Tillamook Headlight, December 5, 101a DAIRYMEN MEET. Notice of Cheese Scoring HARTER WINS OUT/ High School Notes. JOHN L HENDERSON, Ie « I Contest. g Turn Out of Women at Large Attendance at the Tillamook High School football M There will be a cheese scoring team gained the revenge they sought ATTORNEY A COUNSEL the Polls- Court House on Monday. contest held on Saturday, Decem­ from tne Tillies on Thanksgiving i rhe City election this year was ber 14th, at the Tillamook Com­ Day by defeating the town team by L g R-AT-LAW, Previous to the meeting which ••••• FAMILY recipes ably interesting, for it was the mercial Club rooms, same to lie a score of 6 to0. This was the same ,t time that the women went to was called Monday at the Court open to any che«se maker in Tilla­ score that the Tillies made on Elec- Tillamook Block, Tillamook,Or. » The valued family re­ , polls and took an active part House, which was well filled with mook County. Contest will l>e held .tion Day against the High School Room No a6i. cipes for cough and cold d interest in a city election. Tins some of the leading dairymen. undtr the auspices of the Tillamook eleven Both scores were made by a cure, liniments, tonics and . to be expected for they had Chas. Kunze said that while he and County Creamery Association and touchdowns, and both were also . T. BOTTS, » other remedies have as Ü [en a lively interest in the city others from this county were at­ effort will be made to have cheese ‘‘flukes,” but the High School team 9 careful attention heTe u icus. There would not have tending the State Dairymen’s As­ scorers come from outside points, outplayed the Tillies in the Thanks­ A ttornky - at -L aw . en nearly as much interest taken sociation in Portland last year, an and also to have some outside giving game, which was very rough, Complete set of Abstract Books the most intricate prescrip- ■ e,h"rie*ction, but at the eleventh [ effort was made to have the as- speaker for the evening or after­ tions. K several men being laid out fora 'i sociation meet in Tillamook this ,'r a secret caucus was held on 1 «»’«- noon. n otfiit. Tates paid for non­ w few seconds on both sides. The * “dav night and it was decided to I year, but owing to the lack of ac- Our fresh, high grade Five prizes will be offered, three High School quarterback, Harvey Residents. - B .. T. - Botts, who drugs will help to make a llla Attorney H. who is is j commodations and not having the loving cups for the first three prizes, Ebinger,sustained quite serious in­ I • ■ - necessary organization in the fine clock for fourth prize and silk > city attorney and legal adviser Tillamook Block. these remedies more effec­ juries in the back, bnt is recover­ against!. R. county the Association will hold its hat for fifth prize. In case of tie the mayor, to run i tive than ever. ing rapidly. Although each team Both phones. ,rter. Both sides then became ! meeting at Albany this year. Mr. score, some method to determine has won a game the third will pro­ Right prices are also reedingly active in endeavering Kunze thought if the dairymen prize winner will be announced bably not be played on account of ............ assured. get as many as possible lined ] would join the State Association, later. basket ball interest, and the crip, C-ARL haberlach It is hoped that ell makers in the pled condition of the teams. for their sides. From all ap- “I' which coats $1.00 a year, an effort Va * • « « « ■ irance Mr. Botts had the sup- could be made to bring the associa­ county will enter cheese in this con­ • » Several of the boys have been en ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, rt of a number of church people tion to Tillamook next year. About test. I joying themselves of late by fright­ CLOUGH, Carl Haberlach, George Williame ening the fair ones with little rub­ d the women were also active in 18 of the dairymen joined the as­ • ing to secure his election, while sociation, and it is expected that and F. W. Christensen, Committee. ber snakes. Although the snake is Reliable Druggist. Tillamook Block the number will be increased to 50. Harter was undoubtedly the only an imitation and perfectly * a «i • « • a*» Mr. Kunze