I 9 Tillamook Headlight, December 12, leía T HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO. "Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headligr* WILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CLAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shoz.,-. y - «• I —1 This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks maybe obtained at the Tillamook Headlight offu.* at Maw p.- nington & Co.’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting advertising proporitism ever haid ■ amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Upright PARLOR GR A *»/> Pf ■ S Hozv to Get Vote Tickets How to Get l ote 7 icketA With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON & CO.’s STORE voles will be giveu—ioo votes FOR EVERY DOLLAR’S WORTH PURCHASED. W:tJk erer? yitaw'.^ «U mw J|<1W .»m T.u Heart..gii! acesto^aiRert * _ n dash. L«i be gives. Tlct 1 jç- •. vici '..-,» muerr. urinn pay for at — .1.1 - is y -.»i btntr «.-tesnr» ’i vi ’art li wt job pr.ulisjf— SCA> .»‘.rgs Ù1.Ç moil uu'iit* pail «n "It!..- " ad vert: HBg otr jr.a .1-^. 1 ' erutitiq nerrhanik tt 7'11* tn 00k. ijerj'».» pacsw ima« T’.ie u'iliitnunM -rpudliisLt iato they w.Il le p~f* » mi .it» • ire-i v’len '.it-.- nv m of their «eouncBiJ Sd-i "lie wsr vi'.’ u i?r 'cues . u IK MbxcnpCxom ba tie ^*9** .le »'Merlili«» »1 -vue* 1 r» roach great.*? ivc rui-icr itmn aun nr in v* in ih » »to' .C h a»gpxs ■aiiiamurloni •&. 'tur trill be swypr-jed bvts Head’rgit if yoc try. C’tuten M fa a *WS- Votes in tile same proportion will also b<- given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of onr friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent ’s Clothing and Furnishing, ‘Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest w'll be May i, 1913. Cutout Coupon below aud present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure votes. I The TilLaffffartk .“«a»t. 4 ti île pt im-er wrtn-TLU'wr* of T:’.h»x* C-ytxt*» •»iteti fan .le last '.ventt have bees bccestiig iic the J1.1T’ ut’c iesu ntj and ocaer tasMweMeurj. NOMINATION BL AN Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest Cut this Coupon cut and bring to ♦ » Mason, Pennington & Co. It will Count 25 Votes. FF .1»» uimiiiuitun :cstoz: oa lie Ca*a.:n. J unii ¿.lnitst. ïhese »30 w acet No. 1 Name of Contestant will not be known. 2. No name of candidate* will be pub­ lished. 3, Every Contestant ¿jets 2,000 votes to start with. 4. Every Contestant get* a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Healligjkt- 6, All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­ ten on. 8. Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top * .; 9. Color of Certificates will be changed each month and must be recorded before change IO Votes are transferable only before recording. 11. Contestant having the largest number of votes on May 1, lgl3, wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT WORTH WORKING FOR. Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the ▼ Administrator’s Sale. The drunkard will have none of me. The heavy drinker says “no” when m\ name is mentioned. The man who craves rough strong whiskey passes me by. All this is as it should be as I mvself would wish it. I am not for them. all the right, title, interest and estate which said defendants Wil linm G. Willett, Elizabeth Willett, George G. W illett, Lena B. Willett, J. J. Gee and H. C. Ellis, and all persons claiming under them, sub­ sequent to the execution of the said ! mortgage from the defendants Wil- i lett to the plaintiff John Krebs on I the 4th day of May, A. D. 1910, in, of and to said lands and premises particularly described in said niort-1 gage and said decree and said writ . of execution and the said premises hereinbefore mentioned are describ- . ed in said execution as follows, to-! wit: Beginning at a point 5.18 chains East of the North-west corner of ¡ the South-west quarter of the North­ west quarter of Section Twenty-six (26), Township Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) West, Willamette Meridian, Or., thence (Var. 21degs. E ), South 10.00 chains; thence East 8 00 chains ; thence North 10.00 chains ; thsnee West 8.1O chain to Notice of Final Account the place of beginning containing N otice ib H ereby G iven .—That 8 acres, more or less. Also, A strip of land and water the underaigned has filed in the t Onntj Court of Tillamook Count)*, right beginning at a point North Oregon, hie final account a. aelonging to Fredric« Briody. gress struck a new note in Ameri ­ our ever-expanding trade balance*, 1 ’Uatuook City, Oregon. lying on the North side of Arstell can state papers. The entire docu­ which, he any., can be directly H. T. B otts , Adnnmatrato»-, with the will Creek in Sections 26 and 27, Town­ ment ia devoted to a discussion of traced to thia increasing cfticienc» ship Four South of Range Ten our relations with foreign govern operating under the maximum sad annexed, of the Estate of \\ eat of W illamette Meridian To-, John C. Mangan gether with a right to use «aid pro- 1 ments Domestic affairs are dis­ minimum clauses of the Payee Deceased. petty of said Briody above «Jew cussed only as they are involved Aldrich turili law. **IL»« great Sheriffs Sa e of Real Property cribed for the purpose of logging and included in a consideration of have been the result« ol thia ',rt Pending, where-' Te,'? West . - the ---- Willamette ....... .. ... t. ' untouched, along with ninny other alike to idenllatlc hiruanita.ian ^llitem^wm Plain»iff» °^°”' containing One questions usually figuring, under aentltnrul, to the dictate, ol aonud left X™ Elisabeth Wil. ."