TlUamook HeadUghtJNovemberJ«J2ÏÎ «7 ■■ JOHN I L Hi« Pr'sed f.leerschaui.« HENDERSON fl t e Mild H4|,e Hbrotld LX'bi:.«, I.. -- ^yb'j*a£ A certain young man of teuds* has lost tils taltb in mankind & COUNSEL ATTORNEY lorat - law Tillamook Block, Til1a-nook,Or Room No. 361. persuasion, wonderfully and ■••••»• ously wrought and bearing date <>< • the Tbe young «MB Tillamook Bloc Tillamook Commercial Bnildiug T ii . lamook O regon . T. BOALS, M.D., cure, liniments, tonics and I other remedies have an careful attention here as •a the most intricate prescrip­ tions. < Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make » these remedies more effec­ i tive than ever. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook Block. M. KERRON, ■i j PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook Block, Tillamook, I I I Oregon. yy C. hawk , Right prices assured. raight to th, b that llstenw. • « BAY CITY, OREGON •/J R. BEALS, it REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , H. GO Y NE, with the problem ofbuying Harness, yui will Hud it distinctly advanta­ A ttornky - at -L aw . geous to come and do your ing Office : Opposite Court House. You here the most qualities, can supply SHARP, Caught at Last. To bring nltout the victory of goo« over evil hns been assumed to be tbe article that yon W.A. Williams & Co Next Door to Tillamook County flauto Office across the street froir tht Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. I k . The Fashionable Tail«' I « Cxauing, Pressing and Repai.-Ì ing a Specialty. I A S» Ke in Heins Photographic KEEPS OUT ALLTHE RAIN You don’t know how much mi comfort you can take out of a nuay you havu worn a Ule» F.d^e nomine la Mca. Two T<-«C«te. Ltoteto Tonato Rfitx Ptooitlf Vox • li j Tillamook Block, J REEDY, D.V.M., Oregon. I You awake with a mean, nut? taste in the mouth, which reminu you that your atomach is in a bad condition. It should also rema’xl you that there is nothing so good for a disordered stomach aa Chamber lain "a Stomach and Liver Only In Chemistry. Tommy-I’aw. had something of supreme Imjiortance to say to blm. The Jailers were so Im pressed by Ills intense earnestness that they begge«i the marshal to give him Unreasonable my friend, you most walk Why. doctor. I can t I own a Sfi.tsu auto Dealer. Itty There A mo M. and need mate all heeb kla. te no cane la blood - Edwin I itmBt| or m,v horse' g, was upoi) iue.''-n Shelby. savages, it seems, may sometimes be Ah Official g, The comimieb defmrtment In ■« militant in the same cause. In hie book. “The White Waterfall.” Mr James Francis Dwyer relates tbe story rian towns rweiu of a missionary who preached to a tribe of blacks in northern Queensland control the follow^ "Why w»s thews of 5 pfennig ial«< and told them iu simple language of Adam and Eve aud their expulsion cat of the niillteej for tbe cat of the1 from the Gardeu of Eden. The episode audience. "Bring the dog in!” cried Rnssom piere. "Whflt’s your business?" he of the serpent much excited the cou- pfennigs were rg verts, and when the missionary arrived at the blacks’ camp ou the following asked the spy Impatiently when he was dragged in. "Only this, my lord. day the natives had collected half a chase of milk?" Not such to ng The eiplenalb hundred or more snnkes, by tbe commaodtt At our last interview you snld either you or I must be banged Did you really mean that’ It’s of supreme Im- portance to you or me. because if you won't be hanged 1 must, that's all." The marshal was so tickled with the man’s humor that he ordered tils re lease.