil
Oregon for Multnomah County.
illett Elizabeth Willett, In the matter of the ,
The editor of a paper in Birming­
Willett. I.euu B. Willett,
guardianship and |
ham, Ala., the home city of Mr.
anil H. C. Ellis, nn<l all
estate of loseph I
liiiming under them, sub- ! Coagrove and ha- !
Underwood mid chief center of file
'» the execution of the said ¡ therine Cosgrove, ,
iron and steel industry in the
from the defendants Wii-
■ plaintiff John Krebs on 1 N otice is H ereby G iven —That South, has opened fire vigorously
day of May, A. D. 1910, in, the
the _______________
duly appoint on Mr. Bryan, as Mr. Uutiderwood
said lands and premises pj, qualified and acting guardian himself did on the floor of the
rly described lu^suid^mort- of the persons and estates of Joseph House at the last seesion when he
I »aid decree
und »aid ■ writ ‘ | Cosgrove and Katherine Cosgrove,
lion mid the said premises I minors, pursuant to an order and rose to a question of privilege
fore mentioned nre describ­ , license, made and granted in the especially to show that he was for
id execution as follow», to ¡ above entitled court in the above a tight to the finish with the Ne-
i entitled matter on the 5th day
ning at a poitit 5.18 chains of June 1912, will, from and after braskan. No doubt with Mr. Under­
f the nd tn I ntrnnm»-. M .... , — ■
the North-west corner of the 6th day of January, A. D 1913, wood’s approval the Birmingham
. City, Oregon,
[the Wuth-west quarter of the North-
editor submits some “startling
led thia November 27th, 1912. , went quarter of Section Twenty six sell at private sale for the highest
and best price obtainable in cash, facts’’ about the Baltimore conven­
H, T. B otts ,
(26), Township Four (4) South,
Adiuitiiatrntor, with the Will Runge Ten (10) West, Willamette all of the interest and estat» of his tion. setting forth that Bryan, after
said wards, being an undivided
annexed, of the Estate of
Meridian, Or., thence (Var. 21degs. two forty fifths (2 45) part of or in abandoning and defeating Clark,
Harry Wingate Cottle,
K ), South 10.00 chains; thence East terest in and to the following des tried at the last moment to beat
8 00 chains ; thence North
10.00 cribed real estate, situated in the Wilson also by a deal with the New
; thence West 8.i)0 chain to County of Tillamook and State of
Cotice of Final Account.
Yoik delegation in behalf of Gay­
the place of beginning containing Oregon to-wit:
TI cb ia H ereby G iven ,-That 8 acres, more or less
The South half (SMi) of the North­ nor. Bryan’s real object, as thia
Also, A strip of land nnd water east quarter (Ne1. ) and the North­ statement asserts, was to get the
undersigned hua til«-«l in the
v Court of Tillamook County, right beginning ut a point North west quarter (Nw'-jl of the North­ nomination himself. That he was
n,' O'“ final accomht as nd- 85 degs. East 5.81 chains from the east quarter (Net4) of Section Elev­ a Barkis on the occasion is quite
uiiuistrator oV.Uc catute <if lohn C. V, Section corner between Sections en 111), in Township numbered Six
Mangan, deceased, iftd. that the 26 und 27, Township 4 S , R 10 W.; (6) South of Range numbered Nine probable. But after wiping up the
judge of aai<! Court him appointed thence North 82 degs. West 2.95 (9) West of the Willamette Meridan. earth with the New York delegation
Said guardian will sell all of said jit ia not likely that he went to
Monday, the 30th day of December, chains; North 35 degs. W. 2.61 chains;
1V12. at the hour of 10 o’clock a. in , North 38 degs. East 3.04 chains ; interest of his »aid wards in and to Murphy, Ryan and Parker with a
the above described real estate sep­
nt the office Of the County Judge,
in the Court House, in Tillamook North 29 degs 30* East 2 00 chains arately and as ail undivided xvliole sudden proposal to strikes partner­
in one body or parcel, and subject ship. The Alabama editor holds
C itv, Oregon, ua the time and plarc
r—’* for the heunngof objection» to such John Krebba, being in S. W. *»' of to confirmation by said court.
that Wilson owes Bryan nothing
Said guardian will receive offers But the country knows that Bryan
final account and the settlement
R. 10 West.
and proposals for the purchase of
tor -of.
Also, All the timber now on the the said interest of said wards in personally brought about Wilson’s
bated thia November 27th, 1912. t.t
and to »aid tract of land from and nomination It was done in the
i Pliiniook City, Oregon.
