Tillamook Headlight, December 12, 1912 80 Tack Fitzpatrick .................... .. 9 00 included in the May Examination JOHN L HENDERSON, voters i..................................... 15 00 and all others thereafter Teachers T. E. Ashley registering voters 1 2J Ben Johnson... ..................... 1 M Jeff Fleck................................ . 16 75 should forward names of pupils H. M, Cross janitor................ The DecemH'r term of the School District No 6 rent....... 6 00 And. Peter«on............. ....... 12 (X) who are to write at least ten dsys ATTORNEY A COUNSEL ■ounty court «¡is held last week, D. C. Collier rent..................... 2 00 Nelsons Co., meh................ . 4 10 before date of examination. Respectfully submitted, ............................ . 19 25 rhen Judge Homer Mason, Com- J. J, Spencer..................... .... 12 25 Sid Smith LoR-AT-LAW. W. S. Boat, F. A Emery .......................... 36 50 niasionerg H. V. Alley and H. M. Bay. 50 County Superintendent. G W. Zaddach....................... . 42 ■artner were present. Thia will be S W Elliott.................................. 6 00 Em mil Larson......................... . 2 00 Tillamook Block, Til la nook, (>r. he last meeting of the present Robt Watt... .................. ...... 8 00 Bob Aldred ............................ . 15 00 Room No a6i. High School Note. 6 00 25 JT Nevins ........................... . . 16 Noah Hildebrand .................. iduiinistration, as Geo R. Edner 6 00 H B. Gresham ... ........... D A Simmons..................... .... 15 75 A very interesting and amusing ■tea the place of Commissioner J H Hicks.................................... 7 40 Joe Vanhove ....................... 13 75 . T. BOTTS, UJeyon the Board next month. E B Jacoby ....................... '. .. 0 00 S. W. Linkhart .......................- . 15 (X) program was rendered by the Em­ Felix Kebbe ....................... . 12 50 ersonian Literary Society at the Beaver. In the matter of deeds for county A ttornry - at -L aw . (i 00 Guy Thompson....................... oad», the following were accepted: I \V Hiner.................... 22 50 |8C^° o 1 *’o,1Be Friday afternoon. The Complete set of Abstract Boukt Bert Rittenhouse .............. . 6 00 W Bunn ................ ■'rom H. Tubbesing. Fred Zad- A 21 00, roll call of members wan answered 9 20 Erne«t Kebbe........... ............. P J Trobough....... .. 15 00. by quotations from Shakespeare, noB:.*. Tiad, the same was ordered S D Moon .................... • •• •—r — u C A McDonald............. 4 80 W. H. Hoskins, assist. Supt 19 50 A debate to determine whether to-, 4 50 D. S. Boyakin, meh.... .... Walter Cason................ 5 25 hacco or fashion were more injuri­ 4 50 Fred Zaddach Supt................ H V Welsh .................. 56 00 ous to society, whs won by the decip- C arl habkrlach 50 9 J J Hollett..................... I les of fashion. Trevor Hare explain­ I Work in R D. No. 2. Barnegat. 1 A. McNair Co., meh.............. 12 00 ed that a purchase of a new coat by a 6 30 A. K. Case, meh.................... 23 19 John A Bigga................ the same was rejected, and of ATTORNEY AT-LAW 4 50 C. S. Wells, work ................ 16 00 man’s wife. oftentimeh;'caused him M Giddings, the sum of 23 " ¡.s S W Grabel.................... 4 50 Ernest Knight..... ................... 3 00 to commit suicide, thereby injuring Paul Ratzburg............. nrdered refunded ; anti 4 80 Jeff Harris ............................... 