illowk TILLAMOOK, OREGON Why a Checking Account? The checking account at a good bank is a necessity with every one who wants to put system, safety and stability iuto his money matters. It records accurately transaction. every money It prevents the necessity of carrying a large amount of cash on hand. It provides, in the returned cancelled check, a receipt for every payment. You can open a checking account here at any time, with any sum from a dollar up. Married, on Saturday, at the Allen House, in this citv, R. E. Myers aud Olga Kebbe, both of Mohler. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. W. Kuhlman, pastor of the M.E Church • They left by rignext morning for their home at Mohler. Mrs. E. Brenner and Miss Ver onic Melchior left for Portland on Monday, the former suffering with appendicitis, where she will be operated upon. Dr. Kerrou and Mr. Brenner will leave later for Portland, to be present at the oper­ ation. The City adjusted its difficulties with Mrs. Dave Mnrtiny on Mon­ day, when Henry Rogers, M. Melchoir add T. H. Govne were ap­ pointed to assess the amount of damages. Mrs. Martiny consented to give the city a right-of way for the eewer system without asking any damages, which is considered very satisfactory to all parties. NOVEMBER 28, 1912. Great Closing-Out Sale of MEN’S AND BOYS’ High Grade Suits and Overcoats On account of the greatly increased Business in our Men’s made to measure Suits and Overcoats I have decided to close out the entire stock of our ready to wear Men’s and Boy’s High Grade Suits and Overcoats, REGARDLESS OF COST. SALE COMMENCES TO-DAY Dr. P, O. Bonebrake, presiding elder of Oregon Conference for the U. B Church, will preach in the U B. Church, at Tillamook, Sun­ AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE ENTIRE STOCK IS DISPOSED day, December let, at 7:30 p.m. OLDEST Quarterly Conference will be held OF—BE SURE AND BE ON HAND—BRING IN THE BOY S AND FIT Monday evening, December 2nd. 3ANK N THE Dr. Bonebrake will also hold Quar­ TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. SUPERVISION COUNTY THEM OUT IN THE BEST. terly Conference Saturday evening, i November 30th, at Beaver, and will preach at Beaver, Sunday, at 11 A message from Lewiston, Mon­ a tn. LLAMOOK JOTTINGS tana, on Saturday, to Mrs. A. B. Mr. and Mrs. Johan Poulsen and Allison stated that her husband )awson Bros, have leased the died on Saturday from brain fever Miss Poulsen, Mrs. G. T. Trom- irns barn. niaid. Master John Trommaid and It will pay you to get their prices. lome Made Mince Meat at the Still in the lead " Dement’s Beet ” H. Bates of Portland, are at Bay­ I ocean occupying the beautiful Poul un Market. * hard wheat flour in the city, to be pennies wanted at Tillamook had only of the Tillamook Feed Co." sen cottage which was recently I finished. They expect to be there mnty Bank Attention, the closing out sale at until about December 1. The Poul­ Including Black and Blue Serge All-Wool Quality ¡Vanted,—Empty Sacks. Lamb- Patzlaf’s continues until everything sen cottage Occupies one of the hrader Co. Elmore Dock. . in the present etore ie eold at most sightly places in Bayocean $25.00 All Wool Suit or Overcoat $18.75 $8.50 Suit or Overcoat . $6 40 Hasses fitted. Any kind, any Wholesale pricee, including all fix­ a beautiful view being obtained tures. tie Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * from it over Tillamook Bay and the 22.50 All-Wool Suit or Overcoat 17.25 7.50 Suit or Overcoat 5.65 A marriage license was issued Donot forget the Sunday Chicken Pacific Ocean. The party have had 20.00 All-Wool Suit or Overcoat 15.00 J. A. Craven and Nancy E. Olson, Dinner at the Todd. Better than several opportunities of witnessing . 5.25 6.50 Suit or Overcoat . fou should see the stock of feed you can have at home for less money. the ocean during the recent storms. 4.50 18.50 All -Wool Suit or Overcoat 13.85 6.00 Suit or Overcoat e Tillamook Feed Co. has on Ccmo and try us. Service from 5:30 Mrs. Bert Severance entertained to 7:00 p. m. • nd. • the Killkare Klub at the home of . 