then introduced the »ice of the business men on ac­ The Retiring Party’s Compli­ harmless the maidens cry out in ini of the large amount of time speaker of the day, terror upon sight of the uncanny Q.EORGE WILLETT, ments. Byron Hunter, who is in charge had put in making Tillamook a creatures. Not only snakes but al­ of farm management Investigations In turningiover the control of the igressive, up-to-date, city, and so spiders, mice, and other toys in ArrokXKY-AT-LAW. o were perfectly satisfied with of the department of Agriculture, affairs of the country to another the shape of some grusome looking i . i administration, although he had having Idaho, Oregon and Wash­ party the Republicans have the creature have been shown around trony contingent against him of ington as his territory. He said he pleasure of reporting everything in Bchool, and from all appearances, : Tillamook Commercial Building. izene who were opposed for one was agreeably surprised to find such solvent shape, with prosperity at Professor Baker will aoon have a illamook O regon . 1 11 son and the other, to the street splendid dairying lands in Tilla­ high tide in all the states and out­ mock menagerie if the boys do not • T provenients. In true political mook, and thought it was going lying possessions. Another item become more careful in letting him'------ - __ _ hion a great many untruthful some when told that four cows had to which attention is called by an get sight of the "monsters,” for as ’*1 B^ALS, N.I)., >orts were circulated about Mr. been kept on four acres of land. official statement sets forth the fact soon as he spies a snake or other tD rter, and the women were not Mr. Hunter said that he had not that the foreign trade of the United creature of feminine terror he w in catching onto that political come to Tillamook to tell them how States for the year 1912 will pass captures it from «he rightful owner! pHYSICIAN & 8URGEoN ;k and also peddled them around, to dairy farm in thia county. It th» four- billion line for the first and what becomes of it is not known. ich probably injured bim some would be presumption en his part time. When the Dingley law was We hope the boys will end this fool- * TILLAMOOK. L Srz -■ a 'j >J the race. There is not much to do so, for they know more about passed in 1897 it was said that the ish pasttime before some disaster ference between Harterand Botts local conditions than he did. He return to a protective policy would comes of it. Tillamook Block. with the problem of,buying Hurnexa, The Woodburn High School ver- ' the temperance question, for of then explained the work of his de­ cripple our foreign trade and set you willjflnd it distinctly advanta­ : two Harter holds the most partment and how the necessary the world against us to our heavy sus Tillamook High School, will geous to come and do your «elect­ information was obtained before lose. What really happened was a be held on the evening of Friday, lical views, but notwithstanding M. KER RON, ing here You will get the bezt se facts, the temperance and giving out any suggestions. The great and general increase. Opr December sixth, in the High School qualities', the most thorough and s*. ’ stem was to go into some farming foreign trade in 1897, the total of ex ­ Autitorium. Tillamook has the the church ne proportion qf conscientious workmanship, and be >ple were for Botts, which drove section of the country and ascertain ports and imports, was $1,810,000,000. I affirmative of the question, which PHYSICIAN & SURGEON charged the most reasonable prices. i opposite side over to Harter, from the most successful farmers It passed $2,COO,000.000 in 1899, ia: Resolved, ¿that the electoral We can supply single or double Tillamook Block, t because they liked him, but be- how they managed, and after ob­ $3,000,000,000 in 190«, and will ex­ : college should be abolished, and 1 Sets or any single article that yo» i8e he had not made any radical taining this to give the informa­ ceed $4,000.000,000 in the present , the president nominated by the may belin need ofj Tillamcok, Oregon. ives. From a city's point of view tion to other farmers who are not so caleadar year. 1 direct