TillaæooU Headlight, December 12, W8 I will retire with clean hands and I , clear conscience of having per­ ]J«U At»VE»TlSBNENTS: formed a public service faith­ Fits! ln*ertion. |*r line ♦ » fully and impartially. Whether »ubaeqiwnt insertion. Iinr 5 i it was wise to make a change Huoiiie*» and professional cards, 1 month ............... 1 OH is questioned, but it was the Hume«lea and given authority to make short time loans in cases like this. Teacher’s Examinations Build youj home from lumber Notice is hereby given, that the County Superintendent of lilla- mook Comity, will hold the regular examination for state and county paper» al Tillamook City, in the bought here and thm circuit court room, at the court manent satisfaction / house, an follow»: from the many reWir FOR STATE PAPERS. always follow the e»eof Commencing Wednesday, Dec- ember 18, at 9 o’clock a.m., and unseasoned lumber, continuing until Saturday Decem­ our lumber and be don« ber 21, 1912, at 4 o’clock p.m. than to buy poorer and thmi Wednesday forenoon, writing, continually p«ying for V. S. History, Physiology. Wednesday afternoon, physical The beat ia alwayi th« < geography, reading, composition, methode in reading, methods in Arithmatic. . Thursday forenoon, arithmatic, history ot" education, psychology, methods in geography. Thursday afternoon, grammer, geography, American History, Entered us second class mail mat­ The "Department” system physics, methods in language, ter July, 1888, at the poet office at saloons put the lid on and those thesis for primary certificate. Tillamook, Ore., under the act of Friday forenoon, theory and places were closed up Sunday, March 3, 1879. practice, orthography, English which is an outcome of the re­ Literature. I cent election in this city. It Friday afternoon, school law, was a move in the right direc ­ botanv, algebra, civil government Tillamook Ijra&Iigbt, A Saturday forenoon, geometry, tion, for if the saloon keepers geology. expect to keep in business they Saturday afternoon, general his­ must strictly comply with the tory, bookkeeping. Editorial Snap Shots. law That is what the business Produced exclusively from] Yours truly, W. S. BUBL, { men and cit'zens will insist up- Choicest and most carefull» County Superintendent. L’ncle Sam will be a competi­ 1 on them doing in future. All selected. Teachers v/ho desire to have their ti - with tlie express companies desire to see a progressive, present certificates renewed with­ BLUE STEM WHEAT tl. ti.ai f the vear. moral,up-to-date, business city, out taking the examination, should Of which every grain is thoJ and all should get together with give notice in writing to this office at once that the proper application ughly cleansed, washed anddrid It is about time that the tax that end in view on a common blanks may be forwarded you. rational platform. Let every ­ payers of this city were given Certificates may be renewed once, ‘‘ART FLOUR" is a better milled patent^ when holder has taught success­ a rest in t>eing taxed every year body take a pride in making this an attractive city for visit ­ fully for six months. Renewals than any other SOFT WHEAT flour on the mark! for the water system. should be made at the time of the ors, investors at»d manufactur­ examination. Applicants are not (TILLAMOOK FEED CO., TILLAMOOK,« ing industries, and by doing so There is some little difference 1 required to appear but the fee of enp «All? rv J PKIZ & KIRSCHOFF, TILLAMOOK,OR. If some of our citizens would in a friendly spirit, great pro­ amongst the dairymen regard­ $2 rUK bALh BY ■> MEYE r * SON, HEHO, OR must accompany the applica­ put as much vim in boosting gress will be the result. Let ing a model dairy farm, not but tion blank. (D. S. BOYAKIN, NEHALEM. OR tl ■ city as they did in the city those who have had a grouch what they admit that it would W. S. Buel. - County Sup’t. • ie. tion, the city could not help or were inclined to “knock" be a splendid educator, but it is developing with so many boost- turn boosters from now on. the cost of maintenance and - rs shouting and working. A scientific combination of East­ Tillamook City has a splendid who is to foot tlie bill is what Informrtion and Source of future before it and the way to is perplexing some of the dairy- j Examination Questions for ern Hard Wheat and Western Soft Which of tlie pareti streets in bring this about is to pull to­ men. It may be that it could' December 1912. Wheat. be placed on a paying basis, but the residence district is going gether and work. 1. Arithmetic—One fourth from the we hardly think this could be to look best with dahlias piant­ ‘‘FISHER’S BLEND" is the best for uni­ Course of Study and Colgrove ; eti in the parkings the coming versal use. It bakes more and larger loaves The parcels post goes into 1 done right off. Here is a point three-fourths from Smith. summer ? Let everybody do effect the first of the year, and raised by the progressive dairy­ 2. Civil Government—Strong and bread per given quantity than any other Schafer. something to beautify the*city although it is sure to be a suc­ men who have gone to the ex-’ brand. Whether for bread, biscuits, cake or and make it attractive, for there cess and will crowd additional ■ pense and trouble to inform 3- Geography—One-fourth from the pastry, it is the dependable Course of Study and