J lying on the North side of Arslell after said 6th day of January, 1913, view of everyliody, with each suc­
H. T. B otts ,
Ailinitiiatrator, with the will ' —i'k in Sections 26 aud 27, Town until and including the 16th day of cessive step in ojien convention
ship Four South of Runge Ten January, 1913; such offers and pro
annexed, of the Estate of
This editorial fellow-townsman of
West of Willamette Meridian To i | posáis to be submitted in writing
Jtthu C Mangati
with a right to use said pro . ; to John 8. Beal nt room 725 Yecn Mr. Underwood says “Bryan will
• petty of slid Briudy above des ' Budding, in the City of Portland, never te offered a place in Wilson’s
ed for the purpose of logging I Oregon.
Bherira 8»’a of Real Property cril
cabinet unless Wilson decides that
said timber, mid timber of »aid l
on Foreclosure.
J ohn S. B eai .
John Krelil..«, lying back of said Guardimi of Joseph Cosgrove and by this means he can preserve
N otice is H rhbhy G iven —That titidier , said gi ntees to have the
Democratic harmony by silencing
Katherine Cosgrove, Minors.
bx virtue of an execution duly issued right to use the said lands for roads
the Nebraskan.’’ The idea ofsilenc-
i .t of the Circuit Court of the St-.i’e wnere most convenient for logging
in,gon, for the County of Till« pu: poles.
They Always Help Elderly People. ing Bryan under any circumstances
Also, The North east quarter of
is amusing. It is not certain that
niuok, and to me directed on the 29th
Koley Kidney Pills give just the he wants a Beat at Mr. Wilson’s
day of November. 1912, upon n iml - the South west quarter, the West
• nt and decree duly rends ,-.|, half of the South east quarter and
entered of record und docketed in the South xvest quarter of the North­ mid strengthen their kidneys mid council table If he should be of-
and by snid Court on the 2"th d x east quarter of Section Twenty-six bladders and renulnte their action. feid and accept a place there he
<»f N'ereniber 1912, in n eeitain •••.! in Township Four South of Range John .McMaster» Streator, 111., say»: will make himself heard beyond
• her «n saxt Court pending, where­ Ten West of the Willamette Me ’’I feel better and stronger than 1 any other member. If he remains
in John Kreb» xx-na plaintiff, und ridlun in Oregon. containing One have for many years, anil E-ley a Democrat at large he will have
William <> Willett. Klianbeth W il Hundred and sixty acres. (All situ­ Kidney Pillsdidit." I.aniur's Drug
plenty to say. In each of his three
letl. George <’• Willett, I en.i B Wil ated in Tillamook County, Oregon) Store.
Said sale being made subject to
battles he received at least 800,000
let. I. J. Gee ¡fod C Ellis were de-
fstiminl» in furor of plaintiff mid redemption in the manner pro
more votes than Wilson. The Balti-
against said defendants, by which vidcd by law.
Dated tins 28th day of November,
execution I am commanded to sell
N otice , —Is hereby gixen that at more platform put together by
favor» a constitutional
the property in the said execution 1912.
the General Election held on the 5th Bryan,
H. C renshaw ,
and hereinafter described to pax the
day of November. 1912. a vote was amendment limiting a president to
Sheriff of Tillamook County, taken for anil against stock running one term, and declares that “we
sum due the plaintiff of Six Tlmtt-
< »reg on
aamlNinety two and ,UMI ifo.l*'-’.N'i
at large in the following Election pledge the candidate of this con­
Dollar», with interei^ thereon at the
I Precincts, to-wit: B eax er , HL a I. ne ,
vention to this principle.'* Bryan
rate of »even and one-halt 17H» per
Foun .¡nd L ittle N esthi \
Declare War on Colds
cent per annum from the 24th
au uncouipromising free ¡trader.
A crusade uf education which
April. 1912. and the fur
day ■r of
auui'of'irwo 'iiun.'iie.i Twen't'v
‘•’ Ida •••■> be- in SIXTY D ays from the date of Underwood und his editorial ally
this Notice, it will l>e unlawful for
------- —__
i*»»»»ii» it M4*ri»«i »tt.i*»
iv »lit it» t>»» tiaavt
(92210181 Dollars come uncommon within the next . stock to run ut large in the above are riding for a speedy fall.
, generation’* has l»een l>egun by a
'for tax»» and
—1 the further aum | prominent New York physician». ' named Precincts, under penalty of
lot Four Hundred (MUU.UH liollarx,
$10.60 for the first xiffense and tBLOU
ffBeciai attorney»' fee», which »»ill I Here ia a liat of the “don’ta’’ which . for each subsequent offence
The Secret Terror.
two sum» bear inter»»! at the rule
Dated this lltli day of December
The haunting fear of sickness and
of Ml (8) |>er cent per annum frvi i ! niial viaitation of the cold:
"Don’t ail in a drnughty car.”
helplessness is the »ecret terror of
the 24tli day of April, 1912 tint I I
J. C H o LUKN.
"Don’t aleep in hot room»."
the working man. Heslth ia hie
paid.-together with the cost» »nd
"IXin’t avoid the freali air."
