Tillamook Advertising Rates. L egal A dvertisements : First Insertion, per line . .. $ K» Each -uibseqiient insertion, line 5 Business und professional cards. 1 month .. . 1 fi» 5 (O H.miesteud Notices. Timber Claims .. 10 (K) l-ocals per line each insert ion advertisement, an neh, 1 month................................... 50 All ReaoliitioriH of Condolence und I-odge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thunks, 5c. per line. Notices, Ixtst, Strayed or Stolen, etc. minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ ing five lines. Headlight, the citizen gone to the council affairs, is not surprised that the saloon keepers have taken ad­ with a proper showing. vantage of these conditions. We simply mention this for the Here is one little coincident benefit of the women who cast which Mayor Harter had tocon- their first ballot on Monday, for tend with, because he closer! we have a vague impression down on what was believed to that the same methods were be a baudy house, the parties used to get their votes for the turned in and fought him. We ’dry" candidate* as were used have seen several letters the two years ago to secure the past year addressed to Mayor church vote for the liquor deal­ Harter from women who want­ ers’ attorney for mayor. From ed to run houses of prostitution a politician’s standpoint this is and offered to pay the Mayor considered good politics, and it certain sums of money every goes to prove that we are not month. He would not allow it behind the times for politicians and that is the reason the city who lielieve it is all fair in love, line been kept clean in that re­ spect We ask in all fairness war and politics. December o, 1912. DEALS FOR TIMBER IN­ VOLVE $9,000,000. Build your hou# from lumbe 22,000 Acres in Washington and Tillamook Counties Bought for $5,000,000. bought here and thu !ntq|( mar,ent satisfaction and With the determination of nego­ from the many Wptir tiations for the transfer of a large track of timber land in Washington always follow th, ,,w Of D qm and Tillamook counties for approx­ unseasoned lumber. imately $5,000,000 and two other our lumber .nd be d0Be timber deals in process of closing, than to buy poorer and ihr c capital involving a total Eastern t_, continually paying fw • of $0,000,000 is being invested in the Oregon as a direct result of The best is alwaya the signal defeat of single tax at the KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. election held last month. (HTKJCTLV IN ADVANCE.) In the deal closed yesterday the One year.... 1.5« Six months 75 purchaser is the Wilson River Three ntontha.................................... 50 now many of our citizens who Timber Company, incorporated in The White Hope prate about moral conditions the State of Delaware, and com­ Entered as second class mail uiat- have thanked the mayor for ter July, 188S, at the post office at putting his foot down on the Mobs are seeking novelties Old- posed of Portland and Eastern The property ac­ Tillamook, Ore., tinder the act of fashioned hanging bees are grow capitalist«. white slave traffic in this city ? March 3. 1879. ing monotonous. Even the fiery quired includes 22,000 acres and stake is loosing its charm through consists of a number of separate * A We want to differ with those too frequent exhibition. It is not : but contiguous tracts formerly ^Hlamooii ^eabligbt, who said the moral conditions long since it was reported that a held by I’. L. Willis, W. F. Stine are worse now than they ever Georgia mob had tied a negro to a and J. O. Elrod, of Portland ; by ' .... . were. We want to say that this railroad track to be ruu over by a the Pacific Coast Timber Company, Produced exclusively from Editorial Snap Shots. is a falsehood and the persons train. A Florida mob, on Thurs­ ■ composed of Mr. Willi«, Mr. Stine Choicest and most carefulh who maL'e them are injuring the day, took Preech Nellie, a negro, and the Sherman estate and by reputation of the city. The into an open space. He was told to i R. V. Jones and L B. Menefee. selected. In about another year, we ex- snap shot man, although not run, and when he ran, more than a Property on Rail Lines. BEUE STEM WHEAT pect to hear of another political wishing to resurrect old sores, hundred men opened fire on him. The property is on the main line Of which every grain is th cvclnne in this city to "turn the remember the time when he The Ocala dispatch naively says: of the proposed United Railways rasen1 out. ” uglily cleansed, washed and dri fought, almost single handed, "He was shot to pieces ’’ extension and about one mile thd "wide open" gambling ami Thia, however, was not new, any • north of the Portland Railway & “ ART FLOUR ’’ is a better milled patentflo How strange it was that no white slavery, and was called a more than burning at the stake is i Navigation line, completed last than any other SFOT WHEAT flour on the marke one attempted to get into the fool