Tillamook Headlight, November-?8t tM. Circuit Court Adjourns. - j men who formed the Ministerial thejother how to handle the mor' Assix'iiitiou nt that time, for Judge Percy R. Kelly adjourned al «inestion. Probably there are we highlv respected them, anti I.KiiAL A dvertisements : the November term of the Circuit those who will advocate forcing io a tight along radical lines, and we know they felt conscientious Court on Saturday, after being in First Insertion, per line . $ 5 Each subsequent insertion, line in wliat they thought was for will persist in it now there are HeBsion two weeks. There were a Business un 1 month ................................. 1 The snap shot man knew at the acted upon. The cases which re­ mar,ent "»^faction * Homestead Noti« es.................. 5 st, Strayed or Stolen, creating factional strife. Let istion and some of our well in­ dismiss argued and taken under continually paying hf * etc. niiniinun rate, 25c. not exceed­ the citizens get together and tention but misguided citizens advisement. ing live lines. Pacific Railway and Navigation are responsible for, The facts The beat is alway. work along conservative and Company vs. M. W. Harrison. Con­ rational lines, and greater per- , of the case are these, the Minis­ demnation Trial continued. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. munent results will be obtained terial Association was imposed A. Porter vs. F. R. Benin and ( strictly in advance .) upon by those who, for business H T, Crenshaw. Plaintiff refusing to 1.5« in this way than in causing a One year........ and other reasons, wanted to plead further, case was dismissed 75 lot of factional anti personal Six months.... 50 strife to permeate the atmos­ defeat the opposing cauditate Three months M. S. Copeland va. Nehalem Coal phere when all should be pull­ and elect a candidate who has Company, a corporation, eta). Fore­ Entered bb second class mail mat ing together for the business openly faught for the saloons. closure. Motion for decree on plead­ BOTTLE GOODS. Sherry Wine . ter July, 188«, at the post office at Angelica Wine ... The snap shot man came to ings, argued and taken under ad­ Pebbleford, bottled in bond, Tillamook, Ore., under the act of and moral uplift of the city. | per bottle................................. .$1 50 Zenfendel Wine r,„ ! the conclusion at the time that visement, March 3, 187V. Tokey. . . ' PWllMn| The State of Oregon upon the re­ Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in it was only another strange co­ Claret P er quart. lation of George Watt vb . the Port ____ *....... ............................ bund, per ........... bottle ......................... 1.25 White Grape Juice When the effort was made by incident where the beer and of Bay City, a pretended Quasi M'Jan3 Spring, bottled in bond, M __ J,.. ’ __ I .11 fbin . r . ’ Beer, quart, 3"bottlM'LJ J“br Tillamook Ijraöligbt. I the Whitney Co., through the the bible had joined hands and Municipal corporation, et al. Quo per bottle ............................ 1.25 Local Domestic Beer, qt„ 3 Port of Bay City, to gobble up were worshiping in the same Warranto Decision in favor of the Old Crow, bottled in bond, per ; I bottle..................... 1.50 till the territory and encircle pew, which was too much for plaintiff. Special Prices for Ed. Smith vs. Cora Smith. Hermitage, bottled in bond, Editorial Snap Shots. ¡Tillamook City within the the snap shot man, who decided Divorce. Family Trade per bottle... .................................. 1 50 Defendant granted to 1 Port of Bay City, they created to take no part in a frame up of J December 3rd in which to answer Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ................. 1.50 I ¡1 bitter resentmen t in the cen- t iat description. O. T.O , bottled in bond, per amended complaint. Let us all be thankful that we I trill part of the county and if I bottle .................................... 125 - — --------- ------ • Cheboygan Timber Company vb . Kentucky Dew, Vi gal., bottled Local bottle Beer, 10 doz^i^S have a wide awake, progressive carried out would have caused i Official returns continue to indi­ W. F. Hays. To Quit^Title. Motion in bond ..................... .. .......... 2.15 city .’d that it will continue to In long delay and a stubborn definite under d Domestic Beers cate that the successful party is so to make more Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled progress. legal tight. There tire just far in the minority that it may call amended complaint as to alleging in bond........................................... 75 Budwieer Beer, 6 doz. quarsB) of Astoria Co. corporate capacity • grounds for righteous indigna- Budw.ser Beer, 10 dozen pi.t/S John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch I for a life preserver. sustained otherwise overruled. Whiskey........................................ 