Tillamook Headlight, November 21 1912 ■ ignorant Indifference. K. time this question of “ open ■>’ wa8 put UP “> 8ome oH,’e ■„vers on the I’aHHe Coast m a Emake them .it up and think. ■ all well enough to baek in E'e chair and say "we have Ruble and do not care to get ■Tup m a matter of this kmd- E r of the most vital mteres E entire eoast. It is ^id that El is timid. but for crass timr- Eonnnendus to some, in act to Ee number, of the employers by the employer and that right soon or the opportunity to create peace will be lost and the war will follow. And all of us remember General Sherman’s definition of war. War with a foreign foe is bad enough, but a war within our own home would be something that even Gen­ eral Sherman could not have found words to describe. So once more we ask, which is it to be—or war peace ? ________________ The Dynamite Trials. by the labor union attitude toward Notice. t JOHN L HENDERSON, the exposition work. Already one N otice is H ehbby G iven ,— To important contract has been alloted all whom it may concern: That the to an open ahop concern, and in Common Council of Tillamook City ATTORN EY A COUNSK L apite of private grumblings there Oregon, did on the ittth day of has not been a word of open protest. September, 1912, duly adopt Ordin­ LOR-AT-LAW, No. 248, providing for a contin­ A year ago there would have been ance uation of Sixth Street, in Tillamook violence and intimidation. Crime City, Oregon, from the West line of Tillamook Block, Tillamook,Or. Room No. s6x. East to the East me- r.um haB reacted upon the criminal, a* it I Second Avenue a-.««»« always does. By showing the f end of said Sixth Street as it ia now in Central Addition to futility of compromise and ttuce, it . established Tillamook City, and the said Com­ T_ T. T. BOTTS, has aroused a 'ardy spirit of resist­ mon Council did on October 21at, A ttornky - at -L aw . ance that ought now to grow stead­ I 1912, appoint Henry Roger«, M. A ily stronger until the vestige of the I Melchoir sod T H. Goyne, three Complete set of Abstract Books freeholders of Tilla­ old tyranny has been swept sway. disinterested mook City, to view such proposed u o Ta tes paid for non­ —Argonaut. street and make an assessment of the damsges and benefits on ac­ Residents. count of the laying out of the «greet 12 MEASURES PASS mentioned in said Ordinance, and Tillamook Block. did appoint Monday the VXT34.U V— — __ . , . “ |'K"»"‘ Aivuuny ine 25th am day uay With Income Tax Measure in of November, 1912 at the hour of 8 Roth phones. Doubt Until Malheur’s o’clock p - tn., — at -• the Council >'----- «- Room I in the Commercial Club Rooms, in Count is Complete. | Tillamook Block. Tillamook City, Complete official returns from the Oregon, as the time and place for ARL 1IABERLACH, general election of November 5. said viewers to meet. A re F urther otified »«I..... tho„ ,h You ;uh.x ‘„Od"i;. ”r.d N as ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Malheur County, which are not of the proposed street, being a con-1 available, show that the voters ap­ tinuation of said Sixth street, ure Tillamook Block. as follows: Beginning at proved 12 of the 87 initiative and* described the southeast corner of Block 1 of referendum measures submitted in Harter’s Addition to Tillamook City, I that election and rejected the other and being in the West line of Second pnur'v urir r vVlLLr.1 1, 25. With only a few exceptions the Avenue East, and running thence ■ measures turned down by electors W est 300 feet to the southeast cor- ner of Block 1 of Central Addition , were defeated by decisive majori­ to Tillamook City. Oregon; running A t roks « y - at - L aw . ties. thence South 60 leet to the North- • The result on only one of the 37 east corner of Block 2 of Central Tillamook Commercial Building Addition to Tillamook City; run­ measures can be affected by the ning thence East 300 feet to the i completed count of Malheur County. West line of Second Avenue East and ' T illamook O rkoon . It is the amendment revising the running tnence North along the West income tax statute in this state. line of Second Avenue East 60 feet to the place uf beginning; the East­ Without Malheur, this measure liaB ern terminus of said street is the T. BO ALS, M.D, an affirmative majority of 182. The West line of Second Avenue East, majority for or against each of the and the Western terminus of said other measures is already sufficient­ Street is the East end of Sixth PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Street, in Tillamook City, Oregon, ly large that the result will not be as the same ie now established ly­ TILLAMOOK. ch.nged by theMalheurCounty vote. ing between Blocks 1 and 2 of Cen­ The total vote cast in that county tral Addition to Tillamook City, Tillamook Block. for United States Senator was 1752. and the property proposed to be appropriated for such purposes is 12 Measures Adopted. described as a strip of land 52.32 The 12 measures adopted by the feet in width off the entire south M. KERRON, people and the majority each re­ side of the said described street, belonging to Ida Martiny, and a ceived follow: strip 7.68 feet in width off the entire Woman Suffrage. 