for doing so. We want to new. Burning was done by the ■ year by the Southern Pacific Com­ progressive band wagon in the say that the moral tone of t* e Indians when in the savage state, pany, between Hillsboro and Tilla­ [TILLAMOOK FEED CO., TILLAMOOK 01 city election. city is live hundred per cent but in the burning of the negro at mook It is about 40 m;les from kop « hr rv J PELZ * KIRSCHOFF, TILLAMOOK, OR FOK SALfc BY , MKYKR & SON> HEBO, OR better today than it was then, Purcell, Ok., the Chicksaw Indians, Portland on a direct line, and on ID. S. HOYAKIN, NEHALEM. OR. and conditions are becoming The city election conclusively who are numerous thereabouts, re­ the north fork of the Wilson River. As the property is on the west proves that the people who far better. One thing sure, if fused to participate. A finer proof are for law enforcement are for some trivial and personal of the Indians’ advancing civiliza­ slope of the Coast Range its nat- now in the majority, which is reasons, the moral element get tion could not be offered than this 11 ural outlet is through Tillamook z\ scientific combination of East­ a source of much pleasure to lighting one another, as they evidence that he is now so far ad­ I Bay. However, it would be im­ ern Hard Wheat and Western Soft did on Monday, that kind of a vanced that he refuses to revert, practicable to ship it from th.it 11». thing, somehow,don’t look good under strong temptation, to the point with the Tillamook channel t Wheat. The saloon keepers will now | to the snap shot man. barbarism of his forefathers. This in its present condition, say those "FISHER’S BLEND" is the best for uni take a tumble to themselves leads not only to the hope, but to , interested in the enterprise. As versal use. It bakes more and larger loaves get out of the "department”] W hen some of our citizens the confidant belief, that the Indian soon as the Tillamook harbor im­ bread per given quantity than any other system as quickly as possible, stand before the judgment bar would be equally strong to resist a provements now under way and nnd put the ‘ lid’’ on and keep' and the recording angel reads temptation to revert to that form of ’ projected are completed extensive ' brand. Whether for bread, biscuits, cake or pastry, it is the dependable it down on Sundays. Most from the big white book the barbarism, popular with his an­ logging and milling operations everybody knows what’s going mean things, falsehoods, etc., cestors, of releasing a prisioner, are likely to follow “ Perfect All-Purpose Flour. to happen if they don't. they have said and circulated with a command to run, and then Rail Extension Rumored. I I Price, $1.60 per 49-lb. Sack. about candidates in the city filling his body with arrows, It is Contigent upou the harbor im­ What’s the trouble, anyway ? election we are wondering how many years since Indians were provements also is the extension of These brand manufactured by It wasn't exactly a Democratic they are going to square them­ guilty of such barbarities. the United Railways to Tillamook, Fisher Flouring Mills Co, There would still be barbarities, land slide on Mondav, but what selves and get round that pas­ and Bay City. with the stampede of mules in sage in holy writ about no scan­ as methods of execution, even after “ America's Finest Flouring Mills, ’ ’ It is understood that the new being allowed conviction of the most heinous owners of ihe timber tract have1 the fifth ward and John riding dal mongers Seattle, Washington, his mule over the Bull Moose, to enter the celestial city. How crime. In the case of Preech Nel­ conferred with officials of the lis, he had not been given so much thiB city is right up to date many citizens are there id is this examination. L’nited Railways with reference to city who have wilfully broken as a preliminary politically. Charged with a double murder in building the extension, but pend­ this divine precept in the recent ing the harbor development defin­ city election ? It is not for us the perpetration of an unspeakable ite step« for carrying on the rail­ The mules beat the horses in crime, there can be no doubt that, to judge, but most everybody road work will not be attempted the race in the fifth ward, with knows that the scandal mongers even on nothing more than prima J. J. Hill and other official« of the Jockey Dick manipulating the have a whole iot of sins recorded facie evidence, he would have been former and Jockey Maddux up Hill system frequently have as­ convicted and made to suffer the against them. This is a little on,the latter. Webb is thinking penalty of the Florida law, in that serted that the Tillamook bay line ofjgoing back to Missouri and sermonette preach for the pur­ will be completed as soon as the pose of pointingout where some impressive way to inspire both buying some tnules before he lumber market shows encourage­ of the Christian graces an.l the respect and terror in the criminal­ ment and the Tillamook harbor | accepts another mount in a I golden rule have been cast to ly minded. But for the purpose of political race. improvements are finished. The the four winds and scandal nnd making a savage holiday, he was lumber situation, it is admitted, is false statements substituted for denied a trial, and made the victim One of the honor men at the them. If you feel guilty in this of such inhumanity as always satisfactory, and the implication A Perfect Baker — absolutely dependable, every day< 7®** state penitentiary was deprived respect, dear Brother or Sister, arouses hate, resentment and new ia held out that harbor develop­ year out. Built on hunox*. oi the best materials. ....... • , ment alone is needed to make the of his honor privileges becriuse then it is time you were down crimes, instead of respect and dread. Outwears Three Ordinary Rang« rail extension certain. he fell in love with a female at­ on your marrow bones plead- We trust that, in time, all of the 77rc only rance made entirely of charcoal and It is probable that some of the Malleable iton can't break—charcoal iron won t raft ut tendant there We don’t think ing for forgiveness. whites of thia country will be as he did anything wrong, for fall well civilized as all of the Indians timber will be cut and maketed Economical In Fuel The e^ams of the Majestic are riveted (not put together, ing in love is so natural and now are. No white man need des­ even before the work at Tillamook It was poor judgment when bolts and stove putty)—they will always common amongst all classes of pair of attaining civilization while is finished. In that event the logs because neither hc-at nor cold affects them, two gentlemen like Mayor J. oven iu Lned throughout with pure asbestos . persons and there is no penalty he has the high example of the will be brought to Portland and held in place by r.n open iron "rating - you can see i - R. Harter and Attorney H. T. milled here. Construction of a it stays there always. Air tirrht joints and pure ? prescribed for doing so. Indian before him. Botts, who have been working i lining assure an even baking heat, saving one-M« . connecting link from the Harri­ All doors drop to form rigid shelves. together as mayor and city at- man line over the «ingle mile sep­ Malleable iron oven racks slide out autumtiWa*1»’ A Night of Terror Take your hut off to Honest torv, should be pitted against ing whatever they contain. Few nights are more terrible than arating it from the property is en­ John, Fred The Mayor, nd each other in a city election, for that of a mother looking on her tirely feasible. This will be done dressing F. R. Beals after the both rank with our best and child choking and gasping for if immediate development is de­ ’ otes had been counted, said, most progressive citizens. Both breathe during an nttack of croup, sired. and nothing in the house to relieve I «»jmitjl L '’Well, Fred, 1 beat you." But are pronounced against saloons, it Many mother« have passed Land Is Productive. .frr iihrw thi« is not the first time that I in fact, Harter is the most radi­ nights of terror in this situation. A valuable consideration in thia the wideawake, pioneer rent cal in his views of the two and A little forethought will enable you to avoid all this. Chamberlain’s transaction is the fact that the land estate hustler tasted defeat in n I any rabid prohibitionist could Cough Remedy ia a certain cure for is of rich productive capabilities city election, and for that rea vote for him without violating croup and has never been known to and will become excellent dairy son it dou’t feel so bad |his platform During the last fail Keep it at hand For eale bv and agricultural property after it ull dealers. few years ilie city have gone is logged off. It is the intention of In two instance« Mr. Nilson has the owners to dispose of it for this The wretched condition nt ■dong peaceable and the busi­ the jumping off place of the ness men have come together changed his point of view and prac­ purpose after they have cut the rrwrrolr which heats like > nn>ped from one piece of copper^ a eff i st fire box. It bran 15 xa.ior.ff of wrt* - I’.R. & N in this city should with a friendly spirit and work tically confesses that he erred. As timber. by turn.nr a lev- r the fni*’ ar i a writer on abstract political philo ­ Final consummation of the deal, not be tolerated any longer ami together for the best interest of An exclusive pat nted Majestic .1 does away with shove, ng JSgjfc» it is time that some action be the city which we consider is sophy he condemned immigrants which had been pending for sev- pit prevents floor from catching f re-ash cup Ask us to show you ¡he greatest «"v t k n to advise the Railroad the best system to correct what­ from Southern Europe, ranking eral months, was delayed on ac ever put in a ranee. . . ug 1 W Don’t buy the range you «PTA " w And them below the Chinese as material