?d,ed a,nd sixty acres. (All situ- long established precedent, in .itch policy and alrsk-gy, and to legit* let I 1 r‘,eG' w»'etL Jena B Wil 1a,£d.'T ™Jamook County, Oregon) 1 mute commercial alma. It •• an fen Un». e ?nd C Kilis were d<-' , ,d Hs,le being made subject to communications. It is underatiaid effort frankly directed to the in- to be the preaident'» purpose to 1favor of plaintiff and rT‘}e*’*P»ton in the manner pro­ e^ut’ f‘a, ud IU defendant. de‘end»nt., by vided I>v which whi.r, v «ded by law law. deal with these internal affairs in it »reuse ot American trade, upon the command^ to sell1 « “• 2 2Hth day of November, this supplemental paper. Otherwise bi* I axiomatic principle that the departure from the tpreecdent and eminent of the I’nitad State, "ball H. C renshaw , I randY.“'»,he of Six’ Th >u- ’ Sheriff Sheriff of Tillamook County, convention might Ire a delicate bit ' extend nil proper euppoit t<> evet « Oregon. of irony expressing hi. conviction Irgilmntr and beiirfl ini Amati» »1 Doll.r. “? . ■n'1 -’AK« egun by a chaff on the threshing lloor. Or, majority of Amen- .»•• who t»»l»e,a Ik ‘um. t21r’i,e” which ■”»! prominent New York physicians. with art O[>po.ition party about Io in It There »'an be no ah.l'engw re. *" " ’•» °» ,he "don’t"'' which ^h’per’cent ,r>,e,t"’ ” ,he r9"- «if Mr. Tait', clear .1 itemrat »«< Ute the doctors .ay will prevent the an­ take < harge of government It may »be 2lth ’ div » . “nnum from nual visitation of the cold: have b*en his intention to art out rrc»ir»l of III. a«tmlHla1tai*»m »n •?«< tiethU winA^'’ ,,b‘’®,'» in a draughty car.” in the moat striking way posaiblv Mexico, where a limai Inin« *n»l «•bnrtomem, ° ?' co”" «"«I ^Dpn’t sleep in hot rooms." rnuoTyl" .»“L d 7"» ,a*ed «» the broader features of the policy Irritating alfu.timinacy ha. exl.te.l execntCX1 I .m r’*n?'n»- »< "»id* •!» »Il two year. 1 in China, •'▼creating reduce*» versed. your re«i«t* DecenXV »U .°" f"' d»>, °» • nve ’* in it anil reaoiirfiiliie.x hart l»eea elm-».l This is »loos. In the measag-*, Vvioch to ew s ?! the of lo To which we would add-when ■killful and convincing way B* equally requite»! tor th» pr»»moH.m ‘loor of the Crntmt C-7 ” îl’* Fron' ¿"ke " co,d *el r,d ®< “ •• T'IUmook c? !y 9?ur» Hour- ie ginning with a statement of ilia de of American Intereata In the efixah , JnL, ’ .J ” I — To accornp- midi. _______ '."»>7 ?"»“"• a*li •urtam to the highest .¿J , >°1' w‘” fln,i < hamlwr veiilfim.nt of lite merit system of . of » »nfltcting international inter er cash .in »ñ àT"a”* *"* ,4“rr»eat I '»'•« ;r ' ■“ • ■•xb Remedy mo.! excel- appolnment and promotion and. <»ta . In Nlcara gna. In Cuba v ,o h*“0 «0 the day ot - ’ • •*«», Je°t. sold by al! dealer*. Io the diplomatic Strvice, attd the I N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That by virtue of an order duly made by t»>e County Court of the State of Ereg-on, for Tillamook County, in the Matter of the Estate of Harry Wingate Cottle, deceased, dated November 27th, 1912, the under­ signed, administrator of said estate, ♦ill after the 30th day of December, 1912, sell at private sale for cash the following described real pro­ perty belonging to said estate, situ ate in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit ; Lots rine (9) and ten (10) of Block five (5) of the town of Bay City. Offers will be received at the office of the administrator at Tilla­ mook City, Oregon. • Dated this November 27th, 1912. H, T. B otts . Administrator, with the Will annexed, of the Estate of Harry Wingate Cottle, Deceased. ::ihss4" xffiB3;^.and *«<» '*«*■*" hknkfi r* that tc< mitt* It! 11 on the iMbma»* ^cT»*w»ma strew* upo* tb* we*» - t> epmg cl*«e» aa»J karirc« • ” non* with Cewrrw *r ca* c«*t*tr«e* aw4 nm.«■/»»■ ,->Nqnit»»MX* i»»Ae- VH' *» r»r * trine H» W»e Csrvi'Mv*s None ot th»» .♦ .X*»- • leng-e-t tad m.».h #1 .v»«» a rvxxwd Awe a.'Ww o e» > «ill be .-bsi./Mre.l »* i> » • cal grv-jwd b» tabs* »-M be 1 AMwetom •»■»• » *’'r the re»-» meat th»’ *•'** e* «tv act iwar-sb! ■ » ttvv. Ihateww1*’'^« Stretches the M a *w (achole -w»r rc . dun»« H» pax HiVr-w' do which ahe (Vtwu wiwe "» be ,* atta, h» -d l'amo vm as •h.» Hunk the «. sbe*» «•» ever <,» «* th»« •».' • »•* b, Mr «*>»» / ■ ■ »*» » affhtt !«*» W * * iw Nowdwiwa M tn all (dvdditnMx * ••»‘I bz him lt'»d *c*»cd« csa l.»t annual me »a* *** «'onere*» with **« » am'»-*«*»*« •* cto.v >• e likvlv to he «• >•*•*»•■'*»»' •’ the »»♦»,»•* a* S'*»’ f t a mi1 it» »hi» lr »»hi a th' f ' ■•* A’ - ' »*■ 1 •• V I < »M X mr •.•*?» ttw ■h’«’ I y W< « a > ai k MV.U ..... FmltluMV «• .ewqo'* »"**-1 *» I AW < •• OsVSMff «r * f