—London Mall. The Pagoda on the Balanced Rock. One of the curious sights of Burma is a huge bowlder on Kelasa heights that rests iu delicate poise on the very brink of a rounded cliff So unstable is the equilibrium that the rock trem­ bles in the wind. Very naturally this odd freak has attracted the attention of the superstitious natives, who look upon It as a miraculous work of the gods. They believe that the rock is held in place by a hair of Buddha. Hence they have clambered to tlie top of the rock and built there a pagoda which is about twenty-five feet in height Should the bowlder ever fall. as is quite likely to happen, and dash to death a handful of worshipers the blind faith of the devout people would not be shaken, for iu the catastrophe, no doubt, they would see but a mani­ festation of divine wrath at some un conscious sin of commission or omis­ sion. any distinguishing garb.” writes Guy Nickalls. "Thames watermen were knowu by their uniform aud badge, a plaited coat knee breeches and stock­ ings and hat according to fashion, but always a plate on the arm. either of the Waterman’s hall, to denote that they bad the freedom of the river aud which they brought out for tbe good man's Inspec­ "The cat of tbe tion. “But wby do you want me to exam­ ine them?" asked tlie pnrson. puzzled. nourished on thei The chief of the tribe winked know­ he said, grinning. ■nd dat old feller with this lot.” I depot cat renal« «M Tit-Bib. On Slender Basee. Blr Herbert Tree, the amount ■f doubtleas whose correspondence is overwhelming, has been the recipient, it 1« said, of some extraordinary let­ ter«. From them three samples are I •elected for quotation, each from a member of the fair sex. The first ran«: "Dear Sir Herbert—I don't know you. but I have four girls from Swit­ zerland home for tbe holidays. It would be a great treat if they could see your play. But that would be rather •xpensive. Will you please send us five ■tails? I hope you won't think this Is very hare faced." Tbe second lady wrote. "Although I am a strauger to you. It would be so helpful If you would send me £2 12s. Od.” The third lady asked for • couple of stulls and on being iuvited to say wby she made the claim sent what she evidently thought to lie an all sufficient reason, “My father." she wrote, ■‘knew Charles Dicken«.”’ Ancient Tricks. Tbe arts of jugglery were, an han been proved by learned writers, of high antiquity. The Hirpinl. who lived near ; Rome, jumped through burning coals; women In early times were accustomed ' to walk over burning coats in Cappa Arabian Snuff. circuses passed In the nineteenth cm - tury. from Egypt to the Byzantine on his breast, and rope dancers wltb . “Journal" and “Journey.” Strictly speaking a “journal’’ should be a daily publication, although tbe word no longer bas that limited use Tbe case of •’Journey" Is exactly com- parable Even to Chaucer It still two journeyes" distant from another. toned bell which the Moslems rang •• a signal to let on the water In the gar dens and tbe fountain In the city be­ low its sound can be heard at Llga thirty miles away The maiden who strikes it is sure of a husband tiefore the year Is cut and of a good one If she rings loud enough On certain fete days it la lively for tbe bell Ths Secret Out. "Why are taxes so high this vMrF demanded the Indignant citizen "Will you consider It confidential If .T T°" ’hrr wh,-f*red the clerk 1« tbe cuinty treasurer’s ofllce "Yes. sir" Tribun,~’^1e«r» Moe the left "fl •f high rail I rtlef. ore ah * chief, thinking r brilliancy of hbi the eye burned t killed him. »ban became Joined fli and the two •! beautiful doublu* •Mt of th* Amur* What d1scoix«‘ great Aiueriiii ceateve. the « ■lowue«! of if* interest In H*1 latter defel. ih b not stokfl ■ “journey" being reckoned usually as twenty miles. Rut “journey” calls up no suggestion whatever of a day now defltly pbere. T»“«* waiter 1» <» ™ Arnold B»»“11' A" E' ■et held I® •* really wf»-1 ge be st*' I*n quite a pvt»1* west <*•“7,. goes around k ed on a * M«s. rner,f lost proptfV _ ■b heatvrsJ" "1'”*' ’ only uh then prod»'*'1 hf« photoflfff raa<1y Conclusive. Insurance Solicitor—Well, doctor have you einmlned this new claimant’/ Doctor—No I haven't thought It nec- •Mary