Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 12, 1912, Image 2

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No. 26.
Vol. XXV
Advantages of a
Checking Account
Checks as
Before cashing a check, payee must
sign his name on back in acknowledgment
of receipt of the money.
All checks which depositor issues
are returned to him after being cashed by
the bank.
These checks constitute a valid
receipt for the moneys paid, and safe­
guard the depositor against claims for
duplicate payments
Checking accounts are always wel­
come at this bank, subject only to reason­
able restriction as to minimum average
Our Razor8 and Cutlery carry the
usual <-i->...-i.
make fine Xmas present.
Wanted, a buggy horse, a young
Mr. Ed. T. Judd, Chief lleputy
one- preferred, not
under 1050 Dairy and Food Commissioner of
pounds.—Apply Jo Guy Ford, Maple Portland, will be in Tillamook on
Leaf Creamery.
Saturday, December 14th, and will
Our genuine Alligator and Seal address the dairymen that afternoon
ladies’ hand bags are absolutely as at the cheese «coring contest at the
guaranteed or your money back Tillamook Commercial Club at 2
ploughs Guarantee.
p.m. His subject has not been an­
Captain Will Starr and wife are in nounced, but it is hoped that there
visiting with Dave Martiny and W. will be a good attendance and in­
H. Hoskins. The Captain used to terest taken.
run intoTillauiook in tlie early days | There is some
the [ever
Mrs. W. R. Rutherford and child
left the first of the week for her to remove the marshal and city re­
home at McMinnville, after spend corder. Both were elected by the
ing a week at her parents’ home in- people, and as the city charter was
I not amended until some time after,
thie city.
Dan Brown and George Chaplie | they were entitled to fill the term
have opened an electric supply for which they were elected. The
house in the rear of the building mayor will have the authority to
recently completed next door to the appoint and remove those officers
under the incoming administration.
Sweet Shop.
Do not lorget the Sunday Chicken
Dinner at the Todd. Better than
you can have at home for less money.
Coms and try us. Service from 5:30
to 7:00 p.m.
Mason, Pennington & Co., who
are giving away a Claxton grand
piano are expecting the instrument
to arrive any day, when it will be
placed on exhibition.
The City Transfer Co. are the fel­
lows who haul anything, anywhere,
any time.
Office on Main Street,
opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call
us by phone, Main 651.
Sheriff Crenshaw had James Lane
See Big Mack for your sewer con­
arrested on a bench warrant issued
Clyde Kinnaman and wife have from Yamhill county, having] been
gone to Ashland, Ore., where they indicted by the grand jury. Lane
There is 25 feet of water on Tilla­
expect to make their home.
lives in the Meda district.
mook bar.
One Cow for Sale, will be fresh
H. West, of Scappoose, Oregon
Home Made Mince Meat at the
in two weeks. Good milker. Otto president of the State Jersey Cattle
Clam Market.
Walther, Hemlock, Oregon.
Club, was in the county the first of
wanted at Tillamook
You ought to see the special chop the week. He is interested in im­
County Bank,
for hog feed at the Tillamook Feed porting Jersey cattle into Oregon
Frank and Hank McKinley have Co., made especially for them. •
J. Wm. Edwall and wife, of San
gone to California.
On sale at Patzlaf's next week, Francisco have made their home in
E. L. Rector, of Wheeler, was in any boy’s shirt regular price was
Tillamook, where Mr Edwall will I
Tillamook on Monday.
50 cents to 85 cents, Choice 25 cents. open up a tailor «hop. Mrs. Ed-
Born, on Monday, to the wife of
What is the limit of time to dig a wall is a cousin to Andrew Ander-
Ben Jacobs, a daughter.
cellar, obstruct the side walk and son.
George Williams and wife have flump the dirt in the street, Mr.
The Star Theatre will give away
gone to California on a visit.
Mayor ?
six rocking chairs, commencing 1
J, S. Lamar returned on Saturday
from a business trip to Portland.
Clough’s Assortment of Parisian
Ivory includes most all the pieces
The bird given away by Mrs. Roy made in sets and singly atthe right
Powell was won by Wm. Senn's prices.
No. 33
Robert Eichinger has brought
You should see the stock of feed his son, George, from Spokane and,
the Tillamook Feed Co.
has on we are sorry to say that he is quite
seriously sick.
Bibles and Testaments in most all
Suit was filed in the county court
sixes and prices at Clough's Drug by W G. Dwight againstG. W. Dorr
and Ed Blum to recover $60 on a
Elbert Ginn has accepted a posi­ promissory note.
tion with Chas. I. Clough, the
We pay your admission to the
Gem Theatre. With every purchase
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ of one dollar we give you a ticket.
mook Meat Company’s Market, ‘13c. King & Smith Co.
per pound.