3.90 15.00 All-Wool Suit or Overcoat 11.25 Suit or Overcoat . When shoping in Tillamook do Mrs. Emmett Bales last week. The Editor J. S. Dellinger, of the As- 3.75 12.50 All-Wool Suit or Overcoat 9.75 5.00 Suit or Overcoat rian was in the city the first of not forget Patzlaf’s, for everything occasion was an intellectual feast in the store is going at Wholesale as well as a social treat. Mrs. Sev­ e week. . 3 40 4.50 Suit or Overcoat . 10.00 All-Wool Suit or Overcoat 7.50 Uve chickens wanted at the Tilla- prices and we kuow we can save erance proved herself one of the you money. , most charming of the many charm ­ ook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. 3.00 1.00 Suit or Overcoat 7.50 All-Wool Suit or Overcoat 5.65 The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ ing hostesses of the Klub. The ir pound. study hour embraced a study of the Dr. lack Olson has opened den- lows who haul anything, anywhere, City of New York and a reading on any time. Office on Main Street, I parlors over F. R. Beals’ office, opposite Clough's Drug Store. Call the Black Hills. Mrs. Shrode and (th phones. • Mrs. Alderman were the readers. The us by phone, Main 651. Wanted,—a six roomed Furnished luncheon was worthy’ of mention as Prunes For Sale, — direct from tlie (use for the winter. Apply at the usual, also other features of enter­ grove First class quality, medium eadlight office. • size 5c. per pound in 100 pound lots. tainment which Mrs. Severance had Bring your chickens to the Tilln- The freight is 60 to (15c. per 1(M>. kindly provided. Every one went ook MeatCornpany’s Market. We Alex Marolf, home feeling glad they were mem' St. Helena, Cal. iv 13c. per pound. • bers of the Killkare Klub. The Allen House Grille serves a For Shoes go to Patzlaf’s and buy Byron Hunter, assistant agricul merchant’s lunch every day at lent at \\ holesale prices and save noon, 25c. Spring chicken always turist and expert on mode! dairy- ie to two dollars per pair. on hand, We aim to serve the beat farms, will be in Tillamook City on supporter of President Taft. He is One Ccw for Sale, will be fresh thing to the best people at city Sunday, and on Monday, at 2 one of the few members of the com­ two weeks. Good milker, Otto prices. ■ o’clock there will be a meeting of ing Legislature who did not sub­ alther, Hemlock. Oregon. Monday, December 2nd, we will farmers and others interested in an scribe to Statement No. 1. lou ought to see the special chop have on display all the holiday experimental farm, which the Tilla- Tillamook. Creaon r hog feed at the Tillamook Feed goods we have on hand at Patzlaf’s. I mook Development League have Bazaar on Saturday. under >., made especially for them. • consideration. Mr. Hunter You will have to call early, for they The Ladies' Guild of the Presby­ Lost,-A Yellow Buck Skin Pouch will sell at wholesale pricee and will comes well prepared with informa­ I tion in regard to an experimental terian Church of this city will hold ith money in it. Finder please not last long. DIRECTORS dairy farm, and how to obtain their annual bazaar on Saturday, “ve same at Patzlaf’s Store. • Superior Vacuum Sweepers are The Csfetena, 21 Per Cent Discount on every being offered for sale by H. J. financial aid, so there should be a Novemtier 30th. '•ng found on the Bargain Counter White who is stopping at the Todd good turn out of dairymen. Mr. opposite Leach'» meat market, has J. C. H olden me Tillamook Feed Co, next Hotel. He will be pleased to make Hunter was a school mate of Mrs. been rented for that purpose, and Fannie Dunston, and it is through in connection with the bazaar the iturday. , a demonstration for any one leaving B. C. L amb . her efforts that he will visit Tilla­ ladies will serve dinner and supper If you wish rooms for the Winter their address for him. • between the hours of 11.30 and 1.80 mook. The meeting will be held in I the month “cheap ” with hot or W m G. T ait . The Engineer’s assessment of the >ld water and with bath, call at cost of paving amounts to $157,700.