Colgrove ; is going to be large number of work on a large number of post­ themselves of * the best methods. three-fourths from Redway and “ Perfect All-Purpose Flour visitors next summer to this masters, and city and rural They do not think they should Hinman. city. mail carriers, we are inclined help to furnish money to educate 4. Grammar—One-fourth from the Price, $1.60 per 49-lb. Sack. Couree of Study and Colgrove; to think that on account of the those who have been less dili­ three fourths from Beuhler A b the County Court greatly fact that all fourth-class matter gent. We believe that a model These brand manufactured by 5 History—One-fourth from Course reduced the outstanding in­ bearing the ordinary postage [ dairy farmin this county sbould MORE per Sad of Study and Colgrove ; three- Fisher Flouring Mills Co. debtedness of the county last stamps will I m * treated as “held be maintained by the State and fourths from Doub. LESS per Loaf] “ America ’ s Finest Figuring Mills, ’ ’ year, which curtailed somewhat for postage” will cause some under the supervision of the 6. Orthography — One-fourth from Course of Study and Colgrove; road work all over the county, inconvenience until such time State Agricultural College. All Seattle, Washington. three-fourths from Reed’s Word there will lie more money avail­ as the people become educated , must admit that the college is Lessons. able next year for road work. It that in availing themselves of 1 a splendid institution for mak 7. Physical Geography, Tarr’s New . Physical Geography. is the desire of the officials to the parcels post they must ing experiments, but itsuseful- I------------ . ------- put the county on a cash basis, procure distinctive parcel post , ness would be greatly enhanced 8. Reading—Courae of Study and Colgrove. 1 SIDNEY E HENDERSON, mid we tielive that this meets stamps. Why there should be by establishing small experi- 0. School Laws of Oregon 1911 edi- JOHN LELAND HENDEJ with general approval. tion. Secretary! stamps of different breeds we i mental stations in different sec­ President. What is 10. Theory and Practice, Colgrove. Attorney at-Law and N* do not know, unless it is to tions of the State. “ The Teacher and The School.” Public. Probably the best way to prevent the use of a large num­ suitable for one section is not 11. Writing—Course of Study, Col­ suitable for other sections. For tier of stamps of small denomi ­ grove and the Outlook Writing make the saloon keepers con­ duct their business according nation on parcels or to distin­ 1 instance. Tillamook county is 12. System. Algebra—Wells : Algebra for to law is for the City Council guish it from other mail. AH an ideal dairying section, with Secondary Schools. to come to an understanding parcels must bear the imme of soil and climatic conditions 13. Composition—Herrick and Da­ mon. that when applications are the senders, otherwise they will totally different from that of the American, New­ im.de to renew saloon licenses, not lie accepted for mailing. Willamette Valley and Eastern 14. Literature, comer’s American Literature those who violate the law in This, no doubt, is made imper­ and Southern Oregon, and for and Classics. ttie future will not lie granted ative so that the parcel can be that reason all the experimental 15. Physiology, Krohn. stations and- bulletins issued returned should it remain Uli- 1(1 Psychology. Read: An Intro­ a renewal. The City Council therefrom in other parts of the duction to Psychology. (INCORPORATED» is so constituted that it can do called for after 30 days. 17. Bookkeeping, Office Methods | Mate would not be suitable for this and the people of tlie citv ! If our Granger 18. and Practical Bookkeeping would uphold them. Some persons think the snap this county. Botany. Bergen Elements of {friends would frame a bill with Botany. shot man made a mistake when sufficent funds for small experi­ 19. Geology, I.e Conte. The I*. R. Ac N. jumping off he called attention to the cam­ mental stations in different 20. Geometry. Wentworth. place for passengers in this city paign of scandal in the recent parts of the State, to be man­ 21. History, General, Meyers’ Gen­ However that eral History. TILLAMOOK. 01 is a disgrace, for when they city election. aged by the Agricultural Col- 22. History of Education, David­ BOTH PHONES. make the jump they are just as may I m * we care little. When . lege, we believe it would meet son liable to land in the mud as we see some of our best citizens with approval by the State legis- 23. Literature, English, Newcomer1« English Literature and Classics anywhere else, especially when maligned and alCmanner of lies ' lature. The school.