Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 21, 1912, Image 2

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    The Road Problem
Advertia'ng Ratea.
Firat Insertion, per line
Flach subsequent insertion, line
Business und piufeusionai cards.
I month................ ................ 1
Homestead Notices............... . 5
Timber Claims ..
IxiaalB per line each insertion
Display advertisement, an ini h,
fortuu.'ite forZweifel anil others
implicated in the printing anti
circulation that the indictment
Out of a total of eight measures
was not brought under the cor­
rupt practices’ act, for the out­ i dealing with the subject of road
come would, no doubt, have building the voters at the recent
been different. As it is, each election adopted four. But not one
and all of them have violated of the new measures provides a
' method or system or guidance for
that law and can tie indicted.
proceding in road construction that
... differs in important particular from
All Resolutions of Condoleni e and
The eight hour law, winch I J(je jnajeqllate method now eni-
Lodge Notices, 5c. per line.
wns one of the measures passed i )ovej
Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line.
by the people« ie another enter '
.. people
.. adopted
_ j —«—«
years ago the
Notices, Ixiat, Strayed or Stolen, ing wedge of class legislation by | Two ...
________ 1_______ »
a constitutional
etc. ininimun rate, 25c. not exceed
our new system of law
ing five lines.
. , i izing
the bounding of counties tor
1 month ...........................
One year........
Six months....
Three month»
Entered as second class mail mat
ter J dy, 1888, at the post office at
Tillamook. Ore., under the act of
March 3. 1879.
submit its alternative measure in SIDNEY E. HENDERSON,
the election at which the referred
measure was submitted. The re­
sult would be a repetition of past
history. Each measure would de­
feat the other.
Under the circumstances the ap­
pointment by the Governor of a
new commission to harmonize road
differences prior to the convening
of the Legislature would be a wise
procedure. The people want good
/ r ver hau « t «.- r.
• ’
roads. Of that there can be no
doubt. The only difference in
opinion concerns the manner of
getting them. At present progress
in thia particular is blocked,
will remain blocked unless some ef­
fort is made to obtain agreements BOTH PHONES.
and concessions.
Tillamook Title an
Abstract Com pain
Law: Abstracts: Real Est
Surveying; Insurance.
anent road work but the Su.
This was a bill advocated
tmns, and as
,iaH beM tbat tbis
— a is not oolf
i a result in Portland over 21 '>
voters cast’their ballots in favor . Legislation is reguired to make it
■ of the eight hour law, and even
; operative. One of the measures
_ i*herry Wine .
in this county it carried by a ! adopted in the recent election re­ Largest Generators To Develop
et«*n Angelica Wine
Pebbleford, bottled in botj"
vote of 621 for and 468 against. enacts this amendment with an ad­
Aluminan Deposits.
Zenfendel Wine
per bottle........................................ 1
Considering that there is some ditional proviso that road indebt­
Seven of the largest direct current
complaint about high taxation, edness shall not exceed 2 per cent
bond, per bottle........................ 1.2o V
\Vhite Grape Juice
both in the state and county, it of the assessed value of property electric generators ever built will Echo Spring, bottled in bond,
Local Beer, quart, 3 .
is surprising that so many tax- within
per bottle.................................... 1.25
county, The
new amend- be used for producing aluminum at
payers should
to increase |lient contains no clause that makes Whitney, N. C.
Editorial Snap Shots.
the spoils at stake are greater
than the whole of New York City ;
while in reality thev are nothing.
There ia not enough here now to
fight over, and, if the scrap con­
tinues, there will be nothing in
the next fifty years.”
Domestic Beer, qt., 3taS
Each machine will Old Crow, bottled .in bond, per
bottle............................................... 1.50
Hermitage, bottled in bond,
per bottle........................................ 1 50
Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ................. 1.50
O.T. O , bottled in bond, per
bottle .. ........................................... 1.25
Kentucky Dew, Mi gal., bottled
in bond ....................................... 2.15
Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled
in bond...........................................