vote of the people. I Thia advance would have been was a matter of much regret sucoessful. He illustrated this by W.A, Williams*Co Teacher’s Examinations ongst some of our best citizens saying that a farmer in the Willa­ called progressivenss before the Next Door to Tillamook I'ouatr Bank. hawk it these two men should have mette Valley was growing kahl. word fell into freakish disrepute. It Notice is hereby given, that the •n induced to run against one an He had sent to England for the is enough now to refer to it as County Superintendent of Tilla-' w w ler, lor they are both highly seed, but those in the neighbor­ solid progress, All has occurred mook County, will hold the regular , ipected and belongs to the class hood knew nothing of the value of under protective tariffs, one of examination for state and county PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, ich have always been on the side kahl and were not growing it. lie which is still in force, though short papers at Tillamook City, in the I good government and the eti- went to a number of the most pro­ ly to be sapped and mined bv a circuit court room, at ‘ the “ court BAY CITY, OREGON. cement of law. Miss Myrtle gressive farmers and gave them the minority of voters invested with house, as follows: Ils did not accept the nomination information and now most of them complete authority by pluralities FOR STATE PAPERS city treasurer, which left that in that vicinity are growing it for in a three-sided fight. A majority Commencing Wednesday, Dec- R. BEALS, Ice without a nominee. In the cow feed. He also gave a similar of voters supported protective plat­ ember 18, at 9 o'clock a.m., and ht for councilmen, F, L. Sapping illustration of turning hogs on forms in the recent contest, but continuing until Saturday Decem­ i was put up by petition in the stubble, which was not very largely this majority must go into the back­ ber 21, 1912, at 4 o’clock p.m. REAL ESTATE, It ward in opposition to E. D. done at that time in the wheat ground for the next two years, Wednesday forenoon, writing, >ag; John Kirchoff in the fourth country, but by giving out that They hand over the reins of power U. S. History, Physiology. F inancial A gent Wednesday afternoon, physical rd in opposition to Erwin Har­ class for information others did the with an excellent record, and, what en; and J. W. Maddux in the same and be showed by figures is even better, a good conscience. geography, reading, composition, Tillamook, Oregon. methods in reading, methods in h ward agains G. L. Dick. The what profit it was to farmers who The Republican party does not con­ Arithmatic. it three votes polled were by thought they had no feed for their sider the year 1912 a barren one for Thursday forenoon, arithmetic, uien—Mrs. Amanda Edmunds, hogs He often went into a section itself. In national convention as­ history of education, psychology, H. GOYNE, in geography. s. Nancy Ginn and Mrs. Ellen of conntry where some farmers were sembled it rejected a third-term methods Thursday afternoon, grammer, wley. The election board was doing well white others were not, movement for the second time. It geography, American History, A ttorney - at -L aw . t>t busy during the polling hours. and by giving the latter the useful would rather stand by its principles physics, methods in language, with but a few brief spells there information how to make a succes«, and be defeated than go into any thesis for primary certificate. Friday forenoon, theory and Office : Opposite Court House. | s a string of voters all the time, they generally all succeeded in form of demagogy for the sake of practice, orthography, English i ere were so many votes cast in doing so. He ventured the remark expediency. In two former years Literature. T illamook , O regon . I fifth ward that all the official that he thought on the high priced it was retired. But how quickly Friday afternoon, school law. botany, algebra, civil government Dots were used up just before land of this county it would be and gladly the people recalled it. Saturday forenoon, geometry, sing time and with a large num better to import feed, but as this geology. r of voters in waiting to