4 50 his health, Thos. Coates said, that Tillamook Block H H Dicke.................... Rhodes, «8.39 was ordered re- F R Nicholls.................. 4 50 4 50 Carl Hunt.... ......................... whatever a coat may cost, some * 4 50 Arthur Keys............................ 3 75 George Higgins........... '“Se matter of W. E. Reynolds J. Bennett ............................... 132 75 use could be made of it, and also Carnahan. 75 since the adoption of the “Straight Q.EORGE WILLETT 6 50 F. W. Robitch ........................ 39 9 25 and others for a county road.^t I H Moore....................... Line’’ dresses, the health of the 4 50 H. B. Johnson......................... Elmer Hall ................... 26 00 wearer would be improved. Tobacco ordered that Geo. J - . • 4 50 Will Hadley, hauling............ G B Craine................... 20 00 A t tornky - at -L aw FAMILY Forrest Aye’s and R. O. R.chards Chas Desmond .......... 4 50 Tillamook Hotel Co .............. 5 50 explained Thomas, makes a man H. Nelson.................................. be appointed a board of county LC Goldsworthy.. .. .. 4 80 E. Musselman......................... 3 00 so nervous in his arms, that be can RECIPES 4 50 R. E. McFalls ....... .............. Tillamook Commercial Bnilding. road viewers. , Frank Reynolds.......... 10 00 hardly walk. Dolph. In the matter of the approval of 3 00 Roes McFalls.......................... Prof Baker, with the aid of sever« 3 00 4 50 T. R McFalls ....................... the plat of Bar View Heights, the Geo T Baxter .............. T illamook O rkgon . 16 50 al High School students, opened a Alvin Blum.............................. 90 10 F C Schmeltzer ............. ,a,ne was approved. The valued £ami;y re menagerie and already has' a few 17 50 4 50 ohn Proctor......................... HenryE. White ........... In the matter of the petition of E B Barthrop .............. 9 00 India rubber snakes, a frog, a turtle cr ea for cough and co<< 4 50 ohn Blum .............................. T. BC3AL8, M.D. 12 25 and other things too numerous too S. T. Childers for a county road, Carl F Shortridge....... 4 50 Leonard Burk ......................... cure, liniments, tonic* *- i 18 50 4 50 L. J. White.............................. J D Pearson............ . the same was ordered opened. mention. other remedies hare u 11 75 B obs Turner............................ Fairview. In the matter of the petition of The question that has been before PHYSICIAN & SURGEON C. R. Funk .......................... 19 00 careful attention here ca GO a D R Tinnerstet 1 T Woodward to blast logs from 8 75 the people of the United States for 8 CO A. Myers................................... M Abbianaip....... ........ the most intricate prescrip­ 4 25 F. Kilchis river, the same was John Morgen................ Reading ........ . . ................. a number of years, and a m«st im­ 6 00 TILLAMOOK. tions. 5 00 E. Patchin .............................. 6 00 granted. W E Noyes .................. 10 00 portant national question, was very ....................... 6 00 R Main?.. In the matter of the petition of Wm Maxwell.......... . . . . Tillamook Block. Our fresh, high 6 00 Win Berns................................. 27 50 ably discussed Friday evening by • V • W. E. Reynolds for a county road, Geo Tinnerstet.............. the Tillamook High School debat­ Work in R D. No. 3. I drugs will help to make Foley. the same was continued. Jim Lane ............................ ... 5 00 ing team and the Woodburn High these remedies more efec- 53 4 W H Sales....... Salaries. 4 00 School debating team, Woodburn G. W. Stiveison........................ M. KER RON, f tive than ever. 4 50 D. W. Gilbert & Sons, meh .. 17 00 ...133 33 Clay Daniel.................... J. C. Holden .................. 4 50 Long A Son, lumber ........... 47 11 won by a a :ore of 2 to 1. The Till­ ...75 0) S M-Batteraon.............. K. Mills.......................... 8 90 Frank Owen ....... ..................... 22 50 amook boys certainly ran a neck Right pricet are C jo ...50 00 C W Wilks..................... Vida Rogers • ........... 4 50 Peter Newberg.......................... and neck race with their opponents, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON .. . 49 00 D F Thompson ........... assured. 7 75 H. M. Farmer................ 4 50 Wilber Booth............................ 11 75 and at times it would seem as . 9 92 O A Loinmen .............. I. C. Bewley................. Tillamook Block, Garibaldi. 51 5) H. J Tohl .............................. 8 50 though Woodburn were about to H. V. Allez................... KM) (X) N McMillan .................. Homer .Mason................ 8 40 William Ward.......................... . 12 00 plunpe so far ahead, that it would 75 CO A S Bent...................... 16 50 J H. Johnson.................. 0 00 William Kodad..................... Tillamook, Oregon. CLOUGH, too 00 J M Harrison . .................... A. M Hare ........... ........ e 00 C. O, Ward................................ 13 50 be ini possible to overtake them, 83 33 P W Lingley-------------------- B L Beals........... ......... 6 oo George Symes .. ..................... 22 50 until one of the Tillamook team Reliable Druggist 83 33 Geo W Phelps ..................... 7 30 brought fourth some unlooked for 6 00 Cloverdale Mer. Co., meh... W. S. Buel ................... 75 00 R K Jackson.......................... C. A. Johnson................ I. W. Weiss A Son, lumber . 50 95 (5 00 fe C. HAWK, 45 00 W. D. Bodyfelt............. Myers A Son, meh.................. 15 40 argument, and again overtake Hoquarton. Benly Siam, the 133 33 H Crenshaw ................ * Baker, sup ......... .......... 48 30 their opponents. J.M. 4 50 Thos Coates........................... i natural born, orator, received such Miscellanous. Bridges, Roads, Etc. 4 70 Alex Watt.............................. 10 09 F S Whitehouse................... George Willett rent ....... Sonders, et al................ 71 00 applause when he closed his six PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 4 50 Barthotel Barg. Co. nierch. .. 2 67 J S Lamer.............................. Hadley A Co., lumber... 19 17 minute rebatal that it would have 3 00 ) 8. Lamar merch.................... 2 80 Carl Wallin.......................... Shieve, surveying ....... 47 00 done credit to a National states­ 3 00 I'illamook Herald printing. . 14 00 Wm Bodyfelt......................... bay city , oregon . 3 (X) U. G. Jacksoil, surveying.... 67 55 Vern Baine and Erwin J. C. Holden freight .............. 2 57 H F Goodspeed..................... 4 50 Geo. J. Boysky, survej'ing .. 97 70 man. E D. Snodgrass work............. 2 00 S A Brodhead ....... ............... 6 50 Nehalem Saw Mill.................... 222 08 Schneulle, with only a few days 59 C B Vantress....................... Commercial Stable.................. 4 53 practice which they had, are very Road Viewers. Grant Mills nierch.................... 6 15 S B Whitehouse.................. 3 00 Fred Zaddach......................... R. BEALS, 8 00 promising orators as well as de­ Glass & Prudhornme nierch 127 30 F W Christensen.................. 