John Dewar & Sone, Old Scotch
Whiskey........................................ 1.56
Black & White, Old Scotch
Whiskey ....................................... 1.50
V.O. P., Old Scotch Whiskey... 1.75
Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch
Whisaey....................................... 1.75
Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch
Whiskey ........................................ 1 50
Canadian Club................................ 1.50
I. W. Harper.................................... 1.00
Harvester Old Style....................... 1 00
Monogram....................................... 1.00
Kentuck Dew.................................. 1.00
Billie Tayl
Taylor, full quart........... 1.25
Coronet Dry Gin.
per bottle 1.00
A.V.H. Gin...........
per bottle 1.75
Gordon Sloe Gin.
per bottle 1.75
Gordon Dry Gin
per bottle 1.25
Rock and R tye
per bottle 1.00
El Bart Gin
1 25
Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle 75c.
Port Wine..................... per quart 35c.
their taxes. This is what it will it self-executing.
devolop 7000 h.p. of electricity, and
«urely do, for instead of paying
Another amendment adopted per­ the complete installation, with two
for ten hours’ work the state mits the state to contract indebted­ smaller generators,
and county will have to pay the ness for road construction not in switchboards, etc., will be the larg­
same amount for eight hours’ excess of 2 per cent of the taxable est and most modern of its kind in
The taxpayers will be the star work, or, in other words, the property of the state. The other the world. Ii is expected that thia
performers in the last act of people of this county are per )wo roaj measures authorize the plant will be producing at the rate
to increase; working of state, county and city of 25,000 tons of aluminum animal-
the Zweifel libel case, It will fectly
the burden of taxation and the prisoners on public roads.
ly within the next eight months.
be in footing the bills.
cost of building bridges, roads, j The Harmony road measure
The company was recently incor­
Not one word of com- •
The grand jury calls atten­ plaint about heavy taxation1 authorizing the issuance of $1,000,- porated under the laws of the State
tion to some irregularities in should be heard from those wliol 000 111 bonds yearly, granting state of New York with a capilization of
this city which the city author­ voted for the eight hour law. i aid to counties in road work and $8,000,000 and was organized by
ities should devote some atten­ By way of an argument, how-1 establishing a state highway board, some of the largest, aluminum
tion to, anti will, no doubt, ever, suppose the County Court was over whelmingly defeated. A manufacturing companies of Eu­
measure establishing a state high­ rope. The enterprise has been
take action upon.
I made a mistake instituting an
way department submitted by the financed in France and is closely
( eight hour system, the majority i
L* Aluminium
Grange was also decisively defeated. associated
Tilings don’t seem to be just [ of taxpayers would be the first
The Grange plan for county bond­ Français of Paris. The work at
right since the election for the I to criticise the court and invoke
ing without state aid received a Whitney is in charge of Dr. Paul
wet weather paralyzed the rail­ the recall. When the overtaxed
higher affirmative vote than any Heroult, an eminent French engine­
road and mail services, It is to ' taxpayers are not satisfied and
er, who is recognized as one of the
be hoped that this is not the. want to pay more taxes to help other measure that embraced a fix­
most expert authorities in the
first ill omen for the party that class legislation, it is presump­
world on the manufacture of alum­
will come into power next year. tion on o>>r part to “knock,” it also was defeated. The measure
inum. Dr. Heroult has been di­
so we had just as well get in submitted by Southern Oregon in­
terests and the Harmony bill which recting constructive
President-elect Wilson says
put into executing form the county there but a few weeks. Remarkable
the present prosperous condi
bonding amendment adopted two progress has been make and it is
tions of the country are nbnor- county, school and city em- years ago received large adverse Confidently expected that the entire
nal. Gt anted that it is so, the
plant will be in readiness by the
Democrats intend to revise the hours sleep, eight hours for
If there is a guidance for the Leg­ middle of 1914.
tariff for the purpose of bring­
The plant throughout will rank
islature in the election results on
ing about different conditions. day. That is the real eight hour II road measures it is highly involved. among the greatest and most per­
! system which a majority of the
■ voters in this county and state It must be considered that had only fectly equipped for the manufacture
\ special session of Congress want to fasten onto the tax- one of the three separate plans been of aluminum in the United States.