cost had been tried without much suc­ Satitrdaj' afternoon, general his yy. P. J. SHARP, lir ballots. This caused some cess, he was not aware of this fact. DEMENT’S BEST FLOUR tory, bookkeeping. tay and it was five o’clock before In regard to an experimental farm Yours truly, I RESIDENT DENTIST Is a Prize Winner. W. S. B ubl , I last vote was cast, which was and the cost of maintaining it I County Superintendent. s hour past the time. would be necessary to raise half the i Teacher* who desire to have their Office across the street froir tht At the Union Cooking School re- Fbe vote was as follow^: cost, either through the Commer­ cently hold in Walla Walla all the present certificates renewed with Court House. Mayor. cial Clubs or Granges, but the plan 1st prizes for bread, cake, pies and out taking the examination, should give notice in writing to this office J. R. Harter .................. 319 Dr. Wise’s office. he liked best was for the County doughnuts were won by users of at once that the proper application H. T. Botts .................. 311 Court to appropriate the necessary Dement's Best Flour, in competi­ blanks may be forwarded you. City Treasurer. money. In closing Mr. Hunter Certificates may be renewed once, A H. Gaylord .............. 198 tion with other local flours. when holder has taught success­ Keeps both rider explained to the dairymen the value Chester McGhee. . . 180 Prize winners were: Layer Cake sakchet , Renewals Myrtle Mills............. of the different bulletins sent out Mrs. W. A. Bratton, 570 Boyer Ave.; fully for six month« 41 and saddle perfectly dnj L . The Fashionable Tailor should be made at the time of the Mrs. Frank Rhodes .... 17 and how to obtain them. As far as Loaf Cake, Mrs. Arthur Stockton, examination. Applicants are not Made for rough wear and L '■ Councilmen. E. Cherry; Pie, Mrs. E. C. Mills, required to appear but the fee of &>8tH'ir.YF' L- Sap[,in*ton’56; offering any new suggestions Mr. 213 720 University; «Doughnuts, Mrs. long service in the wettest $2 00 must accompany the applica­ C.*a ting, Pressing and Repai Hunter was not in a position to give E. W. Wilson, 418 Boyer Ave. fecond Ward-M. F. I^ach. 80. tion blank. them about this county, for he had weather. tug a Specialty. Abroad as well as at Home. W. S. Buel, third Ward—Emmett Bales?86 to study them out first. County Sup't. The following explains itself: S atisfaction G uaranteed . . — ard « »-• — *_es w i W Erwin Harrison, fourth ■ John I r* It Yl Kerchoff, M A«..l. IX IVk Underwood, Wash., Oct. 12, ’IX 29. S» *re in Heins Photographic 5^*1 toOKfORTBISMARK 9’th Ward—G. I„ Dick, 120 ; w. Dement Bros., Portland, Ogn. Declare War on Colds, As shipa toll» at Panama have P'lux, 87. ' Dear Sirs; I received first prize Gallery. been fixed at about the aame ratio, later Commissioner — W. G A crusade of education which on best loaf of yeast broad, made or E xcellence fight. 77. aims ‘‘that common colds may be­ from your Dement’s Beat Flour, at as thoae collected at Suez there can come uncommon within the next the Skamania County Fair, held at be no complaint that the United | $5.50 fVERYWHIiE J. CLAUSSEN, ” has been begun by a Stevenson, Wash., Oct. 9th, 1912. A.J.TownCa IVLITHIC AWARDS TOTAL generation Statea ia illiberal, or trying to uxact ' prominent New York physicians. Respectfully, »MV«« LAWYER, all that the traffic will bear. The! Here is a list of the “don’ts” which Towe* C mi *» wi 1 ib Mrs. Geo. W. Collins. ENORMOUS AMOUNT. the doctors say will prevent the an­ For Sale by the Tillamook Feed Co. Suez Cana! coat $190,000,1100, or only! Çcutacher JIbPtfhct. la of This Popular Paving is nual visitation of the cold: about one-fourth o( the amount ' "Don't sit in a draughty car.” Increasing Rapidly. thia country ia atxnding on the j "Don’t sleep in hot rooms.” How’s Thia ? aij Tillamook Block, Panama Canal. Though the latter >unng August and September "Don't avoid the fresh air." Nt otter Oxs HcxDixo D ovi .