Hrabliqljt. K, k TILLAMOOK, ORBGON DEC B MBB R 19, 1912. No. 27. XXV III. Acquaintance at Bank. avantages of a Checking Account Not the least of the advantages of having a checking account at this bank i3 the acquaintance which it promotes between the depositor and our officers. This officers of ests acquaintance enables our to get in.touch with the inter- the depositor, and to lend all the co-operation consistent with con­ servative banking. Our officers gladly welcome the opportunity to extend the facilities of . the bank to new depositors. 9.» OLDEST bank beet M. IT.i IES, Kl­ ei. ,'A •S. ÍS. lift urt jirt: for« for« fur e. MM M d u ’S. » te »I pt HI i. xri XU *r| peri «ri er I «ri «I d tl ¡IÍ F» V nil * IN THE COUNTY S’ capital ' TILLÄMOÖKCOUHTY bank te ?. 1.00 1 1 J k M OOK C1Ty Off _jSUPEB vis VISION Pbstmuster Baker has received his stamps and zone map tor the new parcels post system which goes into effect the first of the new year. Money to Loan on Improved Fanns to the extent of about $4000 about the 1st April.—Apply to John Leland Henderson A Son, Agents. * It will pay you to get their prices. Still in the lead *' Dement’s Best ’* hard wheat flour in the city, to be had only of the Tillamook Feed Co.. Do not lorget the Sunday Chicken Dinner at the Todd. Better than yon can have at home for less money. Com« and try us. Service from 5:30 to 7:00 p. m. • There will be a dance at the Tilla­ mook Commercial Club rooms on Christinas eve, which is to raise funds to cover some indebtedness caused in the baseball season. Justice Stanley fined Dan Nichole and Herman Theisen $50 each on Thursday for fishing above the dead line, and as they refused to pay the fine they were committed to jail. The basket ball season will be opened on Friday evening at the Skating Rink between the Tilla mook High School and Tillamook Tillies, and Amazons and Suffra­ gettes. The services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday will be appro­ priate to Christmas, with solos and anthems suitable to the occasion. You are cordially invited to these services. Mason, Pennington & Co. re­ ceived the Claxton grand piano which they will give away in the contest now going on. It is a splen­ did instrument and they invite the inspection of the same. i ' Holiday statianery in fancy boxes make a desirable and acceptable present for most any one who can write, and Clough’s stock was du plicated by error therefore we are making special low prices to make it sell. Clyde Miller and J. J. McCormick were in the city on Thursday, the latter having bought half interest in the formePe saloon business at Garibaldi. ■The cheese market is dull but I Tillamook. Creqon prices remain firm. As most of the jobbers stocked up before the holi­ days makes the market slow. There arejabout 2000 cases on hand here. DIRECTORS If railroad rumors prove true, | importaut railroad news may be J. C. H olden . looked for in the near future which will help to give Tillamook City B. C. L amb . another boost and make it the ter- - minal ot the Hill system in this W m . G. T ait . county. Keep your eye on Tilla- I mook City and watch its eteady and ' C. W. T almage . permanent growth. P a VL S chrader . County Clerk Holden has received , an official notification from the State Tax Commission stating that We have just installed some modern Safe De- no exemptions will be allowed on the tax rolls which are now being posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe made up, notwithstanding that it was the will of the people at the from fire. We will be pleased to show then to you. general election that this exemption should be allowed on household furniture, etc. Misses Katherine Burge and Marie Tinneestet were the hostesses Under U.S- Government Supervision at a pleasant surprise party given Tuesday evening at the Tinneratet Interest Paid on Time Deposits. home. The shower was in honor of Miss Clara, whose wedding to Mr. Gordon Burge is an event of Christmas week. The evening was spent in playing games. A dainty of his death. The deceased titled, "Frolic of the Frags.” The luncheon was served by Mrs. Tin- time 1 □eratet and Mrs. Haberlach to 1 was a young man who was well curtain rises at 8 p. m. and the of in the community, and charge of admission is 25c., reserv­ about twenty girl friends of the thought 1 bride-elect. ' was very industrious. Previous to ed seats 50c. he sold his At the home of Mrs. Henry Cren- 1 going to California He was a Farms for Sale. on the Miami. •haw on Tuesday afternoon, a social place j of Woodman and carried a policy meeting of the Shakespeare Club 20 acres,—15 in cultivation; all in