ìiraòl • i kV ▼ ' Vol. XXV TILLAMOOK, No. 28. Advantages of a Checking Account IV. Collecting Checks. In the regular course of business the depositor receives checks on mauy banks. It is not necessary for him to present these checks for payment at the banks on which drawn, but he may deposit them here, and this bank collects them for him wifhout charge and credits them to his account. Checks on out-of-town banks may be deposited in the same way, aud no charge is made by us for this collection. CAPITAL I BWMrAMOOKCpyNTYBANKl^l ] COUNTY TILLAMOOK CITY. Oi?E. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS See Big Mack for your sewer con­ nections Home Made Mince Meat at the Clam Market. Frank Fitzpatrick went to Port­ land on Monday. Born, on the 23rd, to the wife of Merril Smith, a girl. Attorney E. J. Claussen was in Portland this week on business. Kd Laughlin relumed to Tills- about by 111* affini» vi X* ffiteum ■nook Monday. He has been out­ and »n iMrffielMV» Irvav du* J u» side receiving treatment for rtieu- mook ( term*«" tad M«--. > uiatiaui. < ounty »»» r«Rt**r**ad v/ V - mm a.«t.vM This is the time of year to dehorn, Maswell, Mis« T have the Keystone Deliorner.” Vaughn and (.«»er»«« X wum If you have any to dehorn notify At a toestloa Ox OVXVW‘4- me by postal. W. Hoskins, Box on Monday «»r»teg te Aur 535, Tillamook, Oregon. Warren CoostriMeat* <4. W ai-**r Captain Oscar F. Aii|onaen has 6th etrssd was been signed us master of the steamer t'oiummntomtr »•« vrteuX W MOV-' Sue H. Elmore, succeeding Captain Dawson's tzmrac »Wnffi ur > «» u»» at M*tew«gi^ Kd. Andersou, who wua removed street eevrral tea* from the command of that vessel. wee passed to inva-niz 4»>d Sheriff Crenshaw will appoint O. licensee, rixee to ta ' fur G. Sveuson his deputy, in place of bona bde t^utn. C. A. Johnson, who was elected city council ata* out eno* Xi*,- out vwli assessor Mr. Sveneon has been reconsid«red Ua employed at Kiug A Smith Co.’s was rep«ate4 TXa teMerMV itr tm- ae Lu ir.-.ear a store I ing eleven as follow* Parva*; ffi. X -pne yuot Chester Stewart and Glenn Zim curbing Me ; ticiiMUy. Xr_ merman left on the train Saturday which i* a redsactiM* te jte. mx pvt-i morning for Washington. Stewart vioua contracte sex te lue M u- wx is going to Spokane, but Ziiumer- CoQatruztM* Co man will visit with relativea near Spokane. >m I h GOOD SIGNS FOB TLLLte,- ItOOK'S PBOSnUUTT There was a dance at the opera house on Christmas night and a masquerade ball will be given there on New Year's eve. Dec. 3lat. The opera house has been fitted up with a new floor. 9pend the _XLatr'**H I mail in that day nor any mail out this morning. It is expected that the mail will be in this evening. There will be a union service at the Presbyterian Church or Sun day evening, when the temperance question will be discussed by local preachers and a W.C T. U. worker. The music will be furnished by the choir of the Presbyterian Church ini­ 'liti uzzi r ; □ I. ?ie iiiinr XJ 5r. Tte «csotmmte nerru; nwt 3Br am ±urt uneiw eoe lai" coir t)f. tsKunie m .r-tg-oi. x -Mr. ** ly 1*| jest* nr tie nono» gnaat n nc: m - r curparacrwu m-niKiaic n t mmitiftu won - use it a»dZ ni enea me 1 but a«-j.-acl Be f*3 leneMii. « mi. meri L«ax e»t Jer-ngi lung tt in ueuw. »iunew- j-txiuii'- «th >ui > < ; nunn Mr. LlUsuce 4»'«- Lae**?- ant Sen ; zur-neu tie »»» tannili- tlfi«ii Man - levenaotn nairr mi mival n- «jjuvimg mi uer want, duna. AlUnc-ev.-i.