rilhftiiiooR Hvadllght, Dv*? obtiiirieil cit the I iLLtimoot Hetttilifiu ~ie fctts .1 de - le jwaftes; 1*41 »¡sc mt _ jupun ygiuw PtM.aiC.n i ¿ >. r te 7 i Tt X ¿3UC U dtev »we m U.X-JUL1; ^•ri •* roagg. ■■ ■* Ì Mason, Pennington Co. It sull Cjunr Z3 &' ims. JI K; . / Coc:rM*nt will not be known. 2. No name of candidate* a I e :on- ^nj»£ t - re --» a/evart ¿cts 2.UUU vi-tew to start with. 4. Every Conte*: .i3’. rr-.» * niinthr > .• *. r \ umbers published w eekly n The Tillamook .-t ;• : .¿n i ».! -»xx xwc ?c :t n Wednesday for recording. 7. Votes tnu*t Not r-o i' * 7*r « kt * •- .-«KiAges with Contestant's number and amount tin t t> *n;j. *. u?i»ut w «vw km » «-rs be changed each month and must be recorded >ef* rn . • •> . sre oniv hr lore recording I 1. Contestant havinx -te -•» win» Piano. THIS IS Si'RELY A PBJB&EST WfKD*»JV* Also Two Gtx’J íí atures and a 525 Silver Toilet Set. V.-TM.M a 3y <-rhie sc kaonr- £ -f.n. nr ~ Matter Stirum d? J’: ;ivx\ •hv- 't ««»en ami jnr .i.ui ru. w MT innutn rum th« JMh »« Aped. IWi »ml tw rur sum .« Pwu llunilrcti rw*a sttisrs»»» s -s*u «hieb sutil «tut» WW ai er--St rt !*» >»lr iwr - tnH jtwr »annua trusts :*»h lay .tf kpril. !gix until u. de tgnt. niet alerone uni enraie «rtrnn met iroi-miuniis S I imn 'í* V-lle-st. dhl ix.1 berti ¥ ilsnt. »«••ni« *iitert ._-*u» il. \ iltrt. J» X* ■ »«e «mi ü L Ulins ■ml til MfF'MLMte» ili tri*r»^r muer tien, sun­ *et|.amt i ti t»e nactmun u tie sum m.rupig, rum n<- tfromuim» VI- «K *u -tau h .mutili min i.smn ia •tic gti m- h Mio ». J. HAU. n. ir mu Ti «s¡ ud antis uiti iratauw» lami -iurte tes» Tritati n will num gusle imi «sua 11- 'ne mu sum enfc 'ti 'cm-Uliun uni tie sum IMUMM lereirioeniiv netitluuurt ■ m-Mntt.-T-h- «at ti «u -cmuniin ns tiiluws. m- wet: leg’mutig tc » mine 1 ¿flUkXte C^t it h»? -.>«»♦€ .“umcr it he ^nitti. v*f*c * i iu iter o t Ite Vjrtn- Hiiu wr n rimi Pwenry - mx □Bl, *- ‘ >iir -, Sfurile ttBmcn C«n th W ±Hr. tjwm - V *r a -i » •Hjuíii ü. ifiUutMK fttamiar*r * IM ümu« "tiene» Sortii JUW W*» m t *1 riuin tu "♦te r *t Hnrnxiniif -intiutung 4 fcrww nun* .*r JkbMfc W I raiac Mrifv « t«nc*. 1»H ¿ftmmi rrmi *ti« w tecTîua ¿«mtu JttüMíflm Stv-nwiw »riU ^7. &)Wtna£)m * j a. w » „ nom:» Vurm *C ancK tmc-s. W «sc t «i > nr Jlui 1» ._>.«•• I ■ .tegs, » 1 IL .-rtm.1» Virrf» S itnc«. t i .i.« i M Aan ~ Aijrrtl “ ------ 7t •* imr*. £.»nc i. a -< swim %i;r> a 2» Ime». W * .esc i < eftoaas» "i» tftu -uuHX iu « j< taj an.j» «« ' loilr. X ■”':■■•». Srt IrMud wrt- < n swotora fB »nd it. Town tfcii» Four -ùMrth o< Runge Ten \\ -st <>t \\ illnitiettr Meridian Ta 4el ter with » rit;ht n .nte »ulti (MA' peiiv .