3 00 A. Evans .................................. M 25 * The three above mention­ Pacific Tel. Co........................... 27 75 C E Mowrey........................... 3 00 Whitman Lamb....................... 38 75 bitors. B D. Lamar merch................. 2 2b composed the Tilla- ed students Hebo. REAL ESTATE, C. Stedman .............................. 23 75 Commercial Stable.................. 38 00 Woodburn was rep- mook team. 10 40 . Coroner’s Inquests. Tohl & Anderson merch......... 12 60 Frank Worthington........... I resented by Arlie Walker, Chester h on F inancial A gent , Tillamook Electric Light Co.. 40 43 J I McGinnis....................... Y” • Wm vg-B*a x>aixjp Campbell, ’MV4i) deceased Dolan & Hannenkratt............. 1 152 00 Chas McKillip....................... - Hawk " ■ coroner............ .. 12 85 Vincent and Alpha Gillette. Ben 8 W W. C. ). H Tucker hauling............. T5C Geo Worthington................. 6 “2 B. F. Barrett reporting and [Stani opened and closed the argu- Tillamook, Oregon. A M Meyer.......................... E. W. Stanley Justice Center 2 22 transcript.................................. 19 transcript ment for the affirmative and Arlie L—.... case .................................. 4 90 Frank Owens................. . 6 00 C. H. Durst.................................. 6 10 i Walker of Woodburn for the nega- Little Nestucca. Circuit Court. ■ W. H. Frink................................ 6 with'thejpnt'hlem .>Cf- ayiag Hsrnews H. GOYNE, 13 00 C. L Royal.................................. 6 10 tive. The question debated was, L D. Brown sten. fee........ ... 10 00 T. R. Wilson........................ ri'u'nl;|find it dfavnrtly siracta. That the Electoral Todd Hotel tneala.................... 4 50 J. W. Hellenbrand............ 6 00 D. V. Brooks.............................. 6 10 Resolved : Mrs. G. --- Tillotson ..................... 1 geoua to come and de yocr nelrrt. H. E. Follett......................... 6 00 .-- j---- -- H. T. Botts professional ser­ College be abolished and the Presi- 1 6 00 1. Houser.. A ttornky - at -L aw . vice« ................ .................... 40 00 S. R. Rock..................... ing here You will get the beet 1 ¡JO I dent of the United States be nomi- .. 6 00 ____ Miss Edith Edith Bogue. 1 C. M Vidito meals................... 4 50 W. H. Christensen ... qualities. Ibe most thorotigh ax>8 00 1 nated and elected by the direct vote fi Chas. Fox....................... 6 00 M. F. Leach.............. Office : Opposite Court House. co-.i«, :enliov.« w. rkraar ship at? to uroia and Witnesses, 5 60 of the people. Cloyd Dawson was ij. M. Selby ............. a tinier........................... 12 40 Nehalem charged the most reason a Nr pr.'W , . Henry Rogers........... aan presiding officer, and A. Dawkins A. S. Tilden............................... 30 00 H. F. Effenberger .... T illamook , O rkoow . - ¿J! J- A. Illingsworth . We can supply single or C. L. Alley................................. 30 00 Wm. Tubbesing.......... 5 60 °* Woodburn and Ralph Moore of 137“U'G- JackBO"........... Robt J. Watt ........................... 24 20 J. P Munsinger ......... Sets or any «trig e arto.t that ».n J___ , Tillamook were timekeepers. The E. L. Kinnaman....................... 27 60 W. H. Effenberger.... 7 50 may tefin need cf. Total..................................... 1120 25 judges were J. M. Brown, of Neha- C. A. Svenson.......................... 12 40 P. E. Allen ................. 7 50 50 R. P. J. SHARP, The court rejected a bill for >18 (X) Jem. Editor Cotton of Bsy City, and G H. Poland............................ 