3277. North side of said tract formerly PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Repeal of county single tax option, belonging tc to J. R. Harter, and not Tillamook Block, included in the platted lots of 17,514. Harter’s Addition to Tillamook Double liability of bank stock­ City. Oregon. Tillamcok, holders, 61,082. | And all persons claiming darn- State-wide public utilities regula- ages by reason of the appropriation of the said property for said street tion (referendum), 20,889. are hereby specially notified to file HAWK, Eight-hour day on public work«, their claim for such damages with 16k 406. the undersigned, City Recorder of Prohibiting private employment Tillamook City, Oregon, before the time appointed for the meeting of PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, of convicts, 36,051. said viewer« as above set out. Relating to employment of county Done by order of the Common and city prisoners 33,320. Council of Tillamook City, Oregon. BAY CITY, OREGON. Dated thia October 22, 1912. Limiting state road indebtedness [ seal ] T. B. H andley (Harmony measure), 15,732. City Recorder of Tillamook City, Limiting county road indebted­ Oregon. R. BEALS, ness (Harmony measure), 12,628 Income tax amendment, 182. Tax exemption on household ef­ REAL ESTATE, fects, 7375. Regulating freight rates, 13,514. F inancial A gknt , HARPER WHISKY lv The dynamite trials at Indianap­ ■is section. olis are making fairly satisfactory £ manufacturer, wiser than progress. A jury was selected with ■t0f them, saul to the writer the out undue difficulty and one of the ■ dav "the beet wavtoover- forty-five prisoners entered a con­ K a forest fire is to 'back fire,"’ fession before the prosecuting at­ E is just what the true sup- torney had finished hie opening Kers and believers in “ open- speech. The proceedings will nec K” «retrying to do. But, owing esearily be lengthy, but there ie Ke lack of right action on the every reason to hope that they wi 1 ■ of employers who manage to be final and that a closed shop pro­ Kuct their business in pur paganda by dynamite and murder Kd peace, because they truckle will be effectually discouraged. K/'.eaders of organized labor, or When the dynamiters are disposed Koi of labor in one unholy way of, it may be that local authoritea Knottier, little is known of the everywhe'e will summon up pluck ■ condition of things. As a enough to abash the street thugs, ■der storm first announces its club men, stone throwers, and ■roach by low mutterings in the pickets. The only difference be Kant sky. so are the mutterings tween them is the choiceof weapons. Ke coming storm to be heard on The speech of the prosecuting at­ ■ economic horizon. Most, if not torney is sufficient indication of ■ of this advancing trouble might the ground that will be covered. ■voided if the employer would do The speech can hardly be described Bpart by first looking at the situ as sensational, seeing that the same Ku seriously and unselfishly and ground was already covered by the ■ > the opportunity offered him to suspicious and conviction« of every ■cate the working man up to a intelligent human being conver­ ■ and sane standard and at the sant with the events. The prose­ Ke time educate himself. The cution intends to show that the Kest of the day must be “back whole country was covered with a ■d” in order that the spread of network of assassination by dyna­ ■ conflagration may bestopped. mite. that the cost was defrayed le unrest feeds upon itself and iB from central labor union funds, Ktened in its growth by many that the conspiracy was not between fcagogues whom it is unnecessary some two or three men, but it was ■name who are constantly casting wide spread, and that by the timely ■I on the flame. arrest of the criminals, they would ■ n ounce of prevention is worth by.this time have destroyed the Round of cure, and a firm, manly Panama Canal. ■ nd now is worth a ton of tribute. The prosecuting attorney, further­ II this