illa nt o ok ol. XXV. No. 25 TIIXAMOOK, OREGON DECEMBER 5, 1913. contended that the Home Rule law JUST THINK OF IT. gives the city jurisdiction. Deputv Assistant Attorney H. T. Botts has A Four Hundred Dollar Claxton I. the cases in hand. Piano Absolutely Given Away Safeguarding On Friday Mias Lilly Rutty be Funds That advertising is now a science came the wife of Jay Hoyt, both is again demonstrated practically to from SandltAe The cenmony was the buying public of this section rrfonned by Justice of the Peace, by the wonderful advertising sys­ Over ninety per cent of transfers of W. Stanley, in hie office, and tem now employed by the most en­ was witnessed by W. C. King and funds in business are made through the terprising business house of Ma­ Mrs. J. Benton. son, Pennington and Co., who are medium of bank checks, thus avoiding the We hope the next time the temper­ going to give away absolutely free ance people of this city go into a to some one of their customers, on dangers incident to carrying large sums city election they will cut out mud May 1st, 1013, the beautiful Claxton, slinging their opponents, for the parlor grand piano, which will be about, and the risk of making the wrong Headlight must say that it is any­ on exhibition at their store The thing but a clean campaign when Claxton sells for four hundred dol change. people tell falsehoods and circulate lars and is a high class instrument scandal, as was the case in the city in every respect, guaranteed bv the ' This method enables the business man election. makers for ten years. Just think1 A MX). 00 piano to be or individual to keep his money safely in r A. I. Thomae, formerly a business of it! man of Rathlamet. Wash , has pur­ given away! A few years ago if a the bank, instead of on the premises or chased the store of Honey A Sons, merchant were to do such a thing | and will continue the confectionery he would be considered a fit subject about the person, where it would be sub­ 1 business. Mr. Honey will enter for an asylum, but conditions have 1 into the grocery business with Mr. changed, yet in the face of the ject to hazard. I Pelz. having purchased John Kir enormous sum spent in advertis­ |choff’s interest in the firm of Pelz ing the fact of Mason, Pennington A. checking account at this bank is a A Co. giving away a $410 00 piano, ; A Kirchoff. is a stupendous undertaking and great convenience and costs the depositor Bob Stillwell came near bleeding it clearly demonstrates their desire I to death, as the result of a tooth to be ‘ always up and a littleahead” absolutely nothiiig. To obviate handling I extraction on Monday afternoon. of the spirit of the times. the account at a loss the bank requires After leav*ng Dr. Olson’s office, Mr. Every purchaser of $1.00 worth Stillwell’s gums began bleeding of goods from any department of that reasonable average balances be main­ , and continued bleeding until three their store, will receive a coupon tained. ¡o'clock Tuesday morning, when lie good for 100 votes on the piano. | | cal ed Dr. Wendt, by phone, who The person presenting the largest | told him how to stop the b eeding. number of votes to them on the 1st OLDEST | The annual bazaar given by the of Ma , 1913, will receive the piano SANK I Ladies’ Guild of the Presbyterian absolutely free No favors will be Ñ THE CITY. ORE. SUPERVISION j! i Church, which took place on Satur- shown and every person will re­ TILLAMOOK CITY.ORE:^ tOUNTY I day, was a success, the ladies dia ceive an equal chance. The repu­ | posing of most all of the fancy tation enjoyed by Mason, Penning —------------- . I iann»v Bank ■ Money to Loan on Improved 11:00 a. m.— Theme of the sermon, , „ ,. „„roino- Farms to the extent of about $4OX) for after they had been driven some time, they took a notion in ‘ ‘ Jesus the Light of the World.” aunty Clerk Holden is nursing Ktjout the 1st April.—Applv to John 'pet” on his neck. - Leland - - — - - " * .... * their heads that they did not want 7:30 pm.—The following'proposi­ Henderson & Son, Agents. * to come to Tillamook, so made a tion will be discussed: ‘‘Is it neces­ ranted,—Empty Sacks. Lamb- The P. R. & N. had some troub'e bolt back to where they came from. sary to be baptized and unite with irader Co. Elmore Dock. with slides this week at the 42 mile Harvey Ebinger was hurt very, the church in order to be saved ?” . G. Reed was in this city from post which caused a few hours de­ D. A M ackenzie , pastor. badly in the football game between lay on account of having to transfer. iHlem the first of the week. the High School and the town team It will pay you to get their prices. on Thanksgiving day. Harvey had he Board of County Commis- For Sale Still in the lead “ Dement’s Best ” the ball and was headed for the ners is in session thiB week. fine driving horse six years A hard wheat flour in the city, to bd goal when an opponent tackled him, lasses fitted. Any kind, any had-only of the Tillamook Feed Co.