-- -tua »a»- illliodew«» AVMT •it 'tut prwttnene amtmngn it lin asw SCC Thome who v*ere ijivim.m mite As a result of some ill feeling and a mix up between M G Kellow and Lost,—Child's Locket, “Helen” Cliff Mattoon in the South part of biuidiog »»1 Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. the county, Kellow came to this city Your Country work solicited. Phone 1313 engraved theron, attached to chain. with hie head bandaged up aud Finder leave with Dr Sharp and Pacific States. swore out a complaint against Mat. E. L. Payne left for Portland on receive reward. toon, charged with an assault with I W. B Aiderman, who was on the Tuesday to spend a few days with Federal jury in Portand, has been a deadly weapon, which, it seems, his relatives. was brass knuckles. Housekeeping Rooms Furnished dismissed and returned home the Marriage licenses were issued as for Rent. See I. Parson, at the first of the week. Mabel Goyne returned from the follows: J. R. Johnson and Lillian Hotel Columbia. Norberg; Fred Weber and Mary Clarence Stanley is home from Willamette University, at Salem, on Zuercher; Barney Hanson and Nel­ Portland where he is attending Saturday to spend the Christmas lie P. Blanchard; Charles G. Goeres holidays at home. business college. and Eva May Atterbury; (Mie K Clint King will spend Christmas Miss Emma Svenson is h o me Purden and Beulah Barker; Adam with bis folks in Tillamook, having spending the Christmas holidays J. Schmelzer and Addie Fletchall; Going to came in on Saturday, from Hood River. Gordon L. Burge and Clara A. Tin- Bar ge - • T inerstet. play basket ball, Clint ? Terry Beck is in from Portland, neretet. a teacher Miss Florence Mitchell, A pretty ChrMtaaae wed lxa« xa-e visiting at the home of Mr. and Married, on Sunday evening, at in the Baker Cit/ high school, is place oa c bristmaa »got st seven Mrs. Alex. McNair. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andre* visiting at the home of Mr. and o'clock. wb«a M m » Oaca ALs»-« Tux Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Zuercher, parents of the bride, Mr. Mrs. Geo. R. Edmunds. neretet was givea 1» marriage te mook Meat Company's Market We Fred Weber and Miss Mary Zuerch­ Mr irordoo K. Borge. bo»b te TUI» F. J. Sawyer and wife, Blue Psv 13c. per pound. • er. Rev. D. L. Shrode tied the Stem, Wash., and Sheridan Long nuptial knot in the presence of a mook City. The eveat mob ptecs The Port of Bay City has levied a have been visiting at the home of few friends. The happy couple left at the Tiooeretet ram de a c e m uxwa. tax of mills, which will give that and the roooM were OUrt a..? de Dr. and Mrs. Jack Olson. for Portland where they will spend Port a little over $7000. corated in while sad Oregoa graps Tom Van Patten will eat Christ­ their honeymoon, carrying with Miss Grace Whitehouse esme in The bride was given away by her mas dinner at home, having re­ them the beet wishes of their f rieods. from Portland to spend the Christ­ fa ther, Mr. William Tiaaeratei. sad turned on Saturday from Portland Christmas passed off quietly in Rev. Donald Macke new pertormel mas with her parents. where he is attending school. this city With the usual Christmas the wedding cerea»oay. While Mrs The opera house, which was used ; Mr. and Mrs. Webster Holmes, ac­ tree entertainment at the churches, Mackenzie was staging the word» end Christmas sister of Hl» groom, and Miss Mari« holidays at Sheriff Crenshaws Cem« and try uh . Sei vice from 5: .’10 here. Tinneratet, slater of th« bride, an • • Married, on Saturday 'evening at bridesmaids Lillte Mias iriedye S. L. Smith, having resigned, P. ' to 7:00 p. m. G. Vickers has taken his place as Mrs. E. A. Brenner, accompanied the M. K. parsonage, by the Rev. Hatisrlach followed with lb* ring agent for the P. R. a N. in this city. Miss Melchior, came in on Sun- II. W. Kuhlman, the pastor, Mr. io a cut giaas dish. Mrs F W Mr and Mrs. Maddux lete „„ , ' ‘ “ J' 1* ,r“in « Charles Goeres and Mias Alva At ChrMtMMOO played U m welding and Mrs. Maddux left on a terbury. The bride is the daughter march. business trip to Portion'd, Sunday cently operated on for appendicitis Ths bride looked pratly in a ealin of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Atterbury , in Portland. morning. and the groom la a successful dairy­ meaeallaa drsaa, with overdrae* «4 i County Surveyor U. G. Jackson Ralph Bacon left Sunday morn- man of the county, both being well beedsd chifloa. trimmed with peart and hie assistant, O. A. Poysky, thought