24 20 F. A. Rowe .................. 7 W. A. Williams ACo Edgar Munson ........................ 24 20 for fares from Tillamook toWheel-' jMr. Bonnamsn'from Heaver. After Netarts. er and return Dee Tomlinson............. ....... 24 40 the debate the Tillamook students Ven Ion, tn ■ >»■»»« Fmat Alex Watt ................................. 24 20 James A Biggs ......... 0 10 Fred H. Snyder, deceased. RESIDENT DENTIST, 4 50 W. C. Hawk coroner.................. 11 00 entertained the Woodburn boys at J. J. Hollett ............................ 29 (X) Chas. Lee..................... , the Commercial Club Rooms, when Office across the street froir th« F. S. Foster...... ........................ 30 40 B. O’Hara......................... 4 50 George H. Root, stenograph­ A. A. Yager .................... I. H. .Moore.............................. 28 4 50 er. . ® 2?.refreshments were served, game* 00 r Court House. Wesley Rush .......................... 25 61 M. J. Cone......................... 4 50 O. A. White...... played, and a good time enjoyed oì L C. Miller............................... 30 1 C. E. .Morrison.. Sandlake. 00 Dr. Wise’s office. ____________ N. McMillan.............................. 26 40 Peter Newberg................. 1 00 by all •A. C. Anderson a latrßcuf 70 8 M J. Edwards. ..................... 24 20 U, S. Edwards................ . 1 00, 4 50 F. A. Rowe ... Trios. Kellow ................ 1 00 DBMENT’S BEST FLOUR E I- Rector.... E. R. Hays ..................... 28 00 4 50 E. M Bales............................... 1 00 20 C Atkinson....................... 4 50 H. W. Tohl............. aM kwif kwn nt rwp aui* w3 ftaà James Hunt................................ 12 1 00 H. C. Randle...... 8ARCHET, I^o V, Wilson ................ 12 80 4 50 la a Prixe Winner. Wm. Tinnerstet ...... 1 00 Albert Zimmerman. yoa dn and .rnmtartab» c *oa vwm a J. R, Thompson ............. 25 40 4 50 . The Fashionable Tailor. E. H. Lane .............................. 30 00 South Prairie A A. Imlali.................. TOWERS FISH BRAND At the Union Cooking School re­ 17 20 D. Fitzpatrick-------..... Verner Holden...... 6 oo Information Concerning tile cently hold in Walla Walla all 12 SO C.eatiing, Pressing and Repav ­ REFLEX SUCKER G. C. Vaughn ................. A. M. Commons ............. 2 Eighth «rade Final Exami 1st prizes for bread, cake, pies and 31 00 H. B. Johnson.................. Thos. R Monk............. w-rth fawirwy* Rr-fir » F dm* f w« ing a Specialty. 24 20 E. J. Geinger................... 600 nations. doughnuts were won by users of w»*** bri» rwnrtrna •* « Claude Lewallen2 ecoi- 7 • 28 60 F. L. Buell....................... Eirtffrtn/».-. N«- WH r/WM nr av •> GO . « r% ’ 6 oo 6. B Lamb......................... Dement’s Best Flour, in competi­ N.« Sli'+r* »*i «■»flrp’M, 'W’»,. !» »«.“• : 12 20 T. W. Lyster..................... 6 (I, 1.—D ates ■_________ S» »re in Heins Photographic m »npe'wwnr» •• rh* ju«* Chas. Desmond................ I,,,’, tion with other local flours. (a) January 16-17, 1913. 26 00 tìat »MM/n m ÌU n and h» r -eoftmiì ha fam H. Hoskins ................... Tillamook. I (b) May 8-9, 1913. 3 ID Prize winners were: I-ayer Cake, Gallery. ^•^•Christensen........ H. T. Botts ..................... 3 00 (c) June 5-6. 1913, $3.00 Evrryyrher» 3 20 Mrs. W. A. Bratton, 570 Boyer Ave. ; J- E- Zimmerman...................... 3 20 Geo. P. Wilt..................... 3 00 _ (d) September 4 4, 1913. Loaf Cake. Mrs. Arthur Stockton, SA7WK. T1.V» CAARANTMÏ» A- M. Austin ....... M. V. Stillwell . 