1.50 Old style Langer Beer, lOdozpt have to - , We must admit that the pre­ ' t*011 vvtieii the - people Oregon Fisheries Co. vs. Elmore & White, Old Scotch sence of the women at the city submit to such tricky and arbi- 1 , Over 200 fatalities have occurred Packing Company, Damages. Mo Black Whiskey ....................................... 1.50 WINES. in air flight this year. In one im- tary methods, which they will cam us gave the meeting a more tion to set aside verdict and for new V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey... 1.75 White Port, Old Monk Braud, ' j portant matter man has not suc ­ resent at the first opportunity, trial overruled. Defendant granted Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch respectable tone llOOptql to January 22nd in which to present for a light between the citizens ceeded in imitating the birds. Whiskey........................................ 1.75 t> «u-- proposed bill of exception. Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch and the timber interests should ^ er 7 ........................... l-WfeS As the Democratic platform de­ >Iy, as it wasn't a Democrat*!- ’ be avoided, if fiossible. All that I Whiskey .... .............................. 1 59 Claret ............. Elmore Packing Company vs. A .. ........... Lit. perjn clares protection to be unconstitu­ Inn slide that struck the city Tillamook City and the central i Hiram Eadus. Action for Noney. Canadian Club............. ................... 1.50 n«el,c;a;..................... 1.00 1^ tional this question of organic luw Order of continuance Bet aside bv I. W. Harper.................................... 1.00 ¿enfendel .................. was com .ilmen on Monday, it part of tt e county are wanting is will become acute at the extra ses­ consent and judgment in tavor of Harvester Old Style....................... 1 00 T«key............................. 1.25 perS a freeze out, for only one was a square «leal, and they are sion unless the Demociats forget it plaintiff against defendant entered Monogram................. ...................... 1.00 able to pull through the zero going to insist on it, and if the Kentuck Dew.................................. 1.00 WHISKEYS. as per stipulation. completely Weather. Billie Taylor, full quart........... 1.25 Monogram .................. per g»L|g Whitney Co. and the Port of " _ ■ _ ’ . DuBois Lumber Company, a cor- Mr. Bryan suggests that ex-presi- Coronet Dry Gin .per bottle 1.00 White Com Whiskey..per gal. n | Bay City want to show a get to­ 1 dents should have on atorical ‘priv- poration ys. The County Board of A.V.H. Gin......... . per bottle 1.75 Harvester Old Style ..perpl. H . r 1 Equalization, for Tillamook County, gether spirit, which we are glad j At previous city caucuses the Gordon Sloe Gin . per bottle 1.75 McBrayer, 13years cld.perpiL il " I ileges on the floor of Congress, Oregon, and Homer Mason, County Gordon Dry Gin per bottle 1.25 Echo Spring----- ....pergal II atmosphere have been so laden to say appears to be the motive; j That would have suited Andrew lodge of said County; A. M Hare, Rock and Rye... :per bottle 1.00 Chestnut Grove Rye. .per gal. t with tobacco smoke that it was now, there will not be the least1 As it was, he returned Assessor of said County ; and J. C, , Johnson. El Bart Gin ........ ................. 1 25 Kentuckey Dew........ per gal. 11 almost possible to cut it up into difficulty in doing so. But the ... „ . . . , . . , . . to the Senate where debate is un- Holden, County Clerk of said Virginia Dare Wine , per bottle 75c Alcohol............................. per gal U chunks. The men were polite citizens are not blind to the ,. .. , County, constituting the Board of Port Wine ....................per quart 35c. Cornet Dry Gin............per gal. ll . limited. I Equalization. Appeal from the enough not to turn their mouths fact that in the government; , “----- . c w Tal expenditure' Immigration is beginning to Board of Equalization, into chimney pots at the caucus project there is an AT mage appointed referee to take and Monday evening because the ot $60,000 for a channel which trouble the Canadian Government. report evidence, said report to be Too many people from other coun ­ women were present. One ar- most everybody* can see is to • made on or before June 1, 1913. dent lover of the weed not up- 1 benefit the Whitney Co.’s land tries are said to be moving into Oregon Logging and Timber Com­ During the six pany, a corporation, vs. TheCounty WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER. COR. 1st and 1st AVEXli predating this curtailment, above Bay City, where there is the Dominion months ending with September.30, - Board of Equalization. Appeal said, having taught the women no commerce whatever, while' how to vote we’ll have to teach the citizens of the central part 273,000 immigrants reached Canada, , i fiora Board of Equalization. Sarne as above. them how to smoke, lie is not of the countv, who.have