of and reaps« ted tn this trimiuinffa *°k for Portland where he will are «(lending Christman a* Eugene. Alter U m weddlog c«rsm>my U m county. Tlisy tell the us st morn- spend Christmas with home folks. It is surmised that the county sur­ tor California, where they wille|«en«1 happy yoong inurple raoolvod ths S. H. Doak, of Lexington, Oregon, veyor is to become a Benedict. . •nigialutaHona of all preoao«, «»«1 their lioneyirxMtn ** spending the holiday week with County Superintendent W 8. Mr. and Mrs. Ixwla M Mawyer, rstalved many p»s«y and ussful friends and relatives in Tillamook. Buel will leave Friday to attend the »•diliiig preaante Thea all *• The City Transfer Co. are the fel- State Teachers’ Institute in Portland paienta of Mrs. Win. I alt, strived palled bi the home •»< ilia In ids'a in Tillamook Haiurdey evening, •« •ows who haul anyth!«* anywhere, on Saturday andon Monday will be route t« l**a Angslee, wiiais they eiatar, M»a Corl Hahari*. b. Where any time. Office on Main Street, in Salem to assist in gradleg the have many friends and relatives a I simh I mm wadding 4ian*i wee oppoaite Clough’s Drug Store. Call pa|xra of those who took the The mnnntomy nt the long Hip esi vad °s by phone. Main aai.i teachers’ examination last weak The giimm 10 the •»>» of Mivoffi'1 from their home town, Kveneluw. Nia l Mo W Hurgo, »••» «1 TfWo llllmne, was lessened fey HHMunM iwunb, but twrmailv o* Nehynfba stopovers al Kansan » My, M Me te al preoanl lh* • haeaa mab*» I »me and many wtlie« itliea whets they stalled »lib iris ml» amt te sad manager wl the long Piefite I teameiy the UHde hae reeldsd In lotivee. flllaiwwwb lw» »wwe yaefO end lo «• ( Al the meeting nt Hie liisewn piaeenl engaged In ♦eo'Mwg W<* I Miry Asma leimn lest week I nailee ptimeiy pwpii* in the f»!•**•*•» , Kuwse was ale. ted hist »»»• p»»el i it» evhwwl» deni end I III«»«»ata I • ••• Neeil» »Hr gw»«te «mie p«»eewi •ate« ted lot the nett reate1 »«n ei the «»»omwiiy end diunat lh» j venttoO, the date wl whleh was tail happl vuupla hare Hie iwaeieiw to ilia wtb. ate I i.ia woe bf*>dh*H I A Happy and Propcrous New Year to all. Thank you all for your liberal patronge during the past year. Sincerely yours, UAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, - 2 - M. W. Owens, of Cloverdale, was in Tillamook Saturday to meet hie two daughters, who returned from school outside, to spend Christmas Wood sawed and delivered, or de­ at home. They left the same even­ live red direct from the wagon aB it ing for Cloverdale. See comes from the country. T. R. Dunn, traveling freight a Shrode. agent of the Southern Pacific came Miss Josie Musselman, commer­ in the first of the.week to locate the I cial teacher in the public school is depot. Work was started excava­ spending Christmas at her home ting for the depot at the depot at Berkley, Cal. grounds at the end of Fifth street Wanted, a buggy horse, a young Owing to two slides on the P. R one preferred, not under 1050 A N.. both trains were held up on pounds.—Apply to Guy Ford, Maple Wednesday and failed to get Leaf Creamery. . through, consequently there was no Go to the Clam market for Clams, Fish and Crabs. Second Avenue, Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ near First St., in the building back mook Meat Company's Market. 13c. of Beala’ office. If you wish rooms for the Winter, per pound. * Dr. Jack Olson has opened den­ by the month ’‘cheap ’’ with hot or tal parlors over F. R. Beals’ office cold water and with bath, call at the Todd Hotel. * Both phones. * to DM€BM*B* U, 1FJ1. SUPERVISION ! Gustav Haberlach is in from Glasses fitted. Any kind, any Clackmas and is another of the style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * visitors at the home of his brother, Our old debating star Reed Bain Carl Haberlach. came in Saturday holidays. OHBOOM not- .n«Mir«HUMBCL I m. ' ai~*. West Coast ELectnc Co. Beg to anrujunce the opening of the netx " Electric Store.*9 Next door to the T