You see. I’ve Iteett treating him for tbe last seven year«. Insurance So dcltor—That’s enough. If he has sur­ vived that he must be a person of won Irons vitality. in the Days of His Youth. Nervous Old l-idy I'bere’s no tear of tour burse running away, is therei Ctobby — Not a bit. mum Nervous old «•? efflcientlj *rX gome occopfl amply W ’nf’* every coolie that is met iu the street bas his lower lip puffed out by a ball of snuff behind it Arabian snuff is I meant a day's progress, and in tbe prepared out of the ordinary powdered fourteenth century It was possible to tobacco, unrefined sugar and potash. speak of one country as being "fifty- A Famous Boll. it The «un, tbej "greater gni" ui the "lesser jot’ Be or his grns(*d the W not Ilk«- b*yia»« purchaser Is l’^ ge must enj«y * enjoy the •»«» Snuff In Arabia is not used as It to with us. although one occasionally sees On tbe watchtower of the Veia at tbe Alhambra. Spain, there la a stiver Me that li fl Among the uth il the general H «f every chief 1» ment the chief h IM paieiwlj» tronlus and others, while the various teats of horsemanship exhibited in our served ■tition coocenig cups Is often mentioned In. the works 'of the ancients It was as far back as balancing poles are mentioned by I’e- not t/H Tint The most remtrt ’ docla, and the exhibition of balls and seven had penne for milk f« The eiplanitia for thereafter th "We think ’em yts years as apprentice Incurred a peualty of £10."—London Globe. who toned on the ctni of the military ■ ouly tbe mice rt Ing by gnawing This Is the reus ingly. “You tell 'em if old snake here that mak 'em plenty trouble. Mr. Adam." the third century that oue Fertuua. or Flrmius. who endeeavored to make himself emperor Iu Egypt, suffered a smith to forge Iron ou an anvil placed were licensed, or the badge of their employer. Any person rowing or working any boat wherry or other gneedot * kt»*n attack of vtolcot «■nff «peezias “ pgrt slr-ot** the sv«t<* , frd^;4 taking faite. — He doesn't shy al motors. rec1 pi tattoo mean the same as settling? Mr rlgg- It does tn chemistry, but tn hnsIneM yoa'II find that most men in settling • m T show any precipitation at all. Tablet*. » They I hu M up tbe syslean, ««test nature to restore natural consUiisMss, and are •« gesttl. m their art ton that one hardlv raaL tsea a ats di ciao waa taken. Chamtwt lam's laMoto are aaM ttajwbsrt PrKS JSu doesn’t I x bridge so • • hit him. especial aim of sninta uiid sages, but court and thence over all Europe. with a passenger about bls fare, and he kept exclaiming, "Transvene. trans vene!” What do you aupisme be meant? rarks-Tbat's a new ooe tu me. but for a guess he meant "Ci across!"—Boston Transcript (IWli I’b-'nca). A Morning Reminder. he always used when sentencing a man to death: "Brother, you or 1 must cer talnly be banged!" Ne?t day ns the spy was being drugged to the gallows he adjured his jailers to allow him a last Interview with the marshal, as he ■ snuffer, but tbe snuff is ordinarily made into a pill of about the size of a robin's egg and Is placed between tbe lower front lip and the teeth Thia manner of using snuff is _________ common among the lauoring class, and almost The Higher Slang. Marks—The conductor on the Cam bridge car this morning bad a dispute VETERINARY Tillamook When a spy was caught and brought Era of the Olympiads. The “era of tbe Olympiads.” or tbe “Olympian era.” began July 1. 