that order which goes to creek bottom land; 4 acres timber; was held and a very delightful time $2000 ' parents. was enjoyed. Many games, sewing bis 1 house 16 x 24, hen house; 2'4 miles One Cow for Sale, will be fresh in two weeks. Good milker. Otto Walther, Hemlock, Oregon. ■ See Big Mack for your sewer con- You ought to see the special chop ■ections for hog feed at the Tillamook Feed ■ Home Made Mince Meat at the Co., made especially for them. * ■am Market. a Owing to the Christmas business, I Pennies wanted at Tillamook rhe mail at the Tillamook post- Bounty Bank. office is getting heavier every day. I Born, on Monday, to the wife of “Harold Hollettcame in fromBlaine Karl Knudson, a girl. and fancy work were paiticipated from town, *4 mile to school, price I Miss Ruth Holmes is attending to have his eye attended to, on ac­ Standing of the Contestants. in. The guests invited were; Miss $2600; $800 cash, balance 4 years; count of a piece of steel lodged in Business college in Portland. White, Mrs. Haberlach, Mrs. Todd, Standing of contestants at Mason, all fine garden land. I Glasses fitted. Any kind, any it 20 acres, all in cultivation, 2*4 Mrs. Blaine Hays, Mrs. Ira Smith, Pennington * Co up to Wednes­ E. L. Payne, manager of Ray A ityle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * parlor miles from town, '4 mile to school; Mrs. Everson, Mrs. Albert Plank, ( day, Dec. 18, for the upright Co’s, store, returned Monday even­ I Rudolph M Kunze and wife, of price $210<); $510 cash, balance 10 and Mrs. Pete Lamar. Mrs. Cren- , grand piano: buhl, Idaho, are in visiting friends. ing from a business trip to Port­ Votes. ahaw served a dainty lunch. In years. No. I Attorneys Tongue and Bagley, of land. 215,650 122 acres; fair buildings; 00 acres I E. J. Claussen, left for Cloverdale January, the next meeting will be 2. .......................................... Clough’« Assortment of Parisian Hillsboro, were in the city last week, held at the home of Mra. NcNair. 122,000 in cultivation; 2 miles to town, 400 12 ............................................ [Tuesday evening on a business 2,325 Ivory includes most all the pieces and it is reported that they will be 15........................................... Irip. 38, 185 yards to school, on R. F. D.; 10 Considerable interest was taken 18........................................... made in sets and singly at the right the attorneys in a suit to be brought 2.940 acres strictly No. 1 prune orchard; I You should see the stock of feed I against the Warren Construction in a case before Justice of the Peace 25............... ............................ prices. 10,475 price $8500; $2000 cash. You can’t 29....................................... • • the Tillamook Feed Co. has on ■ Company in which the city improve- Stanley on Tuesday when the Court 37,080 buy a prune orchard like this one Wanted, a buggy horse, a young 51........................................... hand. * house was well filed with persons ' ments are involved. 2,266 67........................................... one preferred, not under 1050 108,120 for $400 an acre. Write for free Bibles and Testaments in most all pounds.—Apply toGuyFord, Maple Word was brought to thia city on who were desirous of hearing it 90........................................... 2,325 price list, as I am a farmer and 74 ......................................... • Wednesday that bids had been call tried. Night Watchman Myers had [sizes and prices at Clough’s Drug Leaf Creamery. . 129,880 no town land shark. 75 .......................... ................ [Store. ed for building the United Railways been accused of beating up William 3,000 I want 25 Finlanders to buy my 108.......................................... Go to the Clam market for Clams, Berns in a night disturbance 2,345 cheap lands, only three miles from Attorney Webster Holmes left on Fish ^nd Crabs. Second Avenue, , into Tillamook, and that the con- 114........................................... 27,085 123........................................... a business trip to Portland on Wed­ near First St., in the building back I tractors are now busy preparing one night last week in this city. 120,400 town. See list at thia office. . their bids. This looks as if work Berns appeared in court with his 165. ...................................... nesday. Write for free list; I am a farmer; 57,615 of Beals’ office. ............... ' on this road would be commenced head bandged up as a result of the 198 ............... 231,045 live on my farm, 2% miles south­ Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ 199 ............................................ If you wish rooms for the Winter, injuries he had received. The west of Sheridan, Oregon; I am no mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. by the month “cheap.” with hot or soon. justice took the case under advis- The annual Christmas tree enter ­ per pound. • town land shark; it will cost yon Notice. cold water and with bath, call at tainments of the Sunday Schools of ment and next day he dismissed it, nothing to see my bargains. C. O. Dr. Jack Olson has opened den­ the Todd Hotel. * as Myers was justified in doing the different churches will be held Special meetings will begin ■t B urgess , R. F. D. 1, Sheridan, Ore­ tal parlors over F. R. Beals’ office. A Kodak makes a suitable and re­ next Tuesday, Christmas eve, and what he did. the U. B, Church at Tillamook at gon. Plume me from the Sheridan Both phones. • following the holidays. Dr. fine J present and a lasting pleasure, as these events are appropriate for Those who are taking the teacher's once ____________ _ J. R. Parker, of Philomath, Oregon, Hotel. Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. Clough carries the Eastman line at the occasion they will, as usual, examination in this city this week will have charge of these meetings. Country work solicited. Phone 1313 popular prices. . ' draw large congregations at the are. Harriett Gaylord, Helen M. Dr. Parker is the conference evan­ Will Not Be Responsible for Any Pacific State». Debts. We pay your admission to the church that evening. Berla, Mattie A. Nedry, Mamie Sut­ gelist for the United Brethern Jenson Powell and wife are in Gem Theatre. With every purchase , Church in Oregon. I will not be responsible for .«ny ton, Blanche Lucas, Veda Sapping ­ The newly elected county officials Further notice will be given rela­ from Seaside to spend the Christ- of one dollar we give you a ticket. contracted by my wife, Pearl F"a Wolfe, Katie Bauer, Cora tive to said meeting which will be­ debts will take office the first Monday in ton, 1 mas ho idays. C Hobson, after November 80. King A Smith Co. * I Finch, H. M. Cross, Ruth Burge. gin Jan. 5tb, M ark H obson , the new year, there being only two R. E. Jope, pastor of the CliriBt- J. E. ME ESH. Monroe, Wash Our genuine Alligator and Seal i changes, that of C. A. Johnson tak­ Mabel Noyes, Barney Hansen, Nel­ ian Church, is visiting Willamette ladies’ hand bags are absolutely as lie P. Blanchard, Fred E. Barne- ing the place of A. M. Hare in the 1 Valley towns. guaranteed or your money back, assessor's office and Geo. R. Edner mann, Minnie Desmond, Katie For Christmas If he smokes a pipe, Clough’s plough’s Guarantee. j Sheets, Leola Dunham, Hannah M. A fine driving horse six years taking the place of H. V. Alley as ' Nothing makes a nicer ’Xmas old, buggy and harness, nearly Meerchaum or Brier pipes make a Ranyard, Mrs. Archie C. Jennings, Frank Haberlach and family are county commissioner. suitable present. Earl B. Nedry, Maud M. Bidgood, present than a nicely finished, up- new, for $150. cash. Inquire of in from Clackamas at the home of As the first Monday in the new Mabel Ramsey, Georgis Sowers, to-date picture. We have a com­ Win. Phillips, Tillamook, Oregon. Wanted,—a six roomed Furnished his brother, Carl Haberlach, to __________ year does not come until the second Winnie Epplett, Gladys M. Beals, plete line of up-to-date styles in Box 368. house for the winter. Apply at the spend the holidays. week the newly elected county offi ­ Headlight office. • Allie Phillips, Mrs. Audie Stone, mountings, the finest ever brought Tonight Misses Nettie Smith, Florence cials will not take office until then, Gertrud"Schlappi, Helena Schlappi, to the city- Call and look them Tonight, if you feel dull und Housekeeping Rooms Furnished Laufman and Verna Seston, of Bay which will give Commissioner Al­ Ethel Thompson, Jennie Blanchard, over. Don't put off having your stupid, _,„t__ , or _ bilious and constiputsd, ’or Rent. See I. Parson, at the City, spent the week end in Tilla­ take a dose of Chamberlain's Tab­ ley an opportunity to serve on the Flora Edgar, Marie Garrow. sitting too long. Give us a chance Hotel Columbia. mook visiting friends. lets and you will feel alright to­ Board of County Commissioners on At a meeting of the City Council and we will not disappoint you morrow. For sale by all deal *rs. Christmas goods for everybody at The last Sunday evening of the the 2nd, 3rd and 4th January. M onk ’ s S tudio Lamar’s Variety Store. "Drop in year will be a Union service, under on Tuesday the following business Bring vour “ Grocery Guide” was transacted: Rejected an ordin­ snd look