3 ^2 2— P rogram :J 3 20 213 E. Cherry; Pie, Mrs. E C. Mills, Harrison Booth .... R F. Zachman _____ 3 20 J. CLAUSSEN, 3 720 University; Doughnuts, Mrs. » A. J. TOWER co ■ B Powell ...... ........ Geo- 3 03: (a) Thnraday—Physiology, 3 23 E D. Hoag E. W. Wilson, 418 Boyer Ave. John Sheets............. BOSTON K < A. H. ” ~ Harris • LAWYER, 3 qq graphy, History and Civil Govern- 3 30 Abroad as well as at Home. R. Roberts...... P. W. Todd. .......................... . 3 qq ment. 3 20 Charles Murphy () q (b) Friday—Grammar, Spelling, The following explains itself: F L. Sappington.... 3 00 9cut«cltrr JIbDtfhrtl. Jeff Fleck... ................... 10 00 J. S. Stephens ......... OO Arithmetic and Agriculture. Underwood, Wssh., Oct. 12, ’12. 6 40 Chas. Fleck .2.. 7’" Dement Bros., Portland, Ogn. Howard Edmunde . 3 00,3 — SOURCM OF QUMTIONS : 5 60 Earl Cochran tij Tillamook Block, 3 001 (a) Agriculture—Stevens, --------- Burkett Dear Sirs: I received first prize 9 20 W. G. Dwight......... Renj S. Via ".'.’.'.’.".*'7' on best loaf of yeast bread, made 3 Q0 A Hill. 4 20 E. J. Claussen........... D- T. Edmunds. O r * m > n 10 00 Union. T illamook (b) Arithmetic—Practical Arith­ from your Dement’s Best Flour, at A17 Kdn,un Grammar—Buhler’s F J CHRNBV A CO., Tried«. O 8 20 W. Modern A. Lomtnen . . ............ Longcor, Bay City ,, 6 00 English Grammar, no diagraming. We, the underaigned. have hanwn F J 2 a ohn i > Myera A. Biggs, Jr., Barnegat „ 4 50 Follow Outline as given in State Cheney for the last id year«, and heller’ 2 33 . lane pnnkEklot ...... . him peefrctly honorable In all buefnee» A Morning Reminder. Wilke, Netarts ,, 4 50 3 20 g «. Ward ......................... Course of Study. tranaactlona and flnancially nhlr to carry Booth, Fairview ,, 6 00 out aar obUaatloae made hy hie Arm. * J* Richards ....... ............. 2 jo H. (g) Physiology — Graded Lessons Bodyfelt Hoquarton,. 6 00 in Physiology and Hygiene, Krohn. You awake with a maan. naafo 7 30 Wm. NATIONAL MAXK OF COMMKRt K. Bill Kimball, Tillamook ,, F J Ayer.......... fl (X) Toledo. O. 7 20 Emil taste in the mouth, which irmina* (hl Reading — The teccher will Larsen, S. Prairie T „ County poor. 6 00 send to the County Superintende.nt Hall « catarrh Curr la taken laiernallr you that your stomach u in a had C. E. Pearson, Carnahan ,, 4 50 the applicant's class standing in actins directly an»n the blood and m<> condition. It should also remind W ">erch. .. 3 CO E. Atkinson, Sandlake eoua anrfacea of the «yatetn leatliaonlale 4 50 reading which will tie taken by Beat free Price TA rente per bottle. » • v ¡1 G|adwell merch Sold Tillamook Feed Ct, merch.. .7 2 lo F. Jackson, Beaver tou that there is nothing so good 6 00 such J* superintends nt as the ap­ by all Drnggteto 15 T. up il», «yrtvat, «o4»t Mt««v 6 00 munahip aa indicated by manu­ .S”*1 »*11 work I will not be restxjnaible for any In rwiar* natural rmtdtHi*. ami ara a» 1 50 Work in R. D. No. L votes Rowe regwtering script in Grammar lexeme ronuanwi »y my wur, i debts contracted by wife, I ’ esrl «■■Ml* In tbvirarttnn I Kat an« M . Al Juhra......... . ........................ 16 25 Note. -The examination in Agri-10, Hobson, after Novemlwr ■' ia«a a mndw-tn. waa lakn« t ka. Iwda.n • *»her j. Ixigu« regiMering 2 00 W D. Carlson........................ 9 25 culture will not lie given for the I M ask II ohsom , TaMat« am «aid awry wham I'm. .0* C. V. Struby ........................... 2 25 January Examination, but will be* Monros, We County Businee: H I f I I I ! VI I. [HARNESS’ ¿ E J ’ a T'K." J 7.7 ...... 7/. 1