77« B. O. An Olympiad was a period of four years, the games being celebrated O regon « E. tike coiled rattan and ibe tinder. Grim Humor Saved His Life. vessel •crlpt T illamook Ing their arrows. They carry about wltb them also a sleeping mat fabri exercise due care in signing such cer­ tificates they were liable to a tlno of $25 In case tbe candidate turned out otherwise than was represented must spend tn Europe Mrs. Knagg- Ob, splendid! I shall be delighted to go there. Doctor-That’s wbat I’v» planned, You can go for three months after be returns That will give s fall sii months' rest-Boston Tran- tota ROWER’S I Skiit«chrr Jlbuukrtt. «t A Quaint Costume. A Couragsou« Physician. Doctor—Mrs Knagg. your husband needs all months’ rest Half of It be A. J. TOWtR CO. BOSTON CLAUSSEN LAWYER, all The Thames waterman of a former day was bound by a number of r»- strtctlons. He was tbe first pnbllc servant to wear a uniform. “ 'Long lie- fore England’s army and navy wore the starting point of tbe Olympiads SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. them Americau electors were at one time required to possess very high qualifica­ tions. I d parts of New England dur­ ing tbe seventeenth century voters bad to reside In "a stone bouse of tbe di­ mensions of twenty feet by sixteen with on or more brick or stone chim­ ney or chlmnles." Each voter bad also to be certified by bls neighbors ”ot sober and peaceable conversation." in $3.00 Everywhere. Gallery. to start Old Tima Election Lawe. every fourth year When it wan first proposed to use the Olympian era tbe earliest record that could be touud was thst of the victory of Cboroebns. who won the great foot race long before horse racing and chariot racing were Introduced His victory was taken aa TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SUCKER The 0»/» «licker with the (par'd) that prevent« wa at the front. Made for color«—black or yellow. general before Marshal Bussompiere the mar­ shal addressed him with the formula Connecticut every candidate for the local assembly bad to furnish a certifi­ cate from tbe selectmen of the town where he resided that he was "of quiet and peaceable behavior and civil con­ versation “ That the selectmen might doubl* may tie in need of.,' DENTIST, SARCHET, and single or Sets or any single RESIDENT thorough charged the most reasonable prices. We ?• J best get conscientious workmanship, and ba T illamook , O regon . J y select­ the will bows and for pointing and ornament them for 10 cents."—New York Tri*- me'or once. It «as called "raising them, and this work once done nothing must stop them till the ship rested ou tb. I HARNESS Tillamook, Oregon. “•I Is etpstte-. ♦’me. "that fl,», for scraping down the wood of their anything bad hani 100 the buttle « mothers carry them to the nearest stream and plunge them into the wa­ ter. even In the depth of winter, when tbe temperature Is often down to 15 or 20 degrees below zero. Infanta wblcb survive this heroic ordeal are then smeared thickly all over wltb grease and exposed for several hours every day of their young Ilves tn the npen air. so that they may grow up strong and hardy and fit to defy all weathers, which tbe majority of them are certainly well able to do." PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. figure of eight stitch and use the sharp flakes not only for cutting purposes, but In a cylinder of bamboo, and their ap­ paratus for fire making-the split stick, Concerning a region In Tibet an au­ thority says: "The only satisfactory feature about the people’s condition was their fine physique and their agreeable, cheery disposition under tbe most < depressing conditions. Tbelr su- perior - stature and build are accounted tor partly pt for by the fact that the day ' after their children are born their • • pie words u "Notice the work o* be explained, The tobaccobtot it and tbe date.” Ice.—Boston Globe. _ "My __ boy." _ be remarked, "they i smiled. these out by the barrel and sell turn I g| E oxen would be a quarter of a tuil. long, and It took the teamstership of ■ ; cated by a woman out of pandaniia leaves. some tobacco, which they smoke Heroio Training. Reliable Druggist. 