* b » S iwi »» "Don’t stuff yourself at meal time. for any earn of Catarrh that cannot be cured ia but half the length of the Suez 2 ,he “»«rds for Bituhthic pav- O r SOON. TILLAMOOS Overeating reduces your resist waterway it ia at leaat 200 feet wider r totaled 12 204.341 00 8qnare ance.” by Hall'a Catarrh Cnrc. p. J CHBNBY * CO., Tekdo. O. at the bottom and haa a depth of 41 raa. This paving is now used To which we would add—when We. the undereigned hare known P. J every .ection of the United you take a cold get rid of it as Cheney for the laat IB year«, and beHaye feet, compared with 31 at Suez. The E. REEDY, D.V.M., It*« and Canada, and is found quickly as possibly. To accomp- him perfectly honorable in all buelncae United Statea txgan work at Pana­ It ah that you will find Chamber­ transactions and dnancially able to carry ma eight years ago and ahipa will 1 orrn y {rood, with practically lain’s Cough Remedy most excel- out anv obHnations made by his Arm. VETERINARY NA-VÎOXAL BANK OP COMMERCE, pasa through next vear. De fxs- ®*P*n*e for repairs. . lent. Sold by all dealers. Toledo, O. aepa atarted on a Red Sea canal in hied ”« all over the (Hoth Phone«!. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally nhih.J and -fate 1852, but the Suez route waa not actin« directly upon the blood and mu dev^k, 5 k ha H done Croupy Coughs and Wheezy Colds cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials opened until 1800 In 1875 the Brit- ( hcgon. Tillamook sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold p '4ency e’r‘?Ta,lLt,e* ,han an>' Tne quickest quickest sin WM Ttay WiB Do la» W» Tne simplest wsy to rid by ail Itruggiata iah Government, whose position be d official ’a*P . “y . erB — the ...* children ^1...^.-.. of di dangerous croupy Take Hall's Family Pills for consttpatio« fore that year had been one of pro Th«y wiU ewrs your boshsshSs >nomv of H,tni,?i I-itti eC,a,e ^ j,he true *rue coughs and wheezy stuffy colds is A Morning Reminder. 'ommend “ s ,8nd etronc'y «» «G'e them Foley’s Honey and teat bought the Irhedive’a share« atrengtban yw kiiasys» «•*■ for $20.000.000. and the canal waa | Tar Compound. It give« almost in- * You awake with a mean, ree» «ftaaiy hragulariti««, ' stant relief and «tope a cough BIG SURPRISE TO MANY enlarged. Net profits reached —. 1 promptly. It sooth« and heal« IN TILLAMOOK CITY. $7.000,010 in 1*K> and hnve greatly taste in the mouth, which re , .. Secret Terror. f Contain« no opiates. Lamar's Drug I increased. The tonnage passing you that your stomach ii tn a bad r>le..a„,l"”n‘r fear of •‘«•knees and »«ore- Ix>cal people are surprised at lb« through has gained fourfold since condition. It should also remind •Hata*«« th< «■«••• i , ‘ _ .. ^_ ,he «^« terror of, th«t aauaaa rbaamatisa. ►ta­ — terror or---------------------- QUICK results received from you that there is nothing so good 18*1 . A uc y am cap Diuciiy x'wpac. ■imple buckthorn bark, glycerine, -or a disordered stomach as sso« Brighi'• Diseaaa «a4 Bto- ------------- L’J?*’’* They inev’ Foley Kidney Pilla Pills vive give just the etc., as mixed in Adler i-ka, the Ger -ñ Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Boto«, oa4 reoforo hoaHB «a4 nis enming capacity. Foley he,P people nerd to tone I man appendicitis remedy. J- 3. Will Mot Be *¿252«aible for Any Tablets. * □ney Pm* bring beck health and an<* «trenjrthen their kidneys and and renulate action I Umar »tales that this aimpie Tko budd up •»>» ay»««"- "••• ’• healing rhe diaMee. bladders -------- "------- *------ their - --------------- 1 will not ba reaponaiblc for aoy antiaepticizee the digestive .. n.tur.1 csndXien., asd .r. mi Vamar’i B ug Stora« J are the treat medicine made John McMaster« Streator, III., says: • • remedy debt« contracted by my wife. Pearl »«»»i* >n their aciiow that on* hardly real v stein and draws off the impurities “ I feel better and stronger than I »'Jiey .nd bladder trouhlee. C. Hobaon. after Nove ml« r »1 —. . me teken. ChamUri.'»» --------——- that A . SINGLE DOSK * genuine are in the yellow pack have for many year*, and Foley •ol thoroughly M aw « Hoeari.x Kidney Cilla<1 rd it.” Lamar’s Drug r. ltevea sour stomach, gas on the Tafr1— «• «dd •’«•/ •*«•■ rnw -aw Monroe, Waah ao,r ”,b*«,,u»e- I^mar-e Store stemach and constipation IN« H , II I HARNESS I YV. , lows F ish B rand P ommel S licker J í:?a'Th*T Alway*Help BWerly Prople * BTANTLY. Kidney Pilla