- the Commercial Club, and it is and between 5 30 and 7.00. The article» to be disposed of con­ hoped there will be a large attend­ C W. T almage . * Todd Hotel. • 87, which includes seven blocks not ance of dairymen. sists of useful and fancy work, Go to the Clam market for Clams. yet completed, and the estimate cost suitable for Christmas and New P all S chwaden . * 3n l * ra*”*. Second Avenue, of the sewerage amounts to $42,721. Year’s presents and the ladies of '•■r irst St, in the building back 45, which does not include the the Presbyterian Church invite an We have just installed some modern Safe De­ 1 Beals’ office. laterals. inspection of them The foot ball game play ed Thanks- The ladies have teen more than Married, on Thursday Nov. 21. at posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe I'lng day between the High School Rockaway, by the Rev. J. E. Meese, ordinarily successful thia year in lilies resulted in a score of pastor of the U. B. church. Mr. procuring a large variety of article» from fire We will be pleased to show then to you. to o m favor of |he former for sale and an opportunity is thus W. B. Staines and Miss Nellie Slater. Thanksgiving passed off afforded to purchase gifts both use­ . - >—quietly A few intimate friends were present i* city, the beautiful weather ' at the ceremony and they will make ful and ornamental for the holiday >ng the national Thanksgiving their home at Rockaway. season, and the public is urged to 'X 'hat much more enjoyable. | take advantage of this occasion. Under U.S- Government Supervision On December 8, at eleven thirty an,ne'. ,O Ix>an on Improved a.m. at the United Brethern church .’he extent of about $4000 at Beaver, the pastor’s subject will Presbyterian Chnrch. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Elan I it ** ~APPly to John be, “A Wedding in Cana.” Some 10:00 a.m.—BibleScbool. faithful ‘ d Anderson 4 Son, Agents. • special and appropriate music and competent teachers in charge rwir ~ ' hr,r»e 1400 pounds, will be rendered, when Mr. W. E. t of the classes, and classes for all - c°n’"l«r a trade for a buggj Godsey, President of the Christian ages. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. E»f c to G,,y Ford’ Maple Endeavor Society, will meet Miss 7:30 p. m. —Popular Vesper Service 11 t-resmery. . Anna L Rhodes, a prominent The Sermon theme “Who are twice ”nvmh°n ‘ find What y°‘> ’««• church worker, at the altar where Born Men'” Special music by a chorus choir. Visitors and strangers the holy bonds of wedlock will be * Till er 8t,,re ,he cil>’ KO to in this city are cordially welcome. :n,,Feed Co •-»hey have consummated. Mrs Dora Young, Seats free and ushers on hand to hne of groceries. • pastor, extends a cordial invitation T. B. Handley. Jr., who was show you to »he beat vacant seats D. A M ac K fnzti , pastor , to all. elected joint representative of Tilla­ mook and Yamhil’, is a Native Ore- Washtngton For gonian ; born in County 30 yearn ago. Has resided A fine driving horse si» year* in Tillamook County for 22 years, harness, old, buggy • and •• — — ■----- - » Y pearly '1 in l ‘ <>7 and Admitted to the bar new, , for »1.*» cash caah. Inquire f . of began the practice of his profession Wm. Phillipa, Tillamook, Oregon. _____________ io Tillamook in that year City Boi W Recorder of Tillamook, haring been Card of Thaate*. elected to that position for the fourth term. Mr. Handley belongs I wish to express toth* many kind to that claaa of Republicana that friends my appreciation of the kind­ helteraa needed reforms can beat ness end sympathy shown the be obtained within the party. In family on account of »ha death of __ ____ th* late campaign he waa an active mv mother. M i « on PkWilMs. TILLAMOOK C0ÜÑTHp1~ Prices Quoted Here Will Give You an Idea of the Wonderful Savings. Men’s Suits and Overcoats Boy’s Suits and Overcoats Popular Price Clothier. We ^AMAR’S VARIETY STORE, TlbbAiDOOK, OREGON DroP in and hook ftround.” Meet and Beat Portland Prices.