* throwing him face downwards He old, buggy and harness, nearly le. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * new, for $150 cash. Inquire of C. A. McGhee, who has been with was in this position when another I Wm. Phillips, Tillamook, Oregon. on should see the stock of feed the First National Bank for the member of the opposing team Tillamook Feed Co. hire on past six years, has accepted a po­ threw himself upon him thereby Box 368. ‘id- * z sition with the Tillamook County causing the injury. Dr. Wendt is Tonight attending him anil says it will be at >rn, on the 9th Nov. at Glendale, Bank. Tonight, if you feel dull and least two weeks before Ebinger will b, to the wife of Clyde Craven, Do not forget the-Sunday Chicken be about. stupid, or bilious and constipated, in. I take a dose of Chamberlain's Tab­ Dinner at the Todd. Better than E. G. Krebs came in on Monday le editor and justice of Clover- you c«n have at home for less money. and closed the deal tor the G. B. lets and you will feel alright to­ , Frank Taylor, was in the city Ccmo and try us. Service from 5:30 Lamb property at South Prairie, morrow. For sale by nil dealers. to 7-.P0 p. ni. * week. which he had an option on pend Mason, ----------- Pennington A Co., who ing experiments with the clay on the ve chickens wanted at the Tilla- ---------- „ A Meat Company’s Market, 13c. are giving away a Claxton grand place Mr. Krebs is well satisfied • piano are expecting the instrument with the results and ns the Hie opt option i pound. to arrive any day, when it will be ran out on Tuesday he took no ’. Jack Olson has opened den- placed on exhibition. chances of loosing the land. Mr. 1 parlors over F. R Beals’ office Krebs and his brother will put in ! 15 watts The City Transfer Co. are the fel ­ •I .45 1 phones. * lows who haul anything, anywhere, a brink and tile plant as soon as . ' I 25 watts .45 ac- Billed,—a six roomed Furnished any time. Office on Main Street, possible, which will be a fine .50 te for the winter. Apply at the opposite Clough's Drug Store. Call quisition to this county and I a! 40 watts great saving to the citizens, for (flight office. .65 60 watts us by phone, Main 651. they will be able to dispose ! Of 100 watts 1 00 ing your chickens to the Tilln- brick in this city at $12.00 a thous Mrs. E. T. Haltom and her two k Meat Company's Market. We Frosted Lamps five cents extra. ____ daughters. Camille and Ramona, and. 13c per pound. * Effective October 11th. returned front Portland Saturday, le jumping off place for passen- where the children have been under­ T illamook E lectric L ight and RUGS I HUGS! RUGS I A on the P. R. A N., is ' in a going treatment for infantile pa- F uel C ompany lorable cond iticn. ralysis. All Rug Tickets will be IE. Norton of Banks, wa » in E. L. Bently died in this city on called in December 9th to the week on business and shaking Sunday. He was formerly of 14th. G. McGEB, M.D., No tickets redeemed Is with old friends. Salem and had been working at after December 14. essmaking,—Satisfaction guar- Beaver. The funeral took place on I Bring them in or mail them sd. Mrs. Marie Wade, Cor Tuesday, the interment being iu tome. Carl A. Patzlaf. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. the I. O. O. F. cemetery. rell Ave. and 7th St. I A special meeting of school dis­ e Cow for Sale, will be fresh Sewer Pipe for Sale. o weeks. Good milker. Otto trict No. 9 is called for next Satur­ Office : One Block East of day, for the purpose of levying a her, Hemlock. Oregon. For Sale all sizes of sewer pipes tax for general school purposes Post Office. u ojght to see the special chop and to pay principal and interest and sewer connections. See I. H McMahan. og feed at the Tillamook Feed on outstanding indebtedness, made especially for them. * | . The annual election of officers for B. Aiderman. who is on the Corinth Post, G. A. R., will take ral jury, came in on Saturday place next Saturday, at 1:30p.m , at returned to Portland on Mon-, the lodge