may be done too without more, promises to prove that Mr. |y undue friction. There is no Tveitmoe waa the representative of [use for the fear which seem to the dynamite crew in San Francisco, lid so many of the employers in a and that much was expected from kal clutch. Mr. Tveitmoe because of his in­ I'Open shop ” is no bugaboo It timacy with McCarthy, and “Mc­ ■ the broad American method of Carthy controls the police, so we |r play applied to economic rela- are all right.” This stage of the Ins. It is the ‘' man to man” plan evidence, when it is reached, should I regards the relations of employer be interesting, and we shall wait Id employed. Wherever “ open with some curiosity to learn upon lop” has been establised results what ground the benevolence of the ■lconie to both sides have been then mayor of San Francisco to Ie rule, But it can never be estab- ward murderers was so confidently Ihed so long as there are men expected. No doubt the conspirat­ no, from either cowardly, selfish ors knew their friends. I narrow-minded reasons, are will- But the details of criminality are |g to creates false peace of teinpo- relatively unimportant. 25 Measures Defeated. What is Iry duration at the expense of the not unimportant is the size and rep­ The other 25 of the 37 measures Iture welfare .of themselves and resentative nature of the conspir- submitted to the people were de­ leir section. The root of the whole acy as a whole The earlier pre­ feated by the following majorities: louble, as it is of al) and every Creating office of Lieutenant-Gov­ tense that the McNamaras were a loulde is ignorance On the one couple of isolated and frenzied fa­ ernor. 10,123. ■ nd we have the fearful ignorance Divorce of local and state taxation, natics disappears in a moment be­ I many of the employed, who fore the fact that forty-five men are 4763. burred on by their false and Permitting different tax rates on now upon trial for practieally the Iciius leaders are battling forwhat classes of property, 3376. Latest Prices on key consider their rights in the same crimes as those for which the Majority rule on constitutional McNamaras are in prison, and that mly way they understand—i.e., by Tungsten (Mazda for every man who can be proved amendments, 37,141. rule force. Bear in mind that Creating Cascade County, 42,534. guilty, there must be a dozen others LAMPS. pese ignorant ones are human Millage tax for State University, who will be just able to slip through 15 watts ........ $ .45 Rings who are today struggling the meshes. Apart from the guilt and Stale Agricultural College. 25 watts .................... 45 br their very existence, in many or innocence of thiB man or that 8267. 40 watts..................... .50 bses against rank and powerful Majority rule on initiated laws, there is still the fact that nearly a «0 watts ....................... «0 bpression. hundred murderous explosions oc­ 31,751. 100 watts................................... 100 On the other hand we have an County bonding and road con­ curred in different parte of the Frosted Lumps five cents extra. ■norance no less deep, becauee it struction act (Grange bill), 7579. country, all of them at open shop Effective October 11th. b born of rank indifference. It is Creating State Highway Depart­ undertakings, and, therefore, all of T illamook E lectric L ight and III very simple to sit in the count- ment (Grange bill), 58.570. . them produced by the same motives F uel C ompany . Pg-room and manage the p’ant Changing date State Printer be­ and under the same direction. And Bcariously through a superin- comes effective, 35,644. we have the further and damning kndent and to say “ what in hell Creating office of Hotel Inspector, h the men want; don’t they get evidence that these explosions were 73,817. paid for out of a general fund, and heir pay every Saturday night.” Blue-sky law, 8357, hell, there is something more than we know just where that general 1 State road bonding act (Harmony I pay envelope which must be the fund came from, It wae contribut­ bill), 44,041. ink between the employed and his ed by workmen all over the country, County bonding act (Harmony who were “assessed” week by week Im plover. That is where the in- bill). 