November 21 1912 DEMENT’S BEST FLOUR CIRCUIT COURT Grand Jury’s Report-*Lib«l Case Against R. Zweifel Caused Some Interest. | Beals. Transcript from Justice I Court Jury brought in a verdict in favor of defendant __ | In case of A. H. Huger vs. Vincenz Jacob. Motion for new trial over ruled. I The Zweifel Libel Case RQ9RI BakingPUwaer Is a Prize Winner. At the Union Cooking School re- cently hold in Walla Walla all the ilst prizes for bread, cake, pies and 1 doughnuts were won by users of i Dement's Best Flour, in competi- ■ tion with other local flours. 1 Prize winners were: Layer Cake, Mrs. W. A. Bratton, 570 Boyer Ave.; Loaf Cake, Mrs. Arthur Stockton, 213 E. Cherry; Pie, Mrs. E. C. Mills, > 720 University; Doughnuts, Mrs. : E. W. Wilson, 418 Boyer Ave. | Abroad as well as at Home. The following explains itself: Underwood, Wash., Oct. 12, *12. Dement Bros., Portland, Ogn. ! Dear Sirs: I received first prize on best loaf of yeast bread, made from your Dement’s Best Flour, at the Skamania County Fair, held at Stevenson, Wash., Oct. 9th 1912. Respectfully, Mrs. Geo. W. Collins. For Sale by the Tillamook Feed Co. moral discredit. ¡ «rat claim , the part of worthy N women. 1 J If ■» be urged, i n lu be noted that ti1(J*H quite a number of cases to be dis­ ! circulated in regard to a recall peti­ serves and protects ar posed of, it is doubtful whether he tion that he circulated and which of another sort The will be able to get through by the mysteriously disappeared at Ne­ and others of their ilk end of the week. All the jury css •» halem came up for trial on 1 uesilay from being “under , '‘-W were di»[>o»ed of on Tuesilay ami hist. The circular accused I.miis were, in fact. sleek «J the jury was diccharged, I lit the Ostenberger of taking the petition, even opulent criminal. grand jury wuh only excused after . - * * had ■ -■ — ..i .. .. . printed ■ . 4 • •zJ I and — Zweifel the circular sonal gams were won 'i./W filing its report. The following ous contrivances agai«,’J cases were passed upon since our and ciri nhited it himself for the ex­ press of injuring II. V. Alley eh a lv less prosperous th:, last issue : In other words, Mr The cases against Benz F. Via, candidate for County CoiumisBion- wh > was indicted for aseaiilt and er. The case caused a little local champion, not of’ interest, un answer amended com­ ' surprising feature in Sharpe’s evi­ One Councilman from the Fifth completion and construction of said peace and the order of society. He people for intorducing hert| plaint us per stipulation, and de­ Wfard of said City, and dence was that lie admitted having concrete sidewalks he will at his is not merely the professed cham­ buckthorn bark and giva» cree as t ) defendants, Gee and Ellis One Water Commissioner from own expense repair and make good pion, but the associate and friend mixture, known as Adler i-ka.It im prayed for ill amended com­ Ostenberger in his office the pre-J, the Second Ward of said City ; plaint. vious day and endeavored to get , And that P. W. ~ - W. G. any defects arising from faulty of the dynamiter and the thug. simple German remedy first I Todd, A L. Johnson and E. P. Johnson him to drop the case, when Sharp IXvight and W. S. Hays have been material or workmanship, and due Amnity and propensity may have came famous by curing appetì to the proper use of said sidewalks vs. Tillamook Count'/. Appeal. made some illusion to Johnson in- 1 duly appointed Judges _ „ and E. D. given him some justification, but and it has now been discovered?! such. Ibis was a jury trial and a verdict of wj, j Hoag and S. B. Whitehouse, Clerks as Bids sisting that Sharp appear as a will be received for both he has never allowed hie sym­ A’SINGLE DOSE relieves ■ $4 of said election. pathies to embarass hie thrift. He stomach, gas on the stomach i ness. A great deal of the time of | Said election will be held at 9:00 broken rock and gravel concrete. tiifs. Done by order of the Common is. in fact, a man who has prosti- constipation INSTANTLY. Harry Mitchell vs. C. W. Pike, it I the court was taken up in the mat-' o’clock in the morning of said day Council of Tillarrook City, Oregon, id Injunction. Judgment by stif 1 t.u of the stolen petition, but apart ""d will continue until 4:00 o’clock November tuted his profession to the ¿troae- 15th, 1912. ulatiou in favor of defendant. from Dr Sharpe’s evidence there the afternoon of said day. “I* is a pleasure to tell yon ■ 'est uses. T B. H andley , . , . , . i .N otice is H ereby G iven , --That W. S Cone vs. Dennis 1. Cold- | was no evidence to prove that Os- I a/caucus for the purpose of r.omi- City Recorder of Tillamook Mr, Darrow’s notoriety ia a pro- Chamberlain’s Cough Renistyl w.ll. Foreclosure of tax lien. Dis- ! the best cough medicine I M City, Oregon. duct of his efforts in behalf of the ever used,”, writes Mrs. Bta missed on motion of plaintiff. i tenberger had stolen the petition, nating candidates for City Officers while, on the ether hand, Ostenberg- i wi'l be held, at the Court House, ill men who dynamited a prominent Campbell, of Lavania, Ga IM M. W. Harrison vs. Pacific Rnil- er denied doing so or having made ”““1' CitT- ?D newspaper in Los Angles over two used it with all my children»» Presbyterian Church. was anil Navigation Company, ‘of November, 1912, at 8:0.) o’clock years ago, involving the murdei of the results have been highly na '■nit for damages. Continued pend­ the admission that he had done so p.In. of said day. factory.” For sale by all dtslnj ing cross bill. It was a weak case as far as corrob­ Dated this 11th day of November, 10:00 a. m.