is to be called in April to revise pavers, But we can’t say pity submitted the returns might have i In the complement of buildings are
the tariff, which will be the the poor taxpayers when they been far different
Each plan was furnace rooms, wherein the alumina
lirst trouble and contention for voted for the eight hour system opposed to the other two. Voters wdl undergo the various processes
Monkeying under our new system of legis­ favoring one therefore voted against incidental to conversion into alum-
with the tariff is u delicate un­ lation
Each of these structures
There are times when the others. It seems, however, to inum.
dertaking, but the Democrats it is necessary to work ten to have been clearly demonstrated ' measures 00 by 500 feet, and one
ure determined to apply the twelve hours a day on account that the voters are opposed to state electrode factory of similar dimen-
in. I
knife as soon as possible, and of climatic conditions, for there bonds for state aid It
It mivht
might f,«
is also included in the group.
whether this will benefit the t are many days in the year when ferred that they are also opposed to
Aluminum, because of its light,
country remains to be seen.
I ; it ie impossible to do outdoor state supervision of road construe- ness and toughness,
finds an al-
I ; work.
most universal as app'ication
I i tion, • but it may be
r» — — — with a*«vu»w
force that the Grange highway de-'adays. Wire and cable made of
We do not agree with the
The crazy editor of the Bay pertinent measure was defeated by ' this product are rapidly coming in­
Oregonian when it says, , on :
account of a number of i road City Examiner continues to a minority who oppose creating to extensive use for the tranamis-
bills being voted down, that inflame the factional strife in new offices of any kind voting in aion of high tension
progress in road building is I that city to such an extent that I combination with those who favor- power. A certain type of clay term­
blocked. Each county can as­ i last week’s issue gave Bay City ' ed the Harmony bonding bill— ed beauxite, which is found in
sess to the extent of 10 mills I • a black eye. Ponder over a few | which provided also for a high­ Georgia and the middle West, en­
annually, and if each county little extracts from an editorial I way engineer—and who therefore ters into the manufacture of the
From beauxite alu-
will do that and expend the in the Examiner, and our read-,! voted against the Grange measure. 'commodity
and through delicate
road money under the direction
of practical road builders it that the real, genuine “knock- ' road builder and engineer is bo and intricate electrolytic methods
will not be long before every ers” who are “knocking” Bay | meritorious that it does not seem this is then transformed into alu-
county in Oregon will have good City reside within the corpor- ' probable that if such a measure minum. The production of alu-
roads. That is how Tillamook ate limits of that town, Surely were presented as a straight, unin- J minum from alumina is the only
’ J issue it would ‘ be defeated
- - - - process **--*
— be carried on at
a volved
that —
County has been and is pro- the Examiner must have I.
the Whitney plant.
grouch against its own town in at the polls.
giessiug in road building.
publishing assertions like the i Another pecularity of the case
Don’t waate your money buying
following :
w : ib that the Grange devised a road I
atrengthening plaatere. Chamber
1 he Buy City Examiner has
"We have had too many indus­ plan that pleased Portland and lain'a Liniment ie cheaper and
printed a lot of libelous mutter
tries come here only to close ”
Multnomah County, but failed to lietter Dampen a piece of flannel
about the printer who printed
"It has been demonstrated for gain the favor of the rural districts. with it and bind it over the affected
the past tew mouths that Bay City i
the ballots which we ask the
parts and it will relieve the pain
has nothing to expect from the | The Harmony committee, on the (and soreness. For aale by all dealers.
grand jury to investigate at its
other hand, evolved a plan that
earliest opportun tv. The grand
bucking her up ; not for years to pleased neither.