around.” Latest Prioes on the auspices of the W, C. T. U , at from " The Co-operative- Supply ance increasing the number of "Spooks” at thî Academy. Bring your chickens to the Tilla- the Presbyterian church. House” to us with your order, und saloons; adopted a resolution as to Tungsten (Mazda “o°k Meat Company's Market We Cigars of the best makes packed we will fill it at the same price for the cost of the sewer system and A musical end literary entertain­ Pav 13c, per pound. • in special boxes for the Holiday the same grade of goods. All we LAMPS. J- Edward left for Dundee this i trade from 12 to ,100 to a box at ask is that you do by us the same paving; passed an ordinance pro­ ment will be given atSt. Alphonsua $ .45 15 watts hibiting minors frequenting sa­ Academy next Monday evening, on account of the serious I right prices at Clough’s. .45 as you do with them. 25 watts loons; reduced the license of picture Dee. 23. and as these entertainments illness of his father. .30 —T illamook F eed Co. 40 watts Dick Duncan, brakeman on the shows from $80 to $50; and renewed are alwavs well worth attending, as •M. Doty, Of Ohjo C|oged a deaJ .»■6 60 watts P. R. A N.. received a badly- We have added two new lines to the licensee of the five saloon keep great’eare is taken in preparing the for the purchase oi of van Carl sprained arm Monday, by getting our Fountain Pen department and era. The city council also appro­ pupils, the citizens will be given 1(X> watts 1.00 a ‘» u week A Patilaf’a residenca. Frosted L'Amps five cents extra. it caught between two cars. all the pens we sell are guaranteed priated $100 towards the Stillwell another opportunity to participate p,'*!“ Rieienbenr left for Effective October lltiu Park. A number of citizen were unconditionally, full assortments of in a pleasant evening's enj »yment. Clough is as usual carrying the tend k " i’0ndBy wh«re she will at­ largest line of Cut Glass in the City each of the following makes, Conk­ present on account of the street and One feature is a comic dialogue, T illamook E lectric L ight ano tend business college F uel C ompany . including the standard makes, of lins’ Self-fillers, Moores’ Non-Leak- sewer assessments, but as a slight "Spooks," followed by a drill, en- able. Waterman’s Ideal, Swan’s error had crepped into the notice, usuri RcTr'K °d carry ’he Libby, American and Crystal. Clough Guarantee. They Mayor J. R. Harter and wife re­ and Rexall Fountain Pens. From thia matter had to be done over and the 30th the date set to hear objec- ■-ke fine Xmas present. turned from Portland on Tuesday, $1 to $10. The Tillamook Commercial Club tiona. where he had gone for the purpose PoH°r"” W'h1'« returned has sent an invitation to ths We are sorry to announce the Poland Monday where he from of disposing of Netarts property. has Oregon Butter and Cheese Mak­ death of George Eichinger, eon of transacting business The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ ers* Association to hold its an­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichinger, is in'rh***’ fr0,n C,l(rary. Canada, lows who haul anything, anywhere, nual meeting in Tillamook City which occurred on Sunday morn­ city with the .dea of mat any time. Office on Main Street, next year, which, no doubt, will be ing at their residence. It was only opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call O«« home in this county. gladly accepted, as thia is the ban- a few weeks since that he made ■ us by phone. Main «51. ner cheese producing county of trip toCalifornia and other place« Oregon. for the benefit of hia health» a»he' At the annual election o." officers waa troubled with tuberculosis. He for the K. P. lodge the following became worse while st 8pokane4(nd were elected: C. C., I. A. Richard­ his father went there and brought son; V. S., James Christensen; P., him home last week. The funeral J. L. Henderson; M. E., Henry took place on Monday, the religioua Rogers; M. F., Albert Plank; K. 3., aervicee being conducted by the A. T. Stillwell; M. A., John Znm- Rev. H. W. Kuhlman, at the M.E. stien; I. G., John Selby; O. G., Church, and the interment wee in «« IMKES: WARBHOU8K. Frank Cardiff; Trustees, E. J. < >ieng- the Oddfellows cemetery. Deceased FRONT STREET, BETWEEN «nd a «rd AVENUE WB8Ï er, E. W. Stanley and T. B. Hand- waa born at Norway, Kao., on the 2nd October, 1883, and waa aged 29 ley. years, 2 months snd 13 days at the J.AMOOK JOTTINGS Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint DAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, TlbUAfDOOK, OREGON. LAMB-SCHRADEK COMPANY. °Pop in and book flround » * i I I I