Kidney diseases sav a
disbursements of »aid auit taxed nt
"Don’t »tuff yourself at meal time
itiau's strength ami vitality They
(WSLfl» Twenty three dollars and
lesson his earning capacity. Foley
of said I Overeating reducea your resist
a and disbursements
Kidney Fill» bring back health and
1 will on ths 29th day of •ace ”
To which we would »dd—when
of in- strength by healing the d.aeaae
1912. at the hour of 10 ,
•»( a.«id day at the Front you take a cokl get rid of it a»i »omnia is disorders of the stomach Thev are the beat medicine made
‘ ‘
•jr Court Houae in *iuich,
y "• 1 posaibly. To accomp-< and constipation. Chamberlain*» for kidney and bladder trouble»
will find Chamber 1 Tableta correct the»e disorders and The genuine are in the yellcw pack’ ,
' re_____ —11 .> )ll»h
' li»h that you
luin’a Cough Remedy niuat excel-1 enable you to sleep. For sale by
lent Sold by all dcalei9|
•U dealers,
When rough, high-proof, strong whiskey begins to tell on
you—when your nerves and stomach commence “calling
for help”—try a little Cyrus Noble.
It is mild in character—aged in wood in charred barrels—
blended and re-aged in steam-heated warehouses?
This gives it that palatable, enjoyable flavor peculiar to it—
its mellowness—its richness.
Sold by first-class dealers all over the world.
W. J
Van Schuyver Co.. Portland, Or
Sherry Wine..................................... 36c
Angelica Wine................................. 35c.
Zenfendel Wine
per quart 35c.
Pebbleford, bottled in bond,
Tokey.................. .... per quart 4tte.
per bottle......................................
50 Claret.............................. perqtiart 25c.
Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in
White Grape Juice..........................
bond, per bottle.......................... 1.25 Local Beer, quart, 3 bottles for 75c.
O:d Crow, bottled in bond, per
Domestic Beer, qt, 3bottle»for 75c.
bottle ............................................. i 5Q
Hermitage, bottled in bond, per
boitle ..........................................
Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ............... 1.50
O T. O , bottled in bond, per
Keg Beer.....................15 gallons $5.75
j 25 Keg Beer...............
10 gallons 4.00
Kentucky Dew, H gal., bottled
Local bottle Beer, 6doz. quarts 10.00
in bond...........................
2 15 Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints 11.Oo
Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled
in bond ......................................
John Dewar & Sone, Old Scotch
Budxviser Beer, 6 doz. quarts $15.00
Whiskey......... ...........
y 50 Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pints 18.00
Black & White, Old Scotch
Old style Lauger Beer, 10 doz pt 11.00
Whiskey .................
V O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey
Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch
Whiskey........................................ j -5 White Port, Old Monk Brand,
r> .....
$1 00 [>er gal.
Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch
\x hiskey...................................... 1 50 Port W me................................... LOO per gal.
Canadian Club............ ............... r 'sn Sherry ................................ 1.00 per naj.
1 W. Harper..^..............100 Olaret ................................... 75c. per gal.
Harvester Old Style......... .. "■ i 1.00 Angelica........................... 1 00 per gal.
Zenfendel .......................... 1.25 per gal.
1.00 Tokey............................................. 1.25 per gal.
Kentuck Dew
Billie Taylor, fuli quart
Dry Gin.......... per bottle 1.00
A.V.H. Gin
oí“ X.............. l,er bot"e 1.75 Monogram...................... per gal. $5.00
Gordon Sloe Gtn
per bottle 1.75 White Corn Whiskey, .per jjal. 4.00
por^°n Dry Gin
per bottle 1.25 Harvester Old Style . .per gal. 4.25
McBrayer. 13years old.per gal. 8.00
1.00 Echo Spring.................. per gal
1 25 Chestnut Grove Rye. per gal. 4 25
\* xV-a Dare Wine . per bottle 75c.
Fort **»«......................per quart 35c. Kentuckey Dew..........per gal.
Alcohol........................... per gal. 4.00
Cornet Dry’ Gin............ per gal. 4 00
Special Prices for
Family Trade.
Domestic Beers.
DEALER, COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE E
When You Consider
that home health
is governed largely by sani­
tary conditions, doesn’t it seem
that good plumbing is worth
while ?
«Staadarxr fT-iarantced plumbing
fixtures afford perfect sanitation
ar.J give years of dependable ser­
Our prices will interest you.
Telephone Main 1314.