—Bible School. Faithful some twenty non-union workmen. 1912. Theodore Senn vs. W, G. Dwight orative evidence was concerned. and competent teachers in charge By his o«n statement, Darrow knew W. L. Cook, who was Pustmi T and specifications N. I. Myers vs. H. Crenshaw, Tillamook County nnd|their methods heretofore 1----- *------- adopted by said city for Sheriff. Damages. Motion to strike of conducting business. We find the ' construction of cement and The boy’s ap[>etite is often the parts of answer withdiawn. Case source of amazement. If you would concrete sidewalks. that the same are being conducted continued. I The North side of Fourth street have such an appetite take Cham­ T. A. Poster vs. F. R. Beals, et a|< in a proper manner, and that the .from Stillwell Avenue to Third berlain’s Tablets. They not only create a healthy appetite, but Injunction. Demurrer to complaint books are in good order. ' Avdhue West in said City. sustained. The improvement must be coni- strengthen the stomach and enable We have also investigated the It costs you the same as any other good whiskey. Edward Stasck vs. Joseph Kutch­ mutter of the county jail. We would 1 Dieted on or before the 1st day of it to do its work naturally. For sale by all dealers. er, et nl. Foreclosure. Dismissed recommend that the jail be removed I March, 1913. on motion of plaintiff. from its present location oil the I-------------------------------------- ——-____ George A. Strese vs. A. F. Gar­ rison. To set aside deed. Plain* first iloor of the Court House to the Uff granted to anil including Dec. basement of the Court House, for 15 to reply. I the reason, among others, that the M R. Ilnnenkriitt vs. Tliotni s present sheiill’s office u not large llnvenden anil Charles Hovenden. enough for the proper transaction Foreclosure. Service incomplete. A of ttie business of the office, it Ed Smith vs. Cora Smith. Divorce. poorly lighted and ventilated and Plaintiff grunted leave to tile an>enf ughly cleansed, washed and dried, title. Detnult nnd decree in nccor- municipal corporations where the “ART FLOUR dance with praysr of complaint. authority of regulation of the liquor is a better milled patent flour J. H. Silver vs. I). O. Kenagy, et traffic ia vested in the municipality than any other SOFT WHEAT flour on the market, nl. Foreclosure. Default ami di. to the exclusion of control by the xorce ns prnved forexec’t attorneys ■'o.inty. We have not been able to FKKn co- TILLAMOOK, OR. fee allowed In num ot }5tHV. F or sale BY PEL/. A KIRSCHOFF. TILLAMOOK, OR. obt tin legal evidence of the »ale of « p/umber ’ MEYER A SON, HEBO. OR Oregon Fisheries Co., et al xs. liquor to minors in these places, ID. S. HOY AKIN, NEHALEM, OR. Elmore Pin king Companx, rt al. but owing to the opportunity which HOUR saved in summoning th« Diimngea Jury trial and veidict is given for violation of the law in tor plaintiff’s in the aum of $12l\ plumber by telephone may save the price 1 this manner by these conditions, Judgment for $3tk> several years of service. we would earnestly recommend A scientific combination of East ­ Cynthia F Johnson vs. Andrew Jotmaon Divorce. Decree of divorce that steps be tuken by the proper It certainly saves a lot of discomfort au ern Hard Wheat and Western Soft granted Plaintiff granted custody authorities to prohibit the use U worry. ot children. Wheat. private boxes in restaurants and The Bell Telephone keeps the househol H. W. Neilson vs Joseph hutch eating ho u tee. While thia may be "FISHERS BLEND” is the best for unt­ er, et al Foreclosure. Continued a matter coming within the pro in constant touch with all the resources of versa 1 use. il bakes more nnd larger loaves for sereice. vince of the various cities in which bread ilization and is instantly available i" a”' per given quantity than any other j^ester Lx tiding lux ill vs. Rosalind these conditions exist, we believe brand, " hether for bread, biscuits, cake or Landingliixni. Divorce Decree of emergency. that there is aa evil condition in divorce grunted without coat. pastry, it ia the dependable It also keeps the household in coo*,an* this respect which should I k 1 Elmore Packing Company, a cor remedied. We have timahed all “ Perfect All Purpose Flour Duration vs. Hiram Kadua Action touch with the broader outside world bv lot money. Motion to strike parts matters which have t>een presented of the Ixing Distance Service of the I Price, $1.0) per 4»-lb. Sack. of iinrwer sustained. Defemlsnt to iia for consideration and which grunted leave to tile amended an­ have seemed proper for us to act System. 1 hene brand manufactured by swer. Continued pending crossbill. upon officially. Fisher Flouring Mills Co. l^se Panuborn vs. Quincy J MOPE per Sack We extend our thanks to the Court PuiigtMirn. Demurrer to contempt "America's Finest Flouring Mills, ” for courteous treatment, aa well aa ' prureedinga argued a nd taken under LESS per Loaf to the Sheriff and Bailiff in that »UvUsment Seattle. Washington. Miami l.umlwr Co. vs. A. Q. respect AbsoluielyPure The Woman Makes the Home I When you ask for Cyrus Noble tbi dealer knows that you know goa whiskey. W. J, Van Schuyver Co., Portland, ■^srr Fisher’s Art Flour ALL HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Superior Patent Flour Fisher’s Blend Flour, THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE / j 4 TELEGRAPH CO. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System-