Cigars of the beBt makes packed
The semi annual teachers' exam- in special boxes for the Holiday
inatiod will be held next week in trade from 12 to 100 to a box at
this city.
; right prices at Clough’s.
ft hile you are looking for Christ-' If you wish rooms for the Winter,
mas presents don’t forget Lamar’s by the month “cheap ” with hot or
Variety Stoce.
cold water and with bath, call at
Dr. Jack Olson has opened den­ the Todd Hotel.
tal parlors over F. R, Beals’ office. | A Kodak makes a suitable and re­
Both phones.
fined present and a lasting pleasure,
Ed. Laughlin was on crutches Clough carries the Eastman line at
this taeek suffering with rheuma­ popular prices.
tism in the knee
Go to the Clam market for Clams,
Second Avenue,
If he smokes a pipe, Clough’s Fish and Crabs.
eerchaum or Brier pipes make a near First St, in the building back
of Beals’ office.
suitable present.
Wanted,-a six roomed Furnished
oua« for the winter
Apply at the
Headlight office.
Christmas goods for everybody at
-amar’s Variety Store. “Drop in
and look around.”
th^rin*t Ktrrman« was in the city
"• »eek doing business and visit-
tog big relatives.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla-
n.v ?IeatComr,any’s Market. We
P«V 13c per pound
re,ur"«I o«> Friday
h“’ *’*"
building on 2nd Ave. E.
Farr>nr. ’? I‘°an °* Improved
■Umt th" 1
!X,ent °f about
Leland n '*i
Apply to John
^'•nd Henderson A Son. Agents. •
Still in n!"; - 00,0 F** their price«,
h. m
* 'e,d " I*'’‘*nt’A Best ”
hard wheat flour i„ the city, to be
on'X of the Tillamook Feed Co..
December 26, one chair each night,
to tne 31st of December. The per­
son having the most coupons gets
first choice.
Harvey Ebinger, the High School
student hurt in foot ball on Thanks­
giving day, wa3 out for the first
time Friday, although he has not
fully recovered from the effects of
the injury.
At the special meeting of the
School district on Saturday a levy
of 5 mills was made to meet current
expenses and to pay interest on the
outstanding bonds, which ia < mills
lees than last year.
Mrs. E. A. Brenner was opperuted
on for appendicitis, at Portland
last week, and will be out in a few
days, although she will not return
tp Tillamook for at least a month,
intending to visit with relatives.
Neighbor Hoskins could not have
been very careful going home the
other night, for somehow he lost
his footing on the aide walk north
of town and landed wrong side up.
And where did you get wet, Billy?
Bring vour “Grocery
from “ The Co-operative Supply
Houie" to us with your order, and
we will fill it at the same price for
the same grade of goods. All we
If you don’t find what you want ask is that you do by us the same
at any other store in the city go to as you do with them.
the Tillamook Feed Co.’s, they have
—T illamook F ebp C o
a full line of groceries.
Fred Kabke, of Nehalem, came
Clough is as usual carrying the
near losing the sight of his left eye,
largest line of Cut Glass in the City
by a chip of steel |»enetrating the
including the standard makes, of
eyeball. He was in a blacksmith
Libby, American and Crystal.
shop at Nehalem when it occurred.
I mpire Handley has Armbuater Dr. Boats could not remove it with
on first base and has taken it under a magnet, but had to cut it out.
advisement whether he ia “out” or
The amount of tn«il which went
will have to jungle up six x’s.
through the Tillamook (Kiat-office
J W. Hellenbrand and wife came
for the «outh and of the county for
in from Oretown on Sunday and
October and Noveml>er was 9870
le.t the next morning for California,
pound« dispatched snd 2143 pounds
where they will spend the winter.
received on the Star route between
The assortment of standard books this city and Cloverdale. This in­
including the latest copyrights and clude« all claase« of mail.
reprints are now on display at
We have added two new line« to
our Fountain Pen department and
Holiday stationery in fancy boxes all the pena we sell are guaranteed
make a desirable and acceptable unconditionally, full asaortment« of
present for moat any one who can each of fhe following make«, Conk­
write, and Clough's stock was du lins' Self-filler«. Moorea’ Non-Leak-
plicated by error therefore we are able. Waterman’« Ideal, I Swift’«
miking special low prices to make and Rexall Fountain Pen«
it sell.
•1 to $10
nd book Around
The Swastika Club held a •orini
meeting at the home of Mrs. K. T.