>t s-ud Btivdy above .In ertboti tur the pur|tt>ae of ItMCmoit «nul tttnber. .md timbar ut «uni lohn K retd-, lying twi k ut Mud Ilutar . sani granire» tu have the Tight tv um Ilie «ani lami» tor where lauti Cum etileni fur logging purtNOva. r H. Handier. the \orth c.i»t -(natter ut City Iterorosr he >’uiti *r»l (iiartri the Weal <4 TiUauMu* Qty. drogua. aalt ot tit« South en»t quaitrr sani SEAL th« 's o*- >»< «t .pmiter <’t the Xurth (City Reevnier af Tdlamuuk City. eu st quarter .>• Sewtroa Tn eats-«tv Inrvnwtlaí Fs.c Ä :tdl.» i ruwn«.-ti> Four South nt Henge Tea Meat the Willamette Mr ’'d*«a in 'regvn. .vn tatui ng iW ( H.imirrd sadtiiti Kivt. All situ- «revi a f .tarnt.»« Cosanti Oae«.«n ■Sttd «Ul« tw-isg made «tibie. I to :-ede-wp«a«^ ■ tj»e uauuer pro- vtUc^t by taw lAsred tb-a .Mt- das o: Avsemt er. '.VU H. CWKXMiAW. Sher’if Jt ru.aMtwk County, l>VegT.W*. Silver JI ear Every Week to the contestants. nine the proportionate share '.hervvf assstssabie to each lot or parcel af Ctourxi abutting on, adjacent to a-c specially bench ted by said improve­ ment .and will, at a meeting of t&e said Common Council of Tiilamwa City Oregon, at the Council Roon Commercial Club Rooms) in tl.e Tiila- sjjv Building, at Tillamook Citv, roguu. on the 17 day of December. -*'i at 7 30 o’cloca p. m.. hear and determine ail objections or rvmon- strunce :u the aaaeaatnenl of such coat, acu Mail then proceed to uueaa. by ioaoi.utiwa.each lot or parcel of ground', ■«•th ts proportionate anare of such rose, whiea ssseasment shall be final amt roceiusivw ?ww by uruer of the Common Coun- -•d of Filtanmoa City. Oregon, of date of Dveember 1 »1* T. H. Handley. City Recutder of ruiantvok City. Oregon. SEAL w (City Recorder of Tillamook City. IVbldehsrol lunuer I nrorporatad Feb a. trajkl.) I-er butt« darbe » F-«-» v iste A i« mmM In the County Court .it the State u4 i'd CrvoH Oregon for Miilln.iinah County tx-tt.e In the matter at the Hr-titu g't»rdi*iiahip and I Uutb .-»late ut luarph ( < mis Co«grovv ami Ka- «>ra : tienne C usgrove. t ■kHMTU. NutKI» HkHsm Gil kN-That Keuimby in bouc the undersigned, the duly ap|»int- rA miaiiried and acting guardian Keutmb , I« bou, J* the .-e-sous and estât«* ot Ivaeph v-sgroie and Katherine Coagrov« Juhu liny Whi»h. •V m>m pursuant ro *a order aad ’Xcense. na Je and granted in the Blhcfc a Whia atuvg entitled evurt in the shove entitled matter on the 5(h Jay V a r, •i June IMJ still, tro* and after Sandy » Whist itie Oth Jay t Hnoam'oh and State id I'rvgvu h> and th» , west quarter Xw$| *f ih» - gnaraes X« , m Smtiun eu <1 . in Ttiwuahto I Sustbh «t Hu »- A um id tho imi frode. |fr ; <-»> E* ?“»< Beert.