200 oxen and drag it in one steady pull over tbe snow to the frozen "itrfac. of a navigable stream Sui b a team of rt|e over every other ( can happen to „ confident thst I, fo’ops feel the«, For that rtesMIl He changes her lovers as often as she changes her dress. Her name is Poli­ tic«. and may the plague take her!" * Wret<’t»ed Meo;, » ot . and 1 .te-, battle lost, the ■ in a skillfully uetted bog worked In a liar, whom the whole world courts, wbo makes fools of all her wooers aud I ,'wslble <0 tbiet v “nd feelinn .. tons or more, mount her on strong sledges of timber, bitch on a team of are also «1 ni a « a in a » e » CLOUGH, they Informed us, to tbe peopto of W*- katlml," says A. F R. Wollaston la Ms "Pygmies and Papuans.’’ Tbe Papuan man race, for be bad been told «beh the pipe was handed to him that • pawnbroker would advance 13 ua to liberty. Now. if she had been a pret­ ty young damsel there might have been some excuse for me. but she was II nasty, old. painted figurehead of a fields me, a flirting, faithless, fickle, foul mouthed, scandal mongering old | ä H '¿'I LLAAloOK, the of hi, «» Intensity of (||r rushed blindly into misfortune to please her. For her sake 1 have patieutly e» dured Insult, ridicule aud reprobation; for her sake I have staked life and I preceding carried away by an ecstasy of sorrow The Tapiro pygmies carry their knives, tbe flint implements of prehistoric man. Hungarian novelist, wrote in disgust: "Well, confess it I must. 1 have ■ sweetheart, for whose sake 1 have been faithless not only to my wife, but to my muse also—a sweetheart wbo bas appropriated my best ideas and whose slave 1 was and still am. Often hav« I wasted half my fortune upon her and FAMILY RECIPES , « 1■••■■* f The valued family re­ fl cipes for caugh and cold A t rokNKY- at -L a 'V Immediately ‘“«ch ntr,IM >» «reuiwd j»,] price of ttiree dogs bad tieeu paid. M extraordinary power of howling." aa If Ths Jade Jokai Loved. Of one phase of bis life Jokai. the :? V s s. » & a e davs Kevolutlon Tbe older ports cot> compete with tbe uew settlements am“d th. timber. When the great treto ,n»’ WMlei,,?, for which 1 he enoraiaaa and poddies, two Into the forests aud here on be uplands would build a vessel of 100 nn« Ç^EORGE WILLETT. .„mnle- built rather more than ontr half tbe entire Americau tonnage in a small piece of Iron about the atoe ef a chisel, used for curving tbelr raaoM bls heart swelled with the thought « the generosity aud goodnes« of tbe hu­ took it to a tobacconist with whom be was well acquainted, a^?- . asked to have it mended “It's sueu a a treasure.’ ATTORNEY -AT-LAW These two Hampshire had been exhausted on the river bunks then oue day be broke tbe ntem. HABERLACH New gangs of shipwrights went a mil. or thus proving It to be worth at east a ten spot Doing favor«, be though«, surely furnished recompense. Ah* phones. lu '*,|linetg,1 ’’ h,T»tei.4 . "'hit I bt,,' " ‘•»beitl The I'apuuns have no meta to an« m pottery. "The people nt Partiuau have dogs, by tbe way. never bark, "but they make up for this defect by their treasured tbis pip®, which was to a masterpiece. And whenever the Ulas smoke curled upward from 1» *••* Tillamook Block. CARL and hundred years before. . T. BOTTS, A ttornky - at -L aw . Complete set of Abstract B >uk n oB:;. Tates paid for non­ Residents. Both years ago be did a favor for a who. to show bls appreciation. pcvMM- ed him with a pipe of meeri'Wto Way* of th* Papuaafc 3j>!t In «’• Wo»** ’.X d.0" U..' "bwin* for our G « . pwpb Good u m ■thel-Msnd was talking «botri net ore yon came In "hat do y«« think she snld? Guaste - Really I havMt m kin! ^,1Rr, Et hei —Gnad gu, • That’s Jn«t «bat «he 4M Influence en Lifo Gain not ba*e gate« An His Best Bedroom. American phystolnn «ays that •Bile In England hr how a vaulted ■tot» In a London < «meter» which bad ton following Inscription engrsied on too «nor "Dr John Gardner's >-»"t •fl Rest Bedroom." Encourage ths Child. of tbs meet discouraging thing" I fo* ran My to a child or youth I» » Mai ■ good for-nothnx a n"t»‘^T V «B toil bim that he «ill never I n mr***