Haltom on Friday afternoon, • nd ■
very enjoyable afternoon was sj>ent
making fancy work. After a dainty
luncheon nerved by Mrs. Haltom,
the club adjorned, to meet again at
the home of Mra. Haherlach. The
guests were
F C.
Hak»r. F S. Whttehouae. Webster
Holme*. George Willett and Mine
first National Bank,
Tillamook, Crtsvn
J c
W m . G T a
C W. T almage
P all S. hradl *
The State Board of Fish and Game
Commissioners is just in the midst
of compiling a new code of the laws
pertaining to the fishing industry
to be submitted to the coming legis­
lature, and, if the fishermen on
Tillamook Bay are desirous of hav­
ing the laws regulating the closed
seasons or dead lines amended in
any manner, Master Fish Warden
Clanton will be pleased to have
such fishermen communicate with
his office, which is 806 Yeon Bld.,
from fire.
We will be
huì ' v
.irei, .t »im
Under U,S Government SupervasBcao
Interest Paid on Time Deperì*
Mayor Harter listened to the pre­
liminary hearing of Clyde Clem­
(-imnitif" at TlImnunM
ents, who was up before the Justice rowed. A fine of $15 rm
*1 Mirriti,
îim * im -^ i
ijTfMrwrt rö­
of the Peace E. W. Stanley on two upon Ford r.od P<j«tev,
«orm* tin it nne wt fioqœt wri' or
charges last week for selling liquor charge of larceny wae d
V -e wnuit luivt inicwnaarei.
to minors, and who was bound over I for lack of evidence by
lumm mm I imi ft nu:
ttiui nF I hit iim»p
to the grand jury. As a result of Stanley
rd li ; renu»vnqjft
ni fît* man
this he
had Clyde
nm Ut rxjer1.*’ ti
tti* {rntdiu^
Al Perry
Hitrnttd 11 1 ’-e-' f* (Uivr.tmr ti » iuwt
selling liquor to ■ Nothing nukes a nicer 'X wt.
wtW untie* raum xr.*-
’.itit brt’r-t tin «nd in ItBBBntiMT
minors and Al Cornforth arrested present than a nicely fi: .-sbe! k * i
Tntinkiiif vni: ur voir mterwa u
for selling liquor without a license. to-date picture. We have a t :nt
Hit munir J rtmiuii.
The foui saloon men pleaded guilty i plete line of up-to-date «"wee in
Y Univ W' truly
and Recorder Handley imposed a ! mouufiugs. the finest ever breec
CreiHTB. Suiretmtenaen.
fine of $60 on each. Cornforth stood to the city Call and kc-r ti«»
trial and the charge being proven over. Don't put off h»n»r your
Lure: Fii: Price*
against him, the Recorder "pinch­ sitting too long. Give u» a c '. hti t
ed ’’ him for $60.03. City Attorney and we will uot disappoint ■ .
Tn» mlmwitu. iirutae wil hr nuitl
H. T. Botts prosecuted the cases.
N okk s S itj >0
un I ictirtnn nutter i.r .i- «event u.
Married, on Wednesday at high
tin iHC-turu— Auiint imo ♦ senn
Cheese Scoring Contes
noon, at the home of Captain Paul
Tillanniwk . retime-' -O œntf *««•
and Mrs. Schrader, at Elmore Park
lie« 4k.S ■ente fUHltt J*Tuim
-Next Saturday the ,bee*e sc.>r -4.
on Garibaldi beach, Mr. Roy N.
.■ it . ìi . Clivi!’ laitr1 Old rents -MC
Hinkle aud Nias Julia E. Schrader.
I'raine. <- I'rnuti
The ceremony w»s performed by which is held under the •*»[ ; r»
Cavu.nMK’y 41 iwrrn. Chas fan <r
the Rev, D. A. Mackenxie, pastor of
Gk verdau, paid 4i HMNB
the Presbyterian church, in the sociation. with Carl Hiberlact.
presence of relative« and friends
Ti e bride is the daughter of Captain eneen. the Committee h> 1 m n-
!r sdc n.iti
1(! IT li ili Ilil.lt Schiwi ir tttt prò
and Mra. Schrader, and a young rangemetits in hand
per piHi-r to' tr.n.-h*r» «ni «tiutents
women with many fine traits of to the pnxes offered ia«t week, st
character and respected by a large included three )oxin£ cujw, a fix* tu tMUf ♦ V tiri. i UT aiUuto w 411 iiw
numiier of friends, while the groom , clock and a silk hat. other pnat* >114 riT-» Siluriti v lutti ir numi*«*
M - • .*. and m mttWMC ime Io»» tnr tirr
is a young man in business in this have been < "erec. » n
Ftabh.. Voi ranno affarti ti tw rur
I, two
cases varied al
city and also much respected by the Crieel.