count of the «ingle tax issue before SUtSTIcjl I' sxfftticjl time “untight. unseen, or you ‘I - Commission of the negligence ever needs improving. appointed. Come to our »tore. » ot the railroad company. The for that reason, whatever strife for American adoption. As a candi­ the voters at the November elec­ AfryexHc — have its many ¿¡egs plained find out why the .Wax J citizens and the business men or ill feeling the election may date for the presidency he retract­ tion. When it became certain that than all other ranges where most ed this unfavorable opinion and «ingle tax had been defeated «he It iff the best range at any prvx have been exceedingly patient, have engendered, we ask that be *n your kitchen, 300% t» substituted for it a eulogy that, Eastern men interested in it agreed SALE BY notwithstanding that the rail­ wherever mistakes were made under the circumstances, was un­ to invest. road has iieen in operation over and wrongs done to any of the pleasantly fulsome. The people of It is asserted that every acre of twelve months and TUlnmook candidates they will be forgiven Southeastern Europe are proving ihe land ia covered with Douglas City gives the I' R. A R. by far and forgotten, all working to­ 19 CAixosa J] their manhood at this time with a fir of the highest quality, but the Atk. CO*^lT the largest amount of business gether along practical and busi­ »K.SCRVOM» clearness that no one can dispute. total number of feet of timber in­ on the road. Whichever depart­ ness lines for the up building WKL C.’Vt Those of their number who have volved has not been determined. vov ffon-iwc ment of the Southern Pacific of the city. come to this country are making The othei deal involves have gone to sleep, it is time remarkable sacrifices to aid in what tract in Columbia County. a big ------ It ia they were jacked up and made How stning.1, yet bow true ! they hold to be a patriotic cause. A expected to be closed this week to get a move on. Two years ago some of our native of Bulgaria, Servia, Monte­ About $3.000.two will be represented worthy citizens undertook to negro or Greece who returns from in this sale. ,, ■ — ----- — The third deal, which We wen* greatly interested in run city polities, who "worked” the I mted State« to serve io the i involves a consideration of about some of our citizens who took a the church people of this city sriines grappling with Turkey give* »1.000,000 of Eastern money, win sudden interest in the city, nut and elected one of our citizens up his prospect« here, and spend be announced probably thia week we will gamble that dur ng the mayor who was attorney for •II hi« saving« to «hare in the —Oregonian. AMist year not one of them have the hquor dealers and saloon struggle. Mr. Wilsoa regrets that raj if »eared before the city coun­ keepers, under whose“ adminis­ he once referred to the* as a i Any tune any whiskey tastes so rough and stn^ Toaight cil and suggested something tration the “department" sys­ ’•coar«e crew.” Tonight, bilious if you siupid'or - feel d' dull " .nd na i* i } °u ^ke your head and say “bur*r Which vv ouId improve the moral tem of saltMtns came into effect. Pr. Win Sadler, author of "The tone of the city. We have no The same forces jumped in at Cause and Cure of Cold«.'* says u^<^b«‘h*aa:te?lr^ kt 11 alone. patience witli citizens who troll tfie recent city election and in- tha* .-ummon coMs should be taken cr Put anything into your stomach yoLT especially when they morrow, for «.de by H ii dr.kiV' all over ami make sweeping delivered to work the same peo I seriously, **»h.*S*k.r on. ** ’ a 1* u ‘ ’ . « Honey 11 a (R1 "hang ” L Foley __ accusations a day or so before pie in tiehidf of a candidate for Tar rejects. Compound ia a reliable house. election and during the remain­ mayor who is on the wab-r hold medicine fur coughs and cold* Cause of Insomnia From an observer’s equally effective for children and der of the year never hear a wagon. The most common cause of in T hat’s why Mature gave you a palate. Won! from them, We la-liev»“ view poiut, consistency don’t forgriwn person*. Take it when •omnia is disorder. ot the stomach any reason able ordinance to I h *> count for anything in city i»oli- you feel a cold coming oo. It will___ _______ r Chamberlain * danger of aerioua reeolta and Tablet« correct'theae 'diZ^der?\’L ? Try th» New Cyrus Noble— The snap shot man, hav­ avert ter moral conditions would have tics ure quickly. No harmful drug* |.ffdsÆ enab’e y-........ ’ niaerder. JDj tO *‘”P For_ the numbered bmtle—“the moi of th» grain * —d ing watched that evuditiou of Laniari Drug Store |... www. guuy through uuauiuiuusli had A. G. Beals Lumber Compaq Fisher’s Art Flou Superior Patent Flo 4 ; ' Fisher’s Blend Flour k wm nt ì Wil. 1 MORE perSad LESS perLoi’ Some of the Reasons Why The Great M ajestic R ange ^sgj^harcoal and Malleable ¡nt FOR Alex McNair Co. I I It Should Be In Your Kitchen |W. J, Van Schuyveu Co •• Portland»