The boy’s appetite ia often the
Seemingly the
jury having indicted one per-
come. Our port b isiness is so greatest number of people are in eource of amazement. If you would
badly muddled that we do not
sou last week lor criminal libel,
j have such jn appetite take Cham
know where we are nt It may be i,.„<,, ,.i.„ .................................. ,b. ■
it cannot shut its eyes to ano­
years before we are al>'e to meet construction of roads to markets, rr»afn
create «a a haaUho
appetite* "but
ther case where false and tnali
tl,e government appropriation, but would hold construction of strengthen the atomach
accusations ure made
■ nd. then, the government muy be croaa state trunk lines in abeyance. I’* .to,
work naturally. For
’ ■Hl*
l»V all
tired of waiting. We cannot bank
against an innocent person. If
sale by
all llpulora
the accusations are true, then
ure gruy beaded.”
s*>all be built without incurring
W. L Cook, who was Postmaster
tin-printer should be punished. ;
"Buy City is in too delicate a bonded indebtedness by the state. at Neihart. Montana, writes : “ I
I' not, then the owner, editor
position to quibble
There ia too How they would view state aid recommend Foley’s Honey A Tar
-old manager and publisher of
much petty jealousy in the city
I Compound to all my people, and
already. From the way some pro- given bj' means of a general tax I they are never disappointed with it.
the Examiner should be indited
I pie ure acting, one would think levy cannot be forecasted from the Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound
and punished.
recent election returns, for that is tor cough, and colds gives the best
possible results.” Sold at Lamar’s
sue was not involved.
Drug- Store
It would have l»een fur better
The repeal of the county tax op­
to have allowed the litiel suit
tion amendment restores to the
in which Rudolph Zweifel wits
legislature the power to levy taxes, Batesville, Ark., says : " I suffered
concerned to have dropped. As
but if a tax levy be established for with kidney and bladder trouble so
far as we are able to under- Thia ia nbout the worse black state aid in road building it would bad I was unable to work. I had
st md the grand jury took the I eye Bay City could get and will seem advisable to make it an inde­ such severe pains in my back I
position that something should help knock the tiottom out of pendent measure by providing al­ could hardly get up. I tried several
with no result, but
t>e done to put a atop to circu­ all the tuHistiiig that city have ec a plan for constructing roads physicians
Foley Kidney Pills have done won-
lating libelous matter against done of late at some cost. It without it upon county authority. df.r* ,o-r
I,recommend then to
candidates for office on the eve shows how one “knocker” can I A state bonding act, if it may now all.
bold by Lamar's Drug Store.
<>f tin election.
We think the injure a town,
But the people be enacted without reference to the
grand jury is right in this par­ of Bay City ought not to be sur­ people, and perhaps a tax levy, n».1 t? «PleBsure to tell you that
ticular and deserve credit for prised and are deserving of a would almost certainly be submit­ Chamberlain a Cough Remedy ia
bringing these matters before little criticism for flirting with ted to the people by referendum the best cough medicine I have
the public, with a view of pre­ newspaper monstmaitiea.
It petition and the bonding act, we Campbell, of Lavania, Ga
"I have
venting them, if (Mis»ible, in should have stood back of Edi- take it would lie noted down.
used it with all my children and
future. But, nevertheless, to torMiller who publisheil a news­
But it in obviously the duty of the the results have been highly aatia
For sale by all dealers.
prosecute this case it only belp- paper that looked after the in­ Legislature to devise some syste­ factory
>Y'd •«» revive the laid feeling terest of Bay City. On account matic plan for constructing perms-
Twinges of rheumatism, back­
existing on account of the re- of factional strife others hud to nent rosds. Before this ia done it ache. stiff joints and shooting
I*' h II iwtitinu anil its mysterious butt in mid get their high teeth will lie eaaentinl for those who favor pains all show your kidney a are not
Urinary irregu-
disappearance. As to the case cut running newspapers ut Bay different plana to come together. working right
itself, it was a question who City, which resulted in causing Concession» must be made by all wel’iT'» ,<?8 °f
weak back and sore kidneys tell
were telling the truth and who more strife, and thia to spread •ides It might be possible for one the
need of a good reliable kidnev
were not tietween witnesses,and over the county at a time when strong onrasixation or group of medicine. Foley Kidney Pill,
n» tlie evidence on either side there should have been united road enthusiaala to gain the favor tonic, strengthening and restora­
If ever a town got it | of the Legislature exclusively for tive. They build up the kidney,
was weak and coutrndictorv the effort.