— suit
01 nnunh «’iti’ fin mnrten
young people. The happy couple and f»'. l^mb-Schrader C ft 5 c *
received many congratulations and Ions electric n>4 c.wn c.
ni* 1. m —Thrrni- rt! tlw wr'nm.
beet wishes for thefr future hapoi- cement. The cortewt « 1 t*4r piv.’t
lenii* tlw i-u'lr rii tlw Unric; ’
ness. as well as many useful pres­ in the rxwm.s ci the Tillamook com
The amine dm.'ourw or- 111» tlw>n*
ents- We also extend to them our
equ'.’ial mimi.
. ailnw Tur. **X
best wishes with the hope that it afternoon. The •»'orer • ill he xl
r.i.tur Tm.'i tlw V m
may be a long and happy union.
Duri ’Tlw l^wd w >!' 1M»H i ’
] tany. The committee wv-md
About two hundred friends and to see as mam d ry f
relatives gathered at the V. B ns possible and it 1»
7 3I1 p m -■J’tqiuht! 4 ’n»nin; >*•
tbi t .
Church Inst Sunday at Bea\er. to Co-operativ*
A»*,», .atv. r*
*n.' vuw Anelerai» ’’II*. .'iirutimiil?*
witness the nuptial knot of William other makers w.ll er.<
r-c«« >< * "».lomagi ir tv imi Ih;
E. Godsey and Miss Anna L. these contest*, which wi.. t* .* •
Spr.’ia' mimi.
Roads. Ollie Wood« and |ulia C»od-
•'Tlw f’-ortix-u uni; t’u Snt.
from time to time
sey were the attendants, Nelus Kin-
Mrs WlH.4mnv.ta>
The meeting wxll Iw «d.lrewse-4
naman and Eva Goda»y flower giri«; E. T. Judd. 1 hie! IV1 ill IVim ••<
Mrs. Hiner played the wedding F oim I CommiesKWiee >■' 1 ■
march; and John Halmire and Carl and «ome ot the Icxiivq; vooshs«»
Curl were ushers. The bride snd will help to entertain f 1
her maids were dressed in rich
M ■ < *
white materials made in modern
Depot To Be Built
style. Many thanks are due to
friend« sending choice foliage anil
badi as
I* t
Howers which were artistically ar
tette« to tiiet
ranged by Mra. H. S Davidson and
IK. ■«
others. W. G. Gilbert made the baling twew
M ‘A
Soutlwm l*a, <n .
beautiful large bell under which
Itlg WM* M diteti «'M < t I
they stoorl. Some nice and useful
ilt^ <
presents were given. Dinner was
* . w * t
nerved to forty-nine guests at Welter garni la the t»u»nl<nc
Fottlanil. <Mr IVs rr. tw1
Kinnaman’« that day tin Monday
Mr. J. R H« b ’ '**'
thirty four partook
CM) of TillaimwA
feast st the groom's |isients. Mra.
TillamvoL xhv-|
Dora Young, pastor of the church,
Dear So
I «»sh tv* »•
receipt nt your t»’• '
SMh with retereace m tt
T. B. Turney swore out a warrant timi of a dep.M on ’ •'
for the arrest of C. Ford and C. 1» go muta cl the I «- b.
Potter, two tishsrraan, on charges
of robbing him of $43. <)• Satur
day Ford and Pottsr came up fro*
the bay to gst suppliM with th* in­
tention of going bach that «»suing,
but changing their minds stayed at
Turney’s pise« whers tlisv hsd drink
togsther, also the nest day. O* Mo* |
dsy a friend ofTurns»*s camsfrnni
Portland, and Potter end Ford pm
cured • room st ths Allen •!<•*»
They again became tntnsicatsd in
the evening snfl Patrolman Myaf»
about midnight-
Tueadsy morning Tarasy came in
with his complaint
A suit case,
saw, hatchet and gun claimed I»»
Turney ware found i* the room st
the Allen House hv AheriF Creo
shew. All these articles Foot snd
fl V
Potter claimed were borrv»w*d from
a a c xV»'
t ft > * V t*
Turney. Turney’s mamorv f*tled
him and hs did not l»mend'»r
wlicthcr the) wxie e'ulen «•» hot
Piaster. Roof Paint
r.AMB'SCiltt Kin K COMfAM*