14,990. for undefiled purpose«. We know linerent ignorance comes in. In Providing method for consolidat­ ¡he final account] of things the man that McNamara received $1000 a ing citie« and creating new counties, month and that by a special vote of ‘’ho is ignorant because he has the international association, he 14,963 P*v«r any­ e'er had a fair chance to be any- Tax exemption on money« and lino- ' — . . . . thing e.ge wyj be judged so wae excused from rendering ac­ credits, 24,971. counts. To endeavor to isolate his hardlv as will the man or woman Revising inheritance tax laws, 24, • criminality in view of such fact« as , r o. having the opportunity to 081. these is merely childish. There P°w conditions, shuts eyes and County road bonding act, 25,839. must have been hundreds of men Abolishing Senate, proxy voting, F»r" to them and like the lordly who knew what that money was ‘ Now is the time Pwracter in Holy Writ, passes by for and who ¡knew it just as well as i U’Ren constitution, 39,958. | the other side. State-wide single tax with gradu­ to have that L <8 the strong plea of the prisoner Clark, who ha« confes­ ated tax feature, 49,832. sed to that knowledge Abolishing capital punishment, PT ad'«*ate of • Open Shop” to group picture made. Crime never yet advanced a c employer. Open your eyee to human cause nor righted a human 21,698. Prohibiting boycotting. 9260. e true state of affairs ; open your wrong. I.abor unionism today Let u« show you our Giving Mayor authority to control r" J® ’he cry of the working lie« under ■ blight that has already special display of attrac­ wd; open your hearts to their dulled its enthusiasm and that will ( street speaking, 13,413. tive new styles. We are Appropriation for University of ron ition The employer is in the culminate in its total paralysis un­ perfectly equipped for Pwmon of an elder brother whose , Oregon (referendum), 56 5D9. less it transfers the powers of its making group pictures Appropriation fcr University of Pain duty it jg to assist in every executive from the hands of rogues and will please *yoti with Oregon (referendum), 51,397. h,s y°un table, fault finding disposition is I 5 W1*' *** ,he casting of the are identified with labor unionism 1 often due to ’ñ’/frlv . , .. _ . A man with good digestion i« nearly ■>' upon the waters which shall re- . because nowhere else can they find alwayB natured A great ' r'',a’er many days, "(odothisthe ■o large a body of men who posi- many ha«-e been permanently cured I lyera munt at once disrnisa all _______ stomach I trouble trouble by by taking r, muet over-come all indiffer- tively invite robbery and who are of - Chamberlain's Tablets For sale by so willing to be endlessly “ assess ­ faraway all the ig„or. all dealers. I ed’' for the personal benefit of high- bell- those who. G. McGEE, M.D. “There could lie no better r medi medr -w w y Nowhere rlae esn so • Xu. T °‘reward-Hre mak,n< waymen. Cough \ V cine than Chambertain ’ « C L" !n effort ,o *h* many millions nf dollars be had Remedy My children were re all I * * • for the asking Reduce these ruf­ aick with whooping cougb. One cf-t>r-ur»N «rd "P " ,ree •*■■ I FAMILY y RECIPES. ■ i a « «■ ft fl nr i Si Q The valued family tc ;! cipes lor cough and cold <7 cure, liniments, tonics anti H other remedies have as o caretui attention here as F the most intricate preacrip- 0 tions. M Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. Right prices assured. are also • i» « a ■ a a' CLOUGH, * Reliable Druggist. a ass I Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers Tillamook, Oregon. ■—¿J H. GOY NE, with'the problem of,buying Harne««, yoiwill.find it distinctly advantn- geons to come anil do your select- A ttornky - at -L aw . log here. You will get the best Office : Opposite Court House. qualities, the most thorough «nd conscientious workmanship, and be charged the most reasonable price«. T illamook , O rkoon . We can supply single or double ['set« or Hity single article that you may Iie.in need of.' |-^R. P. J. SHARP, W.A, Wiiliams&Co RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street from tbt Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. Monk's Studio Nrx' Door tn Till«moo« Count y Bank. KEEPS OUT ALL THE RAIN SA RUHET, L . The Fashionable Tailot C'.eauing, Pressing and Repay­ ing a Specialty. S» »re in Heins Photographic Gallery. a qa 1 HARNESS J. Cy. CLAUSSEN lawyer . TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Th. ../v .hdier wkh' J’* (p»r •<« ,uTt color« ■ Bieck '° 4 ot yeuow. $3.00 Everywhere. SATOF ACTION GUARANTEE. A. J. TOWta Co. BOSTON I ,1, m S T<« m > io <« ¡◄e^1 Çeutechct aij Tillamook Block, T illamook J E. REEDY, G rip ion . D.V.M., VETERINARY (Both Phone«) tFregón Tillamook A Morning Reminder. Foley’s Kidney* Pills Wtel Ttey WIU D- te Tte They will e«r« yotrr You awake with a mean, fltr.nftben r^r •*" tastein the mouth, which re vou that your «tomach u in a tec ract .rtxry lrre