* of the Sta*e the train arrives after day light and scandal circulated about {are closed three days so that 24. Physics. Millikan and Gale: A First Course in Physics. h is vanished If the Southern them, it is the duty of the Press ‘ teachers can attend institutes, Classics for December, the same ”*aj«3(ic Kaa£«*s sfasci the fest Pacific officials can’t do better to criticise that kind of tiling, and teachers draw pay while for the American and English Liter­ And Cock und Bake and are the besL no matter whether it is indulg­ ature. we move that they borrow a they talk “shop,” and if the ed in by the saloon people, the No. 1761. Autocrat of the Break ­ gang plank from the steamer farmers would get in and pull fast Table. Riverside Lit Series. Sue H. Eltnore, which would “dry” advocate or Church peo­ the legs of the legislators the Houghton. ple. It was wrong and no one be some improvement, and the No. 1688. Cranford. Illustrated same as tlie teachers have done traveling public, especially Till- with any honor can can justify they would be equally success­ pocket classics. MacMillan. No. 9&J The Making of an Amer- uinookers, would be able to defaming and pulling down tr.e ful in having small model dairy lean. MacMillan standard librarv characters of our leading citi­ find their (rearing*. } ’ zens who happen to run for farms and experimental farms Gross. One-Year State Certificates.— Re­ public office. Yet it is custom­ established in different parts of quirements: An examination upon Some of our citizens are not ary to do so in political cam­ the State, which would be of the first eleven subjects. General' TN OLDEN DAYS, when — • 75 ’«---- ... quite satisfied with the way paigns, but the system is wrong. great benefit, for it is scientific average per cent, minimum 00 , • a cook stove, people w®* **' .farming which is the most suc ­ peJ ce"‘, '«■ Renewable once things are shaping themselves It is surprising to us that citi­ the one they could get the dmf® when holder has taught six months I I in the Port matter. It seems zens, who respect their good I cessful and profitable. successfully. Fee $2.00. Should be that’s because there were ««“L to us that it would I m - a wise name and standing in the com­ renewed at the time of retrular ex­ few makes on the market amination. thing for till the timber men munity, allow themselves to be Cauae of Insomnia. were all practically the s*®* I Five Year Stste Certificate.-Re ­ and a committee from tills drawn into a city election when construction and material. The moat common cattar of it)- quirements: An examination upon * ne uiuwi vommon vaine county to get together mid agree they know that scandal mongers I *_____________________ .......... the first sixteen subjects. General »omnia ia disorders of ____ the _ stomach upon some plan that will be and those who have some per and constipation. Chamber lain’a average 85 per cent, minimum 70 per how! There arc dose to a thousand •''fer«t sa-¡«factory to all parties. No soiliil spleen will get in and do Tablets correct these disorders and cent. Age 18. Experience twelve on the market today—,-ood, bad and indifferent. Wise people use * months. one wants to place iniy obstacles their dirty work. It it time enable you to sleep. For sale by foresight in selecting their range, and they make no mistake in Further information will be fur­ in the way of bar and harbor that this kind of thing was cut * ' e" erB’ nished upon application. 1 hx R ange W ith a R eputation —the range that is revonun®*“ ‘7 improvements, mid if this can out We will close by saving W. S. Bust, ever - user; the range that has stood the test— l»u hastened along so much the that anyone who did not partici­ A Night of Terror County Superintendent. better. Anyway it would lie a pate in circulating scandal and Few nights are more terrible than gIMMl tiling for the represent:! lies about some of our citizens that of n mother looking on her The Secret Terror. tiv?s of the timlier men to can tale no exceptions to wluit child choking and gasping for The haunting fear of sickneea and breathe during an nttack of croup, meet witli the leading citizens we said List week, for it was a and nothing in the house to relieve helplessness ia the secret terror of th^tr:s’iTrlhrt “ m?!e °* I XI x a «-K abi and P CnAXCOAt I"'"’— - ncex - a . is .’ osts ractically N- t -** quite often, mid as this is a bit of kindly, Christian advice it. Many mothers have passed the working man. Health ia hia W atks Otnczza and H oitk », and favorable opportunity to get to- to those who hud allowed them- nights of terror in this situation. capital. Kidney diaeaaea sac a man a strength and vitality They to iuoTE-ACT,°i' gelber, we invite them to a sel>es to become scandal mon- A little forethought will enable you lesson his earning capacity. Folev to avoid all thia. Chamberlain’s conference in this city gers. Suppose they had been Cough Remedy is a certain cure for Kidney Pills bring back health and running for office and the mime croup and has never been known to strength by healing the disease. fail Keep it at hand For sale by They ar* O* '«eat medicine made Commissioner H. V. Aliev tactics used against them IIOW all deniers. h>r kidney and bladder troubles would lliey like it t I The genuine are in the vellcw pack intended hia last meeting < t age. Refuse any substitute. Lamar i the County Court last week, Di Win Sadler, author of The Dru^ 't. re drill ut the close of this month Good road advocates hilling Cause and Cure of Colds," says w> will become n private cittaeu. met with considerable difficulty tha’ common colds should be taken _ Having watched Mr. Alley's in regard to new rood laws, it is seriously, especially when they Lroupy Coughs and Wherxy Colda Foley’s Honey and Tne Quickest simplest way to nd public career in this county, we presumed that they will make "hang on. Inr Compound ie • reliable houae the children of ’ na think it ia only right on the another attempt to get some hold medicine for oa