hall. Grand army tnen I are invited to be present. By order understand that the Mloon Commander, C. E Reynolds. er- have decided to close up 1 The Warren Construction Co. has department" system on Sun- been putting in more surface drains ! ITS in the section they have already ATTRACTIVE r,,. paved. Thia will eliminate pools < k ,rtL' ProPne,or of the of water that have formed at dif- SEASIDE RESORTS Al Chen. has opened a ! ferent street corners during a heavy FAMOUS HOTELS, MAGNI orn and peanut stand next to , rain toggery. [ FICENT SCENERY, DELIGHTFUL CLIMATE. OUTJXXIR SPORTS OF ALL -‘ ladies of the Christian Church ,-,T° J* - KINDS, WITH MILES OF DRIVES THROUGH « dinner and suppef at the Theatre, a $62 50 Quick Meal Range, ORANGE GROVES AND ALONG (KEAN BOULEVARDS. zria on election day and were on New Year’s Eve. Starting on Thursday evening, December 5th, patronized. coupons will be given away with 'TuLyour at’,,,*"si°n to the each ticket Ask the ticket seller • nre " 1,11 ever> purchase for further information. " as ‘.u? ti’Ve yOU a ,ick«- Bring vour “ Grocery Guide” ! A Smith Co. • from ” The Co-operative Supply rou wish rooms for the Winter, House” to us with your order, and e month cheap ” with hot or we will fill it at the same price for '^d Hote"ld W”h batK , a".at the same grade of goods. All we ask is that you do by us the same e5l*m «arket for Clams. as you do with them. —T illamook F eep C o x?n . Second Avenue. ,n the building back Clyde Clements has been arrested , !als office. HAS IN EFFECT ROUND TRIP FARES and charged with selling liauors charges, ana wilt i r t Sale. Sale—A ‘ ‘ h..r.. lira, . to minors on two chsrgi ‘notice Stan ' 11 ren.H,, . h“r,M r Talmage will question whether the jus EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1«, 1*13 I tice court has hai jurisdiction, iurindicti -------------- it being Advantages of a Checking Account. aking Powder Absolutely Pure TheonlyBakingPowdennade tromRoyalOrapélipamclTartar TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK’S" Latest Prices on Tungsten (Mazda LAMPS. Cheese Scoring at Pacific InternationaljDairy'Show, North ■■ Portland, Oregon,|Nov. 18th]to|23rd,¡19i2. M ■ 1 ~~ L N ame j - Tillamook. Lreaon. DIRECTORS J. C. H olden . B. C. L amb . W m . G. T ait . C. W. T almage - 1’ aul S chrader . SEE V bflMHR’S VARIETY STORE, TlbUAOIOOg. « OREGON. Drop in and book Around " #55.00 Portland to Los Angeles 154.70 50.20 44.30 42.60 _____ 41.85 Eugene Rosebure _____ Pi 'ass Grants Medford * _______ Ashland to Los to I ms to I ms to Los to Los Angies. Angles. A ngles. Angles. Angles. Same Foret apply to Colton. Faiadena. River ride. and San Barnadino. With torrerponding t.owtare^ from intermediate Pointi and rtop-overi going or returning and long return limit Descriptive .nd Interesting Lit.ramre the Golden Slate may be obtained from any Souther Pacific Agent, or by writing "* John M. Scott, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. Flavor 1 Texture. Color,|Makeup. i .: tl «7 20 15 « . 10 “ 1» Oft 15 to 42 . . 29 MN 15 to 41 >s 29 wft 42 ’ .. 29 15 3» 06 15 43 .. 2M I» on 15 » 42 . . 29 0ft to 15 42 . . 2H on to 15 42 .. 2M M to 15 29 41 on to 15 41 .. 29 9' 0 15 II . 29 H 04 15 4.3 . . 2H un 10 15 :«» .. 21) w.t It 15 2N 41 V2 » 15 21» 39 . I» 15 :«i . 21» Pt It 15 21» oo 10 15 27 ¡m Texture, 3ft Color, 15; Make-up, First National Bank, w California this Winter "" F. A. Viergietz, Appleton, Wis Hugh Barber, Mohler ............. ........ N. N. Kirby, Pleasant Valley ............ Alber Schlappi, South I’rairie . ............ Alban H. Fiedler. Wisconsin ............ . . ’.Veslen J. Saenger, Wisconsin . John Pennock. Three Rivers .. ............ Adrian Tinner, Fairview......... Union Meat Co., Portland.... Andrew Christensen, Tillamook ........ ............ Chas. Ray, Cloverdale......... ............ August Schwarz, Wisconsin . . W. W. McDonald, Myrtle Point .......... I. W. Hiner, East Beaver ........... Harry Thomas, Clover Leaf Hugo Biberstein, Long Prairie C 1.. Mitchell, I " - Angeles .... ............ ... Guy Ford, Maple Leal .. . .. Perfect scores would be -l-lavor 45; 10. Total, 10O. We have just installed some modern Safe De­ posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe from fire. We will be pleased to show then to you. Under U,S- Government Supervision. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile. Plaster, Roof Paint. LAMB-SCIIRAPER company . DOCKS : FRONT STREET, WARSHOUSM. BETWEEN * H AVEMÜK * h.