I 1*11 letra» -;i;n . * am«- on i.'üirM juc » □e of retti pt il K V>aA &axtt? a ieti£tui«*i srWU.X 'A h ^ xs A i M. K m U k <> vi 4 sfa*.HA Ifaal j U. Ifac W-teM. *MA Â H k H iuìxk UI*. sltti* ORttAfixk «ncSi-U A cà iMuatila ItRtek ntxkii W tutti À«*psnsUur All rrt ¡iter beiti*£ casiieti >y irr T'uintu he JÜDK. iiKtii» jt’ri tenute a • »ulti tur iivfitry* >aui. anti -que- .rpofattor iiGiiuht ciiiitn» tir retei pt gnaru the duplicate nvmtfit* jaiauces -»ve TniMMJX COUNTY ~Ti„_AMaoM Qrr'z ottings TTTJ.AMOOK ■ - w iswn rtry •se 3tg 'taca ir uur server con- ■scttsaai rhere o J3 eet t valer n THla> nuoa hur. iave| 'Ber i ¡.4*f _w ’or Some Haue lutee ’■feat at 'te Ciáis 'farnt. * Pt nm ee »antea ■ t _E ¡amo« >a '. ntmT fan*. r-*u* ma Tana jone o GtaáMum. ¿ h > ’crdarer tiawe- S. L. Seeror t Vl.eeter. iìifamoos n lunuav 3srn. ;a Sfonda» -a 3m ìscooh . a nti vite ptae 'o ■ uhtnrsiu n i •JHt- :aie The .ira iflveu aamy bv !r». -àcv Piani ras vuc v *:n- lean - — 1 You -ftnatrt -ee ite-toc« <>t feed •hr rWamoo* reea Cai as >a hand. •* Bii.rr .na "eotameeta 3inceti.a mea ica riceo .it '-iugs - Drag 5torr Kibe" n •ion »un aa acceptM om- .¡aa. Mjuur. • Me • 4^- tim- eeeà .a Abhgt !•”• hlindAed frtvni*» ami r#h»fr»>s pwlhsreif »1 ih» ' F f •-rfit lite< *iindtt et **»»'»• t>- w rwege fb» fthpHal imi* ni « ’111«- t F Oridsey and ♦*•■• *>••’* * Fowdw fitti» W'-'-db and tub i <*• •* •«7 WS»» ♦ ►»• aHaiMdH'« *!»’"• *t- Simrt si»4 f? taf Indo») »>iwst atvni Mrs H*».dl»a» fzz*hil whh li erte alitali 4Wl t i I * *«•»♦» VMI M«)ul Harter llaianad to Ute tzta he iwary hearinir of f .lyd* *,»»■. tala, who WM up hrfore tl»* ci the I'eaca K W Manley on iw ctoantea laat week for aell>r>|r laiiawr *» minora, and who was Imuatd o»«-- to the grand jury. As a reaui' «ri this he had Clyde Ctemerrss Bart Stephens sud arrea tnl for selling auaon and Al Cornforth arr e at er; me selling liquor without a Mr-r aw. The foui saloon men pleaded go.tty and Recorder Handley imponed a áse of Î0O on each. Cornforth at tn»! and the charge living per. against him, the Recorder ptncr ed ’ him for $60.0) City Attorrse- H. T Hotts prosecuted the caa eu Married on Wednesday at lugr. eowa, at the home of Captan« Pw-x sad Mrs. Schrader, at Elmore 1‘arfc oa Garibaldi beach, Mr. Ray M Hinkle amt Aiiaa Julia K. Schrader The ceremony was parforwied hy tne Rev, D. A. MaCfcentie. pastor ot the Presbyterian church. >a the presame of relativas and fnewdw Tte Irride is the daughter o< «'aptma ar.4 Mrs, *i hrader, ane a y'rwng mon In biiaineoe ta tha* -rtv and also mui'h raopex ted ht the yonwg people T he happ» rUwpks re-erred towny r rrngraliil ith'vta awd - wait si»< im Mk*AVI «III li»»» liti aitO>i/ «MV'-IHl Slid luullt* H>i>t‘ rU' wUA*« ttlSlMimHlHg aditiltnal'' »' .*4 wtUH***»» * "•• “>»• 'ft M<* < y*A«aiHiua lit Ilia llolilng Lz»d>«atz> V* be enliiulllail In Ilia i i<>m«.»> ieiwie. sud, Il Ihs »attar mm tillaiu>««k Hat aie dsolroH» •/* ■ »•> *a«i lltt law» i » m >II h I i » f H** •'l-zw at a al m a nt tlssd lltiaa s»<.*»»4»»t ■• •«i ma il liai, Maalai Fiali Wa>'»< VtawIvH will lia p'esas'1 hi •Will ttsllerm»n i wmihihwh » fa w»< *Ma mWi a, wlilili la itF. Yao« >»•- kVttlaiiil m CO h III li* I F* *■ it Uu-liif M* VI'tt-af a tU^wvvIi i„„ V H* III» Hl|l'|*-I I II bill il •• In mH Vr a (J hi H'xtd Inkt-H w* f ow* K i r* fi» w » tt a Hiai 4a| ^rííbMit fsib.j *) h *♦• •.’♦ >i 4fw»» of Ht» Jfroorfi • j|<»»Wl» thjti 'tu'Htff pe» Im **l His **<»,»■ i* -zR- faffnf, f-jl** f^tht t fi be/ C/>n1t * J/d hit*» '‘f agl « tejdtMi hti'l «Uri *... L •* ' ht ft fi vit ili il ••<» <>. Ideai t 8 TW *w»a»f r^f i* r*W a rfeW-^w 'zw Fz'dz z revy evViywAXe * st»**»z <¿*v * tOZ ** yfa» --HW. y*> nzenwz/4z» p/IVzWf«»/ p|e«A»«vi*e J'dya Oro (Matlf' / *