strug-' I and 90,000 of these went from the I Luther K. Haak vs. The County running for office, however. gled long wars to develop and United States. Thi« was an increase Board of Equalization. Appeal improve tlie county, and where of 13 per cent over the correspond- from the Board of Equalization. I Ottawa is begin- I Same as above. There are plenty of good men luost of the commerce origi-(Per*o ­ junction with the Progressives in BOOK FREE! pains all show your kidneys are not The Adler-i-ka book, telling how working right Urinary irregu city caucus it is plain to see ing cards in rooms adjoining that body who favor changing near­ guard _______ against larities, loss of sleep, nervousness, t: at the women are going to the bar, and if the saloon keep­ ly everything that is, to put the you can EASILY _____ weak back and sore kidneys tell plnv ail important part in city ers are wise they will cut this amendment declared for at Balti- appendicitis, and 1 how you can the need of a good reliable kidney g'lverntueut, and those who do out ami all agree to close up more squarely up to the Democratic relieve constipation or gas on the medieine Foley Kidney Pills are anything to lower the moral tight on Sundays, which will majorities in the state legislatures stomach INSTANTLY, is offered tonic, strengthening and restora- week by J. S. Lamar, Itive. They build buijd v up the kidneys atmosphere of the city or allow meet with approval and pro­ at the beginning of the sessions in free and regulate _----- 2 their action. They it to tie done ought to be aide bnbly avoid a “wet” and "dry” the early part of January. This is druggist. will give you quick relief and con- to see the hand writing on the tiglit. The present city council Democratic party doctrine, and one tfktn Hex F a »4 InveStl»«,* _ ‘ tain nA no habit forming ng drugs, o Safe *’n I“ a.p!,e!*8uÄe ,o tel1 you ‘het and always sure. Try wall now that the lending wo­ was opposed on Monday even­ of the dubious delights of coming ' x them Sold Cough Remedy is at Lamar’s Drug Steak men in social, club and church ing by a large number of citi­ politics under Democratic party Chamberlains the best cough medicine / have circles have the right of suit zens lx*cause they disapprove government is the certain squirm­ ever used.”; writes Mrs. Hugh Is your husband cross ? An irri- r.ige. A word of udvicv right of siiLxiiis lx*ing run as some of ing of Democrats in pretending to Campiteli, of Lavania. Ga "I hare used' it with table, fault finding disposition is adjust the "abstract principle" to here may not lx* out of place. them are now with adjoining the results have * iT*Ul!,r allowing this innovation, diatrihutsd, with the pipes still in recommend Foley’s Honey A Tar all dealers improve moral conditions and and we want to say that the the ovens ns it were, the adminis­ Compound to all my people, and are never disappointed with it. I Don’t waste your money buying LAMPS. {f hold the Mayor accountable for then Tillamook Ministerial As­ tration will be a powerful factor in they Foley a Honey and Tar Compound1 strengthening the case. Chamber the enforcement of law and the sociation is ns much to blame 1.5 watte for coughs and cold« gives the best lain s Liniment plasters. is cheaper an«l violation of th«* same. More as nnvone, for in a quiet little B‘V J " P- R Engineer possible results *’ Sold at Iaimsr's better Dampen a piece of flannel 25 watts Drug Store Ark., says : •• | suffered will tie accomplished in that caucus Ibex agreed to support «0 watte with it and bind it over the affected way than in the citizens getting ami helped elect the uiavor witii kidney and (»ladder trouble so flO watts The tx»y a ap|>etite is often the parts and it will relieve the pain bad I was unable to work. I had and soreness. For sale by all dealers. 100 watts into a factionnl strife, which, it under ___ whose ml min iat rat ion such severe pains in my back I source of amazement. If you would e eest»”* |H>ssit>le, should t>e avoided, f«ir some of the saloons wervallow- could hardly get u|». I tried several have such an appetite take Cham­ Frosted Lsmps five Sewer Pipe for Sale this is no time for the citizens t«> divide their s.ikx>us up into phv*,cians wtth no result, but berlain a Tablets. They not only Effective a healthy appetite, but to Is* lighting one another Is* sections. We h ive not one tin- bNey Kidney Pills have done won- create T illamook E lectric I For Sale all sixes of sewer pipe* strengthen the stomach and enable 4*r?, M ,,reco"”"*nd then to FVKL COMPA-^ cause they may ditier uue with kiud w ord to say of tlie dergy- all. Sold by Lerner's Drug Store. it to do its work naturally. Fcr t"!. *?wer connections. See I. H. McMahan, aale by all dealers Advertising Ratea. Build your fcoiiu from lumber BILLY STEPHENS, Fisher’s Art Flour Superior Patent Flour Fisher’s Blend Flour, I Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All I I Grocers.