jury was not sure of th-- guilt of where the ihi- ken got the axe, its own plan, but success would t>e and regulate their action.
will g,ve you quick relief and con-
Tbe |(W|nr e|emeB| tain no habit forming drug,. Safe
the defemliint mid tn aglit tu a Bav City gut »' Liat week at the • hoM hvKi
| suuld :uvuke th. referendum 7nd and always sure. T?y them. Sold
VsldKl ut uvrt gudt
It «H» J handa ot its h nt uewepuper
st Lamar , Drug Steae.
Special Prices
Family Trade
Keg Beer................ 15,^
Keg Beer...........
10 *, J
Local bottle Heer, 6doz. <,.«
Local bottle Beer, lUdoz^pJ
Domestic Been
Budwiser Beer, 6 doz. quarll
Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen nit
Old style Lauger Beer, loS
White Port, Old Monk Bmi«i
Port Wine.......
Claret . .......
Zenfendel ....
Monogram ................. perm
White Corn Whiskey..per J
Harvester Old Style ..pergil
McBrayer. 13years eld.perpl
Echo Spring.............. per pl
Chestnut Grove Rye. pergil
Kentuckey Dew....... pergil
zXlcoliol........................ per gal
Cornet Dry Gin......... i>erpil
Build your house
from lumber
bought here and thus intuit
manent satisfaction and tmkl
from the many repair bilit ttat
always follow the use of pet*
Beller HI
our lumber and be dons with t
than to buy poorer and thee b
continually paying for reftia
The best is always the cheepd
A. G. Beals Lumber Company
Why You Heed
o Hew Rande
Borne housewives who I
display a remarkable I
amount of broad, sound, I
common sense along I
other lines, persist in the |
delusion—and it is a de- f
luslon—that they are real-
ly practicing economy by
trying to get along—to get
results—out of an old, worn-
out range merely to save the
;rlce of a new one.
Your old ranee or stove was put
together with putty and etovo bolts
and probably you can stick a pen­
knife in the seams and Joints any­
where on it where the stove putty has
crumbled away. When a range gets
In that condition. It takes fuel enough
to warm all outdoor» In order to get your
, , „„in.
oven hot enough tor baking—and then you run the risk ot nu
I* In the oven. You can soon burn up the price of the nestr »-^
in a uaeleaa waate of fuel In an old, worn-out atove or ran»- -
neither practical economy nor good management.
It you would practice real economy In X<»ur househoiu
will pay you. the next time you are In town, to call at our ” „„e(
cloaely into the perfect baking and remarkable fuel aat log yuan
Great Majestic
Malleable and
Charcoal Iron
P qm J p
Outwear» Three Ordinary Range»
open iron grate-yon
heat escape» — no cola
the oven - •«'¡-a halt
assure* perfect baking- _
Half The Fuel
J ot. ho,’,s ,•*“ * * ,r ,u
”e paux >
“st>‘i like an
•osins boiler. Th« Joint* and »earns
w,l'reinain air tt«h t forever a* neither
’“*’"101’ nor eontraeUon can affect
or open them.
Pure Asbestos Lining
Movable Copper
The reaervoir is
like a tea kettle ,,"'ouL„.erf»9
et (»tamped from onepW^jl
•ettlng agalnat It ft . *"<r
box. it boll» IS ganow
Jiffy and. by turning les
and reaervoir-m""
„» S
Thl* feature la iwientea
need only on the
¡1* I*
A.h a> to
• *
Improeem»"' *'’•'.££ ZnM» *
e<Aer rssr.t or«
Other Exclusive
I^_saa»t|on..n is lined eih pure
If« tb« be*t
•abaeto* board, covered with an and should be in yo^
liie Range with a Reputati^